Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion

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Post by jlccaz Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:23 pm

My theory about Andi also is that she knew from Nikki or others that he had a stronger relationship there, i.e., one that could rival Clare (whom Andi agreed was whack-a-doodle bunny boiler type, her view not mine there), and so she stepped aside, to avoid awkwardness of a fantasy suite night with a guy likely to end up as her friend Nikki's boyfriend post show.

Andi/Juan Pablo have chemistry, which I thought was true for Sean and Lesley, and Lesley (sp?) essentially took herself out by refusing to tell Sean she "loved" him -- she was too close to Catherine to make those pictures for TV.

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Post by betsyeas Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:55 pm

Didn't RS (I know true or not true.....) say that all three (Nikki, Clare and Andi) go to the fantasy suite? I still agree that Andi will be our next bachelorette. I think she has some confidence issues - which amazes me because she is smart, beautiful and has personality - but that will most likely fall by the wayside when she is the lead.

You know I was a little concerned if Nikki was really his 1st choice since you had Sharlene and Andi drop out but hearing that he introduces her to his family and Camilla while they are all in Miami has me feeling better about the fact that he was seriously looking at her as the 1.

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Post by docnash14 Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:51 pm

jlccaz wrote:My theory about Andi also is that she knew from Nikki or others that he had a stronger relationship there, i.e., one that could rival Clare (whom Andi agreed was whack-a-doodle bunny boiler type, her view not mine there), and so she stepped aside, to avoid awkwardness of a fantasy suite night with a guy likely to end up as her friend Nikki's boyfriend post show.  

Andi/Juan Pablo have chemistry, which I thought was true for Sean and Lesley, and Lesley (sp?) essentially took herself out by refusing to tell Sean she "loved" him -- she was too close to Catherine to make those pictures for TV.

What I understood from RS spoilers, Andi does go through with the fantasy date and leaves the morning of the RC - however, I could have misread that or he could have gotten it wrong.


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Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion - Page 7 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion

Post by jlccaz Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:08 pm

Oh, you might be right about that. Who knows then.

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Post by Sprite Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:38 am

docnash14 wrote:
jlccaz wrote:My theory about Andi also is that she knew from Nikki or others that he had a stronger relationship there, i.e., one that could rival Clare (whom Andi agreed was whack-a-doodle bunny boiler type, her view not mine there), and so she stepped aside, to avoid awkwardness of a fantasy suite night with a guy likely to end up as her friend Nikki's boyfriend post show.  

Andi/Juan Pablo have chemistry, which I thought was true for Sean and Lesley, and Lesley (sp?) essentially took herself out by refusing to tell Sean she "loved" him -- she was too close to Catherine to make those pictures for TV.

What I understood from RS spoilers, Andi does go through with the fantasy date and leaves the morning of the RC - however, I could have misread that or he could have gotten it wrong.

You are correct doc. I just read them again and that is indeed what RS says...she leaves the morning of the RC...after her FD.

As for why Andi left?....Well, maybe, just maybe, she left because she was not feeling it. I really don't see all that much of an attraction on her part...just like I didn't see Leslie all that into Sean. Yes, she went through the motions because that is what the show was about and she had to give it the good old college try, but I didn't see Leslie into Sean, just like I don't see Andi into JPab.

Was Andi's FD the last one? Because it would make the most sense, if after her scintillating night with JPab   :headbanging    :vomit:  , where she finally got to ask him some questions and he actually had to speak in a coherent manner, she decided that she had enough. Not to mention, I'm sure she was given a heads up about the possible opportunity to be the Bette and thought that she might prefer to take a stab at that.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by RollingEyes Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:50 pm

Maybe she left because she found out he has a small Pablo. Isn't able to have an intellectual conversation AND a small Pablo....that would be enough to make me leave.

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Post by Forjack2 Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:14 pm

Rolling Eyes - I never post but that is very funny.


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Post by Ariela Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:08 pm

RollingEyes wrote:Maybe she left because she found out he has a small Pablo.  Isn't able to have an intellectual conversation AND a small Pablo....that would be enough to make me leave.

Yeah, that would do it ;)

Andi probably realizes that attraction is only part of the equation. He's not exactly an intellectual.
Why should she sell herself short?(perfect pun for RollingEyes, hehehe).
The other possibility is that she'll know that he and Nikki have a stronger connection and she won't play a second fiddle. She'll save her ego by leaving early.


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Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion - Page 7 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion

Post by albean99 Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:10 am

Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion - Page 7 BgkVtYWIMAA5Jel
Andi Dorfman ‏@AndiDorfman  22h
Reunited and it feels so good @kellytravisty #ATL
Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion - Page 7 BgkrP01IMAAAJrP
Kelly Travis ‏@kellytravisty  21h
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.. Obvs. Rawr. @AndiDorfman

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Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion - Page 7 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman- Bachelor 18 Contestant- Spoilers/Discussion

Post by Mirzam Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:51 pm

RS just comfirmed:

Andi is the next “Bachelorette.”

Sure, sure, start your complaining now, or start your doubting because I have been wrong about leads in the past. But just like the rest of this season’s spoilers, this one is right. Hell, I even told you this was gonna be Andi’s gig when I gave you the spoilers back on November 20th, so this should come as a surprise to no one. It also keeps the show’s record in tact of every “Bachelorette” they’ve had finished in the top 4 of their respective season. And Trista is the only girl who finished 2nd to get the gig, which I also told you back in November was why Clare wouldn’t get it. You cannot have the final 2 girl sitting at the ATFR talking about her breakup and crying and confronting the lead for the first time, then 20 minutes later say, “Oh and by the way, here’s our next Bachelorette – Clare.”

Andi will be announced as the “Bachelorette” on the live ATFR show, which airs immediately following the finale on Monday, March 10th. The guys for Andi’s season arrive in LA on Sunday the 9th, meaning they will “officially” see the “Bachelorette” is Andi when they are watching the finale as they are locked up in their hotel rooms. Of course, I’m sure most of them are aware of this site, or someone will relay it back to them well before they leave to notify them that it’s Andi. You’re welcome. Andi’s season begins filming either Tuesday night the 11th, or Wednesday night the 12th. All you’ll have to do is follow social media on either of those nights to see when it is. I’ve already got 9 guys from Andi’s season confirmed that I will release as we get closer to filming. No different than the rest of your crop of contestants – models, musicians, dudes with connections to past contestants, personal trainers, etc. Same thing, different season. It never changes.


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Post by betsyeas Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:48 pm

He is such an ass but he definitely has connections!  giggling 

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Post by albean99 Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:25 am

Didn't someone from the board say that Andi met with THTB when she was in CA to finalize? I always thought she was the most likely so not surprised RS is confirming. I think she'll be good and it suits her more to be in control of the situation (as much as they let you, lol).

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