Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by gurlbrit Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:02 am

Max64 wrote:There's a picture posted in the pictures only thread of JP and Ashley by a pool, he's kneeling down, and she's standing behind him with sunglasses on and what appears to be a phone in her hand, does anyone know where that came from?

I believe it was a pic that Ashley tweeted and is from one of their safehouse visits.

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by Guest Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:29 am

Thanks Thomigirl, and gurlbrit.... cute picture


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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by JBF Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:48 am

CarrieA wrote:JBF-- I thought about doing one in all black and white with our favorite quotes through the whole things and some classical music in the background when I get some time.

That would be great! Don't rush yourself or feel obligated... just suggesting ideas here. There are so many "little things" we keep finding when we re-watch the stuff... stuff that is not just "romantic" but also funny. You would have to include the "erhu" comments in Hong Kong... when he is having trouble focusing on anything Hong Kong-related!

Better yet... check out (for inspiration) that popular, even after two years, fan vid done for Reid/Jillian on youtube, which was a mixture of instrumental and soundbytes:

Too bad I don't have all of this neat "technology" to play Film Editor. Always wanted to re-edit episode #3 my way, complete with Bentley's "Are we gonna watch TV?" line followed by JP demolishing the entertainment center later... and the two "making love" afterward! Then we can have Ashley tell Chris Harrison: "and to top it off, I fell asleep on him!" (or whatever it was she said)

Then again, that would be a problem with me. I couldn't resist JUST showing JP and Ashey. I would have to toss in clips of the other guys all suffering in their "we lost this" anxiety. (Maybe I have a need to stroke JP's ego here... I dunno. Make him feel Top Man this season? He certainly wouldn't feel any jealousy watching MY video with other guys included.)

Just look at some of the weird stuff I would be creating in my vile little editor's mind...
-His out of limo "no props" comment, followed by the cupcake discussion
-Her pre-JP (still unsatisfied) date with Willie: Her quote to him in the car: "I'M driving!" followed by his "At this point of time, I’m thinking that she is just hungry. She’s just starving for desert."
-Somehow I would have to squeeze in that blooper of Masked Jeff waking him up on the couch.
-Showing JP feeling defeated after losing his coin toss, cut to a shot of Ashley reminding Mickey his date could end in a coin toss!
-Show the Ash/JP coin toss and her "I’m not one to lean in for a kiss but for some reason I wanted to kiss JP tonight." , followed by Bentley's attempt and his voice-over of disgust over their kiss.
-Poor Rocketship Ryan would get a workout once my hands get on his "raw" footage: I would HAVE to include her need for "physical-ness" speech with him in Phuket, followed by her umbrella action with JP.
-I would insert her "Who's neeeext" on the Hong Kong beach, seeing that engagement with the guys, then... cut... the lines with JP: "What do you think we will be doing in a month from now?" / "Um. Something having to do with getting down on one knee, maybe…"
-Oh... Lucas... my how cruel I will be!!! He has never been to New York City, but I would have to throw his line in there as a joke. Then there is her "There’s a rose on this date so you have to be nice to me." and his "Do you mind?" before kissing
-Ames' dropped jaw watching the wedding shoot (and we would have to toss the finale's cut-montage-clip of their wedding shoot kiss there as well). Then, show her getting the rose for JP, with Ames' "out of our hands" frustration.
-Heck, a montage of all of her goodbyes to each dude who didn't "measure up" would be hilarious, especially West's limo ride and Willie's "back in my hole" line.


On second thought, NOBODY would enjoy my video. It would completely DESTROY the romantic mood of this forum!

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by Jaybird Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:10 am

Good Post I would watch it, JBF! You're building a romantic comedy that I'd much rather watch instead of the nonsense with Bentley, for sure.

~ formerly jcw2! ~

Last edited by Jaybird on Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by bilolo Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:34 am

We all are fans of JBF so i am sure we would watch it :D

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by skitts Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:24 pm

San, you are amazing with the pics...thanks so much for sharing your talent and the love, me wants my own wee JP!

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by bluesea Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:34 pm

Did anybody catch what Ash said to jp on their final date when they were saying goodbye...again it sounded like she said 'i love you' right before he said 'see you soon'... i'm probably just hearing things again giggling

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by Alanna Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:38 pm

That People pic is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Goodness! How can a couple be this adorable? heartbeat

Eagle and mnm, I noticed he had his hands on her butt going up the stairs on their LCD too but forgot until you reminded me. So hilarious! He really loves that part of her. :awesome:

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by Rosepetal Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:13 pm

Here are some better cropped pictures of the same pose.

Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 003-2
Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 003-3-1-1

Last edited by Rosepetal on Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:03 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by Thomigirl Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:20 pm

bluesea wrote:Did anybody catch what Ash said to jp on their final date when they were saying goodbye...again it sounded like she said 'i love you' right before he said 'see you soon'... i'm probably just hearing things again giggling

I think you're wrong!....OK, not really, just needed an excuse to go back and watch it again giggling

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by JBF Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:40 pm

bilolo wrote:We all are fans of JBF so i am sure we would watch it :D

Thanks... and jcw2 too!

This is really, really, really, really sick... but I couldn't resist creating a "fan video excerpt in print" here. Guess, like Bentley, I just had to "poop it out" somewhere. Please forgive me. If this post needs moved over to a video discussion thread instead of here... go ahead and dump it there...

After MY VERSION of episode #3: JP's date curing her of Bentley, destroying the Entertainment Center, making out under the covers on the couch and "falling asleep" afterward (un yeah, riiiiight), I would probably jumble in this episode #2 sequence...

Just imagine this: Masked Jeff waking JP up in that blooper AFTER the Ash/JP sleep scene at her place... suggesting that was what he was dreaming about before being so RUDELY interrupted. (We already have Ashley in her little "dream" box at the bottom corner.)

Then look at how I would BUTCHER the Phuket and Chaing Muy episodes #4 & #5...

Blake: It is what it is, you know. It’s the nature of this whole beast. Everybody’s kinda going after the same piece of fruit. It’s tough. It is really tough to do it.
Ben: Just be patient, otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. (twirling motion)
JP: I’m on the way…
Ben (mouth full of apple): I can tell, man! I can tell. Your mood-things are a little different.
***CUT*** (at the orphanage, painting the walls lavender-pink)
Ash: Am I doing OK?
JP: You’re a pro.
Ash: Yeah?
JP: Yeah…
Ash to JP, Mickey and William: You guys are, like, hard core about it.
JP: We’re here to work.
Ash: No messing around…
Mickey: We want to finish it.
Ash: No flirting? Nothing?
JP: No. This isn’t a time for flirting. We’ll flirt later.
Ben (PI from later scene): I feel like she was kind of buzzing around me more than usual.
Ashley getting JP out of the room as she "fingerprints" Ben's chest
Ashley: We had a really good hard day at work and we are now here to celebrate what we have done. I feel I owe it to the guys to let them know I really want them to be here.
Ryan: Damn!
Ash: What?
Ryan: Nice outfit.
To come in this really cool bar, sand on our feet, this beautiful girl. But on top of the beauty of it, she’s just freakin’ rad.
JP's comment (around RC time late in show) about he and Ryan being so different (can't remember exact words).
Ryan (hand on her leg): What are some things you are looking for?
Ashley: First and foremost, I’m just looking for a feeling. Someone who makes me feel really secure and I also want someone to make me feel like I want to flirt with them and touch them. So I want the physical-ness.
Ryan (shivering): Ahhhh… yeah, well… it’s important…
Ashley (voice-over): I’m a little worried about JP. He’s seemed really stand-offish today. We haven’t had much time to talk (We’re going to the beach) and I don’t really know where he stands.
... on to umbrella time... feel free to show all or edit to the "good parts"
Ryan: When JP is carrying her back and walking in front of all the guys, it’s making a real statement. There’s definitely jealousy floating around. It’s gonna get interesting, no doubt.
Ryan telling the others he needs to steal her just one moment... and their ANTI-CLIMACTIC umbrella session
***CUT to Chaing Muy (episode #5)***
Ashley at start of Ben's date: I want the guys to have a lot of fun here and experience new things they've never experienced before...
Ben (PI): Getting a taste of Thai Culture with Ashley was EVERYTHING I wanted from coming over here.
Ben to Ashley on his 1 on 1 date: The only thing I wanted to do is, like, walk around the market and go visit ancient ruins and temples.
Ash: Are you serious?
Ben: Yeah.
Ash to Ben: You know we can't kiss here
JP: I freaking hate these group dates, they’re an experience but I don’t really think they build on my relationship with Ashley, so I’m excited to see Ashley but at the end of the day, I want more 1 on 1 time.
Ashley PI: This is a really hot way to see the men... to see if I can find, like, masculinity in these guys.
JP's "You're actually training in..." followed by brief clip of her preparing JP for the boxing match, while Blake casually glimpses them. "Everybody was ampted up"
JP: If I gotta go in there and take a beating like a man, I’m gonna take a beating like a man. There’s no crying in Muay Thai.
(followed by a few boxing clips and Ashley "I don't want to see this anymore")
JP: The Jew from Long Island kicked the Irishman’s ass from Cleveland! Just getting that out there.
***CUT*** (on Ben C. and William's date)
William: I’m losing the rose in this moment. Is everything going OK back there?
Ashley: I thought William and I were so compatible when I first started this and I never thought that I would not give him the rose, but I’m looking for a Man. That’s what I realized.
Ryan kicking William’s luggage goodbye: Take it outta here! Go ahead! Take it!!!!
***CUT*** (pre-RC meetings)
Ryan moving in on Ash: From the very first night, like… it was just like a rocket-ship!! You know? (frog chirp) Immediately (frog chirp), I was feeling sooo good and then… (frog chirp) the second time we’re together (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) again. I mean (frog chirp) (frog chirp) and we haven’t had a 1 on 1 date yet.(frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp) (frog chirp)
Ash: Even though we haven’t had a 1 on 1, I still feel our relationship is where it should be.
Ash: You are so cute.
JP: Thanks. You look beautiful by the way.
A: Thank you, so do you.
JP: Thanks. You know, when you came to pick up Ben for your date, like… that was the first time it stung a little bit and I know it’s gonna get harder. I mean, that’s just the nature of the beast…

OK... done with this silliness.

Back to our regularly scheduled program here...

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6 - Page 43 Empty Re: Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

Post by mnmhughes Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:17 pm

^^^ JBF, to add to your posts:
JP talking about how "it" was missing in previous relationships.
JP telling his brother that he was starting to feel "it."
JP telling Ash at FRC that SHE is "it."

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Ashley and JP *Picture thread* #6

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