Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 79 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Katiebelle Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:53 pm

marysegap wrote:If you look at Snezana's next week date (they all have one) you can notice it was an inside date but from the lighting you can tell is night time and they are sitting in a room with candles it could be possible that  Snez tub scene can be next week? Or not? Could that change the whole panorama?  We all know It would not be the first time the bachelor gets into a tub on an ordinary single date with a girl. :yes: :yes:

Yes I agree - nothing is 100% certain until we see it with our own eyes.

And yes - I'm probably clutching at straws - but I just can't give up hope until he "actually gets rid of her". 

And if that happens I will most likely throw a quick tantrum then pick myself up off the floor and go on to watch the rest of the show a little more jaded with the Bach franchise.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 79 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by H-Bomb Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:28 pm

I was really sad when I read sleuths here and from other threads on what's to expect on the coming episodes. Made me realise how much I became emotionally involved with what I saw as a love story between Heather and Sam (don't care much with the other girls). 

As a newbie, didn't know that emphasis should also be on preview s/caps and not to mainly focus on the episodes shown on TV. Respect to you all for your inputs.

I can now just imagine what would it be like IF/WHEN Heather is dumped by Sam on F4. As she already revealed on her ITM 

"Truth is, I know I am falling for this guy." -Heather 

I'm going to be heart broken as well. I've been had. I was duped. Seriously, after all the REASSURANCES and heads up? Sam and TPTB  better have valid reasons/explanations why that happened. Feels like Heather and most of the viewers were led to believe in something, but then she's not 'the one' all along. 

Regrettably, for me though, no amount of explanation will make me watch another season. More so, won't be watching the rest of the show and FRC. It's Sam's choice, and his future, and his life anyway. But nah! Not interested here. Good luck! Hope it'll lust. oops darn autocorrect *last... hahaha bitter much *ugh* 

If indeed, Heather's dropped to S4 - I can't imagine how after all the emotional roller coaster she went through during her time, she still was able to go thru these radio interviews (as cover for the said F1). At the same time, getting those ridiculous articles about her style of clothing. Note to these tabloid writers.. if you've really watched the show, you'll know that she was already bullied by mean girls because she's different and quirky. Now, what makes you different? 

Now, as for my dear girl Heather, my love and my heart goes to you girl. You are such a gem and a very special girl. 

I honestly cried when you said these before...

"This is the first time any man has made me feel like.. I'm worth a lot of effort. Yup, I'm not gonna cry." -Heather

Heather, you are WORTH a LOT of EFFORT! 

As Osher tweeted:
“@oshergunsberg: I hope all Heather's exes are crying into a cup of milo watching this. 
You let her get away, fools.
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Now, makes me wonder if indeed Sam have watched the previous episodes.. especially his dates with Heather where she revealed her feelings towards him. When he was asked re Heather's "partner" slip up, his reaction is kind of weird IMO. If indeed Heather is just a "cover up", then I can say Sam is a really good actor. IMHO, his face should at least show a little remorse to have dumped a very sweet and sensitive girl such as our Heather, and still use as a cover up. *ugh*. Sorry, but you really don't deserve her if indeed you let her go.

Another question that is bugging me.. Heather already opened up to Sam about her previous relationship experiences, her trust issues, being guarded (not 100% herself), him being the first guy, being kissed(saying she was hesitant being kissed if she knew she doesn't have a chance - paraphrasing). Of her not being scared that it's not reciprocated. Why did Sam still say "I feel the same" and gave her a rose. If he's really a straight-shooter as he claims. He should have stopped giving her reassurances and pulled back a little, to at least prepare her and soften the blow if/when he dumps her. But I feel that he still reassured her in episode 12 though. I'll post my s/caps later.

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awkward - Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 79 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by GuardianAngel Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:37 pm

Hold the thoughts. New thread coming up.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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