The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue May 12, 2015 10:48 pm

Body language always makes for good discussions!


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Post by emusha Tue May 12, 2015 11:40 pm

thanks so much GA!

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Post by Alanna Wed May 13, 2015 12:27 am

Yay!! My favorite thread every season! heartbeat

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed May 13, 2015 10:41 pm

Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  11055776_1593650284217170_1788828346_n

F4 Sleuthing

Nick - What the harry heck are you guys still doing here?

Shawn - What the harry heck is Nick still doing here?


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Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  Empty Re: The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by emusha Thu May 21, 2015 5:35 pm

@emusha wrote:
@freeflowingsalt wrote:This interview/explanation about nick's return makes more sense to me. Like they had some sort of connection, but she put it aside and went on the bachelorette. Check it:
I'm seeing a lot of positive body language here. Using her hands 

Here voice also lowered/or went down an octave (dunno the technical term for this) to the point where she speaks when she's vulnerable/sweet (comparable to how she was speaking to CS after he gave her the HTD rose) vs. when she's "on" and high energy (how she was talking to most of the guys night one -- except for shawn) probably cos it's a new topic she's breaching but still a positive sign for nick that she has positive feelings towards him still. She wasn't struggling or grappling with mixed feelings about him during this explanation.

I actually believe her (with some info omitted) that this is how it went down. I knew once kaitlyn got a chance to explain we'll get a version of the real truth. notice she said 'a lot of ppl in the bach world meet and talk' she stumbled a bit right there like a nano second of an "oopsie" i'm looking to when some years down the road we might get confirmation that they actually met after GMAs. i think it makes even more sense than we'd first thought which was based on logistics and sm message tone changes esp if they've been talking so much!! he prolly told her something like 'ohh u'll be in NYC?? i can come hang out in NYC next weekend and hang with with sharleen AND you' be a fun thing to do... kind of thing more than anything. i think when u are virtually talking to someone its so hard to guage real chemistry so you'd wanna know what's there with no pressure. I also think Andy and Sharleen were present due to Andy's comment on nick's IG post. I do think they were in the friend zone but very much in the flirting zone also...

I also think both of them had kind of put it out of their minds that they'd try dating then cos of the distance maybe (my own speculation) and also per her admission cos of  the fact that she might go on the bachelorette. this story actually aligns exactly with what we've learnt from their sm exchanges which is that nick was anxious about whether or not she was gonna be the bachette and up till they voted her in he was on pins and needles cos there was still a chance to date her out of the show. (I don't think it was Nick's first choice to date her on the show). on the other hand I do think the interest was mutual - she started to say "i had a connection with him..." then says something else. she also doesn't deny the fact there was something between them but she admits it but she'd put it all out of her mind and was thinking of it as a friendship cos she might potentially go on the bach. she didn't elaborate on this but u can read between the lines of how she paused and told the story and shifted gears when she's typically is very clear in her communication about how she feels exactly. at the end her face was like and it is ... "wow" she didn't say the word but her facial expression reveals that she has positive feelings about what he did to come on the show. I think per her other comment about the fact that he got a one way ticket and left his job to come for me? type of statement it made quite an impression on her that he'd do that. I say this aligns with the post which she liked on cary's IG

 so technically i would say there was a lot of anticipation simmering under the surface between them for about a month (according to our sm sleuthing -- they were getting to know each other cos per RS and K they were talking LOT -- i get the sense esp for nick he was feeling a bit like he was running against the clock)....

Meanwhile -- yall sleuthers who were unearthing the clues around this yayyy soo excited for all that we were able to uncover that's coming to life in front of us go team!!!!
  Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  3589738803  Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  4133615398 Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  2356543930 Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  2300066878
speaking of which: where's NR???  Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  2089373836 miss having her around!![/size]

emushaAs a follow up to the above post about K's interview with ET about Nick coming on the show...

"how did he get on the show?" 

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Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  Screen38
"'s..." looks down struggling for words a bit
Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  Screen39
"he's got some ins..."
Lawyered - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Body Language - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  Screen40

another interview where she responds to questions about Nick
same exact body language as before
voice lowers an octave she looks up then looks down -- lots of hand gestures... and she said :

"we had a friendship that both of us understood as a friendship but once i was gone...i GUESS...he missed that connection and thought maybe it was more than just a friendly connection..."

"he had a rough go last season and i truly believe he showed up we go..."the right reasons"...because I don't think he'd put himself through that again if he didn't feel that strongly about me"


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Post by emusha Thu May 21, 2015 5:36 pm

looking forward to other's thoughts!

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Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2015 6:00 pm

I think she looked rehearsed... trying to remember lines.

Then again, I SUCK at body language! I thought Andy and Josh looked close and happy on Chris Live Premiere giggling Embarressed!


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Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2015 7:33 pm

I too thought she looked rehearsed. But really she can't answer the majority of the questions so why do they ask??


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Post by emusha Thu May 21, 2015 7:35 pm

I def think that's very true as well sophienette...
I think she was telling a half-truth in these interviews and she was rushing the information out in one breath etc. 
she was absorbed in how she could craft what she was saying so that it doesn't come back to bite her cos she knew she had a prior relationship with him that'd come into question 
what i find interesting is that answering these questions was putting her in a "vulnerable" tone of voice vs. a self-assured I got this high energy response. I'm sure a majority of her responses have to be rehearsed as well just this one she was also explaining his intensions and being cautious so that her intentions won't be questioned 

on another note - i do not sense a "mixed feelings" vibe when talking about him in the first interview -- i sense positive vibes and expressive animated eyes and maybe they ended things on a more neutral note rather than what RS leads us to believe... I dunno no idea

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Post by Alanna Thu May 21, 2015 7:42 pm

But she sounded positive about Shawn too to Seacrest. She's just a positive girl.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by emusha Thu May 21, 2015 7:50 pm

yea but remember RS said Nick wasn't happy about the ending? I don't sense that from the way she was talking about nick esp if the spoiler is true and they broke up

in the first interview especially she got a bit "shy" and insecure when starting to describe things...then obviously during the second round she was rushing through her half-truth so that she doesn't get lost in the story she was telling 

JMHO from what i'm seeing...others might be seeing something diff like you had mentioned Alanna Smiley

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Post by Lucas15 Thu May 21, 2015 10:41 pm

sophienette wrote:I think she looked rehearsed... trying to remember lines.

I wouldn't use the word rehearsed - but I can see why some would see her that way in this particular interview. I don't think she was being forthright when she talked about Nick and how he came to be on the show but felt she was when talking about her relationship with Britt and her views on the physical aspects of a relationship.

I look at two things when I watch someone in an interview - their head, and their eyes. Some people will make a statement - "I like the color blue" and nod their head as in "yes". But if they shake their head as in "no" then they probably don't really like the color blue - their head is subconsciously signaling their true feelings. And when a right handed (right side dominant) person's eyes look up and right (your right as you see them facing you) it means they are accessing the portion of their brain that stores memories of things that have happened or that they have seen. But if their eyes look upward and to your left it means they are accessing the creative side of their brain - imagination and creativity - and not something that actually happened. And what I try to do is get some sense of how they answer questions or describe events "normally" or when they have no reason to be anything but completely honest and compare that "norm" to what they do when they answer something more controversial.

So as I watched Kaitlin talk about Britt she seemed pretty forthright - in fact her eyes were relatively hard to see but for the most part she just looked at the interviewer. So I think that all the things she said about her relationship with Britt were honestly stated; she didn't have to think much about the things she said happened because she was very familiar with what happened. Where things got interesting to me was when she started talking about Nick and how he came to be on the show. MANY times her eyes looked up and left which suggests to me that she was making it up at least to some extent, or saying things that she was told to say or had rehearsed to say, but not so much things she actually remembered.

I found it interesting when she said "we had a friendship that both of us understood as a friendship but once i was gone...I GUESS...he missed that connection and thought maybe it was more than just a friendly connection...". The choice of words "GUESS" strikes me odd. I would think that why or how Nick came on the show - which I don't think Kaitlin was expecting - would be a fundamental topic of discussion and one of the first questions she would have asked Nick and then she wouldn't have to guess about anything. She took Nick to F2, went to the fantasy suite with him; if true to what she's said about how she feels had sex with him there (if not before), considered him as a possible fiance / husband - and all she could do was guess how he felt and why he came on the show? That's just not logical to me.

So my opinion is that what she explained about how Nick came to be on the show is something less than the complete truth - more likely a "party line" concocted by TPTB for her to say as an answer. IMO there's more to it all than what she said and I agree with emusha - half truths.


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