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Post by HodanG Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:52 am

Can anyone link Sam's interview on rove and sam where she discusses BTS of the Bach?

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Post by carraiger Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:24 am

HodanG wrote:Can anyone link Sam's interview on rove and sam where she discusses BTS of the Bach?

Here it is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Post by HodanG Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:06 am

Thankyou sooo much!!

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:36 am

Some interesting BTS photos. Lots of crew with the dates.

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Post by romance realist Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:43 am

And this link about Richie and Megan's body language on their date.
Couldn't agree more.
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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:04 am

The part where Sophie who was eliminated in Ep4 tells Richie to look after Nikki (and it was shown in close captioning)

'Look after Nikki': Sophie voices support for favourite Nikki Gogan after being eliminated... after blonde lets slip she's won The Bachelor

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Post by ThankMeLater Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:11 pm

Keira Rates Richie's Faves

The candid contender shares her thoughts on the other women vying for the Bachelor’s love…


‘She clearly doesn’t like me, going by the comments we’re seeing on the show,’ shares Keira of health promotions officer Megan, 27. ‘She was lovely towards me in the house, although very timid, and I guess she wasn’t used to my personality, which is OK.’

As for Megan being a hot contender for Richie’s affections, Keira says the two ‘definitely have something’.


We’ve seen single mum Alex, 24, and Keira butt heads and the latter still insists the white rose bearer should have been ‘a little more respectful’ when it came to stealing Richie away. ‘It wasn’t like it was five minutes, they’d gone off for an hour,’ she says.

As for Alex’s mummy status, Keira spills, ‘It shouldn’t change a thing… but Richie did say a lot of the time that he wasn’t ready for children…’


‘I love Nikki, but I just want to say that we had no idea what was going on with her and Richie – she kept everything top secret,’ tells Keira of the WA real estate agent. ‘She was very quiet in the house, and although she was really lovely and very nice, she kept to herself,’ adds Keira, who also admits that Nikki, 28, was her ‘biggest competition from the day I got there’.


Stunning makeup artist Olena, 23, certainly had Richie stumbling over his words after giving him the third degree, but Keira says the big-eyed beauty still has her stumped on the relationship she shared with the Bach.

‘Olena and I were roomies and I just thought she was gorgeous, we got along very well and she’s pretty much as you see her, but as for her and Richie, well, she was very mysterious.’

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Post by ThankMeLater Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:23 pm

Marja and Sophie leave The Bachelor
Richie says goodbye to two more girls in a dramatic rose ceremony.

Basketball, biffs and ballroom dancing! Thursday's episode of The Bachelor was packed with drama.

Keira and Eliza locked horns in an epic smack-down which saw Eliza call Keira out over being ungrateful for time with Richie.

"I was feeling you were a bit ungrateful," Eliza said when Keira returned home from a romantic solo date with Richie.

"Why would you say that? That's ridiculous. I can't believe you said that! You clearly don't know me, next time be quiet. Why would you say that in this kind of moment when I'm feeling really good," the blonde bombshell fumed.

In the end, Richie sent Marja and Sophie home. Woman's Day caught up with the two ladies to talk all things Bachie!

Marja has already met someone!
Marja, 34, yoga instructor

What were your first impressions
It was really quite a blur. I remember thinking he looked quite handsome and thinking that I did the most talking. It was all very quick.

Were you happy to see it was Richie? And is he your type?
I was happy to see him. I didn’t watch him last season but seeing him for the first time, I thought he was handsome. But as we moved through the show, I realised Richie isn’t my type – we’re just not compatible.

Was there something missing?
First and foremost I think I’m after someone where we have chemistry. Chemistry is something you can build but with us it really wasn’t there. I think it fizzled. You could just tell. It just wasn’t there.

Were you disappointed to be sent home so early on?
I wasn’t upset because I honestly didn’t like him. I was upset to leave the show!

Would you have stayed on if you hadn’t been eliminated?
I think I would have, I’m of the mindset – everyone goes in for the intention of love. But if it is not there for you… there are also a lot of other reasons to be on the show. For me it was the experience and meeting new people! I always give everything a go!

What were your thoughts on the girls?
Some were very loud and some were quiet. Different people deal with pressure in all kinds of ways.

Are the girls the same as they are portrayed on the show?
I feel like it is real in the sense that is real reactions and emotions but it is not a real situation. I mean it is very weird and odd! The way you see the girls is real – they are playing off the drama. I was closet to Janey, Alex and Eliza – they’re all quite kooky and crazy.

Anyone you didn’t get on with?
There were a lot girls I wouldn’t be friends with if I wasn’t on the show, but got I along with all of them. We’d all cook for each other on Sundays!

Any secret annoying habits?
I napped a lot! So maybe I was the lazy one? Everyone joked that I was on a yoga retreat.

What’s it like on the Bachie set? We hear everyone is always eating!
We get to buy the food we want. The girls complain about the chocolate, but they order it! There was a book with a pen – and you write down what you want. I wanted to remain healthy and it felt like I was at home.

Who do think will win?
Alex, Nikki or Megan. They got a lot of time with him. You can tell with body language, just the amount of time he spent with them, he was keen on them.

Have you met anyone special?
I have met someone since the show! It is amazing but it is still early.

Sophie thinks Nikki will win!
Sophie, 28, customer support manager

What were your first impressions of Richie?
He’s very handsome, really well dressed and well spoken. Actually, he had really great eye contact which is so important! I find that’s really rare these days in men. He is just a lovely genuine person.

Was Richie what you expected?
He’s exactly how I thought he’d be. I watched him on The Bachelorette and he’s 100% what we see!

Were you happy that is was him?
Yeah. It was nice to see a familiar face!

Did you think you’d go so early?
No one goes in knowing what to expect. I figured early on that I didn’t have a connection with him and I guess he felt that too. I’m really going to miss the girls but I was happy to go home to see my family.

What are the girls like?
The other girls all have beautiful qualities individually! There is a bit of drama but that has to be expected when you throw 22 women vying for one man. Obviously some ruffled feathers more than others. But I’ve made some lifelong friends. Nikki was my bestie in the house. I really like Rachel and Faith. Also Janey is so beautiful and innocent and Eliza is just so courageous.

Who do you think will win?
Nikki is my girl! I fell in love with her and I could just feel their chemistry.

Have you met anyone?
Still very single. I’ve been laying low – just focusing on family and friends.
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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:24 pm

We have mysterious Olena and keep to herself Nikki! Interesting! Thanks [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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Post by ThankMeLater Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:36 pm

ELLE Interview: Sophie From 'The Bachelor'
Sophie is out of 'The Bachelor', so we asked her about that Keira and Eliza drama, whether she felt a spark with Richie, and who she thinks will win his heart.

How did you feel after the group date?
I was feeling good after the group date. It was a lot of fun. I didn’t feel 100 percent safe that I wasn’t going to go home, and then when it got to the end, I knew I wouldn’t be the last girl called again, like I was a couple of rose ceremonies ago. So that’s when I knew I was going home.

What did you make of the drama between Keira and Eliza?
I think that Keira was on cloud nine when she came home. Eliza wanted to chat to her about how we all felt on the group date, and I think she chose her moment a little bit… Like it wasn’t the right moment to bring that up, so I think that escalated to what it did.

And did you feel the same way Eliza did on that group date?
Yeah, we were all pretty taken aback with her comment, especially given that she didn’t really want to go on any of the group dates beforehand, so we were quite disappointed with that. Eliza just voiced how we were all feeling.

You asked Richie to look after Nikki as you left. Are you worried she could get hurt?
No, not that she could get hurt, just that I was really, really close to Nikki in the house, and I just wanted to make sure that he knew to take care of her.

Did you feel a spark with Richie?
Not really a spark. We did have some nice conversations, and things like that. I don’t feel like I was there long enough to have a spark with him, and there wasn’t an instant connection when we first met, so I wasn’t devastated to be leaving when I did.

Did you have any interesting conversations with Richie behind the scenes?
We had conversations about his mum being a single mum, his upbringing and childhood, that he’s close to his family, and also just some conversations about breakdancing that he’d done—things like that.

Did your opinion of Richie change from the time you first met to the time you left the show?
Not really. I really respect him, he’s in a tough position and he’s taking it very seriously. He’s so respectful of everyone and he’s just such a lovely guy. He’s just really warm and friendly.

Do you think everyone is genuinely attracted to him?
I don’t think… If you put 22 girls in a room, they’re not all going to be attracted to the same guy, but in this situation, when there’s no other distractions around you, you can actually really get to know someone, so I think the chemistry is on a deeper level if you’re there for a longer time. And then attraction would come if you don’t initially have that attraction to him.

Who has the best connection with him?
I would say that Nikki and Richie had a really good connection. While I was there, he always checked in with her, and took her aside. You could really, really sense the chemistry between them.

Who is the nicest girl in the house?
(Laughs) Definitely Nikki!

What was it you girls bonded over, or how did you grow to be so close?
Nikki and I have a lot of similarities. We have younger sisters, [we’re both] close with our families. We share a lot of values. She’s just so easy to get along with, and she’s a girl’s girl, so bubbly and friendly—it would be hard to not get along with her.

Who is the cattiest girl in the house?

Who is the most calculated girl in the house?
That would be Keira.

Who got the most drunk in the house?
Faith was always a little bit giggly at cocktail parties. She would just be having a good time, just enjoying herself. But no one was ever untidy.

Who was responsible for the funniest moment in the house?
Oh, Sasha! You haven’t seen much of Sasha yet, but she would have us in stitches. She is hilarious, so I hope that that comes across and you guys get to see Sasha.

What is Richie like in real life? Is he different to the Richie we’re seeing on TV?
No, not at all. I think that everyone is coming across true to themselves, which is really impressive, that they’ve been able to capture each personality. He’s just a really genuine, down-to-earth guy.

What do you think about the white rose and the way it’s been used?
Um… It’s a tricky subject, because I think anyone in Alex’s position, having the white rose, would use it at every opportunity they had. But obviously being on the other end of that, if you’re having a conversation with Richie, you’re going to be interrupted by another girl. That’s what causes tension, and people feeling [Alex] would have more time with him, which obviously she does. I think it will cause a few more issues, maybe, in the future, especially as the number of girls goes down, just because that time becomes so much more crucial. I think Kiki explained it as like a never-ending packet of Tim Tams.

What would you have done differently?
I don’t think I would have done anything differently. I’m really happy with my time in the house and the friendships that I’ve made, and my experience, so no, there’s nothing I would do differently.

Who would you like to win?

Who do you think will win?
I think Nikki will win. First to meet him, first date… I just think they would make a really beautiful couple.
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Last edited by ThankMeLater on Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot the link!)


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:43 pm

Nikki Nikki Nikki laugh out loud

Who has the best connection with him? I would say that Nikki and Richie had a really good connection. While I was there, he always checked in with her, and took her aside. You could really, really sense the chemistry between them. wrote:

Thanks [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Can I have a line for that article. TYIA


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Post by ThankMeLater Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:52 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Nikki Nikki Nikki laugh out loud


Thanks [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Can I have a line for that article. TYIA
I totally forgot to add the link and added it in! I love how she really supports her bestie beatingheart


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