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Post by FLChica Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:16 am

To me, watching reality tv is mindless entertainment and there is very little "real" involved. I'm ok with that. I also don't care that Samantha uses her looks to her advantage. Or to borrow the name of her clothing line - IDGAF.

What cracks me up is the notion that Samantha was genuinely enthralled with Joe and wanted to pursue a relationship with him. Joe's described as an idiot, lacking in social graces & respect for others, a jerk who abused Jeulia mentally & emotionally and not smart enough to formulate a good plan. In the real world, Joe is State Farm agent in Kentucky. Yep, I can see a stunning former pageant girl that designs "street" clothing and hooks up with Jeremy Piven falling completely under Joe's spell. 

I'll tune in for more bad acting and damage control for Sammi's "image". Then hopefully she will go away. IMHO.

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Post by Guest Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:20 am

chasingpavements wrote:The fact that Sami pulled such a diva move and was like "I, world-famous fashion designer and star of 3 episodes of bachelor in paradise, will only agree to do your show if the mean lady who made fun of me on Twitter is not there" tells me everything I need to know about her. She's the typical rich, beautiful girl who has gotten everything she's ever wanted at the snap of her fingers. She's a brat, plain and simple. An entitled, cowardly, lying, self-absorbed brat. It'll be interesting to see her interaction with Jenny on after paradise this Monday (since they said all three final couples will be there). 

I think I'm more disappointed in the "good" guys, like Danny hoyt and Dan cox, who continue to defend her. It makes me a little sad that they can ignore something right in front of their faces just b/c she's pretty.

I totally agree. Just looking at the time she must spend on her hair and nails and makeup makes me know I can't relate to her as a person. But I keep holding out hope to see a nice person beyond the surface appearance and blame the. edit for her being so unlikable. Mostly probably because Danny is so awesome I would trust his opinion of who are good people. But she is just not likable to me, is cold and IMO she couldn't get why she wasn't a star on the Bach so came back to get her time on tv. I don't see any redeeming qualitities in her at all.


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Post by ironcat Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:46 am

IWouldMarryAshleyI wrote:
ETA: She also said she was on Cloud 9. How can anyone blame Sam for not listening to Juelia, when Juelia had not listened to Jon and MikeyT? Love, lust, infatuation blinds people. Just as it blinded Juelia, it also blinded Sam. Juelia is just as guilty of ignoring others as Sam is.

It certainly would be nice to honor the requests of others, but she isnt under any obligation to do what others request of her.

Jared didnt ask MikeyT if it was okay to date Clare. Tenley used JJ for a rose and left him the next day for Joshua. Josh didnt ask JJ if it was okay to pursue her. You didnt see JJ crying when his girl was stolen away by Josh. No one cared. You don't see Ashley S crying cause all of her men abandoned her. But Juelia, she just can not let it go. That's part of what they should know before they show up: Hey, your love interest could possibly use you for a rose (seriously, that happens to literally everyone there who isnt coupled up from the start) and then dump you as soon as someone better (relative term) comes along. Doesnt that happen all the time? Isnt that a very real possibility? So what's with all the butthurt?

Poor Juelia though. She's the one with the really bad image. If it doesnt work out with MikeyT, she might become like AshleyI, in that she's too sensitive for any man to want to touch her.

But Juelia did at least listen to what the others had to say about Joe, then she ignored their advice (and that's on her). But that IMO is different from what Sam did, which was to refuse to even give Juelia 5 minutes to hear her side of it. Then she has the nerve to pretend like she would have behaved differently if only somebody had told her about mean old Joe. No, biotch, you refused to let them tell you.

And I agree that Juelia is way overdoing it, but that doesn't let Sam off the hook IMO.


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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:07 pm

That whole situation was weird. First, what was Jade even doing there? Jade should not have been included in that conversation, cause she wasnt involved. That just seemed odd to me.

Maybe Sam should have let the two of them say what they needed to say about Joe, even though Jade should have had no place there at all. On the other hand, I can see how Samantha would like Joe so much already that she would want him there to defend himself, and so she could hear both sides at once. Juelia refused to continue with that, when for hours before that, that was all she had been fighting for (a conversation with Joe on this topic). Why wouldnt Juelia want to state exactly what happened in front of Joe? That would clear the air up, since that's what she claims she wanted.

People make a big deal about Samantha avoiding Jenny, but why wouldnt Juelia want to state everything about Joe to Sam with Joe there so he could defend himself (and he would have done a poor job at it if it had ever come to that)? That really doesnt make sense.

The way I see it, every time Juelia told those stories about Joe's promises to her, the story changed and she added extra in there to pull at people's heart strings. But still, it was one date, one kiss, and he lied.

The real purpose of that conversation was basically to tell Samantha not to date Joe. It wasnt going to be about telling her how Joe's hurt her or how he is likely to hurt Samantha. It was all about cutting Joe off. That was the purpose really: To cut him off from romance on that island as punishment for dumping Juelia. (If you don't want me, I'm going to make sure you can not get anyone else, now take that!) It would be Juelia or nobody, and Samantha didnt sign on for that plan. Basically Juelia was trying to block Joe from having any relationship (and it probably wouldnt matter which woman it was).

Juelia and Jade realized they could not control Samantha (by getting her to refuse to date Joe as his punishment for dumping Juelia). That is what this is really about IMHO. And that is why this is more of an embarrassment for Juelia than it is for Samantha. Samantha will always have takers. Juelia just added one more reason for men to avoid her.

The show sets these people up to have relationships exactly like this. People come, but they need roses to stay. Newcomers use other people to get roses so they can stay to meet the other people they really wanted. I dont understand why this is such a shock to anyone.

After Samantha proves that Jade can not control her, Jade's boyfriend Tanner starts fanning the flames and insulting Samantha in his ITM behind her back where Sam isnt even aware he's controlling the narrative to bash her. They label her the puppet master because she will not dump Joe for Juelia. That is just lame. It is just a really subtle form of blackmail and manipulation which most people can not see. Samantha didnt obey the others there, therefore she's a traitor and must be destroyed.

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Post by Rolly Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:41 pm

umngirl wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:The fact that Sami pulled such a diva move and was like "I, world-famous fashion designer and star of 3 episodes of bachelor in paradise, will only agree to do your show if the mean lady who made fun of me on Twitter is not there" tells me everything I need to know about her. She's the typical rich, beautiful girl who has gotten everything she's ever wanted at the snap of her fingers. She's a brat, plain and simple. An entitled, cowardly, lying, self-absorbed brat. It'll be interesting to see her interaction with Jenny on after paradise this Monday (since they said all three final couples will be there). 

I think I'm more disappointed in the "good" guys, like Danny hoyt and Dan cox, who continue to defend her. It makes me a little sad that they can ignore something right in front of their faces just b/c she's pretty.

The press release for After Paradise only has Jade, Tanner, Kirk, and Carly attending from this season. Unless they are changing it up last minute.

I hope we are done with Sammi and Joe.... enough already! Suspect

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Post by Guest Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:47 pm

umngirl wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:The fact that Sami pulled such a diva move and was like "I, world-famous fashion designer and star of 3 episodes of bachelor in paradise, will only agree to do your show if the mean lady who made fun of me on Twitter is not there" tells me everything I need to know about her. She's the typical rich, beautiful girl who has gotten everything she's ever wanted at the snap of her fingers. She's a brat, plain and simple. An entitled, cowardly, lying, self-absorbed brat. It'll be interesting to see her interaction with Jenny on after paradise this Monday (since they said all three final couples will be there). 

I think I'm more disappointed in the "good" guys, like Danny hoyt and Dan cox, who continue to defend her. It makes me a little sad that they can ignore something right in front of their faces just b/c she's pretty.

The press release for After Paradise only has Jade, Tanner, Kirk, and Carly attending from this season. Unless they are changing it up last minute.
Oh, thanks! I had just assumed based on CH saying "final couples" last time (which I took to mean the couples that stayed together after) but that makes sense as most people are only invested in those two couples. I wonder if they'll even talk about Nick/Samantha and Justin/Cassandra/Jonathan, or if they'll treat it like Britt/Brady and just let people go on SM and tabloids to figure out what happened.


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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:26 pm

It's definitely the narrative has been set against her. If you go back and watch the 8/24 episode where she and Joe talk at the table right after he pulls her away from Nick, you can see as the producers juxtapose their conversation (Samantha and Joe) with the ITMs of everyone (Carly, Tanner, Carly's BF) bashing her completely.  I mean just saying terrible things about her, especially Tanner.

Now I can definitely see how the producers have set the public against her.

Essentially she only did two things wrong, which aren't even all that terrible depending on your POV. 1. She didnt listen to Juelia. 2. She lied about their correspondence history.

But, all, yes, all the negativity surrounding her comes from the ITM of the people who hate her (Tanner, Jade, Carly, Carly's BF, et al).

The problem is the narrative was set against her by those people who were upset that she didnt dump Joe as she was expected to. It wasnt anything she actually did or said. Re-watching, I see she is just a normal woman in a bad situation. She really didnt do much of anything. It is just the few things she did say, people have chosen to interpret negatively, because they've been hit with this destructive narrative. That is the fault of the producers and the other contestants (namely Jade, Tanner, Carly, Carly's BF and whoever else was bashing).  They're all slanted against her because she wouldnt "listen" to Juelia (meaning, dump Joe immediately).

It doesnt make sense to be upset with a person because she didnt dump someone, and then claim she is a puppet master when she finally does dump him. That's exactly what happened. When she wouldnt dump him, she was evil. When she finally dumped him, it became proof of her evil, rather than proof she finally woke up to the situation.

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Post by Seabear Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:21 pm

This is about the fact that Sam cannot and will not Own her own s**t. Plain and Simple.  

Luckily after tomorrow night Sam can get back to her "charmed" life.


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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:21 pm

Now I am re-watching the 8/30 part 1 episode. Within the first seven minutes, both Tanner and Carly are ITM bashing Samantha. If you re-watch this yourself, you will see they are basically calling her a master manipulator now because she said yes to a date with Justin, and then she changes her mind and wants Joe back again. To them, this is proof that because she has lots of men attracted to her, she is therefore a magician, manipulator and puppeteer.

Tanner states: (4 min 10 sec in)

Samantha is like a juggler but instead of juggling balls, she juggles men. Being the master manipulator that she is, she makes it look easy.  

After she tells Joe she is going to cancel her date with Justin because she still likes Joe, Carly makes unwarranted, negative statements about Samantha in her ITM.

Carly states: (5:42)

So Sam and Joe are back together again. Shes not going on a date with Justin. The whole thing is so weird. Like it's this up and down thing. It's whatever Sam feels in the moment. So if she likes Joe in this moment that's what she wants, but if an hour later she wants him back she can get him, because she's Sam and she's gorgeous. She's a master manipulator and she can just get what she wants.

Neither of those statements are an accurate assessment of who she is. It is just that these two individuals hate her and are miserable and therefore want to smear her. They're doing a good job. Neither of those statements prove she is a bad person. They are just proof that the narrative was set against her by other contestants who were angry that she has all this effortless power over men. And therefore, she's evil. but in reality it is only proof they hate her without a cause.

Even that guest on After Paradise named Molly (or whatever her name is) flat out questioned whether or not Samantha is using spells or magic tricks. They think she is evil cause men would die for her. They do not understand. That is not magic. That is called a blessing. She's blessed. She isnt evil just cause it comes effortlessly. But they use the proof of her effortless power over men as some sort of proof she's a master manipulator. I'd hate to see them serve on any jury.

Last edited by IWouldMarryAshleyI on Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:27 pm

Seabear wrote:This is about the fact that Sam cannot and will not Own her own s**t. Plain and Simple.  

Luckily after tomorrow night Sam can get back to her "charmed" life.

Well said. I think people would have been a lot more forgiving of she had just been like "I was a sh*tty friend. I am responsible for my actions, not Joe or anyone else". Instead, she was like "I was under Joe's spell", "I was just joking, not my fault Joe took it seriously", and  "Julia was never a good friend anyways". She's gotten caught lying a bunch of times, and she still continues to accuse others of lying and being an innocent victim. 



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Post by umngirl Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:28 pm

Samantha needs to own up to her own $hit and be done with it. People might take less issue with her then. She's tries too hard to play the victim.

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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:36 pm

Goodness, I think everyone needs to apologize to everyone else. Tanner and Carly especially, for the unwarranted slander they made against Samantha in their ITM to simply bash her.

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