*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by LibbyBell Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:46 am

Discussion for Episode 2 :Biggrin:

How can you help it when the music starts to play, And your ability to reason is swept away
Oh-oh-oh, heaven on earth is all you see, You're out of touch with reality
And now you cry but when you do-- Next time around someone cries for you

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by marriedtoabaritone Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:10 pm

What's happening tonight? I so don't get this Sunday evening business.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by Rolly Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:15 pm

Is tonight actually episode 2 or is that tomorrow night????

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by marriedtoabaritone Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:32 pm

Episode 2 is tomorrow night, but there's some "behind the scenes" thing airing tonight. Don't want to venture over to Spoilerland, so I'm not sure if it's something new or just rehashed old scenes from previous seasons?

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by Sprite Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:33 pm

marriedtoabaritone wrote:Episode 2 is tomorrow night, but there's some "behind the scenes" thing airing tonight. Don't want to venture over to Spoilerland, so I'm not sure if it's something new or just rehashed old scenes from previous seasons?

My understanding is that we get a peek of what happens to the girls who are kicked off the first night, the remaining girls get shown moving into the mansion and CH and JPab are shown crashing some viewing parties.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:08 pm

Sprite wrote:
marriedtoabaritone wrote:Episode 2 is tomorrow night, but there's some "behind the scenes" thing airing tonight. Don't want to venture over to Spoilerland, so I'm not sure if it's something new or just rehashed old scenes from previous seasons?

My understanding is that we get a peek of what happens to the girls who are kicked off the first night, the remaining girls get shown moving into the mansion and CH and JPab are shown crashing some viewing parties.

Just finished watching tonights special though I missed the 1st 15 minutes or so. Yes they showed some of the eliminated girls, upset/crying in their hotel room. I also saw a scene with him and Camilla playing in "snow". They showed SeanCat talking to JP at his mansion, they showed some of the sensational girls of episode 2 followed up the episode 2 sneak peak. Quite a lot of drama takes place in episode 2. Finally they showed season highlights which if I'm correct -showed nothing different that what we have seen before. cmiiw.
I possibly missed seeing the viewing parties being crashed though  scratch 

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by JBF Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:54 pm

OK… don’t read this if you haven’t seen tonight’s (Sunday’s) show yet… Spoilers Alert!

This “behind-the-scenes” special was… interesting.

I was surprised at how little screen time Renee, Cassandra, the science professor and Glittery Christy got, apart from the promos. If any of these are F1, they did a good job keeping her hidden. Yet I do think the editors want viewers to notice the frontrunners early, in case they get pushed to the background when the Big Drama hits. Kat and Lauren weren’t shown much probably because they don’t last long anyway. As for Kelly… she is not presented well in the promos, so… Pffft!

Amy and Alli got plenty of attention as “maybes”, but that comedy interview bit would unlikely be shown if Amy is a frontrunner. Chantel was showcased well too… except her sobbing in the promos and limited time, again, makes it obvious she only lasts a few episodes.

Andi was a frontrunner with me, but she already got a key “red flag” by commenting about not getting Clare’s date, traditionally a no-no for future F1s unless they are changing things this season.

Needless-to-say, we should not hold our breath for Victoria (another “we have so much in common” but happy to admit to her “sleeping” arrangements) or Lucy the Proud Nudist. Not that there is anything “technically” wrong with the latter since Juan told Ali F. and I-forget-her-name on an E! interview that he (like Lindsay in Sean’s season) feels quite comfy sleeping in the raw… if not doing yard-work in front of the next-door neighbors in an effort to “become one with nature”.

A fan at a viewing party already criticized Sharleen. However, she was mysteriously MIA throughout the show. She is the Great Curiosity of this season that they don’t want to unveil quite yet.

Amy the dumped massage therapist was shown sobbing after her rejection… I think. Was that really her? She looked so different! Surprisingly she got my sympathy with her boo-hoo. Sean told Juan belatedly that he should have kept her.

At the viewing parties that Mister Harrison and Juan crashed, one fan remembered Nikki’s name and hoped she makes it to top two. Yet another fan didn’t name Clare… she was remembered as “pregnant girl”.

At first, I thought Nikki being named and Clare not identified was a sign that Nikki is their future Bachelorette they need to start drumming support for. But then…

… as if to make sure that itty-bitty oversight wouldn’t go any further: we got a TON of Claire this episode, including enough previews of her date that I already feel I watched it. We THEN got a replay of her bio and Daddy DVD, just so we can anticipate her either unveiling it for Juan or unveiling it to her final one guy on HER season. Yup… that is Zee Vibe I am getting. They even show her do a “comedy sketch” as production assistant. Although she may STILL become Mrs. Galavis, it is obvious that Elise’s deceased mommy story doesn’t wow them nearly as much as Clare’s deceased daddy story. Speaking of Elise… she can have the part if Clare turns it down. Her mom wrote ssssooooo favorably of this show.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:45 am

^^^That's a good observation that they may have Clare in mind for the 'ette role. JP trying to speak slower and with less of an accent was funny. Wonder if that was the final rose ceremony setting that they added to the end of the preview. Also did we have an overview shot of the boat with the mystery girl in the blue bathing suit before tonight?


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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:00 am

JBF wrote:

At the viewing parties that Mister Harrison and Juan crashed, one fan remembered Nikki’s name and hoped she makes it to top two. Yet another fan didn’t name Clare… she was remembered as “pregnant girl”.

At first, I thought Nikki being named and Clare not identified was a sign that Nikki is their future Bachelorette they need to start drumming support for. But then…

… as if to make sure that itty-bitty oversight wouldn’t go any further: we got a TON of Claire this episode, including enough previews of her date that I already feel I watched it. We THEN got a replay of her bio and Daddy DVD, just so we can anticipate her either unveiling it for Juan or unveiling it to her final one guy on HER season. Yup… that is Zee Vibe I am getting. They even show her do a “comedy sketch” as production assistant. Although she may STILL become Mrs. Galavis, it is obvious that Elise’s deceased mommy story doesn’t wow them nearly as much as Clare’s deceased daddy story. Speaking of Elise… she can have the part if Clare turns it down. Her mom wrote ssssooooo favorably of this show.

This would be a first that the F1 is so much out there both in the season previews as well as the outtakes etc. at the end of the show.
Last season when Brooks seemed everywhere that was a red flag for some. Plus has the recipient of the first date ever gone on to be f1 ? That is normally the "showcase" position in the show - a future Bachelor or Bachelorette. Ali, Jillian, Ashley H, Desiree and  Jake  were all first date future leads.

JBF - what do you think about PI that Nikki gave during the special ? She was shown talking about the rejected Bachelorettes saying that it must be horrible not to receive a rose (paraphrasing here) and that PI was a lead-in to the Reject Bachelorettes section last last night.

Also, when they showed the segment on the 1st rose of the season and CH was explaining how the show works and that if the bachelorette is not feeling it, she should  not accept the Rose if offered and they panned to Nikki again (briefly).

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by DMBFan Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:17 am

I wasn't going to watch last nights show, but maybe I will. Sounds like it could be interesting. Won't be able to watch Episode 2 until tomorrow but will check in tonight to see if there are any good discussions.


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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by JBF Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:32 am

nd4reality wrote:JBF - what do you think about PI that Nikki gave during the special ? She was shown talking about the rejected Bachelorettes saying that it must be horrible not to receive a rose (paraphrasing here) and that PI was a lead-in to the Reject Bachelorettes section last last night.

Also, when they showed the segment on the 1st rose of the season and CH was explaining how the show works and that if the bachelorette is not feeling it, she should  not accept the Rose if offered and they panned to Nikki again (briefly).

That second shot was quite interesting... although nothing was actually spoken when she was shown. I don't know what to think right now.

Regarding the earlier comment about wondering what it is like to be rejected without a rose... hmmm. Maybe Nikki never experiences that? Ha ha!

Or... she does get dumped and she lies in her hotel bed sobbing just like the two shown.

You can bet that she and Clare are the two we need to keep our "Eagle Eyes" on. Maybe neither is F1, but both have very complicated storylines and are constantly in Juan's "area of focus". Also, we shouldn't rule out the possibility of another Jason Mesnick switcheroo. As mentioned before, when Nikki arrived out her limo, she was shown legs first like Melissa. Clare was shown head first like Molly. Then again... in Ben Flajnik's season, Courtney was legs first and HIS Nicki was head first and there was no switch there.

I still have to re-watch the updated promo, but two things jumped out for me:
1.) Clare got the description “amazing wife”
2.) He says “this is perfect” at the FRC shot. He said the same line in a previous promo with Nikki (I think… looks like her).

Now… regarding #1. You won’t believe how many times I’ve been burnt in the behind with THAT line. Ali kept chirping in her season that Chris Lambton would make an “amazing husband”… and he did. With Peyton, not Ali. Oh I am sure Clare will make the perfect wife but it would have been nice had Juan added “for me” so that we can be sure.

Last season we had a bloody civil war between those insisting Reality Steve goofed and those who insisted that The Spoilers were the Law Of The Land. Adding to the battle was the fact that Brooks was way more interesting to watch on screen (what’s not to love about him?) then that constantly smiling “poet” sporting the Fred Rogers sweaters. Of course, when the fan favorite got the H-word once in the season, Desiree left out “with me”. Yet that was still a sign that she found happiness with him despite him not being “at the finish line” in Madeira. The line heard with Chris in Munich didn’t count for many since half of it was voice-over (although it didn’t appear to be spliced): “He's everything that I could want in a husband.” Yet she also tells Becky Siegfried (hometown) in an un-edited shot with her face in full view: “He really has all of the qualities… and the lasting qualities, I think… that I really want in a husband and a father of my children.” Then… as if to drill the point home further, Chris is the only one of the remaining four guys to get both the H and F-words (“father”, not the other word) during her sitdown with brother Nate.

Again... we will have to listen for the "word play" this season with both ladies... and some other frontrunners like Andi who may be picked if he dumps both.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion  Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 2 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:43 am

^^^ Gotcha ...thanks.

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