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Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion

Post by lipsis Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:20 pm

From April 27, 2016
They've partnered with Dreft for the #Amazinghood campaign and had a kickoff baby shower for it in NYC

@Dreft: Celebrating @clmgiudici & @SeanLowe09's journey of #Amazinghood at their Dreft sponsored baby shower today in NYC

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Image36

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Image37
Source: IG @seanloweksu

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:38 pm

30 weeks ( and 6 weeks)

Miss Preggy (6 vs 30 weeks) #weeeeeird by @catherinegiudici

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:35 pm

Sean and Catherine Lowe may have met under rather unique circumstances on "The Bachelor," but they are typical expectant parents. With just about two months left to go in her pregnancy, the mom-to-be revealed she's worried about what's to come with the birth of the couple's first child.

"I'm nervous about everything," she told TODAY at the "Loads of Love" Dreft baby shower in New York City on Wednesday. "There's not one thing I'm not nervous about."

Sean, on the other hand, is a bit cooler when it comes to his impending fatherhood. "I'm not nervous at all," he revealed. "I know between the two of us we'll be great parents. There's nothing the baby can throw our way that we won't be able to handle. I'm not nervous. I'm excited."

Sean and Catherine Lowe open up about being expecting parents
While their stress levels may differ, one thing they can agree on is their parenting style. "We're going to be on the chill, fun side," noted Catherine. Sean added, "Definitely on the chill side. You know those friends you grew up with who had super-strict parents and they turn out to be a little bit more wild, or off? My parents were pretty relaxed and Catherine's mom was as well. Hopefully we can be chill, but still instill the right morals so they'll be more kids."

The Season 14 couple even decided who is going to be the stickler. "I will be the disciplinarian," said Catherine. "I'm set on being the fun dad," noted Sean.

But, when it comes to whether or not they'd let their child participate in reality TV, it was Sean who expressed more concern. "I would advise our kid about doing reality TV. I'd tell them the pros and the cons and to make the best decision for you," he said. "But, I don't know if I'd want to see my daughter on a reality TV show."

Catherine disagreed, explaining, "There's reality TV and there's reality TV. We did a respectful one. My mom is proud of me and what I did. So, as long as you instill good morals and good judgment I think it's totally fine. I don't want to see her on 'Bad Girls Club,' but 'The Bachelor' is fine for me."

"Hopefully she's not the drunk chick swinging from the chandelier," Sean joked.

Just as they'll have to wait and see if their child wants to do reality TV, they've held off on learning the baby's gender. "We don't know the sex," said Catherine. "We want it to be a surprise; I'm just happy to be having an easy pregnancy."

In fact, her only complaint was a lack of energy. "I feel good, but a little bit tired now that I'm in the third trimester," she said. "We have a big baby and I'm a small person, so it's only going to get more uncomfortable. But, pregnancy has been so easy for me. There's nothing to complain about. I haven't had any cravings or morning sickness, just a little heartburn. If pregnancy is this easy for me, I'll pop more out."

Yes, Sean and Catherine already have plans to expand their brood. "I want a big family," revealed Catherine. "I'm looking for three biological and two adopted. That's what we're thinking about."

Sean was a bit more hesitant about the overall number, but agreed adoption was certainly in their future. "I've always had the mindset that you're blessed to be a blessing and I know that we're very blessed people, so why not bless a life that really needs it."

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:47 pm

By: Gibson Johns

Sean and Catherine Lowe met while filming Sean's season of "The Bachelor" back in 2012 and have been the sweethearts of Bachelor Nation ever since.

Sean had previously placed third on Emily Maynard's season of "The Bachelorette," but quickly found love as the Bachelor with Catherine, who he married in January of 2014. Two years later, the down to earth, fun-loving couple is in the midst of their first pregnancy, expecting their first child together -- whose gender they're not going to know until Catherine gives birth -- in July.

Since appearing on "The Bachelor," the couple has also taken part in a handful of other reality shows, including "Celebrity Wife Swap" and "Marriage Boot Camp," most of which they "end up regretting," especially when they compare those experiences to the magical journey they shared on "The Bachelor."

AOL chatted with Sean and Catherine Lowe exclusively at their Dreft-sponsored "Loads of Love" baby shower at the Gansevoort Park hotel in Manhattan this week to discuss their baby prep, reality TV regrets, their one-year #Amazinghood partnership with Dreft and why they think "The Bachelor" totally deserves an Emmy.
Check out our full conversation with Sean and Catherine Lowe below:

First of all, congratulations on the pregnancy! What's been the most surprising thing about the past six months or so?

Catherine Lowe: I don't know about any surprises -- I don't even think we've allowed ourselves to be surprised. There have just been a lot of exciting things that have happened, and it's been a bit overwhelming to see how much we have to know by the time it comes out. But we're so calm and together on this that we don't need to think that much about it. People have been doing this for forever. [Laughs]

So, in a sense, the biggest surprise has been how easy it's been.

Catherine: Yes, it is definitely a surprise that it's been an easy pregnancy! I didn't even have morning sickness. I actually, like, forget I'm pregnant! I guess that's a surprise.

You chose to not find out the gender before the baby comes. How has that affected your baby prep?

Sean Lowe: Not really. We're not the type of people where, if we knew it was a girl that we would have a whole pink room, you now? We've ordered the furniture, and I think we've got a cool sleek room that will fit a boy or a girl.

Catherine: Lots of neutrals!

You're teaming up with Dreft for a year-long partnership, highlighting your "Journey of #Amazinghood" and all of the most memorable moments from your baby's first year, which fans can find on Dreft's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels.. Can you tell me a little more about the partnership?

Catherine: We're actually here in New York right now to kick off our one-year partnership with Dreft with this "Loads of Love" baby shower. Right now we're really just getting the essentials that we need for the baby, and we've already started washing clothes with Dreft. It's been the number one detergent for babies for a long time, so we're really happy to be partnering with a brand that is so respected.

Are there any big moments in particular that you're looking forward to during your first years as parents?

Sean: You know how you always see that classic picture of babies with spaghetti sauce all over their faces? It's weird, but I'm looking forward to those moments where you put the baby in his chair, and it's messing around with its arms, and it doesn't quite know how to put the spaghetti in his mouth. That's going to be fun! And that's where Dreft comes in handy, because there will be spaghetti sauce everywhere! That, or we could just have the dogs lick it off [Laughs].

You've done a couple of reality shows since appearing on "The Bachelor" -- "Wife Swap," "Marriage Boot Camp" -- what did you learn about your relationship from those experiences?

Catherine: I think these shows have always brought us closer, just because we're so alike in the way that we conduct ourselves and take in experiences in general. We're both opportunists and love doing new things, but for some reason we always end up regretting doing these shows! [Laughs]

Sean: Also, what we've learned is that "The Bachelor" is so well-produced! Not only that, but also the producers care about you. Obviously they have a show to create, but they do take time to create this family-like atmosphere. We've tried a couple of other shows where it's not like that at all. Which leads me to my next point: "The Bachelor" is getting totally jipped -- someone get them an Emmy already! They deserve an Emmy.

I'm totally onboard with that.

Sean: Seriously! Everything from lighting to sound -- it's all great.

Catherine: And they own the "love" space! They're the only ones that have proven that it can actually work.

The proof is right here! Do you have another favorite "Bachelor" couple?

Catherine: We like a lot of them!

Sean: Yeah, we've hung out with a bunch of couples.

Catherine: I'm definitely closest with Kaitlyn and Shawn.

Sean: I've spent time with all of the recent Bachelors -- Chris Soules and Ben Higgins -- and we've spent time with Jason and Molly [Mesnick], of course, and Trista and Ryan.

Catherine: Once you're inducted into this "Success Couple" situation, you're in it for good. We can talk about whatever we want to talk about with each other, and you just feel really close to one another.

Sean: It's also, you know, the couples that work out tend to be on the normal side, so they're easier to get along with! You don't always want to walk red carpets and stuff, you know? Hanging out and watching TV is cool, too!

Bachelor Nation is one of the most invested fan bases there is. Have you had any fun fan experiences?

Sean: I can tell you [Catherine's]: We went to the Emmys, and afterwards we went to the Governor's Ball. Kaley Cuoco saw her, and she was the one freaking out because she saw Catherine!

Catherine: I was like, "What is happening?!" We've gotten a lot of people like Emmy Possum, Abigail Breslin ... there are a lot of celebrity fans. Also, the fans that are just watching it have been so supportive. I've gotten so many gifts -- like, crazy expensive gifts -- from people that just show up at our doorstep!

Finally, JoJo Fletcher's season of "The Bachelorette" premieres later this month -- did you have a chance to give her any advice before she started filming?

C: We haven't talked! She's also [living] in Dallas, and I invited her to a party, but she didn't even know she was going to be the Bachelorette, so she just fell off the face of the Earth [when filming started]. I'm sure once she gets back she'll get right back into that "Bachelor" family essence that everyone else sort of becomes a part of, though!​


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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Mon May 02, 2016 2:19 pm

Poll Results
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Banner Credit: StevAlimc

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Fri May 13, 2016 1:41 pm

Cat's Fit Pregnancy cover & article. Video at the link

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 FPB0616COVER

The Bachelor's Ali Fedotowsky and Catherine Giudici Share Their Radically Different Approaches to Pregnancy
Good friends Ali Fedotowsky and Catherine Giudici, former contestants on The Bachelor, are due a week apart. But that’s where the similarities end!

Ali Fedotowsky and Catherine Giudici first met at a press event for ABC’s The Bachelor and hit it off immediately. “I felt a connection to Ali,” Giudici says. Though they now live some 1,400 miles apart—Fedotowsky in Los Angeles and Giudici in Dallas—they text each other all the time. Lately the threads have centered around their ever-growing bellies. Giudici and her husband, Sean Lowe, who proposed to her on the Season 17 finale, are expecting their first baby on July 5; Fedotowsky (who also starred in The Bachelorette) and her radio-host fiancé, Kevin Manno, are expecting on July 13. Yet for all that these friends have in common, their feelings about pregnancy and parenthood could not be more different. Listen in!

How are you feeling?

ALI FEDOTOWSKY I’ve been tired, and I was so nauseated during my first trimester that I lost 8 pounds. I only ate rice, toast, bagels with cream cheese, and clementines.

CATHERINE GIUDICI I’ve been really blessed to have no symptoms. I forget all the time that I’m pregnant, except for the fact that there’s a belly in my way.

Were you trying to get pregnant?

AF Yes! And I thought it’d happen right away, since I’d spent my whole life trying not to get pregnant. After two months of trying, I had a chemical pregnancy [a very early miscarriage], which was a huge disappointment. Afterward, I just wanted a baby so badly—nothing about that time was romantic. When I finally got a positive result, I jumped around the house, listening to Justin Bieber’s “Baby.”

CG We weren’t really trying. One day I felt a little sick, so I asked Sean to pick up a pregnancy test. Whenever I feel weird, I take one—and they’re always negative. After I peed on the stick, I climbed into bed without even checking it. Sean asked if he could. When he walked out of the bathroom, he said, “Baby, it’s negative,” and I was like, “Yeah, I thought so.” Then he said, “And by negative, I mean positive.” I had to look at the test myself, because I’d never seen a positive before. Then we both looked at each other and had no idea what to do or say. Finally, I said, “Want to watch TV?” We sat in bed in silence for the rest of the night, watching Family Guy. Inside, I was thinking, Oh, crap, we’ve got to be adults now.

How do you feel about your body?

AF While it’s crazy to get on the scale and see your number so high, I’m all about my growing belly. I feel sexier now than ever before, partly because Kevin writes me notes every single week about how beautiful I am.

CG As much as I know I deserve some grace, I feel like my boobs are out of control. I didn’t buy maternity clothes until 24 weeks along because I was trying to fit into my usual stuff, which wasn’t working.

How’s the sex?

AF I don’t want to have sex at all. Mentally, I can’t get past the fact that something so adult is happening in the presence of my little baby. Kevin feels the same way. I mean, we’ll be intimate once in a while, but it’s not the same. All I think about is the baby. And when I was sick during the first trimester, I was like, “Get the hell away from me. If you come near me with that thing, I will strangle you!”

CG I’ve always wanted sex with my husband, and that’s not changed one bit. I’m grateful Sean isn’t scared to do it with me, and he tries to be gentle. We’re obviously not doing crazy stuff, but you can still do the same stuff you were doing before.

Do you feel ready to be a mom?

AF I’m ready to have a baby, but I’m also aware that I have no idea what that entails. I know I’m going to cry: tears of joy and of frustration from sleeplessness. Whenever I have a holy-crap moment, Kevin calms me down. He says, “We’re so ready. I want the baby here today.”

CG There’s not one ounce of me that’s ready. We haven’t done a single thing to prepare for the fact that we’re bringing a new human into our house and lives. Instead, we’re relishing our time together and doing whatever we want while we still can, like taking naps and bingeing on Netflix.

Boy or girl?

AF Girl! Kevin and I are both high-anxiety planners, so we had to know. I had a blood test at 10 weeks, and I called the office every day afterward to see if the results came in. They were so annoyed with me. Once we got the envelope from the doctor, we drove it home and videotaped ourselves opening it.

CG We’re not finding out, because we just want a healthy baby. It doesn’t matter what it is, but we’re both convinced it’s a boy.

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Are you taking baby classes?

AF We signed up for classes, including breastfeeding and infant care. But we’re not taking a childbirth class, because I don’t want to know about it. I don’t want to see videos. Labor never happens the way you think it will anyway.

CG No, I haven’t signed up for anything, but I might take a Lamaze childbirth class.

Drugs during labor?

AF I’m scared of pushing a baby through my vagina, so yes, I want the epidural as soon as possible.

CG My plan is no drugs. But I’m not against it. If I need something, I’ll have a safe word to tell Sean.

Will you document the birth?

AF I’m having a birth photographer in the labor and delivery room.

CG We plan to just take pictures with Sean’s phone.

Do you want a big family?

AF You never know how you’ll feel or how you’ll be as a parent. After this baby, maybe I’ll be like, “I can’t wait to have another,” or maybe I’ll love this baby so much that I’ll only want to have this one.

CG Well, if it goes this easily, I could have five! My plan was always to have three and adopt two.

What was it like being photographed together?

AF Super fun. Our due dates are so close, our pregnant tummies look exactly the same.

CG No. Ali’s carrying so much cuter than me. She’s taller than me.

AF Catherine, you’re nuts. You’re the cutest pregnant person ever.

Source: Fit Pregnancy

Video from link. Catherine and Ali play Hot or Not

Last edited by lipsis on Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Wed May 18, 2016 1:48 pm

A guest post from Catherine (33 weeks) on Sean's blog.

She says I've never looked better. Read my foxy lady's thoughts on pregnancy and being a mom in today's blog post. Link in profile. by @seanloweksu

"It's like skydiving..."  Sharing my thoughts on pregnancy and motherhood on @seanloweksu's blog tonight! by @catherinegiudici

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Post by lipsis Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:41 am

36 weeks

This baby is coming in hot. And speaking of hot, look at mama! by @seanloweksu

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

Posts : 20190
Join date : 2012-12-02
Location : Orange County, California

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Post by lipsis Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:32 am

Final Predictions!
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Banner by: StevAlimc

lipsis wrote:
Gender: Boy  
Name: Jonathan Thomas Lowe
Birthdate: July 1, 2016
Time: 10:00pm CDT
Weight: 9lbs 2oz
Length: 22 inches

umngirl wrote:
Gender: Boy
Name: Isaac Thomas Lowe
Birthdate: June 26, 2016
Time: 7:55pm CDT
Weight: 8lbs 2oz
Length: 21 inches

Kashathediva wrote:
Gender: Girl
Name: Sophia
Birthdate: July 3, 2016
Time: 2:34 AM  CDST
Weight: 7lb 3 oz
Length: 19 inches

deeliciouz wrote:
Gender: Boy
Name: Caleb Michael Lowe
Birthdate: July 4, 2016
Time: 11:26pm CDT
Weight: 9lbs 4oz
Length: 25 inches

joyjoy wrote:
Gender: Girl
Name: Shawnna Ligaya Lowe
Date: July 2
Time: 4:10pm
Weight: 7lbs 15oz
Length: 22 inches

vivi2 wrote:
Gender: Girl
Name: Isabella Ligaya Lowe
Date: June 30
Time: 8:00 PM CDT
Weight: 8 lbs
Length: 21 inches

provenceguy wrote:
Gender:  Boy
Name:  Gabriel Sean Lowe
Birthdate:  July 5th
Time: 4:09 pm
Weight: 9 lbs. 4 oz.
Length:  22 inches

smartcat wrote:
Gender: Boy
Name: Johnathan Thomas Lowe
Birthdate: July 1
Time: 1:04 AM
Weight: 9lbs 2 oz
Lengh: 23 inches

StevAlimc wrote:
Gender: Boyaah!
Name: Oliver William Lowe
Birthdate: July 3, 2016
Time: 3:00 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Length: 23 inches

mom2trey wrote:
Name: Annabel Connie_Meija Lowe
DOB: June 29th, 2016
Time: 10:15 am
Weight: 8 lbs 6oz
Length : 23 inches

Linds911 wrote:
Gender: Boy
Name: Jayden Thomas Lowe
DOB: June 28th
Time: 8:05 PM
Weight: 8 lbs 8 ounces
Length: 22 inches

landrje wrote:
Gender: Boy
Name: Cameron Thomas Lowe
DOB: June 30th
Time: 5:43 AM
Weight: 9 lbs 0 ounces
Length: 24 inches

ddsmom17 wrote:
Gender: Girl
Name: Thai Constance Guidici Lowe
DOB: June 28th
Time: 7:23 PM
Weight: 8 lbs. 7 oz.
Length: 22 inches

jaspats wrote:Gender: Boy
Name: Samuel Christian Lowe
DOB: July 1st
Time: 10:30 am
Weight: 8lbs  2oz
Length: 21.8 inches

Last edited by lipsis on Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

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Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion

Post by lipsis Sat Jun 18, 2016 2:09 am

Two weeks and four days to go

Baby is already embarrassed by how many pictures Mom takes of it.  Ps. My sweet friend @hellowhitneyblog is featuring a post on her blog all about my 'Caternity Fashion' so check it out by @catherinegiudici

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10 Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Family10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel15Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Seanca10
"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

Posts : 20190
Join date : 2012-12-02
Location : Orange County, California

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Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion

Post by lipsis Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:27 pm

Congratulations Sean and Catherine!!!

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Image21
Banner by: StevAlimc

Samuel Thomas Lowe
July 2, 2016
8lbs 2ozs

Last edited by lipsis on Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10 Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Family10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel15Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Seanca10
"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

Posts : 20190
Join date : 2012-12-02
Location : Orange County, California

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Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion

Post by lipsis Sun Jul 03, 2016 5:00 pm

Samuel's first pictures

Samuel Thomas, I think I'm in love Smiley by @catherinegiudici

My boy and me. by @seanloweksu

Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel10 Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Family10Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Samuel15Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion - Page 2 Seanca10
"Where would you see us in like five years? What would our lives be like?" ~ Sean Lowe
"We would obviously be married, I hope. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a kid involved in five years." "And we would be happy!" ~ Catherine (Giudici) Lowe

Posts : 20190
Join date : 2012-12-02
Location : Orange County, California

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Sean & Catherine Lowe - Samuel Thomas, Isaiah Hendrix & Mia Mejia Updates - No Discussion

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