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Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:47 pm

Is the Bachelor NZ falling victim to our reality TV’s second season syndrome?

By Duncan Greive | Editor & Publisher
March 25, 2016

The first season of The Bachelor NZ was arguably the greatest of any localised reality import. Unfortunately the second is thus far a disaster. Duncan Greive asks if we have any right to expect otherwise.

A long time ago, before HD and broadband and snackable content, there was a little sitcom that went by the name of Step By Step. It concerned two divorcees blending their families, and starred a still hunky Patrick Duffy, a decade on from Dallas’ peak. The theme song’s payoff went: “we’ll make it better / The second time around”.

The show was a blatant attempt to borrow some of then-juggernaut Full House’s audience, but – as the recently revival Fuller House showed – oftentimes second time around is much worse than the first.

This has been particularly true of New Zealand versions of reality mega-franchises. The first season of New Zealand Idol gripped a nation. Who can forget the gentle giant Luke Whaanga belting out Supergroove and AC/DC? Not me. A few years later New Zealand’s Next Top Model was a sensation, with Teryl-Leigh flying all the way to Rodeo Drive to pose the now-immortal question: “do you think they have Number One Shoes?”

Season one of our version of The X Factor prompted me to ask myself similarly shattering questions. Would Gap5 be bigger than the Spice Girls? Exactly how much more famous than Taylor Swift would Cassie Henderson end up? And: should Tom Batchelor and Jackie Thomas’ wedding be a national holiday?

Unfortunately the second season of The X Factor NZ, while hotly anticipated, ended up being a large and surprisingly deep vat of toxic sludge. To a greater or lesser extent this has always been true of the mega-franchises. While the likes of Aussie import The Block can coast along in reliable adequacy, such is the scale of expectation around the really big imports that they tend to collapse under the weight of our collective anticipation.

That has been the case, thus far at least, with the second season of The Bachelor, the sole survivor of the trio of local reality shows which opened last year for TV3, and only bright spot in an otherwise nightmarish 2015. It was so magnificently cast: every Bachelorette some variety of classic New Zealand oddball, with Art Green a bronzed Adonis and not nearly so dumb as he first seemed.

So far, the returns are very much diminished. Despite the flasher mansion, it feels a poorer relation on almost every front. The dates are hard work – literally, in the case of a day’s dog washing – but all feel like they wear their budgetary constraints too prominently. The Bachelorettes are a more timid lot, and prone to the kind of in-fighting which proves some of the shows more humourless critics infuriatingly close to right.

Worst of all is the Bachelor himself, Jordan Mauger. Mutual friends tell me he’s a helluva guy, a a regular riot. But on screen he’s the wettest of woollen blankets, speaking about the women as if they’re prime cattle at auction, or prospective belles of his eldest grandson. His vernacular comes right out of the bluff, plain-spoken ‘70s – if it is scripted, as many have suggested, then it’s scripted by one of our prominent drama writers.

Most troublingly, as comedian Alice Brine has pointed out, Mauger’s nasal twang matches near-perfectly with that of our Prime Minister. So if you close your eyes these moments of aching romance are being advanced by a man many admire and many loathe – but surely no one’s idea of a sex symbol.

Cumulatively it means that if this season were a rose, rather the thorny and fully blooming version of 2015, this one would be drooping limply in the vase, its petals scattered and listless at is base.
Which makes me wonder if what we have here is simply a population problem. That is to say New Zealand has precisely enough high grade television talents to fill one season of a mega-franchise. But that when you turn around to restock for season two you’ll find the cupboard largely bare.

If true, this bodes well for TVNZ’s upcoming debut of the original reality juggernaut, Survivor New Zealand. But very poorly for what remains of The Bachelor NZ, a once-vital show already showing its age.

This column was originally commissioned for the New Zealand Herald


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Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:01 pm

I have issues to watch episode 3. any possibility to share another link please? thank you Smiley


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Post by djogbenyuie Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:23 pm

Try this one Smiley
Episode 3

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Post by Guest Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:49 pm

djogbenyuie wrote:Try this one Smiley
Episode 3



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Post by Guest Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:55 am

Bachelor NZ Group Think, Week Five: That was actually pretty racist

By Group Think
April 6, 2016

After week five on The Bachelor NZ, some of the greatest minds in the country* assemble to talk about the big issues including Gabs’ nastiness, Naz’ nastiness, and Jordan’s nasty striped singlets.

Madeleine Chapman on the casual racism

Naz, Naz, Naz. She’s all over the internets with her hit list and her narking. Everyone wants to see Naz brought down a peg. Last night, The Bachelor delivered on this want with a slice of casual racism.

Naz has had a rough go of it from the start. It began with this suspicious think-piece after the premiere, questioning Naz’s name and past. They were wondering why she chose to be listed as “Naz” and not her full name “Nazanin” – as if to suggest that having the name “Nazanin” is indicative of dodgy behaviour. A reference to her birth country of Iran was included, for no apparent reason.

Anyone with a name that is remotely ‘ethnic’ will know exactly why Naz chose to shorten her name. People suck at pronouncing names. If your name is not 100% White English, it will definitely be pronounced wrong, no matter how simple it is.

Just look at all the place names in New Zealand. Taupo, Tauranga, Wairarapa. It almost sounds pretentious to pronounce these names correctly if you’re white, that’s how little effort New Zealanders have put into learning a name.

If you are introduced to a Pacific Islander with a one syllable name, I can almost guarantee that that is merely a fraction of their full name, chosen to make it easier on everyone. My Aunty Henga legally added an ‘n’ to her name, because everyone pronounced it wrong even after being taught how to say it.

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Which brings us to last night’s episode. Naz is sitting next to Gabrielle, Kate, and Erin when Gabrielle asks Naz “So what is your full name again?” Weird that they don’t know, since they’re constantly talking poop about her. Before she can respond, a mysterious voice says “Nazareth.”

Is it just me or is that pretty racist? Sort of like if a brown man introduced himself as “Mo” and you immediately started calling him “Māori”? Except maybe that wasn’t a good example because so many people still incredibly pronounce it “Meowri”.

Naz ignores her and replies, surprisingly polite, “It’s Nazanin.” Gabs repeats the name and still manages to make it sound off.

Then that same voice pipes back in with “Nazareth it is, not Naz.” All the other girls crack up before Gabs repeats “Nazareth” in a surprised tone and cracks up again at the idea that someone would name their daughter Nazareth which, in Naz’s case, they didn’t.

There’s something nasty about the whole scene that made me want to forgive Naz for all her narking. Trying and failing to grasp a foreign name is one thing, but completely disregarding someone’s birth name and mocking it in a racist manner is actually just disrespectful.

The Bachelor not only kept this scene in the show but they made it a highlight clip. Was it to highlight a funny moment in the show? Because it wasn’t funny, and it definitely wasn’t to garner sympathy for Naz because she’s too far gone at this point.

Whatever the reason, it was an uncomfortable reminder of the casual racism that is everywhere in New Zealand.

Go Nazanin.

Anny Ma on the 10 right reasons

I’m really confused. Not like Claudia was when she was evicted from the house confused, but more like everybody when Naz came back from her date with a rose confused. After their cliche water date, we saw Naz and Bore-dan’s – sorry, I mean Jordan’s – connection deepening to the point of telepathy.

I spent the entirety of both episodes on Tinder trying to make the show more interesting, but then I realised “why swipe left on all of NZ when you could be figuring out all of the right reasons, Anny?” I’ve saved you all the hard yakka and have put a lot of brain power into this.

I honestly can’t think of any reason why you’d want to be there. However, I’ve investigated and identified what these “right reasons” are:

#1 To Find True Love with Jordan

Jordan said that he was worried Naz was only in it to win cos she’s hella competitive. From that, I deduce that the #1 right reason must be to find love with Jordan – the man whose wardrobe only offers striped tank tops and unbuttoned suits.

#2 Wearing Heaps of Cool Dresses

The dresses for the rose ceremonies have been really eye-catching, and I’ve always wanted to dress like I’m off to my 6th form ball again, so these dresses offer a tempting and nostalgic trip through the fashion ages.

#3 Going to Hawaii

This one needs no explanation. I really want to go to Hawaii. Everybody looks like they’re having a great time.

#4 Writing a Thesis on Reality Dating Shows

Hello, Rebecca.

#5 Making 20 New Gal Pals

It looks like everybody is having a grand old time with each other when they’re not crying, yelling, backstabbing, or lying, I guess?

#6 Getting Heaps More Instagram Followers So You Can Get Paid To Promote Waist Trainers and Teatox

Pretty self-explanatory. Look at all the free crap the B1 gals got.

#7 Going to Brisbane

It wouldn’t be a NZ reality show if it didn’t involve a trip across the ditch packaged as the ultimate cool experience.

#8 Get A Few Weeks Off Work

I mean, don’t we all want to take time off work, like all the time?

#9 To Get On Naz’s Hit List

It seems like a really great place to be, and it would be a bloody honour to jump on there. Extra points for being at the top of it.

#10 To Get Talked About Heaps on NZ’s Oldest and Most Prestigious TV Website The Spinoff

Well, this website is the Richie McCaw of the internet.

Jack Tippler texts someone who isn’t his mum

Texts from someone during The Bachelor who definitely isn’t my mum.

   “They need to change his ‘pensive’ outfit of red and white striped singlet and Hawaiian shorts! Or were all those shots filmed at the same time. A pensive shoot!“

I think my 7 years or so of film/TV work has caused my over-thinking of every aspect onscreen. Spot on point from that person who definitely isn’t my Mum, though. The striped singlet has had an incredible work out this season. It has now had more screen-time than Naz talking about the hit list.

   “Well there were big sparks!!“

Sent immediately followed the budget blowout that was the fireworks show. I’ll be honest, pretty low hanging fruit as far as a joke goes.

   “Storm needs to wrangle a date of her own…“

Pre-Storm date selection.

   “Tears = rose.“

Post-Storm heart to heart tear festival.

   “Goodbye Sarah“

Pre-rose ceremony. Interesting to get a big call like this from this person who definitely isn’t my Mum – I usually wouldn’t expect such a big call. Love the enthusiasm though.

   “He’s got the squeeze from above. She’s the only one causing drama“

Naz gets a rose, surely Jordan knows what’s up here. I’m with my mystery txter on this one. Long may we have Naz in the house to keep Jordan abreast of who’s here for the right reasons. The producers are on the right track keeping Naz around.


Shari is gone! Princess shakka-brah, the lady of the diamond necklace, my favorite cocktail party chatter is out. I was too distraught to watch her and Jordan’s goodbye.

Alice Brine’s ten thoughts from the week

1. Heads up to anyone living in modern society: In real life women don’t actually bicker and fight like this over men. We’re all really busy doing other things like running the UN.

2. Last week I suggested that Batch may actually be a colonial man who is struggling to fit into modern society after recently arriving in 2016. This week’s episodes have confirmed that. I’m confident that Batch has been living in an underground bunker and is from the year 1836. He also definitely comes from one of those cults where they got heaps of wives each.

3. “Shari has a sense of humour and I think that’s just adorable.” I don’t normally like to drink on a week night, but after I heard Batch utter those words I decided I would drink an entire bottle of wine by myself in under five minutes.

4. The concept of a woman having a sense of humour is clearly very new to Batch. As a stand up comedian who chose to be a woman whilst in the womb, I got extremely angry watching this particular episode and wrote out a lot of tweets in all caps. See @alicebrine for hard core evidence.

5. Shari is legit funny and she makes good gags constantly. Batch never knows what to do when this happens. I assumed originally it was because he does not have a sense of humour himself which is undeniably the case. However, it’s also because Batch comes from a time where women do not speak and any woman who so much as utters a pun is burned in a pit and fed to the witches.

6. Seriously bro, say that a woman having a sense of humour is adorable one more time.

7. Batch of course kicks Shari off the show. If only Batch had grown up in modern society, he would have realised that he was making a huge mistake. He’s intimidated by the fact that she’s funnier than he will ever be and has no idea what to do. We can’t blame him though, he’s from 1836 and he just doesn’t know any better.

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8. Batch is on a date with one of the other ones. All of a sudden they get next level excited about a super average sea turtle that’s not even that old looking. The producers decided to make it even more exciting by playing ill fitting EDM music in the background which was a great call on their part that made heaps of sense.

9. “ I heard that you were on Lord Of The Rings.” “ Yes. Pretty exciting. I was a film student and they needed some extras.” “ Oh my god! You were on lord of the rings! That’s amazing!” – No you’re wrong. Being on LOTR is not amazing. In this country being on LOTR is basically the same thing as having an IRD number.

10. I made a tweet about how Batch and the Baes kept talking about the view of the ‘misty sunset.” and it was reminding me of that mint song by Che Fu called ‘Misty Frequencies’ and then Che Fu liked that tweet.


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Post by Guest Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:06 am

Meet The Bachelor's real leading lady

Spy News,
Sunday, 24 April 2016, 6:00AM

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For the past two months, Jordan Mauger has been seeking love on The Bachelor NZ as 23 bachelorettes vie for his heart in the reality TV dating show.

As the climax to series two of the show nears - with just five women remaining - the real leading lady in Mauger's life is due to make an appearance on camera when the final two contenders are introduced to his much-loved mum, Linda.

Talking to Spy ahead of the family meet-and-greets, Linda said she was immensely pleased by how her son handled himself on camera - and how he treated the would-be partners with respect throughout.

"I've really enjoyed the show because I haven't seen a lot of Jordan over the past seven months. He has been away overseas and had work commitments," Linda said.

"So it was great to see him genuinely trying to find love in my living room twice a week.

"I felt very proud of his maturity, his caring nature and how he handled difficult situations.

I did see snippets of the last season and thought Art [Green] was a fantastic guy.

"I was nervous for Jordan and how he might be compared, but I think Jordan has added something unique with his sense of adventure and quick wit.

"I am happy to see how he treated the girls, especially how considerate he has been with their feelings. He has a very sensitive side. I know he will have feelings for all the top five and letting them go will come with a lot of sadness for him."

When asked what qualities she wanted in a partner for her son, Linda replied: "They need to be caring, loving, supportive of each other in good times and bad. She also needs to be his best friend and companion to enjoy life together.

"The advice I gave him at the beginning was to pick a well-grounded woman with a fun-loving personality."

Linda was also straight-up on the traits she didn't want to see: "Someone only interested in themselves and also not wanting to engage with family."

It's not just the bachelorettes preparing for some family time in the next couple of weeks.

The top three contenders will also introduce their parents to Mauger, who told Spy: "I will answer their questions confidently and honestly and be a good listener and share with them the reasons I truly adore the respective bachelorette. Maybe also start the drinks early."


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Post by Guest Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:18 am

Will Naz win Jordan's heart?

Spy with Ricardo Simich,
Spy News,
Sunday, 24 April 2016, 5:00AM

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She has become reality TV's most controversial figure with her spiky barbs but Nazanin Khanjani has been tipped to win Jordan Mauger's heart in the upcoming finale.

Mauger's great mate, actor Will Hall, has predicted Khanjani and Erin Higgins will be the final two bachelorettes. And Hall said he wouldn't be surprised if his buddy picks Khanjani.

"You definitely see his softer side come out with Naz. The real Jordy," Hall said. "They are both media savvy and would kill it together on the media ride after the final.

"He is definitely very attracted to her and I can actually see them together."

But don't write off Higgins, Hall said.

"Erin is the dark horse in the competition. Producers have probably played it that way. She is like Season 2's Matilda Rice, the quiet one through the series who makes the final, the one the audience won't see coming.

"You can see the chemistry between them. She is a) blonde and b) we have not seen them share their mutual love that comes from being past superyacht crew.

"If Jordy meets someone who has been on superyachts, you have lost his attention for the night."

Hall predicted the third-place getter would be Gabrielle Davenport.


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Post by Guest Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:14 am

The Bachelor NZ: 'I couldn't picture myself with him long-term' - Storm

Last updated 11:37, April 20 2016

You don't have to be a meteorologist to tell that things are a little less stormy for the five remaining contestants on The Bachelor NZ.

Storm Halkett's whirlwind romance with Bachelor Jordan Mauger has come to an end after she failed to receive a rose on Tuesday night's episode.

The striking 24-year-old said that although the two got on great to begin with - the electricity began to fade as time wore on.

The final nail in the coffin came when Halkett poured the truth on Mauger: she didn't want to introduce him to her family.

"I wanted to talk about meeting the family with Jordan, just because I was feeling like I didn't want to do it.

"I though it was just too early and I wasn't feeling comfortable enough with him," Halkett said.

This didn't bode well for Mauger, who said that not meeting the family was a deal breaker for him.

"I think the reason I didn't get a rose was because Jordan was well aware of how I had been feeling for quite a while about him and the whole situation."

"We started off very good, but things just didn't progress from there," the travel agent added.

It was a shocking twist for fans, as many had hailed Halkett as a clear frontrunner for Mauger's affection - having shared many a sneaky kiss at cocktail parties and on dates.

Noooooooooooo !! Not Storm !!!'
— Mike Puru (@MikePuruNZ) April 19, 2016

"I couldn't picture myself with him in a long-term relationship... I just couldn't see it with him out in the real world," said Halkett.

Despite icing Mauger out with a tough call about meeting the family - the confident Cantabrian said she stands by her decision to go on the show.

​"I don't have any regrets just 'cause I don't like to have regrets - but I would not do it again."

She said her past engagement to ex-fiance Rocky Batchelor (not the Bachelor we're thinking of) had an impact on her relationship with Mauger.

"I was engaged to Rocky, but we parted ways after discovering we weren't really suited," Halkett revealed in a previous interview.

On Wednesday morning she said: "I feel like my past engagement maybe did make me think about things a little bit more.

"I got engaged to soon after meeting [Rocky] ... I was wanting to take it a little slower [with Jordan] because of rushing in before."

So where to now for the leggy brunette? She's moved to Auckland and is working at a travel company - and seeing someone special.

"I'm just dating and taking it easy - I've come out of something that was quite intense and over-whelming and I just want to settle into normal life and dating."

And finally, who does she think will receive season two's final rose? That's a two sided answer.

​"I wanted Fleur to win, but I just feel like Naz will win - Naz will be with him in the end because it just seems the most suitable."

- Stuff


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 24, 2016 7:08 pm

#BachNZ Episode 14 (April 19) embedded
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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:14 pm

Episode dates per Wikipedia

Episode 1
The bachelorettes arrived at the mansion and the first rose ceremony took place.
Eliminated: Emily Rose, Freya & Harmony

Episode 2
Single Date: Sarah - Went wakeboarding and had ice-cream atop the Skytower.
Group Date: Fleur, Storm, Anna, Kate, Gabrielle, Erin & Danielle - Played beach volleyball and had a BBQ. Fleur got some one on one time and received a rose.
Eliminated: Catherine

Episode 3
Single Date: Storm - Went kayaking and spent the evening on a yacht.
Group Date: Nicole, Alicia, Anna, Amanda & Naz - Washed dogs and had a water fight. Took Nicole for some one on one time.
Eliminated: Anna
Quit: Metz

Episode 4
Single Date: Shari - Went to the Auckland Art Gallery and toured it alone together and had dinner.
Group Date: Lindsey, Gabrielle, Nicole, Naz, Erin, Lara, Danielle, Alicia, Rebecca, Claudia, Kate & Amanda - Went paintballing. Erin had some one on one time with Jordan.
Eliminated: Lindsey

Episode 5
Group Date: Danielle, Lara, Sarah, Ceri & Gabrielle - Raced Suzuki Swifts around Hampton Downs racetrack. Lara was the fastest and got some one on one time with Jordan and received a rose.
Single Date: Kate - Went horseback riding along the beach and had wine and cheese in a glade where Kate was given a rose.
Eliminated: Amanda

Episode 6
Group Date: Gabrielle, Naz & Claudia - Took a speedboat onto the water and went jetskiing. Gabrielle got some one on one time and she and Jordan got closer.
Single Date: Rebecca - Went on a theme park date at Rainbow's End.
Eliminated: Claudia

Episode 7
The remaining bachelorettes flew with Jordan to Hawaii.
Single Date: Ceri - Strolled along the beach and had a picnic inside when it started to rain. Then Ceri got her dream date of a helicopter ride over Hawaii.
Group Date: Fleur, Sarah, Shari, Alicia, Lara, Storm & Nicole - Split into teams and went catamaran racing. He picked Alicia for some one on one time.
Eliminated: Danielle

Episode 8
Single Date: Fleur - Visited a Hawaiian volcano and had dinner together.
Group Date: Naz, Nicole, Gabrielle, Kate & Erin - Went quad-biking and then zip lining through the Hawaiian jungle. Took Gabrielle for some one on one time.
Quit: Nicole
Eliminated: Lara

Episode 9
Single Date: Naz - Had a flight in a seaplane. Took a speedboat out into the ocean.
Group Date: Sarah, Shari, Storm, Rebecca & Kate - Had a luau.
Eliminated: Alicia

Episode 10
Single Date: Erin - Took a sailboat out into the ocean and went snorkeling. After sunset they watched fireworks.
Group Date: Rebecca, Ceri, Sarah & Gabrielle - Went foraging for their own food in the countryside and had a chef cook for them. Rebecca was taken away for some one on one time.
Eliminated: Shari

Episode 11
Jordan and the bachelorettes head to sunny Brisbane, Australia.
Single Date: Storm - They go into the bush where a luxury tent is set up where they eat and have a couples massage down by the river with lanterns all around.
Group Date: Gabrielle, Kate & Sarah - Went abseiling, where Gabs faced her fear of heights and Sarah refused to partake. Kate was taken for some one on one time where they go kayaking.
Eliminated: Sarah

Episode 12
Single Date: Gabrielle - Took a helicopter to a lodge in the hillside where they had dinner and got cozy in the Jacuzzi.
Group Date - Storm, Fleur, Naz, Kate & Erin - Went horseback riding and corralled cows. Naz got some one on one time with Jordan.
Eliminated: Rebecca

Episode 13
Single Date: Ceri - Took a ride in a classic convertible car, something Jordan is passionate about.
Group Date: Ceri, Naz, Erin, Gabrielle, Kate, Storm & Fleur - Go to Australia Zoo to interact with Australian wildlife. Fleur got some one on one time at the zoo with Jordan.
Eliminated: Ceri

Episode 14
Jordan and the remaining bachelorettes left Brisbane and travelled to the Bay of Islands back in New Zealand.
Single Date: Naz - Hiked up a trail and enjoyed the view together. Watched the sun set and swam and the ocean.
Group Date: Gabrielle, Kate & Fleur - Went kayaking together and ended the paddle with a view of a beautiful waterfall. Gabrielle was taken for some one on one time with Jordan.
Eliminated: Storm

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:28 pm

#BachNZ filming/episodes schedule:

Posting this here for easy reference for filming schedule and episodes

Filming schedule:
- Potentially started Jan 22
- if filmed for 7 weeks like Art then FRC around March 11 or later? Jordan was back on his personal IG by March 13 so likely FRC that week if so.
- If filmed 8 weeks (since international travel happened earlier and depending on HTDs locations, FDs of F3 locations as well as FRC location) also could be longer filming than Art so FRC around March 18 or later maybe?

Episode abbreviation key:
SD (Single Date)
SQT (Special Quality Time on group date)
GDR (Group Date Rose)

Episode schedule:  
Week 1 (Mar 7/8)
Ep 1 = Rebecca FIR
Ep 2 = Sarah SD; Fleur SQT+GDR

Week 2 (Mar 14/15)
Ep 3 = Storm SD, Nicole SQT
Ep 4 = Shari SD+Jewelry, Erin SQT

Week 3 (Mar 21/22)
Ep 5 = Kate SD, Lara SQT+GDR
Ep 6 = Rebecca SD, Gabs SQT

Week 4 (Mar 28/29)
Ep 7 = Ceri SD, Alicia SQT
Ep 8 = Fleur SD+Jewelry, Gabs SQT

Week 5 (Apr 4/5)
Ep 9 = Naz SD
Ep 10 = Erin SD, Rebecca SQT

Week 6 (Apr 11/12)
Ep 11 = Storm 2nd SD, Kate SQT
Ep 12 = Gabs SD, Naz SQT

Week 7 (Apr 18/19)
Ep 13 = Ceri 2nd SD, Fleur SQT+GDR  
Ep 14 =  Naz 2nd SD, Gabs SQT

*** 5 girls remaining: Erin, Fleur, Gabs, Kate, Naz  ***

Week 8 (Apr 25/26)
Ep 15 = 2nd SDs?
Ep 16 = 2nd SDs?

Week 9 (May 2/3)
Ep 17 = HTDs (3 only)
Ep 18 = FDs

Week 10 (May 9)
Ep 19 and 20 = Finale/MTP/LCD/FRC and Live ATFR/WTA


Posts : 30010
Join date : 2014-09-26

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Post by Guest Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:48 pm

s/caps from naz public facebook

WhatACrock - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - Vids - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 6 Sdfdfd10
WhatACrock - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - Vids - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 6 Dsdfdf10


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