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Post by notarose Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:57 am

nick_viall28 Closing out the craziest week of my life. Great to be spending it with these boys.

 photo 9AF8C7DB-824B-42A0-A77A-557CE1D38D47_zps0ckvmo0e.jpg


Last edited by notarose on Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by notarose Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:01 am

happygolucky wrote:“I love how people say that 'no regrets'. In hindsight you can always go back and change things. But again, over all, I was true to myself and I’m proud of that. I suppose I could always have said things differently or bit my tongue sometimes—without question maybe you’d go back and do things a little bit differently, but I certainly have no regrets about putting myself out there, no regrets about focusing on her and doing what I thought was best for our relationship.”
- Nick Viall

Aww, these words are so beautiful.

from an empty moment something arrives

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Post by Guest Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:26 am

notarose wrote:
happygolucky wrote:“I love how people say that 'no regrets'. In hindsight you can always go back and change things. But again, over all, I was true to myself and I’m proud of that. I suppose I could always have said things differently or bit my tongue sometimes—without question maybe you’d go back and do things a little bit differently, but I certainly have no regrets about putting myself out there, no regrets about focusing on her and doing what I thought was best for our relationship.”
- Nick Viall

Aww, these words are so beautiful.

Beautiful sentiment indeed! I think we are all moving on, right? It is almost a week since the finale, and although I was feeling slightly salty today about how Nick has been treated by people, for the most part I've resumed my usual daily activities and have gotten over the shocking finale. Most shocking in Bachelorette history (cue dramatic music).

Thanks for the therapy, Ladies! I like seeing the photos of a happy Nick, too. All is good .


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Post by happygolucky Sun Aug 03, 2014 4:12 am

Happy Sunday!

I haven't asked you what kind of music you all listen?
Any suggestions?

“Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST.”
― Frank Zappa

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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Post by happygolucky Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:19 am

KarmaGirl wrote:Beautiful sentiment indeed!  I think we are all moving on, right?  It is almost a week since the finale, and although I was feeling slightly salty today about how Nick has been treated by people, for the most part I've resumed my usual daily activities and have gotten over the shocking finale.  Most shocking in Bachelorette history (cue dramatic music).  

Thanks for the therapy, Ladies!  I like seeing the photos of a happy Nick, too.  All is good .
Yes. It's time for all. I think wishful thinking isn't helping anyone. I think with the attitude (or demeanor) of both, Nick and Andi, the doors for any chance are long closed. She's left with a negative opinion of him, that now justifies her decision even more, fair on unfair, it's that bad impression that the ATFR created that gives closure to Andi with any doubt if there was any at all. The same for Nick. When asked by CH, how he's dealing with the heartbreak, he stated that the hardest part is 'wondering ... what could have been ... and the type of connection that they had'. Well, he doesn't need to wonder anymore about that either. I think he found his peace and his answer about that on the same night. Now he just needs to reconcile his heart and his mind about his own actions, thoughts and feelings. I think he is a stand up guy, who takes fully responsibility for his own actions, so I don't think we need to feel sorry or need to protect him from the backlash of his controversial comments. He is doing just fine on his own, he explained himself clearly, he apologized for indelicate wording of the question, but not the question itself, he summarized the incredible experience with respect and fine consideration, he publicly sent good wishes to the couple, ... there's nothing more he needs to do.
People will continue to talk trash about him, call him names... that's how it is, unfortunately, but nothing we can do about. At least he doesn't need to justify to anyone anymore. He's done with his part of the deal. He needs to pay his dues. And sooner we all move on from this story, so will he.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
― Elie Wiesel

"What you dislike in another take care to correct in yourself."
― Thomas Sprat

Comfort Zone is just a prison of our own making. / I hope you dance.


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Post by Guest Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:54 am

SueSt wrote:Thanks dear Mura,

The Anthony Robbins unlimited power principle makes a lot of sense given what we’ve seen and I think you have it correctly pegged; Nick was willing to risk it all for love, Andi was not … and so the fact that they both experienced the same level of passion and had diametrically opposed responses is just very very hard to reconcile.  

And in those circumstances, it makes sense that Nick would continue to press on for a positive love resolution and Andi would retreat to her current militant anti love position.  They are opposite sides of the same coin; both holding on for dear life.  Nick called Andi stubborn, but he is as well; stubborn in terms of believing the reality that they two of them shared and being unwilling to let it go.  

And to quote what I wrote earlier, I have ZERO doubt that Nick is misreading the situation: The thing is I trust Nick... and I believe Nick when he assessed that Andi was falling in love with him. He said he never felt it before. I believe that Nick had the correctly tuned measuring stick for whether or not she was deceiving him. Of course, what I saw on tv (and what he said he also saw watching the episodes back) only supported his assessment. It's not like Nick saw something different from what he experienced.  

So I applaud Nick for being unwilling to let it go, why would he… from his perspective what he had with Andi was a once in a lifetime love… one you don’t throw away.  He literally and figuratively prostrated himself at her feet, left no stone unturned, gave her every possible chance to come to her senses.  The fact that Nick was willing to continue to pursue Andi even after he was rejected multiple times doesn’t make him crazy or a stalker, rather a prince, a heroic figure willing to fight the dragons (and yes, in this case, Andi is the dragon!!) to win his princess.  The storybook he wrote is the perfect reflection of their experience.

Nick knows Andi, sees all of her, right into the depths of her soul… there’s no one or nothing that would be more effective than Nick in reaching Andi.  And if I’m being honest, a part of me is still waiting for Andi to come to her senses and live out the happy ending to their fairytale…

I understand your POV Sue...ITA that Nick was not delusional..he sensed ' Andi' with both his heart and mind..:yes:

I am fine with Meandi's decision. Its her life. I just hope she doesnt do oscar-caliber-acting with Josh and the Murrays..i thought Josh was a great guy with a loving family.

I have more problems in how TPTB portrayed Jodi's story. See, in my understanding, if Meandi chose Josh bc he is Meandi's great love, that he had to let go a 'good love' (Nick), why on earth:
-  they didnt show any montage of Jodi journey, but Nick instead (on the FS) with the fairy-tale ish touch?  :shocked!: 
- they replaced the segment of the supposed Final-couple montage with all of the hideous frowning Meandi's footage?  affraid 
- they topped this Great Love season with the frown cat gift instead of a honeymoon gift (eg ala Jash and Aliberto)?  😆 

that leads me to these curio :
- does that mean TPTB have only a little 'faith' in this final couple?.
- Meandi got the frown montage instead of the LS montage= She is no princess to TPTB? (compared that for instance with Ali, Ash,Em, Des's FRC and ATFR- you'll see the difference-- they all had their LS montage on the FRC/ATFR)
- does the cat gift implying this season's joke ' to let the cat out of the bag' finally?'--something stinky was hidden all along?

things that makes me still  scratch scratch scratch . I mean ,if TPTB highlighted Jodi's LS - for instance, how she struggled and showed a segment of emphasizing the Great Love she had with Josh in the final episode-FRC-ATFR, i wouldnt have those curio at the first place..

oh well.. i guess time with tell...or maybe it will still remain as another Ette X-Files till the end of Bach world for me....laugh out loud

Last edited by murasaki1393 on Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:35 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Guest Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:06 am

rosesrREd wrote:
murasaki1393 wrote:
rosesrREd wrote:

I always dated the jock in high school, and through college.  As with Andi, they were "totally my type."  They were never very successful relationships, because something was always a higher priority than me.  I met my husband at work.  Ironically, not a jock, he worked in IT at my place of employment.  He was very smart, and unlike anyone I have ever dated before.  He came over to fix computer one day, and as soon as I saw him, I knew he was the "one."  Strangely, I didn't even know his name, but I knew he was my future husband.  To make a long story short, he felt the same way, we started dating and got married a year later.  Now, 10 years later, and 2 kids, we are still happy, and there is NOTHING he won't do for me.  

I feel that Nick would have been that for Andi.  Josh, IMO will always have something more important to do, and we all know Andi likes attention.  I think if Nick and Andi met in a situation similar to me and my husband, they would have been together.  The show, and the casting of Josh, ruined any chance they had for a happy ever after because Josh was what she was used to.

wow!! what a heart warming story... T4share your personal great love with us, rosesRred.Smiley

sorry a bit OT, speaking of work place, are you still working at the same office with my..err.. Des's Prince? giggling . If so, i just need to ask you to say Hi from me, his biggest fan and to let him know that as fans we dont care if their wedding wil be on TV or private, as long as they are happy and we'll get pics/vid out of it..Smiley. TIA!  bestbud! 

I do, Mura, and so does my husband.  It's where we met.  I will tell Chris, hello for you Smiley  BTW, Chris and Des' thought Nick was the one.

 rock  mademyday  RR!

Oh and pls tell him not to worry..i am a happy triple ! 😆  (married with a devoted DH for 18 yrs and a pair of adorb kiddos Smiley). JFYI, Eventhough i have a high admiration for his body parts back then in all Chris thread (my avi said it all, isnt it? laugh out loud - i swear i honor Des as well, since she took it- a SH visit) , i promise i am a total descent lady deep down inside...  :halo: 

yeah...Great Minds think alike.. giggling . At first i thought TPTB was gonna give Meandi her fairy-tale-ish ending ala Chres..but boy..maybe they thought Meandi was no princess? (for whatever reasons--see my post in response to Sue upthread).. lolpanda 

PS: pls also let me know if you get invited/hear anything about Chres's upcoming wedding..(via PM is better, maybe)  Praying . TIA RR!   bestbud! bestbud!


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Post by nutty1 Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:30 am

happygolucky wrote:
KarmaGirl wrote:Beautiful sentiment indeed!  I think we are all moving on, right?  It is almost a week since the finale, and although I was feeling slightly salty today about how Nick has been treated by people, for the most part I've resumed my usual daily activities and have gotten over the shocking finale.  Most shocking in Bachelorette history (cue dramatic music).  

Thanks for the therapy, Ladies!  I like seeing the photos of a happy Nick, too.  All is good .
Yes. It's time for all. I think wishful thinking isn't helping anyone. I think with the attitude (or demeanor) of both, Nick and Andi, the doors for any chance are long closed. She's left with a negative opinion of him, that now justifies her decision even more, fair on unfair, it's that bad impression that the ATFR created that gives closure to Andi with any doubt if there was any at all. The same for Nick. When asked by CH, how he's dealing with the heartbreak, he stated that the hardest part is 'wondering ... what could have been ... and the type of connection that they had'. Well, he doesn't need to wonder anymore about that either. I think he found his peace and his answer about that on the same night. Now he just needs to reconcile his heart and his mind about his own actions, thoughts and feelings. I think he is a stand up guy, who takes fully responsibility for his own actions, so I don't think we need to feel sorry or need to protect him from the backlash of his controversial comments. He is doing just fine on his own, he explained himself clearly, he apologized for indelicate wording of the question, but not the question itself, he summarized the incredible experience with respect and fine consideration, he publicly sent good wishes to the couple, ... there's nothing more he needs to do.
People will continue to talk trash about him, call him names... that's how it is, unfortunately, but nothing we can do about. At least he doesn't need to justify to anyone anymore. He's done with his part of the deal. He needs to pay his dues. And sooner we all move on from this story, so will he.

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
― Elie Wiesel

"What you dislike in another take care to correct in yourself."
― Thomas Sprat

Love you words, happygolucky. Nick will be fine. It will take a while longer to heal, but he'll be OK!

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by nutty1 Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:31 am

notarose wrote:nick_viall28 Closing out the craziest week of my life. Great to be spending it with these boys.

 photo 9AF8C7DB-824B-42A0-A77A-557CE1D38D47_zps0ckvmo0e.jpg


JJ's pants!!! That boy cracks me up!!  rofl 
Wonderful to see Nick surrounded by friends. I love that his new friends and his old friends are all together! Lolla couldn't have been on a better weekend! It worked out perfectly for him.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
"You're my person" - Lauren

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Post by isittrue Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:09 am

nutty1 wrote:
notarose wrote:nick_viall28 Closing out the craziest week of my life. Great to be spending it with these boys.

 photo 9AF8C7DB-824B-42A0-A77A-557CE1D38D47_zps0ckvmo0e.jpg


JJ's pants!!! That boy cracks me up!!  rofl 
Wonderful to see Nick surrounded by friends. I love that his new friends and his old friends are all together! Lolla couldn't have been on a better weekend! It worked out perfectly for him.

ITA! Aw, Nick and friends look great. LOL at JJ's pants. I am glad he seems to be moving on from all this and probably he takes with another lesson learned as he mentioned his previous relationships taught him. Everything happens for a reason and am sure the same is true here too. It was a great season up until the finale and I am glad I got to watch Nick.


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Post by ElonM Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:56 am

@jjobrien a little show within a show - @chromeo DJ set

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Post by Guest Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:01 am

murasaki1393 wrote:
SueSt wrote:Thanks dear Mura,

The Anthony Robbins unlimited power principle makes a lot of sense given what we’ve seen and I think you have it correctly pegged; Nick was willing to risk it all for love, Andi was not … and so the fact that they both experienced the same level of passion and had diametrically opposed responses is just very very hard to reconcile.  

And in those circumstances, it makes sense that Nick would continue to press on for a positive love resolution and Andi would retreat to her current militant anti love position.  They are opposite sides of the same coin; both holding on for dear life.  Nick called Andi stubborn, but he is as well; stubborn in terms of believing the reality that they two of them shared and being unwilling to let it go.  

And to quote what I wrote earlier, I have ZERO doubt that Nick is misreading the situation: The thing is I trust Nick... and I believe Nick when he assessed that Andi was falling in love with him. He said he never felt it before. I believe that Nick had the correctly tuned measuring stick for whether or not she was deceiving him. Of course, what I saw on tv (and what he said he also saw watching the episodes back) only supported his assessment. It's not like Nick saw something different from what he experienced.  

So I applaud Nick for being unwilling to let it go, why would he… from his perspective what he had with Andi was a once in a lifetime love… one you don’t throw away.  He literally and figuratively prostrated himself at her feet, left no stone unturned, gave her every possible chance to come to her senses.  The fact that Nick was willing to continue to pursue Andi even after he was rejected multiple times doesn’t make him crazy or a stalker, rather a prince, a heroic figure willing to fight the dragons (and yes, in this case, Andi is the dragon!!) to win his princess.  The storybook he wrote is the perfect reflection of their experience.

Nick knows Andi, sees all of her, right into the depths of her soul… there’s no one or nothing that would be more effective than Nick in reaching Andi.  And if I’m being honest, a part of me is still waiting for Andi to come to her senses and live out the happy ending to their fairytale…

I understand your POV Sue...ITA that Nick was not delusional..he sensed ' Andi' with both his heart and mind..:yes:

I am fine with Meandi's decision. Its her life. I just hope she doesnt do oscar-caliber-acting with Josh and the Murrays..i thought Josh was a great guy with a loving family.

I have more problems in how TPTB portrayed Jodi's story. See, in my understanding, if Meandi chose Josh bc he is Meandi's great love, that he had to let go a 'good love' (Nick), why on earth:
-  they didnt show any montage of Jodi journey, but Nick instead (on the FS) with the fairy-tale ish touch?  :shocked!: 
-  they replaced the segment of the supposed Final-couple montage with all of the hideous frowning Meandi's footage?  affraid 
-  they topped this Great Love season with the frown cat gift instead of a honeymoon gift (eg ala Jash and Aliberto)?  😆 

that leads me to these curio :
- does that mean TPTB have only a little 'faith' in this final couple?.
- Meandi got the frown montage instead of the LS montage= She is no princess to TPTB? (compared that for instance with Ali, Ash,Em, Des's FRC and ATFR- you'll see the difference-- they all had their LS montage on the FRC/ATFR)
- does the cat gift implying this season's joke ' to let the cat out of the bag' finally?'--something stinky was hidden all along?

things that makes me still  scratch scratch scratch . I mean ,if TPTB highlighted Jodi's LS - for instance, how she struggled and showed a segment of emphasizing the Great Love she had with Josh in the final episode-FRC-ATFR, i wouldnt have those curio at the first place..

oh well.. i guess time with tell...or maybe it will still remain as another Ette X-Files till the end of Bach world for me....laugh out loud

Nice post Mura. That really left me wondering too. Never quite seen a final couple that should be the show's new poster couple treated like that. And they didn't get to watch their proposal back also. Def a strange send off for the new couple by TPTB. Curious as to why.


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