Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Sam Wood - (Male) - SM - IG - Media - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers*

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:28 am

I found it odd how Jacinda was saying she thought that Sam is most suited to Emily from day one.
Definitely changes my mind a bit about Sam if she thinks that but maybe it is based on sex-appeal or something and how Jacinda viewed Sam (since she felt like just a mate with him).
Or maybe because she feels bad for Emily since Emily has gotten a lot of negativity/backlash.
I just couldn't see Sam with Emily at all. She strikes me more as a trophy wife from her SM and someone who would never want to play in jelly or have that type of "fun".
I see attraction but not friendship with Emily and Sam says he wants both.

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Post by happygolucky Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:25 am
- Sam on Podcast N° 150806 - from 18:30
- Heather Podcast N°150807 - from 16:38 on ... Heather from 17:13
- Sandra Podcast N°150813 - from 17:55
- Heather Podcast 070815
- Sandra Podcast 130815
- Jacinda Podcast 140815 - 12:14
- Heather 7/8/15 - Kyle and Jackie O Show #334 - 45:42
- Sandra 13/8/15 - Kyle and Jackie O Show #338 - 1:12:47
- Jacinda 14/8/15 - Kyle and Jackie O #339 - 45:17


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:20 am

^ The Kyle & Jackie interview with Jacinda clarified what Jacinda meant by Sam being suited for Emily as she said "most sexually attracted to" so it was based purely on that which to me, is not even lasting when it comes to a marriage as that will fade with time. Jacinda then says "But based on a genuine connection, Heather" and also she talked about their similar interests, etc. So I definitely can see that...

I am actually a bit surprised that Jacinda put so much emphasis on sexual chemistry rather than what will be needed for a marriage. She seems a bit young and lacking in fully understanding what contributes to making for a lasting relationship, imo, especially if looks and sexuality is what she thinks is being best suited for someone. Then again, she herself said she didn't have any sexual interest in Sam so perhaps she puts too much stock into that since she wants that to be there with someone she likes. I actually think Sam is a lot different than what Jacinda thinks and she never really knew him other than just having a friend vibe with him. I think if Sam was looking to hookup with someone then Emily would be that person but for marriage? No way, imo.


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Post by ThankMeLater Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:29 am

Jacinda also mentions a lot that Sam doesn't know what he wanted yet at this stage but probably figured it out by the end.


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Post by Guest Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:34 am

I would assume Jacinda knows him a bit better because she actually spent time with him than us based on what edit we are given on TV. He probably picks Heather and I doubt anyone would be surprised with his choice. I always say, "their lives, their choices".
The fact that I love Snez does not mean I want her to end up with him if she isnt the best for him, and the fact that I no longer care for Heather does not mean I wouldn't want him to pick her if she is the best option for him.
I just enjoy watching him with Snez more than him with Heather for now. I would hope that this "great guy" we are told about would have the decency to send Snez home to her daughter rather than string her along to the very end when he was clear from the beginning that he wanted Heather (according to what is being said on the board as the interpretations of his many interviews).


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:44 am

Jacinda said that Sam has a genuine connection with Heather. If she said that Sam had a genuine connection with Emily, I would say this is who he is best suited for. I would say this about anyone, anywhere when it comes to marriage.

Whether Jacinda knows Sam personally or not, the fact that she thinks someone is best suited for reasons other than a "genuine connection" reveals to me she is not thinking marriage-wise and is a little young and underdeveloped in her understanding of should constitute being best suited for marriage.

Best suited and genuine connection should not be mutually exclusive of one another when it comes to marriage, imo. That Jacinda separates the two and basis one on sexual attraction only? That to me is a reflection of her understanding (or lack thereof) of marriage and not on Sam. If anything, it only shows me that Sam actually is really looking for a life partner and marriage and he has defined it as having both the chemistry and friendship/fun. Very smart guy, imo. Thinking with his head and not his other head. :Nod:

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Post by Guest Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:58 am

Sexual, intellectual, physical, mental etc can all be "genuine" connections IMHO. They are different types of connections and it is up to each individual to determine which is more important to them in a relationship. It is the same as in real life, some prefer to marry based on friendship, some prefer to marry based on passion, some on intellect, some for money and security. I think people are just different and make different choices which may not necessarily have to do with age or maturity. And a type of connection is not a guarantee their marriage would succeed.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:01 pm

IA. I am merely using Jacinda's words and she said that the genuine connection was with Heather. Her words, not mine.


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Post by Guest Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:01 pm

From what I can see, he has "genuine" connections with a few girls and he will have to decide what direction he wants in life.


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Post by Guest Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:02 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:IA. I am merely using Jacinda's words and she said that the genuine connection was with Heather. Her words, not mine.



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Post by happygolucky Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:30 pm

IDK what Jacinda really meant and what she really thinks, but from what I've seen on her show she actually is quite perceptive and intelligent and mature enough, only with a baggage of insecurities and bad experiences that left her with self-esteem complexes ... and that's nothing to do with the maturity in general.

What I do believe is that Emily is one wrong match for Sam... (together with Jasmin) she kinda strikes me as completely incompatible with Sam. She doesn't like much sports, she doesn't like to get dirty, she prefers calm, romantic dinners rather than outdoor activity for a date, she keeps waiting for him to "serve her" and be all gentlemanly with her ... and although Sam can be a gentleman, he is also very active and quick-paced man, who likes to "cut to the chase" rather to play the games of seduction ... She is a princess .. and he isn't a prince for her. And I don't find her a mean person or superficial, actually it's good that she knows her worth and doesn't hide it... but her and Sam together are like water and oil.

I can much better picture him with Sarah or Snezana or Nina ... even Rachel (despite not knowing her) ... but Emily .. no, she needs another type of man, maybe even more "intellectual" or business-corporate one.

BTW, even if I would believe that the girls (post-show) don't know who F1 is, they know that Emily can't be his F1, because whoever was "let go" before F2 they know their role ... so for Jacinda to say that Emily would be his match ... is misleading or ... IDK ... Does someone want to imply that Sam chose the wrong one or that he doesn't know what he wants?

BTW; in the twitter-world many people commentate on the girls and the possible coupling only based on the looks and who seems "hotter" to them.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:34 pm

I like Jacinda a lot and think she is a great girl who realizes her own insecurities and can own them which is such a great trait. I do think however, that her strengths lie other than in deciphering what is best suited for a marriage based on her comments (and that's because while I think sexual chemistry is important, it should not constitute being "best" suited for marriage). I actually think that Emily is the least suited for Sam so Jacinda saying the opposite makes me think her definition of marriage and what is "best" suited is not one which I would take advice from. Even Sam expressed concerns to Emily when talking to her in this recent episodes and that he hopes she will "prove me wrong" since he said he is usually correct about people. Based on this and Sam being the lead, I think he has a much better idea for what he wants than Jacinda. Again, jmo.

ITA, Jacinda knows the ending and I think she is just trying to help out Emily with her edit because it's certainly a villain one based on the media and even the show. Then again, Osher doesn't seem to care for Emily either, so it's likely a matter of taste (as is most things).

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