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Post by 2observe Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:52 pm

Hello to everyone, I have a question about the HTD. I'm not sure but was Lisa the only one that we saw Blake holding hands with during the family meal? If so, that a huge clue to his F1. I thought it rather odd that Sam and Blake didn't sit next to each other during their family meal if they had such strong feelings for each other.

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Post by mercieme Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:42 pm

2observe wrote:Hello to everyone, I have a question about the HTD.  I'm not sure but was Lisa the only one that we saw Blake holding hands with during the family meal?  If so, that a huge clue to his F1.  I thought it rather odd that Sam and Blake didn't sit next to each other during their family meal if they had such strong feelings for each other.

Good point 2observe, however I could be wrong but I think he held hands with Jess at dinner. For Sam, one of the posters noted that Blake was strategically placed between the 2 brothers that Sam had told him he would want him to be a role model to. So we thought that signified a depth to their relationship outside the norm.


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Post by emusha Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:47 pm

atem wrote:Has Louise done many interviews?  
- they're in the media thread -
she did 2 that I recall - radio
Sam did 2 as well - radio
Lisa did a bunch with i think a local outlet (online print) and 1 with a national one - radio -- might have done more

I don't think the media indicates much more than if the show producers can get appeal enough to get them on the channels and if the girls get media requests...sam is the one that did a big national one early on in the show, however

Last edited by emusha on Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by 2observe Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:48 pm

mercieme wrote:
2observe wrote:Hello to everyone, I have a question about the HTD.  I'm not sure but was Lisa the only one that we saw Blake holding hands with during the family meal?  If so, that a huge clue to his F1.  I thought it rather odd that Sam and Blake didn't sit next to each other during their family meal if they had such strong feelings for each other.

Good point 2observe, however I could be wrong but I think he held hands with Jess at dinner. For Sam, one of the posters noted that Blake was strategically placed between the 2 brothers that Sam had told him he would want him to be a role model to. So we thought that signified a depth to their relationship outside the norm.
 Thanks Mercieme, that does make sense to me now. Smiley

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:31 pm

2observe wrote:Hello to everyone, I have a question about the HTD.  I'm not sure but was Lisa the only one that we saw Blake holding hands with during the family meal?  If so, that a huge clue to his F1.  I thought it rather odd that Sam and Blake didn't sit next to each other during their family meal if they had such strong feelings for each other.

We discussed this upthread (probably need to scroll back and search, haha) but basically I came to the conclusion that for Sam's HTD, it was not JUST about love it was about family as well. And the emphasis was placed on family.

If you look in the ScreenCaps thread, I posted some screen capture photos that shows you what Blake looked like while he was there. It may have looked odd concerning the other dates, but to me, it looked as if he had been there so many times before, like they were just having Sunday lunch but his eyes were searching her out the entire time.

Also, the producer's could have decided where Blake sat. Remember he sat next to Sam's brothers. Sam had told him she saw him as a role model for her brothers and so Sam's HTD with the family was not as much about Blake and Sam, during the dinner (that is), as it was about Blake fulfilling that role of being a big brother/role model to Sam's siblings - something which Blake really, really wanted to be. And, as we found out, they gave him their approval.

With Lisa and Louise's date there was no expectation except for Blake being seen as a love match/husband. With Sam, it was more than just that. SO much more.

If anything, I am of the opinion (as you can check out in the Media/Social Media thread) that Sam is not going to settle for anything less than a soulmate kind of love. Whether she thinks Blake is her soulmate remains to be seen. You can still love someone and they not be your soulmate.

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:38 pm

AEF wrote:I really think Louise's father talk with Blake especially the part where he asked Blake how he let girls go and requesting if Louise was let go that Blake explain to her why, was interesting and must be about something that has happened to Louise in the past. Also think it didn't demonstrate a high degree of confidence from her Dad that she would be F1.  

I noticed that too. It seemed so awkward. Haha. But I chalk it back up to this. If you haven't had a soulmate kind of love you don't even know what it looks like.

I can only speak from experience. It is as if your soul is like the child (most innocent and vulnerable) part of you and it has a missing part (your soulmate). One can have this platonically, as well. But with a soulmate kind of love? Yah, there's no words. It is not even a feeling of "I knew they were the one" it is almost like... "They are the one I knew"... like you recognize them from a place that doesn't even exist, or existed before you even did.

I don't know... hahaha... hard to explain...

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by HodanG Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:17 pm

Yeah, Blake's face seemed to lit up when around Sam's family. I dunno but he just looked so comfortable and at ease. The questions being throwed at him he answered it straight away with no "umm" which is the win over for me! It has to be Sam!!

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Post by sammy24 Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:24 pm

You know I've been thinking when they showed the preview of the proposal they said TB will have an ending that will shock Australia.

So I'm thinking
1. the shock could be that he's proposing, but then since we got the preview of it the shock has worn down.
2. the shock could very well be the person he's proposing to.
So in that light, from the 3 Louise is propped up to be the one who's most ready to get married, seeming mature and knowing what she wants from the relationship.
Lisa well I don't really know what to say about her because she doesn't really express much of her feelings but comparing Sam and Lisa, people most likely think that Lisa is more ready for marriage than Sam because Sam has been shown has immature (although she isn't she's just being mature about the situation and trying to guard herself from a broken heart).

So maybe the shock is that Blake proposes to Sam because even though we have been seeing "their" love story unfolding the thought of him proposing to her might come as a shock because she is the one that is least likely to be "ready" for marriage.

Ok I know I'm probably just thinking these out because I want so badly for Sam to find her true love and probably going to get my heart broken along with hers as well.


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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:43 pm

sammy24 wrote:You know I've been thinking when they showed the preview of the proposal they said TB will have an ending that will shock Australia.

So I'm thinking
1. the shock could be that he's proposing, but then since we got the preview of it the shock has worn down.
2. the shock could very well be the person he's proposing to.
So in that light, from the 3 Louise is propped up to be the one who's most ready to get married, seeming mature and knowing what she wants from the relationship.
Lisa well I don't really know what to say about her because she doesn't really express much of her feelings but comparing Sam and Lisa, people most likely think that Lisa is more ready for marriage than Sam because Sam has been shown has immature (although she isn't she's just being mature about the situation and trying to guard herself from a broken heart).

So maybe the shock is that Blake proposes to Sam because even though we have been seeing "their" love story unfolding the thought of him proposing to her might come as a shock because she is the one that is least likely to be "ready" for marriage.

Ok I know I'm probably just thinking these out because I want so badly for Sam to find her true love and probably going to get my heart broken along with hers as well.

Honestly, I keep going back to the Love vs. Soulmate Love...

I truly think that Blake feels Sam is Soulmate Love but I am not sure if Sam believes Blake to be her Soulmate Love. The fact that they are on a show where he is dating other girls plays a huge role in this doubt on her part. And rightly so. 

I've said this before but Sam had 2 requests of Blake in order to fully commit to him: 
1) get rid of the other girls ....... he couldn't do this contractually until F2
2) see how you are with my family...... which he fulfilled for her

So the 'get rid of the other girls' is the issue that is holding Sam back. But maybe she doesn't quite think he is her Soulmate? Or she cannot fully commit? Which can lead to viewers being shocked since they have seen Blake repeatedly say he is falling for Sam. We see her say, I love you, in the previews but there could always be a 'but' added to that statement. 

If this is the case, I think Blake is at the point in his life where he wants to be married and settle down. 

He has a choice between Love (with either Louise or Lisa since they can provide both) or Soulmate Love (with Sam). The bigger risk is Sam in this instance and maybe he doesn't want to take the risk because she doesn't see him as her Soulmate and so, realising this, he chooses the next best thing. 

 I have personally seen where a guy has seen a girl as his Soulmate and yet she didn't choose him and he consciously chose to move on because he knew he couldn't make her see him the same way he saw her no matter how hard he tried so he moved on. Guys are wired like that. When they are ready, they are ready. 

Just my thoughts... who knows haha... 

Edited to Add:

Just hypothesizing a different perspective here, but based on interviews (articles and radio) that we have seen in the Media Thread, Blake seemed reluctant to talk much about Sam and I've attributed this to him choosing her as F1. But I could be wrong for the reason I mention above. 

Blake barely described Sam in any articles or interviews as other than funny and having great times with her. Maybe this is because (based on what I said above) she was his soulmate, but he wasn't hers and he knew there was nothing he could do to change that. It is not so much being heartbroken but facing reality and moving on. I can see Blake doing that if this is the case.

Blake has definitely proven that he was on the show because he was ready for a lasting love and he knew he had a lot of love to give so if the one he really wanted to give it to didn't reciprocate, there was no point in wallowing in pity but to move on with a *bright future* with either Lisa or Louise. 

This will actually make sense to me if Sam is just not convinced it is him. It seems that that is Blake's main concern, that she "in the very least, feels for him as he does for her". If he realizes she doesn't, I can see Blake believing a soulmate is a once in a lifetime thing and it wasn't meant to be (not all soulmates are mates for each other at the same time) and so he chose a love that is lasting, just not soul lasting? 

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Post by sammy24 Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:18 pm

AllAboutlove that will be sad for Blake if he has to move on from Sam because she didn't feel that he was her soul mate.

Previously he's had to let go Jess who he felt he had a strong connection with but didn't feel she was ready and hypothetically if Sam also feels that she can't give him the love that soul mate kind of love he has to move on from her as well.

If that is the case and then he chooses Lisa or Louise it will only be because those are his two remaining choices and he will only move on to them because Sam didn't feel the same way as he does. It'll be like Lisa or Louise will be second choice and that is not fair for either of them.


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Post by Beckecek Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:09 pm

Does anyone else think that Blake has a great friendship with Lisa, and she's now a 'beard' of sorts?

I think, unless Sam's fear causes her own undoing, we'll have:

F3 Louise
F2 Lisa
F1 Sam

I personally love Louise and think she'd make a great wife (in the traditional sense) - and I am sure that Blake feels that too. She's a wonderful backup to have if Sam can't give him the reassurance he needs.

I feel like Lisa is no risk. He could take her to F2 without breaking her heart because they're great mates. So she's like a buffer. She saw the 2-on-1 date with her and Sam become a 1-on-1 date where San and Blake discussed their feelings IN FRONT OF HER. She has to know, right?

My guess is that by the end of Sth Africa he will have gotten enough assurance from Sam that he can let Louise go and head to FRC with Sam as his clear choice, and no real risk of devastating Lisa.


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Post by atem Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:15 pm

Dang, guys! I thought it would be sleuthed by now...or is it just the usual doubt everything stuff?

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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