*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by LibbyBell Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:10 pm

Enjoy Episode 3 everyone!
 High clap

How can you help it when the music starts to play, And your ability to reason is swept away
Oh-oh-oh, heaven on earth is all you see, You're out of touch with reality
And now you cry but when you do-- Next time around someone cries for you

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by emusha Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:49 pm

where is everybody? live posting is a thing of the past this season?

here's a thought Hmmm Andi IMO seems into him too much too soon...and he seems to bite and like it much more when a girl is giving a chase (Sharleen night 1, Cassandra, Nikki) vs. girls who are all over him (masseuse, girl in pink, possibly Lucy etc)

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by DMBFan Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:31 pm

emusha wrote:where is everybody? live posting is a thing of the past this season?

here's a thought Hmmm Andi IMO seems into him too much too soon...and he seems to bite and like it much more when a girl is giving a chase (Sharleen night 1, Cassandra, Nikki) vs. girls who are all over him (masseuse, girl in pink, possibly Lucy etc)

I agree with the bolded!

I do miss the live blogging from the spoiled threads, especially when I can't actually watch the same night.


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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:08 am

I watched and I think I like JP even more. The way he talked to Chelsie was so tender and encouraging. He would be a great guy to have in a baby delivery room.
The edit is getting confusing - not sure who are really the drama girls. Seems like they all have jealousy creeping in.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by emusha Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:13 am

hehe funny you say that! I think I like him a bit less today...that exact behavior he exhibits with every girl and I think that's making all the girls feel like he's into them...cos he's so good at giving attention...and u know what they say in matters of love sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and he's so hard to read's not surprising at all that the girls are getting teary, upset and insecure...he can easily make their experience less stressful if he knows and acts on what he wants...i do think he's a really good guy but good intentions sometimes aren't enough and he's acting like the host making everyone feel good right now which might not be a good game plan in the long-term. I respected some of the previous bach/bachettes who were very straightforward and blunt.

Regarding the edit: it is getting confusing - i see claire being in the middle of far. there was a confrontation with nikki about how she acts different with him vs. with the girls (which usually signals drama to come...)

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:24 am

I get your point about JP. I think thats just the sort of person he is - attentive and caring. I guess its because of his heritage but largely because being a caretaker is now second nature to him.
TBH I much prefer to see a guy who is sensitve and can focus on who is in front of him than a lead who is more about the cameras and unable to show emotion and empathy.
I like him but I have heard that over on the spoiled side folks either don't like him or don't care enough to be even slightly invested.

Yes the drama is starting its ascent. All the girls seem to be bitching lol.

I was completely surprised that he gave Nikki the GR. I feel that he really likes her. Possibly part of their convo was left on the cutting floor but it seems like he doesn't know how to act around her and doesn't want to turn their 1on1s into make out sessions like with Sharlene and Andi. He's acting different with her. JMO.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by emusha Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:36 am

i totally agree with you sensitivity/attentiveness is a huge huge plus for anybody especially in a show like this where the bette/bach leads on a bunch of people. i think JP is soooo attentive it's coming off as he wants every girl to like him and for her to feel comfortable and cherished and cared for. I get how that's great for a scenario like this but without it being paired with giving the girls clarity about the fact that he's just like that and that he's still assessing his choices it might be very misleading to some girls...
I completely agree this could be a cultural thing - and unfortunately the culture in the US is such that his behavior can be interpreted as flirty/special attention vs. him being a great sensitive empathetic caring guy. I think his behavior is heightening the drama more than it needs to be is what i'm saying.

I agree that he acted differently around Nikki this epi as he acted differently with Cassandra. He also acted in the same "different" way last epis with Sharleen, Andi and Nikki. It's super early to judge but I think (just a sense i'm getting) he's a "yes" guy who wants to be liked by people and for one reason or other he's turned on by the girl that gives him the chase. This was the case with Sharleen Andi Nikki last coupla epis and while Sharleen and Andi have begun to thaw he's being a bit of a tease (i really think he kept pulling away from kisses with Sharleen)...
He seems to pile on the attention with a girl who's a bit more reserved and he's chasing her then retreats a bit ....we'll see more if any of this could be real as things unfold I guess...

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by Sprite Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:56 am

emusha wrote:i totally agree with you sensitivity/attentiveness is a huge huge plus for anybody especially in a show like this where the bette/bach leads on a bunch of people. i think JP is soooo attentive it's coming off as he wants every girl to like him and for her to feel comfortable and cherished and cared for. I get how that's great for a scenario like this but without it being paired with giving the girls clarity about the fact that he's just like that and that he's still assessing his choices it might be very misleading to some girls...
I completely agree this could be a cultural thing - and unfortunately the culture in the US is such that his behavior can be interpreted as flirty/special attention vs. him being a great sensitive empathetic caring guy. I think his behavior is heightening the drama more than it needs to be is what i'm saying.

I agree that he acted differently around Nikki this epi as he acted differently with Cassandra. He also acted in the same "different" way last epis with Sharleen, Andi and Nikki. It's super early to judge but I think (just a sense i'm getting) he's a "yes" guy who  wants to be liked by people and for one reason or other he's turned on by the girl that gives him the chase. This was the case with Sharleen Andi Nikki last coupla epis and while Sharleen and Andi have begun to thaw he's being a bit of a tease (i really think he kept pulling away from kisses with Sharleen)...
He seems to pile on the attention with a girl who's a bit more reserved and he's chasing her then retreats a bit ....we'll see more if any of this could be real as things unfold I guess...

I think you are right...he wants everyone to like him and he is starting to play games. Doing a bit of teasing with each other is fine if you are dating one person...not when you have fifteen. Playing games like this will no doubt cause trouble as we begin to see the claws come out between Clare and Nikki in next weeks previews.

Clare is kind of getting on my nerves already. The possessiveness and jealousy is OTT for me and don't get me started on all the whining in the bathroom!

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by jojo47 Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:34 am

As of the end of this epi, I think JP's interests lie mostly with Sharleen & Nicki. He asked both of them in their one-on-one time what was going on in their head. He's seeking these women out.

I see interest with Andi too, but just a little bit different than Nikki & Sharleen. I think he admires Renee (who wouldn't), but I see no spark with her. I just don't see anything significant with most of the other women. Kat is coming across as trying too hard.

Not saying this is how it will remain all season, but it's what I see now. The Clare we're seeing now makes it hard for me to believe she keeps staying.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:57 am

One thing I've noticed is that Andi, Nikki, Renee and Sharlene have been seen to hang out together a lot whereas Clare is not really part of that group. Not sure if anyone else noticed this or if that means anything.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by Maggenzm Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:11 pm

Has anyone think that Chelsie got a chance here? I think so. Let's see what happens next week.

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*No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion Empty Re: *No Spoilers* Bachelor 18 Episode 3 Discussion

Post by nd4reality Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:27 pm

Maggenzm wrote:Has anyone think that Chelsie got a chance here? I think so. Let's see what happens next week.

Chelsie got the "Adrenaline" date that produced a few of the past seasons F1s (Ed, Vienna) and they said it rightly on the show that facing your fears together forms a bond.

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