BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by umngirl Sun Sep 06, 2015 4:51 pm

^It's not slander when Samantha was manipulating people. They are also allowed to have opinions on her actions since they were there and saw the crap she pulled and continues to pull.

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Post by ironcat Sun Sep 06, 2015 5:49 pm

I disagree that Juelia etal expected Samantha to dump, or refuse to date Joe, and anything less than that would make her Public Enemy #1.  All she had to do was extend common courtesy to the people who were there and hear them out; then she could have NICELY explained that she had already been texting/bonding with Joe and felt that she needed to explore where things might go (no need to lie!), and I would bet that Juelia, although she would still be disappointed that her delusional romance with Joe was over, would have been okay with her "friend's" actions.

And the whole thing is so ridiculous in that, based on Samantha's fickle and ever changing opinion about Joe, whatever connection she had established with him both  prior to the show and then on their date, must have been pretty superficial for her to give up and discard it so quickly, and with naught a tear.  To me, she just oozes with insincerity, and I don't even need to hear the opinions of the other contestants, who actually have met her (something I assume none of us here have done), to reach that conclusion.


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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:15 pm

Yeah I almost forgot this is just TV, for a second. FBF - BIP Season 2 - Samantha Steffen  - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 16 3806527698

She probably is fickle though. I wonder how things will go with Nick P.

umngirl wrote:^It's not slander when Samantha was manipulating people. They are also allowed to have opinions on her actions since they were there and saw the crap she pulled and continues to pull.

She certainly could be manipulative. I'm just saying there is little evidence for us to assume that, but the cast members do claim she is manipulative. I've never met her in person.

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Post by Northstargirl Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:36 pm

Whether or not we agree, the cast members have a 24/7 perspective of events and actions that none of us can relate to. I personally find their opinions based in unedited experience, whether flattering or not, to be valid. Some knew her before, they all lived it first hand.

Samantha has had ample screen time and SM time to make a different impression of her character yet she continues to live in delusion. The sooner she is gone, the better, IMO.

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Post by Rolly Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:49 pm

Cancelling the date with Justin to go back to Joe wasn't because she cared so much for Joe. She was afraid of what Joe was going to do to her, spill the beans about their history. This way as long as she kept stringing him along she could control the narrative and keep their extensive communication and her direction to him, "do whatever it takes" a secret. She played Joe like a fiddle.

I wonder what the conversations between Nick and Sam were prior to the show? Maybe she played him too.

Sam plays the victim and clearly she is not. JMO. And she continues to not take any responsibility and just blames others IMO.

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Post by Sprite Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:59 pm

Rolly wrote:Cancelling the date with Justin to go back to Joe wasn't because she cared so much for Joe. She was afraid of what Joe was going to do to her, spill the beans about their history. This way as long as she kept stringing him along she could control the narrative and keep their extensive communication and her direction to him, "do whatever it takes" a secret. She played Joe like a fiddle.

I wonder what the conversations between Nick and Sam were prior to the show? Maybe she played him too.

Sam plays the victim and clearly she is not. JMO. And she continues to not take any responsibility and just blames others IMO.

I wonder if there were any other guys she was in contact with before the show...who didn't make it on the show?

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Guest Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:23 am

Rolly wrote:Cancelling the date with Justin to go back to Joe wasn't because she cared so much for Joe. She was afraid of what Joe was going to do to her, spill the beans about their history. This way as long as she kept stringing him along she could control the narrative and keep their extensive communication and her direction to him, "do whatever it takes" a secret. She played Joe like a fiddle.

I wonder what the conversations between Nick and Sam were prior to the show? Maybe she played him too.

Sam plays the victim and clearly she is not. JMO. And she continues to not take any responsibility and just blames others IMO.

She basically DID play him b/c Nick specifically said "I think Sam will say yes to this date...because she told me she would". She rejected him, not because she truly wanted to make it work with Joe, but because she wanted to prevent her reputation from getting tarnished. He even met her beforehand. Do I really think that two hot 20-somethings just met and talked all night? No, I'm guessing things were done to make Nick think he had it in the bag. I think that Nick just got lucky ending up with Sam. She just wanted to get the most screentime and be seen as a non-villian. If people were pissed at Nick for the whole BP thing or if a more popular guy had been interested, Sam would have dropped Nick in a heartbeat. She's a user.


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Post by ironcat Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:27 pm

I think of the guys there, Nick is probably Samantha's best option, not that I believe the relationship will last. But Nick appears less likely to be a doormat; he strikes me as almost as much of an opportunist as Samantha is, always looking out for number one. So if they are both the type to put themselves first, although it doesn't say much for the chances of the relationship long term, at least neither one will be "pulling one over" on the other.

I laughed when on their date, Sam asked why Nick was interested in her, and the list started and ended with her beauty. I assume more could have been said, but I doubt it. Most of the commentary from the others there about Sam lined up with the impression I have gotten of her, so I'm guessing it's pretty accurate.


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Post by Northstargirl Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:41 pm

On Periscope last week, Nick claimed that he talked about more than Samantha's beauty and accurately said the beauty comment was all the viewers would hear. Maybe he was told or has seen the episode early. He is also in LA, though he did not expect to be on After Paradise tonight. He promised to get on Periscope after the episode/AP(?). I suspect he plans to have Sammi there and talk about their relationship at present. It should be interesting.

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Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:07 pm

ironcat wrote:I think of the guys there, Nick is probably Samantha's best option, not that I believe the relationship will last.  But Nick appears less likely to be a doormat; he strikes me as almost as much of an opportunist as Samantha is, always looking out for number one.  So if they are both the type to put themselves first, although it doesn't say much for the chances of the relationship long term, at least neither one will be "pulling one over" on the other.

I laughed when on their date, Sam asked why Nick was interested in her, and the list started and ended with her beauty.  I assume more could have been said, but I doubt it.    Most of the commentary from the others there about Sam lined up with the impression I have gotten of her, so I'm guessing it's pretty accurate.

He may have had a longer answer. I get the impression that they cut the rest of his answer out. At least watching the scene, it looked that way to me. Not that anything he would have to say would contain any positive attributes besides her beauty. Just that the answer looks snipped. If I had to guess, it might have been about their correspondence before the show, or who knows what.

Why's he got to tell her she's beautiful anyway? Wouldnt he want to be more original? Maybe say something good about something else about her, besides her looks. That is just overused.

Like does go to like. If their personalities are a good match, it may have some good long term potential. Yes, and Nick is the only man who isnt completely blown away by her beauty.

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Post by Maddy Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:19 pm

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Post by Maddy Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:24 pm

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