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Post by Admin Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:25 am

Former Bachelorette contestant Nick Peterson gives ABC ACTION NEWS the scoop, including on Bentley!

Bachelorette contestant, Nick Peterson is back to "reality" as a personal trainer.

We met with him at Body Shapers, a South Tampa studio where he runs his personal training business.

His stint on reality tv ended last week as America watched this Bay area man get his heart broken.

But despite not winning Ashley Hebert's heart and being exposed on national TV, Nick wouldn't trade his experience on the show.

"I have no regrets no regrets. I would do it again if i had the opportunity," Nick said.

The relationship reality program has drawn in millions. From magazines to TV talk shows, many viewers can't get enough.

But many contestants in recent episodes have come under fire.

Nick wanted to set things straight.

"You know there are a lot of people that say you are out there trying to promote ourselves. But, I will be the first to tell you none of us are looking to promote ourselves by submitting an application to the Bachelorette, that was not the first thing I thought of when I thought of, oh I want to promote my business to try out for the Bachelorette."

In fact, Nick said he truly wanted to find love.

'You go on the show keeping an open mind that you could get married you know," he said.

But, he admitted to us, like the rest of America, he was stunned by another who was supposedly vying for Ashley's heart-Bentley Williams. Bentley also happens to be from Tampa, although he now lives in Utah.

Bentley showed one side to Ashley and another to the world. As he was interviewed, Bentley said he wan not attracted to Ashley Hebert at all and was hoping Emily Maynard would the Bachelorette. Emily who won Bachelor Brad Womack's heart last season.

"Well sure we were all shocked by the way he acted sure," Nick said.

"As far as we knew he was a nice guy missed his daughter and wanted to leave."

Bentley's antics have had some questioning the ethics of the show-and the editing.

Nick can't speak for what Bentley was thinking--but as far as what you are watching?

"It's a bunch of guys sitting around talking about Ashley and that is really all we did, sit around and talk about Ashley--- so it's no different than what you saw on tv," Nick said.

"I think my personality was portrayed fairly, I was not a controversial character, alot of times those guys will get more air time. My goal is to make the most of this opportunity. Now I am back working as a personal trainer now it's time to promote my business and move on from there and grow what I started before I went on the show."

In case you are wondering, Nick is 26-years-old and still looking for love!

What was Ashley Hebert really like?
Nick: Ashley is a ball of energy she is a lot of fun. She is a sweetheart, what time I did spend with her was great I really liked spending time with her I was interested in her.
She is very emotional though, which I think also makes her a great candidate for the "Bachelorette", that is what they (producers) want.

Why do you think she let you go home?
Nick: We weren't able to get to far in our relationship just because I didn't ge a one on one date. I had all group dates with her
That one on one date is really key you know to move forward on that show. You only have a certain time limit to get things done. So if you are only getting group dates it's really tough to move forward.

I was a little surprised when she let me go. I think i could see myself falling behind a little bit because most of the other guys had one on one dates and I could see their relationships developing a little quicker. I was hoping for that one-on-one date and when that did not come, I started getting a little worried.

What was it like to be on the Bachelorette?
Nick: It was an incredible experience. I had a great time obviously traveling is a lot of fun. I had never been out of the country so it was nice to go overseas.
I have no regrets no regrets going on the show. I would do it again if i had the opportunity
Obviously you go there in hopes of finding a wife but I didn't find a wife. But I did make some great friends and great connections. I got to travel so I have no regrets.

What about the show's image? Some say people are just trying to get publicity and are not on it for the right reason?
Nick: No, I think you go on the show keeping an open mind that you could get married you know. All of us go one there initially in hopes of finding love and finding a wife You know there are a lot of people that say you are out there, trying to promote ourselves but I will be the first to tell you none of us are looking to promote ourselves by submitting an application to the Bachelorette that was not the first thing I thought of.

We have to ask you about Bentley! Were you stunned when you saw what he was saying about Ashley?
Nick: Well sure, we were all shocked by the way he acted sure, But, I liked all the guys in the house I had no problems with the guys in the house including Bentley
As far as we knew he was a nice guy missed his

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Post by Love_Me Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:32 pm


'The Bachelorette' prepares for Bentley return

The Bachelorette's Ashley Hebert will come face-to-face with former suitor Bentley Williams on tonight's episode of the ABC show.

Bentley, who had been a frontrunner in the race for Ashley's affections, chose to depart the Bachelorette mansion in week three, leaving a sobbing Ashley heartbroken.

He told the dental student that he missed his young daughter, but unknown to Ashley, he then told the cameras that he just wasn't attracted to Ashley and would have preferred the bachelorette to be Emily Maynard.

Ashley has admitted over the past couple of episodes that she is finding it difficult to move on from Bentley, suggesting that she needs closure with him in order to move forward in her relationships with the remaining men.

Tonight's installment of The Bachelorette will see Bentley flying to Hong Kong, the next stop on the around-the-world trip, for a reunion with Ashley, with the network revealing that a "shocked but hopeful" Ashley agrees to speak to him.

"Her mind is filled with what might have been, but will she discover in this very visceral confrontation that he is there to sweep her off her feet, or is he there just to play more mind games with her for his own amusement?" teases a press release.

Additionally, Ashley will share a one-on-one "fairytale date" exploring the streets of Hong Kong and having dinner on a junk boat, where her date reveals emotional details about his past. Another one-on-one date will take in Victoria's Peak Park.

This week's group date takes place at Stanley Beach, where the men are challenged to the ancient Chinese tradition of dragon boat racing.

However, ABC teases that the episode will end in "confrontational turmoil" at the cocktail party when the men learn about Bentley's surprise visit, with one suitor becoming "extremely distressed" at the news.
'The Bachelorette' prepares for Bentley return
The Bachelorette host Chris Harrison echoed the news in a recent interview with TV Guide, saying that although the attention has been focused on how Ashley will react to Bentley, the drama comes when she has to tell the other men.

"She gets to this happy place and is almost a little arrogant and cocky because of it, but I don't think she thought through the effect it was going to have on the guys," he explained. "She didn't really understand it until our deliberation and all of a sudden things start to unravel in the cocktail party in Hong Kong."

He added in his Entertainment Weekly blog that what happens in Hong Kong will shape the rest of the season and potentially the rest of Ashley's life.

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Post by Love_Me Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:06 pm

Monday, June 27, 2011

Philly 'Bachelorette' back on 'Kimmel' tonight

Look for erstwhile Penn dental student (and “Bachelorette) Ashley Hebert to be back on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” at midnight, where, according to a flack for Kimmell, she’ll engage in “an exclusive iChat interview ... after the newest episode of ABC's ‘The Bachelorette’ airs in which controversial suitor Bentley makes a surprise return appearance.”

(If something’s meant to be a surprise, perhaps a press release isn’t the best place to announce it?)

Kimmel, a team player whose work clearly isn’t always as much fun as he makes it look — guess that’s why they call it work — is said to be getting “the first interview with Hebert after the episode, as she shares her thoughts on Bentley as well as her feelings for the remaining suitors still vying weekly for her love.”

Read more:

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Post by cupcakes Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:20 pm


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Post by Love_Me Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:12 pm

Ratings: You like 'The Bachelorette'!

by Lynette Rice

Categories: TV Ratings

The Bachelorette had another decent outing on Monday, which gave ABC a win in the key demo (2.4 rating/7 share) and among viewers (7.4 million), according to preliminary results. The dating show posted a 2.5/8, up 9 percent versus its previous telecast. It also was the most-watched show of the night with 8 million viewers.

In turn, Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition got a nice boost: It earned a 2.3/6, up 15 percent versus the previous week, and 6.3 million viewers.

Fox was second for the night in the key demo. It ran a repeat and an original of MasterChef.

CBS aired comedy reruns while NBC had a repeat of America’s Got Talent.

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Post by Love_Me Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:20 pm

Bachelorette's Harrison on Mickey's Accidental Exit and Next Episode's Interview with Emily

When Bachelorette host Chris Harrison told us the men would unravel after learning Ashley had spoken to Bentley, he wasn't exaggerating. Not only did many of them get mad, but Mickey left the show. Although he thinks Ashley miscalculated how the men would react, Harrison also feels that they blew it out of proportion. Keep reading for more about this week's episode, including Ames' unexpected kiss and Mickey's "mistaken" exit, plus an update on Brad and Emily.

This week's episode finally felt like a true Bachelorette episode!
Chris Harrison: The show's starting over again, it's like we hit the reset button last night. It's the new and improved Ashley, who's feeling good. I know it was a battle [for viewers] — we were battling as producers, too, to get to this point. We would've wrapped it up with Bentley two weeks ago, but we had to let this play out in her own time. Now it gets good.

Was Ashley's conversation with Bentley much calmer than you expected?
Harrison: I think people were making so much more out of it before it even happened so that's why I kept telling people wait to see how it plays out. It wasn't as nearly a big of a deal and, in fact, it was more about her making sure she was ready to move on.

Watch episodes and clips from The Bachelorette in our Online Video Guide

She also seemed much less into him than she was the first time around.
Harrison: I think she was really happy that, when she saw him, she felt so beyond this guy. It reassured her that what she was feeling for these other guys was true.

Were you surprised about which guys were OK with Bentley returning and which guys were furious?
Harrison: I think you can draw a line and see which guys are more comfortable in their own skin, are more confident with Ashley and probably have a better relationship right now with Ashley. I also think the guys fed off of each other and got each other fired up. I think J.P. had the perspective, but her talk with him and his reaction really gave her this false sense of confidence that she came strolling into the cocktail party feeling like, "I can just tell the guys and they'll be as happy as I am." That was a miscalculation on her part. As much as some the guys blew it out of proportion and didn't handle it well, she didn't articulate it well and was a little cocky in the way she talked to them.

Bachelorette's Chris Harrison: The men unravel at next week's cocktail party

Did you think someone would leave like Mickey did?
Harrison: I don't think he meant to leave. He almost talked himself into a corner and all of a sudden he was like, "Well I'm going to leave." I ... don't think he went into that conversation wanting to leave or thinking he was going to leave. I think he was just trying to make a point.

What did you think about Ames kissing Ashley in the elevator?
Harrison: I think Ashley spoke for all of us when she was like, "Ames, whoa!" I'm so glad people are falling in love with Ames because he's a great guy. I knew he'd be one of the dark horses that at first people would wonder why she's keeping him, but I knew in the end he would definitely capture people's imagination.

Bachelorette Ashley Hebert on bad boy Bentley: "It's humiliating"

This season seems to be lacking in hot tubs and helicopters. Why is that?
Harrison: What's to come is sea planes, so I think what we had to do is cut our hot tub/helicopter budget because of the sea plane expense.

The next episode, airing July 11, features an update with Emily Maynard. What can you hint?
Harrison: We're calling them Bachelor updates, catching up with some of the couples. The first is Brad and Emily, and we've actually shot another with Ali and Roberto. If anybody is expecting "Jake and Vienna 2" then they're sorely mistaken. Emily and Brad very much love each other, very much care about each other and they're very good people and that definitely comes through. I talk to Brad all the time so I sit down [with Emily] and say, "This sucks doing this interview with one person and we're talking about a friend." As far as interviews go, even including Jason/Molly/Melissa this was the most awkward and uncomfortable because Brad wasn't there.

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Post by Love_Me Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:23 pm

'The Bachelorette' recap: With Bentley gone for good, J.P. becomes the front-runner

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Post by Love_Me Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:49 pm

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 6:35 PM ET

Secrets behind The Bachelorette men revealed!

Ashley Hebert, star of The Bachelorette, has faced more than her share of heartbreak this season. Still, she's grown convinced that the remaining men are genuine, sweet guys who want nothing more than to sweep her off her feet and walk down the aisle.

But, with just a handful of bachelors remaining, Life & Style can reveal that many are not what they seem. Ames, 30, may have graduated from an Ivy League University but Life & Style has learned that he has been misleading Ashley with the impressive career title, 'portfolio manager,' an ex-girlfriend of Ames claims. In reality, she insists, Ames doesn't work in finance at all. "Ames never has real jobs," she tells Life & Style. "He just gets degrees and travels around."

Ames isn't the only guy betraying vulnerable Ashley. An insider tells Life & Style that go-getter Ryan P. is using her for fame. "He broke up with his girlfriend right before he went on the show because he told her he wasn't ready to get married and didn't feel like marriage was in his future," reveals an insider. But the entire point of The Bachelorette is marriage --the insider believes that he is using the show to promote his solar-energy company by constantly talking it up.

To find out more secrets behind the men on The Bachelorette, pick up the new issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now!

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Post by Love_Me Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:50 pm

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Post by Love_Me Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:52 pm

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Post by Love_Me Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:55 pm

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Post by Love_Me Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:55 pm

The Bachelorette: Ashley Hebert’s been dumped already! After cameras stopped, the Bachelorette finds herself betrayed by the man she chose.

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