The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

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Post by iamreal2u Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:54 am

^^ That's what it started with, but by the end it was regret/mistake(MTA).

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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:59 am

Kaitlyn "can't" say publicly she regrets it- her platform is women's liberation, etc.

I would guess she regrets it at least a little, considering how much backlash it's caused.

I'm sure she would have regretted it a whole heck of a lot more if it cost her Shawn though, but since it didn't, I don't think she's dwelling on it too much.


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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
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Post by Ladybug82 Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:05 pm

iamreal2u wrote:^^ That's what it started with, but by the end it was regret/mistake(MTA).

That's because she's rewriting history, for whatever reason and purpose.

I would cut her some slack because most leads do to a certain extent, but it appears she's gone past a little revision or white lie fibbing (like most in the past have done) to just flat out lying and avoiding at this point when it has anything at all to do with Nick. Suspect  Which in turns makes it hard for me to buy anything she's selling....  Are we supposed to believe what she said on the show or now, because as Shawn said, her actions (on the show) don't match her words (at all now).

I do like the more happy, snarky, less drama Kait we get on SM and all now, more like the version we got last season with CS.  So I do hope she's found happiness and love, whether it lasts a few months, years or a lifetime.  Although, something makes me think these two actually have a shot at making it.


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Post by MiaHawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:45 pm

lurker11 wrote:I actually am very interested to see Kaitlyn's family. I have been annoyed with Kaitlyn fanning the flames and taking things to the next level drama wise when the situation doesn't necessarily warrant it.  I was wondering after seeing the short clip of her mom seemingly berating Nick if her mom was also a little dramatic.

The clip where her mom and her sister have gaping gasps when K says (in a dramatic tone) the 2 guys can't stand each other...that made me think the same's a family who thrives on drama. hmmm

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Post by MiaHawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:52 pm

Rolly wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:I think the difference is this is a social situation where they interact face to face and in a rather small group.
I don't think I would reference anyone like that without having a great deal of malice. It's not endearing, it's not respectful and it is immature. IMO.
Think if I said: "that other mod".  "that frequent male poster". Does not have a good ring to it.

I agree Good Post

You mean like, "the mod who shall remain nameless that's critical of long posts"? :justkidding

cantstopl cantstopl cantstopl

I don't recall the exact wording, but when K was talking to Ben H at MTA, I thought she was implying that sleeping with N was a mistake. Some others have commented that she was implying that saying 'you're the one' to S was what she was calling a mistake. IDK, this season is so messy, I can't keep it all straight! nickfromthebachelorette -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 31 2292733854 All I keep hearing inside my head is..."Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when at first we do deceive." Very fitting for this season in particular, IMO.

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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:39 pm

IMO - all leads lie and then rewrite history at the end of the show. It's the situation the show puts them into because they go from apparently conflicted and in love with two people at the same time on the days of their LCD to rejecting one person and getting engaged to another days later. After the fact they come up with varying creativity to explain this - Sean explained it by saying he realized he loved Lindsay for the person she is but was in love with Catherine. Andi explained it by saying that once she let Nick go she realized she had been love with Josh the whole time.

Candidly what I would find refreshing is if a lead would actually tell the truth - I was in love with XXX from the day I first met XXX but the show made me pretend to also be in love with YYY. But I don't think that truth will ever be told.


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:00 pm

Or I had pre filming flirting going on for several weeks, and had the hots for the F2. I slept with him because I was so attracted to him. Whether it was fair to the other guys or not, it doesn't matter because it's no secret there is sex during filming with other's who don't end up as the F1.

No one was the F1 at that time. I needed to figure out who I wanted to be with and if anyone didn't like it, they could have left.

Instead we get, I'll use you to make you believe you are the F1, then you can go away, quietly would be nice because the real F1 hates you and I can't handle his jealousy.

Just my own opinion on how I see it. nickfromthebachelorette -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 31 2498057887


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Post by SueSt Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:07 pm

Rolly wrote:
Alanna wrote:I think Shawn was doing it in an effort to not pay attention to Nick and just focus on his relationship with Kaitlyn. I'm guessing it was a suggestion by tptb and he didn't realize how ridk it would sound on the show.

Except the result was just the opposite. It drew attention to Nick and the message to me was he was upset with Nick because he saw him as a threat. It reminded me of something someone would do in junior high not a "grown azz man".JMO.

Hahahahah. LOVE the reference, Rolly. giggling

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Post by MiaHawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:23 pm

There are aspects of K that I like and some I dislike.

I like: When K is able to sit down and maturely discuss a topic. Because, IMO, if you want to be the spokes model for women's lib and sexual freedom, then you should be mature and prepared enough to discuss how sex factored into your decision making/relationship building process. When K (in some early media) stood up for her choices and calmly explained and defended them I was happy with her.

What I will dislike at FRC or ATFR is if K shuts down emotionally when she lets N go or speaks to him at ATFR. I feel that she owes it to him to be able to calmly explain her choices to him.

Almost everybody has been in a situation at one time or another where somebody liked you or wanted to be in a romantic relationship with you, but you did not feel the same way. Sometimes, after verbalizing your feelings to that person, you want to remain on friendly terms with them but you also fear leading them on. Sometimes, it even leads you to become cold or distant from them in order to make your intentions crystal clear. I understand that. I understand if K wants to distance herself from N since the FRC, just so that he doesn't misinterpret her intentions. But, for me, the ATFR is not the time to be cold and distant. It is the time to commiserate and give closure to the rejected one. K can show that she is happy with her choice of S and still be cordial with N. She can explain her choices if N asks her to and it shouldn't diminish what she currently has with S. I just want to see maturity from all parties involved. I don't want anybody to take the TPTB's bait, but I also don't want to see people closed off either. I just hope everyone goes into the situation with their chins up and leaves the same way. There's been enough drama and hurt already by this point. I don't really care to see anymore.  JMO.

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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:53 pm

Good Post Right on Mia!


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Post by Seabear Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:05 pm

Mia, So well written. ITA nickfromthebachelorette -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 31 1377737533

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Post by OnePromise Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:22 pm

MiaHawk wrote:
Rolly wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:I think the difference is this is a social situation where they interact face to face and in a rather small group.
I don't think I would reference anyone like that without having a great deal of malice. It's not endearing, it's not respectful and it is immature. IMO.
Think if I said: "that other mod".  "that frequent male poster". Does not have a good ring to it.

I agree Good Post

You mean like, "the mod who shall remain nameless that's critical of long posts"? :justkidding

cantstopl cantstopl cantstopl

I don't recall the exact wording, but when K was talking to Ben H at MTA, I thought she was implying that sleeping with N was a mistake. Some others have commented that she was implying that saying 'you're the one' to S was what she was calling a mistake. IDK, this season is so messy, I can't keep it all straight! nickfromthebachelorette -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 31 2292733854 All I keep hearing inside my head is..."Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when at first we do deceive." Very fitting for this season in particular, IMO.

Yes Mia, after rewatching that part it does seem like Kaitlyn started answering the wrong question (and quite strongly I might add). She sounded like she was answering why she told Shawn he was "the one". If you look at CH face as she is answering, he looks confused, like "what are you saying Kaitlyn? That's not the party answer...." And then CH redirects Kaitlyn to answer the real question Ben asked of why she told Shawn about sleeping with Nick and not him. I think despite it being confusing, they left it in because it gives viewers a bit of confusion about whether Kaitlyn regrets sex with Nick. Beause until that slip up, she has maintained that she does not view sex with Nick as a mistake. Sneaky...sneaky.


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