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Post by rhondam Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:07 pm

Here is some more of what I've seen recently: The most recent snapchats I saw was a romantic date on a boat in the Gulf just the two of them. Kaitlyn opening the champagne, popping the cork, pouring it and handing a glass to Shawn. I'm a feminist and I don't believe in gender specific roles at all but I couldn't help but wonder if Shawn doesn't feel emasculated. From what I've seen, she is the boss a lot of the time if not all of the time. I thought it was just because they were in Canada and she "was the host" so was showing him around and making all of the plans and doing all/most the driving. They are now in the States and she appears to still be the one with all/most of the control and I can't help but feel bad for him and wonder how he can stand it. 

Another snapchat was of them just back from dinner, lounging on the sofa in their hotel room, him looking at his phone her snapchatting her and him. Both looking utterly bored IMO. 

My very simple basic hope for them at this time is for Shawn to start standing up to her more to gain some of the decision making power or at least see some sort of democracy between them. Shawn is more patient then I realized he could be. Kaitlyn, let him go home and see his dog already!!

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Post by agentcurls Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:19 pm

umngirl wrote:I don't follow these two at all so I get my news from this thread basically. I do find it interesting how quickly some who were big fans of them have already had a change of heart or are headed that way. I don't remember that really happening with all successful couples from this show, definitely the short-lived showmances though. Any reasons why some are feeling this way? Is it just the no job, wandering aimlessly thing? Or something else?

I don't care whether they are jobless or wandering aimlessly.
I was a mega fan in the beginning. My fan hood started dwindling ATFR. The way they acted towards Nick lacked humility.
The downward spiral continued after veiwing their SM:
Kaitlyn takes the time and energy to respond to negative tweets when she should be busy favoriting her loyalists' kind comments and responding & passing along the outstanding ones.
She's too busy primping for the cam instead giving her viewers a warm greeting.
When you compare some of the other Bach alumni with Boothstowe, they just lack a certain tact, maturity, & charismatic level of engagement.
Shawn is kind of likeable in that he's laid-back and has a bit of a sense of humor (as does K). But both are proving to be rather basic after all, no matter what frothy location, whatever designer clothing, whatever chic-chic products they're peddling.

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Post by Rolly Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:23 am

Why has it taken so long for K to meet S dog!?! Weird.

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Post by bluwavz Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:06 am

umngirl wrote:I don't follow these two at all so I get my news from this thread basically. I do find it interesting how quickly some who were big fans of them have already had a change of heart or are headed that way. I don't remember that really happening with all successful couples from this show, definitely the short-lived showmances though. Any reasons why some are feeling this way? Is it just the no job, wandering aimlessly thing? Or something else?

I was never a fan of them together however I really liked Kaitlyn on Chris' season and most of her own and I thought Shawn was one of the more entertaining guys on Kaitlyn's season and I gave him the benefit of the doubt at the time on his edit. Unfortunately from what I've seen of them post-show, I think the negative edits they received were accurate which is disappointing to me. It's not even the no jobs, the ads or wandering aimlessly that bothers me. They're not the first from this franchise to be like that and they won't be the last. It's more their inability to accept criticism and lashing out on those who do so. Shawn insulting that woman's bangs of all things was so petty to me, especially since her criticism was completely valid. Kaitlyn isn't much better when it comes to those who are not fans either. Then there's the constant drinking which doesn't put them in the most flattering light. The final nail in the coffin for me was the drunken Periscope and clearly I wasn't the only one who was majorly turned off by it. Their behavior in it was sad to watch considering one is 29 and the other is 30. I don't think either of them are bad people but I think they bring out the worst in each other and I don't see this relationship lasting past this year which is probably for the best. I wish them well but I just really don't care for either of them that much anymore.

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Post by Guest Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:41 am

Totally agree Blu! Shawn came off as so dapper and charismatic that first night. I loved his ITMs and how in love he was with his family. I still see that funny, kind side of him, but it's just his immature and jealous side completely dominated. I remember saying that Kaitlyn had the best F2 since Ali. Oh, how opinions change!

Kaitlyn was also my favorite bachelorette of all time in the beginning! I thought she handled the drama really well early on during the season, especially with guys like kupah, tony, Clint, and even JJ. She wasn't fake and her ITMs came of as real. She stood her ground and was straight forward and honest. I think it was after Nick sex that she just became this insecure, immature, lying person who was void of compassion. Everything she's done post-filming has just strengthened that opinion.


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Post by bluwavz Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:09 am

I think he's probably still that dapper and charismatic guy and I get why Kaitlyn and his fans were drawn to him. That was the part of him I liked and I think it was accurate. However I can see now that the immature and jealous side of him wasn't just the edit and I can't blame the environment of the show or TPTB anymore. It's a bad side of him but still a part of him. For a guy who's complained about his edit on the show as many times as he has, he doesn't seem very intent on trying to prove it wrong. There were times he impressed me with how well he took the sex reveal and for the most part I think he handled the ATFR confrontation with Nick well. It could've been a lot worse. Since then I just haven't been impressed.

As for Kaitlyn, what I liked a lot about her on Chris' season was she seemed like a funny, confident woman who stayed out of the drama and owned her sexuality. I saw that same woman for the first half of her season too. What happened? Then all of a sudden she's an insecure mess and cares way too much what other people think of her and I felt like she was (not so) secretly turned on by the drama between Shawn and Nick and them fighting over her. It also put me off how much she lied about her preseason relationship with Nick and dismissing any feelings she once had for him.

It's unfortunate this is how they've decided to handle themselves and it's sad to see their fans bailing on them or coming close to it. I hate that I feel this way about the both of them and I hope eventually I'll change my mind. There's plenty of cast I've once disliked and have come to like or least feel neutral about. I'd like to feel that way about Kaitlyn and Shawn again.

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Post by Kashathediva Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:53 am

It just shows once again, how tricky edits can be. 
They paint the picture the show wants us to see. Sometimes they are closer to the truth than others.

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Post by umngirl Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:09 pm

You all bring up some really great points. I never really paid much attention to either one of them because neither really held my attention long enough to really know them on the shows or via social media.

Is it true Kaitlyn still hasn't met Shawn's dog? I find that interesting for a couple who has been public for 2 months considering how much he's talked about loving that dog. That would have been my first stop once public if I was them.

I saw on People they got a free trip to Galveston. Man, TPTB give the recent BIP couple a free trip to Mexico and these two get Galveston? Tough blow.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:18 pm

rhondam wrote: Both looking utterly bored IMO.
No surprise here.  Rolling Eyes
Their relationship has been more about SM/fans then it is about focusing on each other.
I think this is the case with couples who live in the moment and are passionate and thus have highs and lows.
Most things are just plain boredom in between.  

My very simple basic hope for them at this time is for Shawn to start standing up to her more to gain some of the decision making power or at least see some sort of democracy between them. Shawn is more patient then I realized he could be. Kaitlyn, let him go home and see his dog already!!
The day Shawn stands up to Kaitlyn is the day she will dump him and fast!   :Nod:
Shawn will then quickly he will realize he was correct the first time he called her out on her actions.
Kaitlyn has made it clear she does not tolerate anyone that stands up to her.
Now bowing down to her like Ian did on MTA? Kaitlyn loves that! :yes:


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Post by mindless Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:35 pm

Actually I think it might bring the spark back, if Shawn stopped following her around like a puppy. I think he really does love her and will do anything she says, and that's making her lose interest in him. Most women want a man, not a follower. We all saw how desperate she got when he got all antsy during the season. Now that he's on a leash, Kaitlyn's getting bored. Typical.

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion - Page 35 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Shawn Booth - Bachelorette 11 - General Discussion

Post by umngirl Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:47 pm

I think others in this thread have mentioned it, but I think it would do them some good to spend some time apart. Like each take a weekend trip somewhere with friends/family so they aren't together for a few days. Even the couples that enjoy spending every minute together can use some time apart. Makes you miss the other person... or not. Lol

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Post by Seabear Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:55 pm

I don't get Shawn leaving Tucker for this long.  I love my dog as much as my kids.  There is no way I would leave my dog for all this time.  Why has he not flown back for a few quick visits to see the dog.  Or why didn't his sister drive to Connecticut with the dog.  S & K have travelled all over the past couple of months.  A few days apart for Shawn and Kaitlyn would seem a good thing for the relationship.  To much togetherness can be just as hard as to much time apart. All the free trips don't add substance to ones life, fun times for sure but after awhile it just becomes a bore. I don't follow either one of them but I watched the drunken bar periscope and I saw underlying tension in their interactions.  I think if they stay on the vagabond lifestyle relationship fissures will become cracks and if not addressed will become a break.    JMO

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