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Post by Guest Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:14 am

A lot of unspoiled friends believe that Becca is F! due to the fact she has been hidden all season and they are now showing the strong connection they have. Whitney has been front and center all season a smoke screen .


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Post by Kashathediva Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:28 am

Diana wrote:Can't they see that so many more people want Kaitlyn?
They don't care. This goes on many seasons. They make their choice their way.

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Post by bleuberry Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:31 am

MiaHawk wrote:I just finished watching. I think Whitney is F1. His face lights up with her. Yes, he looks bored on the boat but they kept that 20 sec clip specifically because of that.  

He wants sugar and spice. Kaitlyn was more spice than sugar to him, therefore...bye bye.  

Becca is sugar, sugar, sugar, but does she have any spice under her virgin cloak?  He is still not sure.  Wants more time to figure it out.

Whitney is a good mix of sugar and spice, and he admires her, etc, etc.

Parent clip saying CS wants Becca...spliced...probably said "we are not sure if Becca is in love with Becca.....but Chris wants Becca."  I don't believe any of the editing tricks.  They needed to play up Becca tonight to try to level the playing field.

Don't get me wrong. He likes Becca, admires, respects, and is attracted to her. But she is never goig to catch up in 2 weeks time, she just won't be certain and she has too much class to lie to him or herself.  Becca, to me, is morally sound and sweet, 2 things that are important to him, but a bit boring and naive.  I think whitney is able to make CS more animated and joyful. Becca is too similar to him in personality and energy level. I think whitney is more at his maturity and life experience level.

In summary.....Bali is hot and humid, monkeys bite, and Whitney will be F1. Jmhoaa.

This is where I am too. Lots of editing tricks last night.

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Post by Guest Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:33 am

albean99 wrote:
KB_Mom wrote:At this point I don't think there will be any wedding coming out of this season.

Disappointed in Whitney's willingness to blow off her career and just move to the farm. I still think she will be F1 but I can't see it lasting unless they really edited it and there was or will be some conversation about a compromise where she would continue her career.  I still like Whit so oddly, while I think she will be F1,  I actually hope it doesn't last- that once out of the bubble she will come to her senses and break it off.

I just can't get aboard the Becca love train- probably a minority of one here- but there is something very off about her. Her family outs her as frigid- argue editing all you want, as Kiptyn said, they can't broadcast it if you don't say it, and the family clearly said she is not an intimate person, and were shocked that she would *gasp* hold hands with a man. Becca herself said she does not like PDA even around her family.  So she goes on a show for PDA to be on national television? I just don't get it. Did she go on the show as a form of therapy to overcome her dislike for intimacy and PDA?  Is the whole I am a virgin and I don't kiss on the first date an act? Is it realistic that after about 10 to 15 hours with  CS her distaste for  intimacy and PDA  was magically cured? IDK. no idea

If Becca is F1, IMO the puppy love will fizzle out in time.

So I'm not seeing a wedding coming out of this season.  
You're not alone. I'm not that interested in Becca either. She seems nice enough albeit somewhat boring but her delaying telling Chris about being a virgin until the FS was just wrong to me. 

I'm just not seeing the Chris is "gaga" over Becca. He likes her but it was clear that he was either going to send home her or Kaitlyn. I don't see how that translates to him being in love with her and not Whitney. If Becca is the f1 I'll be shocked and not because of the spoilers. Chris just seems different with Whitney. He was hanging on her every word when she was telling him that she'd move although I was wishing she'd talk about trying to keep her career.

I feel the same way about Becca. Don't get me wrong, she seems like a nice girl, but she is way too young and naive for such a fast paced dating scene. I don't understand her doing the show either? It wouldn't surprise me that TP told her to wait and tell Chris about he whole virgin thing, sounds like something they would do. I know Whitney can be OTT giddy and can get a squeaky voice sometimes, but Becca makes me crazy. She doesn't talk with much expression or enthusiasm and so I get bored listening to her. I agree with others that Chris needs someone with more of a bubbly personality.

As for Whitney wanting to leave her job and move to Iowa, I don't have an issue with that at all. She said it's one of her top priorities, to be a wife and mother, and I don't think if she wanted to do that, she would. She knew it was going to be Chris, and only did the show because it was Chris, and as she said, she's thought about this prior to doing the show. As she stated, she always has her job to "fall back on", and I'm sure if she wanted to find a job in Iowa she could, but not everyone wants to juggle a career and being a mom. I'm a stay home mom, and I wouldn't have traded that time with my kids for anything in the world. Now that my kids are older, (17 and 16) they've told me the loved that I stayed home. They're glad they didn't get put in day care after school, when all they wanted to do was just come home. It's funny because my house was always the house that kids "went to" to hang out, because someone was always home... and because I always fed them! laugh out loud Granted, not everyone has the means to stay home, but if you do, I admire anyone that chooses to do so.

After seeing last night's episode and the previews for the MTP/FRC, I have no doubt Whitney is his F1. All of this "Becca is the one Chris wants" is all tricky editing to create doubt. I do think Chris likes Becca and respects her but there is no way his relationship with Becca is at the same level as his with Whitney.


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Post by Kashathediva Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:34 am

soccermom333 wrote:
sbolduc wrote:^^ Interesting, do we know if Elan was Becca's handler, as in the past he is known to be the F2's handler

Elan was Chris's handler in Des's season.  
I do not believe Elan was Becca's handler. Not positive.

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Post by nuts2uiam Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:37 am

ElonM wrote:
Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode 9 - *Spoilers & Sleuthing* -  - Page 66 11005165_806333782747871_243153636_n
this is the best looking I've ever been in a photograph and I have to be standing next to someone 500 times hotter than me. what an idiot I am

I see tptb allowed a monkey to hang on Becca too!

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Post by Diana Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:41 am

Lindsay was Whitney's that's all I know for sure.

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Post by Sable Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:12 am

california90 wrote:#kaitlynforbachelorette is trending on twitter, seems like she's getting a positive review. (well tbh i think a lot of people want her to be bachelorette)

Oh, I so hope that Kaitlyn is the bachelorette! I just love her. She has really grown on me this season. I usually don't pull for one person to be picked as the bachelor/bachelorette, but I am going to be so disappointed if Kaitlyn is not chosen.

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Post by Sable Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:15 am

KB_Mom wrote:Just me- I read the CH interview as designed to stir up interest in the claws coming out at the WTA where apparently Britt is going to blame Carly for the fact that Britt went home. If he just went with the Britt is still heartbroken that Chris sent her home, I could see the set up for now she gets her own chance to find love. But with blaming Carly?  I just don't see that Britt is going to come across sympathetic with that theme and don't they usually try to redeem their next 'ette at the WTA for any perceived "sins" at the WTA?  

I so agree w/you. If Britt is chosen as the bachelorette, then she will be one of the first leads that had trouble getting along with others in the house.

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Post by nutty1 Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:03 pm

KB_Mom wrote:At this point I don't think there will be any wedding coming out of this season.

Disappointed in Whitney's willingness to blow off her career and just move to the farm. I still think she will be F1 but I can't see it lasting unless they really edited it and there was or will be some conversation about a compromise where she would continue her career.  I still like Whit so oddly, while I think she will be F1,  I actually hope it doesn't last- that once out of the bubble she will come to her senses and break it off.

I just can't get aboard the Becca love train- probably a minority of one here- but there is something very off about her. Her family outs her as frigid- argue editing all you want, as Kiptyn said, they can't broadcast it if you don't say it, and the family clearly said she is not an intimate person, and were shocked that she would *gasp* hold hands with a man. Becca herself said she does not like PDA even around her family.  So she goes on a show for PDA to be on national television? I just don't get it. Did she go on the show as a form of therapy to overcome her dislike for intimacy and PDA?  Is the whole I am a virgin and I don't kiss on the first date an act? Is it realistic that after about 10 to 15 hours with  CS her distaste for  intimacy and PDA  was magically cured? IDK. no idea

If Becca is F1, IMO the puppy love will fizzle out in time.

So I'm not seeing a wedding coming out of this season.  

I am pages behind, but I totally agree with all of this!

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
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Post by nutty1 Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:12 pm

Here is my biggest question about Becca…..would a 25 year old never been in love virgin who lives in CA really want to marry a 33 yr old who wants kids sooner than later and move to the middle of nowhere??

Stucki asked about nursing….that's the great thing about a nursing career. You can change your job to get a new and different experience. I worked for many years in an ICU, now I work for an insurance company, with a few different things in between. I am sure Whitney could find a decent nursing job.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
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Post by Kashathediva Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:31 pm

At the beginning of each season, we are given a lead from _______location with _______type of occupation looking for a spouse/soul mate. 
Whether true or not, the 25 or so candidates in order to be there for the "right reasons" should be a)ready to relocate b) ready to commit. Simple premise. 
So when the journey is coming down to the wire at the MTP/LCD date, there should no longer be a question for the main as to whether or not the remaining cast will relocate or commit. If there is---red flag. 
If the main is not totally sold on the cast person for whatever reason, but that person is willing to do both of the givens--another red flag. 
So this is Chris' dilemma that is being painted to the audience . Whitney is willing to do the 2 givens, but is Chris sold on her? Becca is not all in at this point right before the FRC, so this is her issue. 
Now the audience is left to figure out what is the real issue vs what we are being sold.

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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