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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Diana Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:41 am


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:53 am

AshleySpivey Chantal y'all!!!! Her thoughts on Em and Brad, snakes, and the love of her life...
13 minutes ago via web

So what has Chantal been up to????

When I think about Chantal, I think about our first meeting in the limo on the way to the house for the Meet and Greet. She was directly across from me in the limo and she had napkins underneath her armpits because she was sweatin’ up a storm in her dress! I could tell she was either very nervous or very focused and after she got out of the limo, me, Alli, Megan, and Kim all saw how serious she was about this experience when she slapped Brad. I can assure y’all that the slap was very real.

Watching the show this season, I was very surprised by the Chantal that I saw on the screen. In the house she always appeared very focused, cool, and calm. By the time that I had left the house, I really had no idea how strongly she felt for Brad. I was only on one group date (Chantal wasn’t on it) and she pretty much always kept her feelings to herself or wrote about them in her journal. She was a very tough person to crack in the house! I was always trying to get her to open up but I think we had very different strategies about being in the house – I think it’s very obvious whose strategy worked better J

I really can’t imagine what this journey was like for Chantal – I’m sure it was an amazing ride but she’s also very strong for enduring everyone thinking Brad chose her for months. That would have absolutely driven me crazy, but she’s handled the situation with grace and a strength that few people have. I’m glad that she has finally met someone that makes her happy – I think that in a lot of ways, the show helped to make both Chantal and I more open and ready to accept love!

So here’s the Bachelor’s prettiest crier ever…
Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Tumblr_lk9q44Gt301qf6add
Ashley asked me if I would be open to writing something up for her blog and my first answer was “no way!” I told her that I would be “shamed” trying to follow up her or Keltie! Other than the standard school paper or my attempts at keeping a journal (which always get burned because I hate how ridiculous I sound), I have never written ANYTHING. So here goes my feeble attempt.

If you are reading this it is probably because you are interested in my Bachelor experience, so that is probably what I should talk about. I guess I should start from the beginning. The truth is that I never wanted to go on the Bachelor. I had watched it for years with my family and always said, “I would NEVER go on that show!” I just couldn’t see myself competing for some guy. Years later, my life was different. I was now single after a failed marriage and several unsuccessful relationships.

When my Dad insisted on me going to the open casting call in my area, I hesitantly went dragging two friends along with me. Never did I think anything would come from it. Boy was I wrong. That day after meeting with several casting agents, I was given what is called a “long form”. Essentially it is a huge packet that contains questionnaire after questionnaire along with a confidentiality form. I was told to fill it out and send it back in as soon as possible. In the following weeks I had phone chats with the head casting agent and was later asked to come to California for a casting weekend. All during this time, I was thinking just to go through the motions and keep my options open.

I wasn’t really planning on doing the show. We all know how that turned out. When I was mentally preparing to go on the show, I thought about things such as how will I handle the girls, the alcohol, being cut off from my phone etc. I never thought about falling in love or how I would handle sharing someone I was developing feelings for. I didn’t know who the Bachelor was going to be and I just assumed it would be some guy I wasn’t interested in. I was looking for an adventure, and thought if I found a guy in it then great, but I just didn’t think it would happen.

Once I met Brad, I knew I was in trouble. I was extremely attracted to him and had an instant chemistry with him. My whole game plan went out the window. Instead of just being there for the adventure, I was now in it for the guy. I hadn’t prepared myself to have real feelings and therefore became an emotional roller coaster once they developed.

I went into the Bachelor experience with my walls up and not very open. The whole process changed me though. I learned how to be vulnerable and take a risk. My whole life I had been scared to try out of fear of failure but through my time on the Bachelor, I finally realized that I would never be truly happy unless I took that leap. In the end, as we all know I didn’t end up with Brad.

I definitely think things turned out the way they were supposed to. In fact, I met the most amazing guy a few months after I returned from the show. It happened during a time when I wasn’t looking for it and I was definitely not supposed to be dating. Looking back on my experience, I wouldn’t change a thing. I walked away with amazing memories, great life lessons, and some new wonderful friends. I sure am glad I listened to my Dad and decided to take the leap.

Are you and Jeff still in love?

Yes! I have met the love of my life and could not be happier!

How has life been lately?

Life has been so good! I am so happy that everything has calmed down and I have been able to get back to life as normal, but better than normal because I am in love! Am I annoying you yet? Lol

What do you think of all the problems and rumored breakups that Brad and Emily have had?

Here is the deal… I could be very pc in my answers to you, but let’s be real… If you liked me on the show at all it’s because I didn’t give bs responses Smiley right? Let’s hope so. The truth is I’m not surprised at all. I don’t know the actual status of their relationship but I am guessing it isn’t all rainbows. It’s hard to watch the person you just got engaged to make out and date other girls! Add to that the bs tabloid stuff! Most couples that have a solid foundation would struggle, let alone a new relationship. Are any of us surprised?

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

Well for a domesticated animal I would be my dog Boca because he lives a super posh life! For a wild animal I would say a cheetah because they are beautiful, fast and get to live in the warmth. Go analyze that and let me know what that means.

Will you ever get on twitter again?

Probably not.

Why did you quit twitter?

Multiple reasons: it was too time consuming, And the biggest reason was for someone like me who wanted to get back to “normal” life…. It wasn’t aiding in that process.

Would you ever do another reality show?

I was lying in bed last night trying to decide. I really am not sure. It would depend on what kind of show it was and where I was at in my life. I would like to do a competition thing maybe like that show wipe out!

Have you met anyone else from the Bachelor franchise outside of your season?

Yes, obviously Ali and Roberto when they were on the show but also Jason and Molly.

What is keeping you busy these days, outside of work?

Jeff and I have been traveling a lot! Were in Mexico and Palm Springs already twice this month! When we aren’t gone we are with our friends and family.

Will you be doing any public events soon?


Do you realize now that Brad wasn’t for you or do you still think about what ifs?

When Brad was walking me out toward the limo he told me he had thought of things turning out differently. In that moment I knew he wasn’t the guy for me. The guy for me would know without a doubt! Watching the show solidified things more. I didn’t know until I watched the show that he was saying the same things to every girl I.e. This date is perfect etc…. I am with the person I am supposed to be with now!

What do you regret the most about going on the show?

Nothing! I could say I wish I wasn’t such a crybaby but it was all part if my journey! I decided to be real and vulnerable and that was the result of doing that.

What are you most proud of during your stint on the show?

That I went in and lived every moment to the fullest!

Who were you closest to in the house?

I became best friends with my girl Shawntel but I was also really close with Jackie and Stacey.

Who did you not like in the house?

Isn’t that one obvious? I don’t like feeling like someone is nice to my face and then goes behind my back to say how they really feel. I am a direct person and I appreciate that in return. Let’s be honest with ourselves though, in this life we wont like everyone and we can’t expect everyone to like us. So let’s just be who we are and let the chips fall where they may.

Favorite memory on the show?

So many! The ones that stand out to me though was the safari and when we first got in Anguilla we were able to go play on the beach off camera and get a little crazy. For a while we were out on a dock in the middle of the ocean yelling to the producers that we weren’t coming back! Eventually they sent someone out into the water to get us.

Least favorite memory on the show?

Being the crying girl in the limo…. but I also didn’t really like Costa Rica because I was so bored. I had the first date of the week so for the rest of the week I just sat around the villa. It poured rain the entire time and I couldn’t go anywhere. There was literally nothing to do for like 4 days straight. I was losing my mind!

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

40! Lol… No I don’t know. I feel like I have a lot of life experience for my 28 years on this earth but I have fun like a 22 year old.

If happiness were the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Working with animals! I would love to have an animal sanctuary and take in and provide an amazing life for all the homeless pets.

You got a lot of flack for your fashion choices on the show - what was your least favorite outfit?

The red dress at the NYC rose ceremony! The problem was I gained so much damn weight on the show so none of my clothes looked good on me at that point. Oh well, I had a great time in the process.

Do you feel like you were accurately portrayed on the show?

Yes and no. When you are on a tv show you become a one-dimensional version of yourself so certain things will seem over exaggerated while other parts of your personality never get shown. I think the part that wasn’t shown was my silly dorky side and I think my emotional side was over portrayed.

Besides the water, what are you most afraid of?

Snakes! I absolutely hate them!!

Who would win between a shark and a bear? Why?

Depends, is the fight in water or on land? In their prospective home turf they would each win.

Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

I always push the button at least several times. I really don’t think it makes it faster but it makes me feel better because I have zero patience and am super A.D.D.

What is your favorite show?

All my favorite shows went off the air (24 and Lost)…the Bachelor used to be on that list until I went on it… Lol

What is your favorite movie?

I don’t have an all time favorite movie but I love horror movies and action movies!

Say that you have to go on the Bachelor again - Who would you want it to be?

I can’t answer this because I wouldn’t… I’m already in love Smiley

Do you think Ashley H. was the right choice for Bachelorette?

I think Ashley H. is a fun girl and will bring a ton of energy to the show. I think Shawntel would have been a great option as well.

If you could only eat one vegetable for the rest of your life what would it be?

Is edamame a vegetable? If so then definitely that! I love them!

What is your favorite book?

I don’t have a favorite but my favorite authors are Ken Follett and James Patterson. One thing to know about me is that I am always reading at least two books at once.

If you had to give advice to future bachelorettes, what would it be?

Be yourself. The people that don’t get very much out of the experience and come across poorly are the ones that spend so much time trying to hide who they really are. And also… It’s cliché but you need to love yourself so that others may love you

Last edited by Gina on Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:59 am

God, I love her. She's so real. So happy she's still with the love of her life, Jeff. I think she knows now how lucky she was to be F2. and JMO, she's way too intelligent for Brad and way too funny, I laughed at some of her comments! :giggle:
"Are you and Jeff still in love?
Yes! I have met the love of my life and could not be happier!"

"What is your favorite show?
All my favorite shows went off the air (24 and Lost)…the Bachelor used to be on that list until I went on it… Lol "


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by anders Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:44 am

Love Chantal - thanks Gina!!

What do you think of all the problems and rumored breakups that Brad and Emily have had?
Here is the deal… I could be very pc in my answers to you, but let’s be real… If you liked me on the show at all it’s because I didn’t give bs responses right? Let’s hope so. The truth is I’m not surprised at all. I don’t know the actual status of their relationship but I am guessing it isn’t all rainbows. It’s hard to watch the person you just got engaged to make out and date other girls! Add to that the bs tabloid stuff! Most couples that have a solid foundation would struggle, let alone a new relationship. Are any of us surprised?

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

nice way to change the subject eh?

and her response about what Brad said as he walked her to the limo - what was that????

When Brad was walking me out toward the limo he told me he had thought of things turning out differently. In that moment I knew he wasn’t the guy for me. The guy for me would know without a doubt! Watching the show solidified things more. I didn’t know until I watched the show that he was saying the same things to every girl I.e. This date is perfect etc…. I am with the person I am supposed to be with now!

“No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.” George Chakiris

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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:22 pm

Anders, just my opinion: Brad still being a playa/dbag even walking her to the limo. He was the one who chose how 'things turned out'..WTH kind of thing is that to say to confuse Chantal even more. no idea Just proves how much he led Chantal on during the show and STILL was leading her on even while kicking her to the curb. 🇳🇴

Last edited by Gina on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by anders Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:34 pm

And of course there was the rumour that he asked for Bettina for her number at the WTA. He always was and always will be a huge douchebag. If Em is smart she will steer clear of him.

“No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.” George Chakiris

Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see affraid

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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:39 pm

anders wrote:And of course there was the rumour that he asked for Bettina for her number at the WTA. He always was and always will be a huge douchebag. If Em is smart she will steer clear of him.
Agree. All he had to say to give Chantal closure and a clear picture was something like... what they had was fun and he had feelings for her ~ but he fell deeply in love with Emily and sorry if I hurt you, Chantal....but that's what a gentleman would have said.

Last edited by Gina on Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by CarrieA Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:25 pm

Thanks for posting Gina! I just finished my finals and saw you had it posted! :jump: She is so cute!!!!

Last edited by CarrieAlexander on Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by MaggieMae Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:39 pm

Gosh, I don't even know where to begin! She's so adorable. I see so much of myself in her.

Here's to you Chantal!

Let me 'splain...No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour. So all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the princess, make our escape... after I kill Count Rugen.
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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:42 pm

MaggieMae wrote:Gosh, I don't even know where to begin! She's so adorable. I see so much of myself in her.

Here's to you Chantal!
She's so easy to relate too, I totally do too, MaggieMae. Good luck on your finals, Carrie!


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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by mnmhughes Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:59 pm

Love her even more! How is that possible?

Also, I'm glad she explained how she ending up "auditioning" twice: She was asked to! I was getting tired of people speculating how she was "Desperate" to get on the show. Man, there's no way Brad could have handled as much of a woman as she is! (He thought he was getting off easy with Emily, but he had no idea.)

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Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion - Page 10 Empty Re: Chantal O'Brien - Bachelor 15 - Discussion

Post by Alanna Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:10 pm

Gina wrote:
MaggieMae wrote:Gosh, I don't even know where to begin! She's so adorable. I see so much of myself in her.

Here's to you Chantal!
She's so easy to relate too, I totally do too, MaggieMae. Good luck on your finals, Carrie!

LOL! Me too. She's awesome and I'm so happy that she's happy and has the love of her life. Aww!! And awesome at Brad effing with her mind while walking her to the limo. Thanks, dude. I think that was all the closure she needed from that dbag.

Sad that she won't be doing any more media or Twitter but she has a great life and a great love so she can ride off into the sunset.

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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