Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Guest Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:05 pm

I love Linda, but as much as I think Marco is curious of her, I dont see her as F1 for him: too much woman to handle. This is a macho guy who wants a woman to make his kids while he travels! Smiley Nothing against that, but I feel Linda might be too independent for him. I feel a little friend zone as well.

I would out her F3... if there ever was a Bette show, she'd be my pick (BTW the show isnt popular in France, so I doubt they would make a Bette one)


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Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:07 am

I like Linda, Louise and Diane

I think we should concentrate on what he likes and repeat ad nauseam during and after filming:

long hair
no make up or very little
very natural girl
no artificial barbie doll (no false boobs)

he is not a suit guy so he needs a girl who can be pretty with simple clothes. Which is funny since his business is about clothes, therefore models. Diane fits the model body but all in a natural way.

He is italian and mothers are very dominatrix and protective with their sons. Mother said she wants a girl who has a brain and not a gold digger.

He knows intimately every airport. So like sophienette said, his goal is a woman who will breed kids. Is he ready for marriage? heck no! The guy just like to have fun and clubbing (told in interview).

This is show is (again) a fake bachelor who will be engaged at the end for a couple of weeks.

end of story.

But I also agree that Diane fits what he likes in terms of beauty. He was definitely into her during this escapade. The kiss on her shoulder after the diner. It was SO obvious to me that he is into her 100%. He asked her if she was free, asked her if she was okaywith older guys (him), if she was serious. This is the type of questions a guy ask upfront only if he has a big crush on her and does not want to be lead on later. This diner was totally crucial for him IMO. 4 girls: one for play (Laurie) the kind he meet all the time at clubs. And Diane, the kind he "forgot" about his soft side... the one that put his jaded side away. She gave him so much to desire. Diane gave him this tenderness he lost and obviously he is very tired of games with women. With her, he will find a woman totally dedicated to him. Being italian.... perfect match... for a couple of weeks of course.

So yes. My money is between Diane #1 (love at first sight), Louise #2 (perfect on paper edit), Linda #3 (friend zone)

But after few weeks, it will not work with Diane because she is a femme-enfant and that will be too high maintenance to handle for him...

Do I like Diane? nope. I think she is playing the little femme-enfant fragile, in need of big bad daddies to protect her and spoil her. Red flag indeed when a woman says she is very emotional, is not like the other girl (aka drama), is afraid of her little heart when she discussed maybe 30min 1hour with him max. Did something happened between them, sure! Are they a match? nope.

I prefer Louise who looks more mature and more settled.

What is interesting is the last section of episode 2. GianMarco talk about "feeling so fast" and the camera goes to Louise, when he says "coup de coeur" which is crush, camera goes to Laurie, then Diane... then he asked if it will evolved into love or friendship, and the segment is about Linda and then finally Naelle

So if I use it as a script, for me #1 is Louise.

But the very last voice over is Diane saying: me, I just want you to be part of my future.

So for me last 2 should be Diane and Louise.

Diane #1
Louise #2
Linda #3
Naelle #4 because it is good TV to show him with her kid
Laurie #5


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Post by Guest Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:01 am

Very interesting episode #3

all the girls go on a trip except Diane, Louise, Naelle and Linda ... the favorites in my opinion.

The only 2 girls who stood out during this group date were Laurie and Shirley.

I laughed a lot during this one. Especially the spectral opposite views Marie-Charlotte and Marco got from their time with the ducks. It was hilarious.

Laurie confirmed she is an easy girl, who just want to have a good time, have sex and fun. No class act. The segment when she is tap dancing in the club.

Shirley (belgium hairdresser). 10 min were just not enough time for Marco to know her. So I have no doubt she'll get a 101 date next week.

Louise as I thought is definitely not #1. Her constant mentions about being homey and cooking.... which is in total contradiction of what Marco said in his intro (I never stay home, always on the go). I even think that she is no longer #2 in my book. If he thinks Marie-Charlotte is boring, then Louise is definitely too in his eyes. The fact that he did not take her aside as the other 3 is speaking volume IMO. I did not like much Louise in this episode. So the long conversation on the boat meant nothing except for Marco to confirm that yes she is very pretty and the type he usually goes with physically but she is definitely not the adventurous fun woman he wants.

I did not believe one bit of Naelle's present which was production intensive to stir jealousy and get extra drama and extra material for the show. Naelle is definitely not the natural girl he mentions all the time (during and after show)

Linda is definitely more funny and witty. I do not think she is very classy but she is honest and I am sure smart. I still think she is in top 4 but not #2

I think Shirley has a lot of chances to be. She intrigues him. She is smart enough to look sweet. He is definitely into sweet innocent lovely girls (Diane). Shelley plays on my nerves. Her smile is always false. She also does not fit the natural description he so praise.

But again, in my eyes, Diane is the one. I am not sure to understand why but she is. Huge chemistry between them. It is like they want to jump their bones and kiss. He is always asking her how she feels, always feel better when she confirms she missed him. He acts like a man in love who just need reinsurance. On top of that, the intro I saw is him and Diane on the elephant. Plus what he told her on top of the monument (if we start kissing, I will not stop).

It was funny that they showed us the segment with his friends when Diane said she is extremely jealous... which is something Marco dislikes (like all guys) and how he gave the cold shower to Naelle when she showed this side on the boat. It looks like for Marco, it is okay to be jealous with Diane because this re-insures him that she reciprocates his feelings but not okay with the others.

I think his friends liked Linda.

What I learned is that Marco gravitates to the same kind of woman: sweet, nice, lovely, calm. However the real Marco was the one we saw dancing with Laurie.

What is interesting is trying to figure out the script. When we hear "acceptes tu cette rose?" and the answer is "no", we had previously a zoom of all the girls lined. Then at the question, we have a zoom on melanie and the next 2 girls on her left excluding Diane, then another zoom on the other side of the line and we see clearly few girls... but no shelley and no Diane... but right after the no, we see diane going back to her place to far to see if she has a rose.

Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Gent10

As per Bachelor & Bachelorette Spoiler Fans moderator's request, please note that this S/CAP was created by a recorded episode by myself.

Logically the one refusing the rose is Marie-Charlotte. Her body language (she is the one with the huge dress blowing) with her hands on her back, shoulders contracted, says she has something to say. Considering she is looking for a true gentleman and she has big principles, I am pretty sure it did not bode well when Naelle and the other girls explained his slutty attitude at the club. I think she did right between you and me. Family will watch this show and how to explain his attitude and justify it? impossible.

Could be also Julie or Masha but I think marie-charlotte will take it really bad since she had this date with him and it would be a public humiliation and a total lack of class for her. Plus the close up and body language looks like it is marie-charlotte.

So my take now is:

Diane #1 - high maintenance, too childish. definitely not fond of this femme-enfant. So unless she shows a more mature side, I do not see it lasting
Shirley #2 - I really do not like her smiling and her in general, she irks me
Linda #3 - the only one I truly like in the show. I like her humor and character and find her pretty. Not gorgeous but natural pretty.
Naelle #4 still good show at hometown with the kid; nice girl, wrong guy.
Laurie #5 - he likes her sexual and no string attached. she is definitely the villain of the season
Louise #6 - because of producers, must legitimate and balance Laurie/melanie, the good girl vs bad girls. She is a homey girl who hardly go out.. totally not Marco.
Clemence #7 - still intrigued so it is possible she stays up to that moment. strong personality and I think this is the reason why she remains. Pride to "break" her.
Melanie #8 - crude, makes good show with laurie.
Masha #9 - impressed only because she jump in this nasty water. Made a comment about her being from Monaco and all that (the way I understood was: kind of snob)
Charlene #10 - he was never interested in her
Julie #11 - who is she?
Marie-Charlotte #12 - wayyyyyyyyyyyy too aristocrat for him and total opposite personalities.

so who in this list fits the "no make up natural no Botox or breast surgery, simple girl, no gold digger, easy going? Linda and Diane.

Last edited by HEA on Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:13 am; edited 14 times in total


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:19 am

I havent seen it yet.... will try and not read your post until I do! Smiley


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:08 pm

Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Gent210

As per Bachelor & Bachelorette Spoiler Fans moderator's request, please note that this S/CAP was created by a recorded episode by myself.

so it looks like the "no rose for me" drama has not happened yet if we look at the number of girls and the steps in the sand. So it still looks like marie-charlotte may be the one.

hard to say but I see 7 paths?

Considering the paths, seems that Shirley, Louise and Diane did not receive a rose (girl on pic is the third at the end and Diane is second at the end). If I stand by my theory then Laurie did not yet and therefore Marie-Charlotte did not too. Not sure how this is going to be played.

Last edited by HEA on Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:10 pm

Watching the 3rd episode now, loved how 4 of the top girls got left at home Smiley


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Post by Guest Wed Mar 16, 2016 8:23 pm

I agree that Diane is probably F1... I dont like her but...

If this worked like the US one, I would be hoping for Linda as the next lead!


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:26 pm

The more I think about it the more I have issue to conciliate him saying "I found my soul mate" with Diane.... In my eyes Linda fit the mold. I have this nagging voice saying she may be the one. In one segment (beach in the background) she uses "magic". His friends I am almost convinced liked her the best. The script always associate her image with words amitié/amour. Diane says she is very jealous (which is often a lack of confidence) and that is IMO a nono for Marco. His friends will probably tell him so. He mentioned that he loves his freedom to go out with his male friends (Clemence) and I am thinking that Diane is way too dependent to accept that. So yes, I am a bit confused. I looked at all the kisses he gave and found: Diane (many times), Shirley and Linda. I am not sure if they have a bigger budget this season (last time it was Ibiza). I saw elephant, palms and sea. The girl on the elephant is skinny and petite. So could be Diane or Linda. Right now, his attitude says Diane #1.


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:44 pm

well well well...

after Shirley's interview it is 100% sure that she is NOT #1!!! LOL

Bachelor : Shirley balance sur les problèmes de transpiration de Marco

Looks like a very low blow IMO so my gut feelings were right about her. Only a mean girl or a hurt girl could do an interview like that so I am thinking she went far (segment says she had a 1on1 with kiss, maybe different places, different time). He was never interested with Shirley or he would not have acted like a jerk at the club in front of Naelle and her (with Laurie making up on the dance floor). So I am thinking Marco led her very far up to hometown, she had a big crush and got dumped.

Diane #1
Linda #2 (although I am thinking more and more #1 but he is so in awe with Diane's physical and he is blindsided making up something that is not there IMO. But who knows, Linda may be the hidden F1 with the storyline: will she become more than friendship?)
Shirley #3
Naelle #4
Laurie #5
Louise #6
Clemence #7
Melanie #8
Masha #9
Charlene #10
Julie #11
Marie-Charlotte #12


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Princess - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 4 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:06 pm

Anyone know when filming finished?

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:45 pm

Just finished watching the latest episode...

It was pretty funny how the four girls that stayed home seem like frontrunners? Intentional or?

If I had to guess based on the episodes thus far I would say Linda is F1. She seems to have a storyline and I can see a potential progression from friendship/nerves/attraction to more. With Diane it just seems more physical - almost like she has an F2 edit?

It probably means nothing though since I am likely filtering this through my biased view (Linda is by far my favorite) and I haven't watched Bachelor France before so not sure if storyboard/arc is something that is with F1 or not?

I guess I just don't see a story/arc with anyone other than Linda but then Marco could just choose based on physical alone... if so then I can see it being Diane. Something about Linda's edit makes me think she may be F1 though. She seems to get special music and especially this last episode I can see a greater attraction growing/deeper relationship.

Does Bach France end in engagement or just dating at FRC? IIRC most break up post-FRC?

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:47 pm

yes most break up before the saw even airs! !

Cant remember, but I think they usually dont propose.


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