The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

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Post by MiaHawk Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:09 pm

Kashathediva wrote:
Bet2Win wrote:At this point, Mia, streaking will be refreshing.  
How are you getting to view Mia streaking and how to do I get to watch, too? Will Mia be streaking alone? Will this be a new snapchat? 
Curious minds want to know.

Remember: Commas save lives. Hugesmile
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awkward - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Bet2Win Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:18 pm

MiaHawk wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:
Bet2Win wrote:At this point, Mia, streaking will be refreshing.  
How are you getting to view Mia streaking and how to do I get to watch, too? Will Mia be streaking alone? Will this be a new snapchat? 
Curious minds want to know.

Remember: Commas save lives.  Hugesmile
Let's eat, Grandma.
Let's eat Grandma.

I love this. My teachers never s'plained it that way. Too cute!

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awkward - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Longhornfan Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:21 pm

MiaHawk wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:
Pandora wrote:Have to admit - the teaser at the end of the last episode threw me off a little.  It looks like they want us to think that the Nick/Shawn conflict escalated and she is forced to send one of them home.  I almost think it looks like Shawn has to leave because he loses it.  But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part...

IMO when Kaitlyn told Shawn about Nick, that "hurdle" was crossed so there has to be something else to replace it - there's too much show yet to be seen to go without a defined story (and I'm seeing this through the eyes more of the producers - not Kaitlyn or any of the cast). It looks like one storyline is the "epic" confrontation between Shawn & Nick and how that will affect Kaitlyn's decision (which IMO it will not affect it in any way - it will only be made to look like it could or does). And also IMO that confrontation is not so epic - it's more producer created than it is organic. I'm sure they don't like each other but that's more than enough for the producers to work with to make it seem like they really hate each other.

The episode summary posted above, however, makes it look like Ben H does not get a full FS date.  I could see her either being too distracted by Nick/Shawn or realizing she is not into Ben H in the right way.

If Ben H does get the overnight, it would bother me if Kaitlyn did not discuss pre-FS sex with Nick with him.  And it already bothered me that she did not inform Nick that she told Shawn about what happened, especially with Shawn going to confront Nick.

IMO Ben H is really not a factor to Kaitlyn - he's F3 because the producers want him to be F3 because it looks to me that he's the leading candidate for the next lead and they want to extract him from the rest of the mess so they can write his storyline without wrapping it around Kaitlyn's season. Because he'll leave either at the next RC or before, there's no reason that he needs to know about Nick sex or that Kaitlyn told Shawn about it.

Kaitlyn wasn't allowed to tell Nick she confessed to Shawn that she had sex with Nick because if Nick knew that he might also be able to figure out that he was not Kaitlyn's choice and that he had no more control over Kaitlyn. As long as Shawn didn't know, Nick controlled Kaitlyn through her fear of Shawn finding out and IMO the producers wanted Nick to believe he still had some control - when in fact he'd lost it.

That said, it didn't really bother me what happened - I am forced to conclude, though, that Kaitlyn made a mess of handling it, although I think most of the blame for that might actually lie with Shawn.  I think Kaitlyn might actually be afraid of him (not intimidated but perhaps emotionally manipulated, in that he is playing on her fear of being left with no one in the end) - he is looking kind of scary lately.

IMO Kaitlyn is indeed being manipulated but not by Shawn - by the producers through Shawn because the real tangible way the producers can get to Kaitlyn is to prey on her fears of losing Shawn. They make Shawn appear close to leaving to keep Kaitlyn off balance. There's really not much else Kaitlyn seems to care about. IMO.

I agree with most of what you are saying here, however, I notice that you give Shawn pass.

You say that TPTB are the ones manipulating K (albeit through Shawn) but you don't give the same courtesy to Nick. When, in fact, it doesn't seem like Nick himself is doing any of the manipulation of K. She is acting based on her own fear (of losing Shawn) either because that is what's in her own mind or because TPTB are stoking that fear in her. Nick is not manipulating her or controlling her at all. He had a reasonable conversation with her, told her that he never blabbed, reiterated that he enjoyed his night with her, showed his own vulnerability, and that he valued keeping their relationship between just the 2 of them. I don't think his tears were manipulation at all. I think that was him feeling like a used fool because clearly K had second thoughts about their sex, which doesn't bode well for their relationship.  Nick could see some of the writing on the wall and it showed via his nerves and tears.  To me, that scene was like a FRC rejection Part 1. He's committed to staying there. He has never threatened to leave. He has told K she is worth the troubles. I don't see any of that as Nick having any sort of control over K or K's actions.

K said she wanted to keep that secret between the two of them so as to be fair to the remaining guys---which was a total crock of BS. Then (probably due to manipulation by TPTB) she went and divulged a very private part of her and Nick's relationship to a third party. Why? Because she values her relationship with Shawn more. She is completely operating from a point of fear. Everything she has done since having sex with Nick has been her doing damage control for her relationship with Shawn. The blame for all of this mess lies squarely on K's shoulders as she knew where she was (on a reality tv show) and she knew what she was doing (initiating the sex with Nick). None of this is Nick's manipulation. It is TPTB's manipulation of her and of Shawn. I really don't see any signs that Nick is being manipulated or is manipulating anyone. JMHO.

Mia, what I see happening here on this board is an attempt being made to spin the coupling of Kaitlyn & Shawn into some kind of great love story.  So, the best way to back that up is to ignore or overlook anything that is remotely off-putting about Shawn's behavior.  Apparently, Shawn's brooding, angry edit is entirely due to the producers manipulating him.

And I don't have snapchat, and I don't follow Kaitlyn that closely, but from what I am hearing and reading, TO ME it sounds like she is trying to place more of the blame on Nick, for the sex that occurred between the two of them.  Apparently, the fact that Kaitlyn initiated the whole thing by inviting him back to her room (to see whatever happens) was his fault.  Even when she told Shawn about it, she did not say that SHE took things too far with Nick, only that things went too far. So, that simply left things up for interpretation IMO, like who really initiated it.

So, for me, there seems to be a lot of rewriting going on here - when it comes to this so-called great love story.  But, this is JMHO.


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awkward - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by leselihau Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:27 pm

Longhornfan wrote:
MiaHawk wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:

IMO when Kaitlyn told Shawn about Nick, that "hurdle" was crossed so there has to be something else to replace it - there's too much show yet to be seen to go without a defined story (and I'm seeing this through the eyes more of the producers - not Kaitlyn or any of the cast). It looks like one storyline is the "epic" confrontation between Shawn & Nick and how that will affect Kaitlyn's decision (which IMO it will not affect it in any way - it will only be made to look like it could or does). And also IMO that confrontation is not so epic - it's more producer created than it is organic. I'm sure they don't like each other but that's more than enough for the producers to work with to make it seem like they really hate each other.

IMO Ben H is really not a factor to Kaitlyn - he's F3 because the producers want him to be F3 because it looks to me that he's the leading candidate for the next lead and they want to extract him from the rest of the mess so they can write his storyline without wrapping it around Kaitlyn's season. Because he'll leave either at the next RC or before, there's no reason that he needs to know about Nick sex or that Kaitlyn told Shawn about it.

Kaitlyn wasn't allowed to tell Nick she confessed to Shawn that she had sex with Nick because if Nick knew that he might also be able to figure out that he was not Kaitlyn's choice and that he had no more control over Kaitlyn. As long as Shawn didn't know, Nick controlled Kaitlyn through her fear of Shawn finding out and IMO the producers wanted Nick to believe he still had some control - when in fact he'd lost it.

IMO Kaitlyn is indeed being manipulated but not by Shawn - by the producers through Shawn because the real tangible way the producers can get to Kaitlyn is to prey on her fears of losing Shawn. They make Shawn appear close to leaving to keep Kaitlyn off balance. There's really not much else Kaitlyn seems to care about. IMO.

I agree with most of what you are saying here, however, I notice that you give Shawn pass.

You say that TPTB are the ones manipulating K (albeit through Shawn) but you don't give the same courtesy to Nick. When, in fact, it doesn't seem like Nick himself is doing any of the manipulation of K. She is acting based on her own fear (of losing Shawn) either because that is what's in her own mind or because TPTB are stoking that fear in her. Nick is not manipulating her or controlling her at all. He had a reasonable conversation with her, told her that he never blabbed, reiterated that he enjoyed his night with her, showed his own vulnerability, and that he valued keeping their relationship between just the 2 of them. I don't think his tears were manipulation at all. I think that was him feeling like a used fool because clearly K had second thoughts about their sex, which doesn't bode well for their relationship.  Nick could see some of the writing on the wall and it showed via his nerves and tears.  To me, that scene was like a FRC rejection Part 1. He's committed to staying there. He has never threatened to leave. He has told K she is worth the troubles. I don't see any of that as Nick having any sort of control over K or K's actions.

K said she wanted to keep that secret between the two of them so as to be fair to the remaining guys---which was a total crock of BS. Then (probably due to manipulation by TPTB) she went and divulged a very private part of her and Nick's relationship to a third party. Why? Because she values her relationship with Shawn more. She is completely operating from a point of fear. Everything she has done since having sex with Nick has been her doing damage control for her relationship with Shawn. The blame for all of this mess lies squarely on K's shoulders as she knew where she was (on a reality tv show) and she knew what she was doing (initiating the sex with Nick). None of this is Nick's manipulation. It is TPTB's manipulation of her and of Shawn. I really don't see any signs that Nick is being manipulated or is manipulating anyone. JMHO.

Mia, what I see happening here on this board is an attempt being made to spin the coupling of Kaitlyn & Shawn into some kind of great love story.  So, the best way to back that up is to ignore or overlook anything that is remotely off-putting about Shawn's behavior.  Apparently, Shawn's brooding, angry edit is entirely due to the producers manipulating him.

And I don't have snapchat, and I don't follow Kaitlyn that closely, but from what I am hearing and reading, TO ME it sounds like she is trying to place more of the blame on Nick, for the sex that occurred between the two of them.  Apparently, the fact that Kaitlyn initiated the whole thing by inviting him back to her room (to see whatever happens) was his fault.  Even when she told Shawn about it, she did not say that SHE took things too far with Nick, only that things went too far.  So, that simply left things up for interpretation IMO, like who really initiated it.  

So, for me, there seems to be a lot of rewriting going on here - when it comes to this so-called great love story.  But, this is JMHO.

I don't see the bolded happening AT ALL. Quite the opposite honestly, I see some of the people that really like K & S together saying that they can't stand some of Shawn's behavior. I certainly don't like his behavior but I do like K & S together. But I whole heartedly believe that when it comes to this show not everything is always as it seems. And I don't think it's "entirely" producer manipulation...but I do think some of it is. I do see people commenting on sweet moments of K & S together...but geez...when 95% of what you get is drama, drama, and more gotta celebrate the small sweet moments you do see. JMO


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Post by gurlbrit Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:29 pm

MiaHawk wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:
Bet2Win wrote:At this point, Mia, streaking will be refreshing.  
How are you getting to view Mia streaking and how to do I get to watch, too? Will Mia be streaking alone? Will this be a new snapchat? 
Curious minds want to know.

Remember: Commas save lives.  Hugesmile
Let's eat, Grandma.
Let's eat Grandma.

And with the tone of this season's "ette" that second sentence takes on a whole new meaning! handwave

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
awkward - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR253Ow-60TiHI_WfFAw57aXihRYDkVee0D2Kixr_9D0h6ZohGIWA    

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awkward - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - Epi 9 July 13th - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Lucas15 Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:45 pm

MiaHawk wrote:You say that TPTB are the ones manipulating K (albeit through Shawn) but you don't give the same courtesy to Nick. When, in fact, it doesn't seem like Nick himself is doing any of the manipulation of K.

You're right and I apologize to you and anyone else for not articulating myself better - I stand by what I was thinking when I wrote that but what I wrote didn't capture what I was thinking - so let me try to do better:

I am thinking of the time frame after Kaitlyn had sex with Nick and before she told Shawn about what had happened. In that time frame Shawn sought Kaitlyn out on several different occasions and each time he did, Kaitlyn thought it was because he had found out about the sex - before Kaitlyn had a chance to pick the right time and place that she could tell Shawn about it. (I would add that IMO many / most of those conversations initiated by Shawn were producer induced just to put pressure on Kaitlyn for the drama it would create. Give them a pot and they will stir it.)

Kaitlyn's fear was real to her because she didn't trust that Nick would not say anything; that fear has some basis in reality not because of anything Nick had done on her season, but because of what he had done on Andi's season. IMO the producers were needling Kaitlyn - albeit through Shawn - but about Nick and the history of "loose lips". IMO Kaitlyn felt that she needed to keep Nick "engaged" with her and seeing a future with her because if he didn't he might be more likely to spill the beans - if Nick knew he'd lost Kaitlyn he has little else to lose and that also is something the producers could have (and probably did) point out to Kaitlyn - Nick only spilled the beans on Andi after it was clear to him he had no chance with her. So no - I don't believe that Nick personally manipulated Kaitlyn nor did he try to - any more than Shawn knew what angst he was creating because he didn't know what had happened. IMO both were pawns in the hands of the producers and neither knew it at the time.

But I still believe in this part of what I said:

Kaitlyn wasn't allowed to tell Nick she confessed to Shawn that she had sex with Nick because if Nick knew that he might also be able to figure out that he was not Kaitlyn's choice

but what I would add to that thought is:

Kaitlyn wasn't allowed to tell Nick she confessed to Shawn that she had sex with Nick because if Nick knew that he might also be able to figure out that he was not Kaitlyn's choice and he might not have been able to be manipulated into proposing to her.


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Post by MiaHawk Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:59 pm

gurlbrit wrote:
MiaHawk wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:
How are you getting to view Mia streaking and how to do I get to watch, too? Will Mia be streaking alone? Will this be a new snapchat? 
Curious minds want to know.

Remember: Commas save lives.  Hugesmile
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Let's eat Grandma.

And with the tone of this season's "ette" that second sentence takes on a whole new meaning! handwave


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Post by eirekay Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:16 pm

[quote="Kashathediva"]I am simply hoping all the golf clubs stay in their golf bag and the balls and tees remain off camera. 
With the way the season is going that may be asking for too much. 
As far as the bird tattoo and bird phobia--irony and juxtaposition within character, kind of interesting.[/quote]

You mean you have no interest in checking out Shawn's putter? giggling

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Post by MiaHawk Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:39 pm

eirekay wrote:[quote="Kashathediva"]I am simply hoping all the golf clubs stay in their golf bag and the balls and tees remain off camera. 
With the way the season is going that may be asking for too much. 
As far as the bird tattoo and bird phobia--irony and juxtaposition within character, kind of interesting.

You mean you have no interest in checking out Shawn's putter? giggling [/quote]

I can't wait to watch that date just to see how they could take the classy game of golf and bring it down into the gutter. Strip golf, perhaps? Just how does one segue from golfing to streaking? I must say, I am curious.

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Post by Lucas15 Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:45 pm

MiaHawk wrote:I can't wait to watch that date just to see how they could take the classy game of golf and bring it down into the gutter.  Strip golf, perhaps? Just how does one segue from golfing to streaking? I must say, I am curious.

Somehow I just have this feeling that they both streak across the golf course. Maybe on a dare? Or a bet?


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Post by OnePromise Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:50 pm

I bet Shawn loses the game or a bet of some kind and his penance is streaking... sneakyl


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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:54 pm

I think both streak too or Shawn loses a bet/game and has to do it. I can't imagine he'd just randomly streak laugh out loud

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