Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

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Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion Empty Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

Post by Guest Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:12 pm

Christina (Trina) Scherenberg, 32
Special Ed Teacher
Algonquin, Illinois

Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion Trina110

Northern Illinois University - Master's Degree, Literacy Education
2010 – 2012
National Louis University - Masters of Arts in Teaching, Special Education and Teaching
2005 – 2007
Purdue University Bachelor's Degree, Communications - Public Relations
2000 – 2003

Has a dog, LuLu.


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:37 pm

Awww special Ed Teacher = good heart.

Oh I just noticed the dog. laugh out loud So sweet.


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“Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts” – Author Unknown

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Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion

Post by Guest Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:43 am


Bachelor 19 - Trina Scherenberg - *No Spoilers* - Sleuthing-Discussion 430.1x1

Age: 33
Occupation: Special Education Teacher
Hometown: San Clemente, CA
Height: 5'5"
Tattoos: One
Can't live without: My dog, pizza, my girlfriends, my mom, random adventures
Biggest date fear: Eating something that gives me "di-di"

I love it when my date makes an effort to get to know me and asks me questions.

I hate it when my date doesn't ask me questions.

What's your greatest achievement to date?
I'm most proud of going to graduate school -- twice! Both times, I earned a 4.0 GPA.

If you could be any fruit or vegetable, which one would you be?
I would be a coconut. I love how they grow in such beautiful, exotic yet uninhabited places. No one would ever eat me! I would smell and taste delicious too! And I'd have lots of health benefits to offer.

What does being married mean to you?
You are officially signifying that you are a team. You now have a lifetime partner through this journey called life -- the good parts, bad parts, and everything in between.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would you be?
I would love to be a guy for one day. No one in particular, just a guy. I'd love to know how they think!


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