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Post by Katiebelle Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:25 am

robinvi wrote:He is a little more mature looking but hoping for the best. I think I will miss the youthful exuberance of Art and his girls.

IA - I think it's going to be quite a different style of show this season. He's older and looks to be more worldly. Plus the show will probably be more slick - it's the second season so the production crew have some experience behind them and I'm pretty sure their budget is bigger, evidenced by the flash house where the girls are staying.

But I'm still pretty excited. Plus I think he has gorgeous eyes!


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Post by robinvi Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:32 am

Agree eyes are beautiful! Your right everything will be slicker. I think we will get romance! Always love a bit of that.

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Post by Katiebelle Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:23 am

I'm going to try and add this video from my iPhone. Apologies if it doesn't work.

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Post by Sprite Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:28 am

Katiebelle wrote:I'm going to try and add this video from my iPhone. Apologies if it doesn't work.


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Post by robinvi Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:16 am

The first episode

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Post by Maddy Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:54 pm

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:23 am

Bachelor Jordan Mauger's quest for true love
Mar 7, 2016

Glossy, sexy and sophisticated are just some of the words Jordan Mauger uses to describe a special someone in his life. “Her name’s Lucy,” he says, running a hand down the polished chassis of his 1965 Mustang. “Lucy as in loose wheel!”

As the ruggedly handsome new star of The Bachelor NZ lounges on his classic automobile at our exclusive photo shoot, it’s clear Jordan has found love – but he insists he’s got a lot more to go around.

“I’m 32 years old, I’ve done a lot of travelling, I’ve met a lot of people and I’ve found a job I absolutely love – one that never feels like work,” tells the Christchurch-raised assistant film director.

“But one day, I woke up and thought to myself, ‘I’ve done all these amazing things and made all these memories, but I don’t have anyone to share them with.’ Now I’m ready!

“I want to meet that somebody. Someone I can be spontaneous with. Someone I can do the chores with, or go to samba dancing or papier-mâché classes with – whatever! I want to meet that someone who I can’t wait to see tomorrow and if that’s a thought that keeps on going, well, that tomorrow is going to be the next day and the next day and the next day.”

After years of searching, this old-fashioned Kiwi bloke longs to find everlasting happiness –and with 23 beautiful women all vying for his affection on the TV3 show, which starts on March 7, he’ll certainly have no shortage of admirers. But while Jordan doesn’t like to paint a picture of his perfect woman, when it comes to love, there is one thing he refuses to settle on – the romance must feel nothing short of magic.

“People say to me there are punk chicks, rock chicks and Barbies, or ask me if I’m into redheads or brunettes. Well, I don’t know. Maybe I’m into highlighter green? I don’t want to get tunnel vision. I can see myself being with anyone, so long as there’s a spark.

“Like that tingling, over-whelming feeling you get when you watch romantic movies – that’s what love is to me. With dating apps and texting, I feel like the poetry of love is being lost.

“Don’t get me wrong – the magic isn’t gone completely, but it feels a bit like an average card trick instead of a David Copperfield extravaganza. Life’s too short. We deserve the big- screen movie treatment.”

Golden boy

Jordan’s fascination with film can be traced back to his childhood. As a young boy, born and bred near Christchurch’s Brighton Beach, some of his earliest memories are watching kids’ classics Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Sound of Music.

As a teen, he miraculously convinced his school teachers he could submit short movies instead of essays, and one of his enduring claims to fame will be his successful campaign to add a film studies course to the curriculum at St Andrew’s College. But despite how it may sound, the budding filmmaker didn’t spend all his youth glued to a screen.

“I had a brilliant upbringing,” tells Jordan, a big brother to Clark, 30, and Brittany, 28. “Not only did we have the beach and a golf course at our disposal, but we also had a lifestyle block, where me, my brother and sister would have paddock races, and build rafts and tree huts.

“Our dad is mechanically very savvy. He used to race and build his own antique cars, so there was always a tool, a plank of wood or a screw handy. And Mum was very sporty, so she would always encourage us kids to get outdoors and get active.

“I look at children these days with their iPads and PlayStations, and I’m always so grateful that we were able to explore, get bruised and get dirty.”

Early heartbreak

The year Jordan turned 20 will always be significant to him. Not only was it the first time he fell in love, but also the year his parents separated. Speaking of his first serious girlfriend, he says, “In a way, she taught me what it meant to love because what we had together was something way different to anything I had experienced with other girls beforehand.”

Although things didn’t work out, he tells, “I was at a point in my life where I was quite independent. I was living away from home, which is why I think our parents’ separation was probably harder on my siblings. My sister was just about to move out and my brother still had two or three years of school to get through.

“It’s tough to see your parents act in a way towards each other that you never expect they would, but the whole experience definitely brought us kids closer. Seeing Mum and Dad get back into the dating scene and fall in love again was difficult, but they’ve found great new partners now and it’s really quite cool to be at an age when you can appreciate how awesome that is.”

Though his parents might’ve found their happily ever after, for Jordan, Cupid’s arrow has been hit and miss. Soon after the divorce, the intrepid traveller left New Zealand for a stint working on superyachts abroad, where he found but struggled to maintain relationships.

“I wouldn’t say I had given up on the dating scene, but it became less of a priority,” he confesses. “After my most recent relationship ended, which was about two years ago, I did what most single guys would probably do, and threw myself into work and travel. I kept myself busy.

“For a while, I loved the lifestyle. In my line of work, jobs on location pop up quite frequently and when they did, I had the freedom to travel to them. In my downtime, I could up and go wherever, whenever. I didn’t have a girlfriend. I didn’t have to answer to anyone.

“But I’ve learnt that’s not the life for me any more. I don’t want to be some tragic 50-year-old in the Mediterranean, with a pot belly hanging over my Speedos, who still can’t find somebody to love.”

So with his mind set firmly on finally finding Ms Right, the film buff is ready to indulge the old Jordan – the ultimate romantic who’s been known to book out entire restaurants for intimate date nights, or hire pianists to accompany him as he sings to his sweetheart. He’s the nice guy who sends flowers, makes photo collages and labours over meaningful mix tapes. But what’s the catch, you say? He insists there isn’t one.

“I’m single, I’ve had a good crack at meeting someone, but it hasn’t worked out one way or another. The dating scene is crazy out there at the moment. There are apps, speed-dating events, websites, blind dating, parents trying to hook up their sons and daughters with a partner ... It’s mental.

“If you told me a year ago that I’d be on this show, I would have laughed in your face, but when you think about it, there are 20-plus women who are all committed to finding love and then there’s me committed to finding love. I’m looking for a real connection where when you find it, you can’t help what happens.”

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:33 am

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Hold onto your hairpiece girls, smouldering Jordan Mauger is the next Bachelor NZ. There’s been debate around nzgirlHQ as to the requisite hotness of the latest man to enter the woman cave (of 23 women!), but I say holler to the choice. And remember, we’re comparing him to last year’s suave and charming singleton, Art Green, the epitome of tall, dark and handsome who found true love with babelicious, bright as a button, Matilda Rice.

But the former actor and 2nd assistant director Jordan is debonair, Kiwi handsome, says he loves to cook and sing (in the shower), and he can smeyes like the best of them. And he’s looking for The One. Personally, I love that he’s 32 and that’ll potentially bring a breadth of age and experience from the gals in the house.

Despite cynics thinking this is merely a “role” for the former actor (publicity, etc, etc…), he went through the application process like everyone else, and he long ago swapped his acting hat to pursue a career on the other side of the camera, having worked on Taika Waititi’s latest movie release, Hunt for the Wilderpeople starring Sam Neill.

Jordan wraps up his Bachelor ambitions here:

“To any person outside The Bachelor, it must seem like a crazy task to take on. But to be honest meeting someone and the dating scene these days is crazy too. For me, it was great to be able to set aside some time to focus on meeting someone. What a unique and special way to meet a girl, who in turn will be unique and special to me.”

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:37 am

From mansion envy to ex-convicts and early morning burpees, there's certainly a lot to love about The Bachelor NZ, with season two set to be no exception.

As the local reality series we love to loathe prepares to enter into its hotly-anticipated second season, host Mike Puru said it's safe to expect a "little more sass" this time around.

"They're all lovely girls but it's an explosive start, a bit more sassy, there's drama right from the very beginning," Puru said of the new season's group of contestants.

"They've all watched the first season and they've gone into it thinking 'this is what I want'".

This year, 32-year-old director's assistant Jordan Mauger will be the man in charge of the single-stemmed red roses, appointed with the task of sifting out 'the one' among a sea of local bachelorettes, some more compatible than others.

"I guess for the viewers at home, there was (an immediate) connection with Art and Matilda, right from the beginning."

"They're a great couple with a lot going on, but yea, this time I'd say if you're a gambling person, it would be wise to hold your bets, I feel bad for Jordan, I honestly don't know who's going to win. There's such a mix of girls."

In keeping with season one, TV3 have scoured the country to find 23 diversely different women all looking for love - and perhaps for some, their fifteen minutes.

"Being a Southland boy, I loved the Southern representation," said Puru. "This year there's probably not so many (girls) from Invercargill, but there is actually a girl from Te Awamutu," he said.

"Last year's bachelorettes have been tweeting about the house, saying 'I'm jealous, they've got a pool' so it's definitely different."

Season one of the reality series received criticism online for casting it's bachelorettes "too young" unlike the US version of the reality series which almost always ends with an exotic destination marriage proposal.

Mauger, who's several years older than his predecessor Green, has reassured the public he's definitely ready to "settle down".

"I guess he is a bit older, yeah, but there's a real mix of girls this season. We've got some internationals, I can't tell you where they're from just yet though," said Puru.

Amidst rumours that TV3 originally struggled to seal the deal with bachelor number one, Puru said he had "no idea" where Mauger fell in this season's pecking order.

"I'd love to know if he was their first pick (for season two), or if there were three or five others. I loved all of the speculating in the paper, I'd look and think 'oh yeah, he'd make a good bachelor.'"

As for whether or not viewers can expect to see Mauger completing his early morning push-ups beach front? Not likely.

"Jordan is... I'd say, more of a 'bloke's bloke' I'd say he's a bit more rural. Whereas Art, Art is more of a metrosexual," said Puru.

"That's what Art is about, he'd try wake me up in the morning to go do burpees. Jordan keeps fit doing activities and things, he's into his cars and that kind of thing. They're very different, but both good looking, good guys."

"It's strange they haven't met. I'd definitely want to meet Art if I were Jordan, go knock on his door. Honestly I don't know what (the bachelor) is going to be like (until we start) but I can say I've made two buddies out of this show," he said.

With the new season all set to kick start on Monday night, could this mean the end of the road for season one media darlings Art Green and Matilda Rice?

"They will always be the originals. They've set the benchmark and everyone will always wonder what they're up to, I don't think they're going to be forgotten about," he said.

"And things are going pretty well for those two, maybe marriage. I still see them, we hang out," he said.

When asked if Green and Rice were prepared to pass the gauntlet to the next in line, Puru responded: "Well, they'll definitely be having a viewing party for season two."

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:39 am

katiebelle wrote:He's dated a former Bachelorette. He doesn't mind wearing make-up. And he's good at keeping secrets.

The revelations keep coming as the strange addiction that is The Bachelor NZ kicks off tonight on TV3.

And three people will be paying closer attention than most to the romantic shenanigans of Bachelor No 2 Jordan Mauger - his acting buddies Ben Barrington, Will Hall and Millen Baird.

Mauger is the last cab off the rank of the four when it comes to love. In their day, they were quite the lad pack - and expect them to have a say on his choice of bachelorette.

"Naturally, Will Hall approves every aspect in my romantic life. Now he only has eyes for one woman, his wife, and thus his guidance in courting is somewhat redundant," Mauger told Spy.

Hall is excited for his friend and Westside co-star who, when in town, is a "sometimes" flatmate in the West Auckland house they bought as an investment together.

"He is bloody good at keeping a secret, but as soon as it was confirmed last week, we understood why he had been sneaking out a lot. A sudden fitness regime, the teeth whitening and manscaping his full body of hair all made sense," Hall told Spy.

"We know there will be a few hearts broken out there. Jordy is a great catch. He is the most charming of the four of us and he is very, very funny.

"Have they cleaned up his social media accounts yet? He is not afraid to show off what he has got."

And that is entirely confirmed by this pic we discovered of Mauger in makeup to support breast cancer awareness.

Hall thinks Mauger will be up for a lot more loving in the house than Art Green was.

"Hell, yes. It will be wasted TV if they cut out his passionate side, but we all believe no matter what shenanigans he gets up to, he is definitely entering the show for the right reasons.

"I'm looking forward to him showing off our home town of Christchurch."

There was much hilarity at the discovery this week that Mauger and Green had Chrystal Chenery in common - Mauger dated her a few years back.

Mauger told Spy Chenery was a good friend and through her, he'd met several of last season's bachelorettes.

So what can the winning bachelorette expect on a dream date? "My dream date will be blue cod burgers at the end of the Akaroa wharf in the evening. No cameras, no timelines, no worries."

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:41 am

The inside details from the Bachelor cocktail party

Here’s what we can tell you…

1. It will be the biggest cocktail party and rose ceremony of the season. Twenty-three women on night one, and someone has to go home - or more than one. Make no mistake, the girls will be marking their territory, and you can damn expect strategies will be schemed, rivalries instigated.

2. With 23 women to dolly up, a big glam squad springs into action. Eleven people spent nine hours making up (or making over) the 23 women. Think spray tans, false lashes and velcro curlers.

3. The Bachelor hair and makeup team – yes, the show has a veritable beauty squad that Caitlyn J would envy – went through five giant 400ml Redken hair spray cans. Think of the ozone layer.

4. More than 1500 fairy lights were installed to set the mood at the Mahurangi mansion. Fairy lights means romance, and all hopeless romantics like intimate lighting.

5. This year’s batch of Bachelorettes are quite accomplished. There is a doctor, a fashion designer and a pilates instructor, meaning that even super talented women struggle to find love. That’s the real drama, people.

6. Jordan gets to date 23 women. He will also receive gifts from the aforementioned women who are vying for his attention. Yes, there really is no downside for him. The wooing stakes are increased this year. Last year, Chrystal came armed with a high opinion of herself. This year, one bachelorette brings her own home-baking! Maybe she’s hoping the old adage is true: that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Another, incidentally, brings a calendar. Nothing says romance like a woman setting a man’s schedule!

7. Pelorus champagne is the tipple of choice at the shindig. When they’re not sipping bubbly, they’ll be nibbling Kapiti cheese and crackers. It’s rather apt for a show that’s cheesier than a manchego factory. And frankly, we love manchego.

8. But it’s not all flirting and fairy lights. Four lucky Bachelorettes will get one-on-one time with Jordan. In his personal party space. But if you think it will be convivial and polite, think again. These are Bitchy Batches. Other Bachelorettes hover like a jumbo jet in a flight path all waiting to land on the airstrip, namely Jordy.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:48 am

ElonM wrote:Bachelorette Pop Quizzes


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