Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:07 am

It doesn't surprise me. She could have left out how different he is from Richie. It's almost as if she's making it known that she can do better than Richie. JMHO but after the bar/beach pics, it was obvious. If those pics were taken last week, IMO it's the same guy that she tried to lie about in the media.

I really don't care for her. She comes across as an entitled spoiled young lady.

I'm glad she's moved on. She won't give this show another thought IMO.


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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by romance realist Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:20 am

This one has a few laughs too.
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Roses are red,
Surfing is gnarly;
Predictable outcomes
Can happen in Bali.
We’re almost there. We’ve come so far. There have been so many ups and downs in this romantic whirlwind, but some things have remained comfortingly familiar.
Richie still works out in the morning.

Nikki is still adorable.
Alex is still a busy mum.
And Olena is still here, despite her increasingly robust attempts to get herself eliminated. Her new single Hey Remember When My Dad Punched You is available now on iTunes.

Before we even have time for a sweeping shot of Sydney Harbour or a scripted empty cup of tea in the Womansion kitchen, Richie’s hopped a plane to Indonesia. We suddenly have to get used to a whole new bunch of establishing shots, like this one of Richie enjoying a healthy snack.

Wistfully, Alex waits wistfully for him, having applied her wistful face as she looks wistfully into the wistance.

Richie, having mastered the Indonesian word for “ha ha”, takes Alex for her first drive around Bali. Alex helps him drive past a very big statue. “It’s massive!” she cries.

Having not quite mastered the Indonesian word for “Ubud”, the couple swap transportation methods for a bike ride through rice paddies in search of something they can use as a couch. Finding a suitable mound of earth, they settle in for a conversation full of words and sentences selected carefully from every conversation they’ve had before. They talk for a while, but I’ve consulted some social anthropology specialists and summed up the conversation below:

“Every time I’m with him I feel like the only woman on the planet” says Alex, in an island nation with a population of over 200 million.
“That I’m the most beautiful woman in the world” says Alex, grandly disrespecting her fellow contestants.
“And that I deserve the world” says Alex, with a sudden surge of megalomania.
At the very least though, she deserves a pash in a wet paddock.
Bags not eating any of the rice within a one-metre radius

Realising that Alex hasn’t used up her stash of I Wuv You and OMG You’re So Funny faces, the pair repeats the entire conversation again on a different couch, overlooking a leafy valley, with champagne.
Also Alex has a son. Just. You know. In case you forgot.
The next day Richie meets up with Nikki, and look I’m not saying that she’s the favourite or anything, but he doesn’t just take her into the middle of a sodden field to sit on a lump. Oh no.

After a frankly delightful beach pash, the couch section of Richie and Nikki’s date involves hand-holding, drinks, and a dude called Bruno lighting a blessing on fire.
Here’s to a long life full of dudes called Bruno.
Here’s to a long life full of dudes called Bruno.Source:Channel 10
“In the deepest depths of my imagination U couldn’t have even dreamt of him, y’know?” says Nikki, causing deep concern for the very terrible state of her imagination. She talks about how excited she is about her and Richie being a team, and he says they fit together so well and he could just slot into the family at Christmas time, and oh my GOD just pick her already, Rich. You just KNOW she’s the only girl who brought an extra tube of sunburn cream for you in her handbag.
Nikki doesn't want to be the easy choice

We haven’t completely blown the playsuit and violin-heavy music budget yet though, as Richie picks Olena up in a motorbike sidecar to take her surfing.
Despite having no success for the past two months, Olena continues to try everything she can to turn Richie off.
She hints that her mother has concerns about them ending up together while they wax a surfboard (the Indonesian Tourism Board suggests strongly that this is the best time to do that).
She doesn’t even attempt to stand up on her surfboard, dashing Richie’s hope that she’d bust out a goofy-footed aerial.

Back on the beach, Olena slugs wine as she tells Richie that her mother and father aren’t all that cool with the idea of the two of them getting together.

She refers to their situation as “a huge mess” and says she’s “trying to figure out if I’m going to be happy at the end of the day”, both such typical statements for the swooning young debutante in the passionate throes of new love.
As evening falls, while they eat an extremely ill-advised outdoor tropical heat cheese platter, Richie wonders aloud if he’ll be a bald 50-year-old still trying to figure out how Olena feels about him. He tells her he’s starting to become frustrated. She uses the word “hassle” and makes this face.
That lukewarm triple-cream brie isn’t sitting well at ALL.

They spend the entire date gently arguing. “OIena’s incredibly hard to read” says Richie, not understanding a bold, italic, underlined, mutual nope.
Look, if there’s one thing we’ve definitely learned from watching these three dates, it’s that Richie’s hair did not look good in any of them.
Finally we make our way into what we suspect will be the most predictable rose ceremony of the last three hundred episodes.

Nikki’s emotional voice-over mentions the word “love”.
Alex’s emotional voice-over mentions the word “love”.
Olena’s voice-over includes the phrase “I got everything off my chest”.
Osher enters, sweating in a converted Balinese-canoe suit, and justifies his airfare by briefly introducing Richie and using the word “journey”.
Richie’s emotional voice-over includes the phrase “The decision I have to make is not a difficult one” while acting like someone who has a difficult decision to make.
Dear God, please make this decision extremely predictable.

Richie takes three minutes to deliver the first rose to Nikki. There are long shots of people being quite tense. There are staccato strings. There is a moment when we realise that Alex’s underpants are one hundred per cent visible through her skirt. And then, in a decision easily seen from a lead-lined suitcase hidden under a burnt-out car chassis in the Tanami Desert, Olena is sent home.

Bye, Olena. We’ll miss your mystery, and your hotness, and your mysterious hotness, and your hot mystery. We’ll miss how you rhymed “crazy ride” with “by my side” in your last hot, mysterious words to Richie.
We’ll miss how Richie totally dissed you by saying “saying goodbye to Olena wasn’t that difficult”.
And we’ll miss how long it took us to realise that you like tennis.

romance realist

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by emusha Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:40 am

This episode has completely changed my mind about Olena -- she came across as entitled and spoilt -- ITA with GA who expressed the same thoughts. I'm not too interested in following her after this show... she also seems still very very young

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by HodanG Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:11 am

Anyone know if Olena has snapchat?

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Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:34 am

emusha wrote:This episode has completely changed my mind about Olena -- she came across as entitled and spoilt -- ITA with GA who expressed the same thoughts. I'm not too interested in following her after this show... she also seems still very very young

That's ok, I'm not sure she's going to care much if some people don't like her. With 93,000 Insta followers and climbing, she's smart and savvy and knows what she wants and more importantly what she doesn't want like any mature person does. And she didn't want Richie. Because let's face it, he's not the most intellectually stimulating of individuals IMO.


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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by HodanG Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:05 am

Well said fifty! I really think that if Nikki is taken and won't be the bachelorette, IMO Olena is the next option on what the producers are looking for.

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by Cocoasneeze Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:10 am

HodanG wrote:Well said fifty! I really think that if Nikki is taken and won't be the bachelorette, IMO Olena is the next option on what the producers are looking for.

Didn't Olena just come out to say that she's dating someone?

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by LoveDovez Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:45 pm

Fifty wrote:
emusha wrote:This episode has completely changed my mind about Olena -- she came across as entitled and spoilt -- ITA with GA who expressed the same thoughts. I'm not too interested in following her after this show... she also seems still very very young

That's ok, I'm not sure she's going to care much if some people don't like her. With 93,000 Insta followers and climbing, she's smart and savvy and knows what she wants and more importantly what she doesn't want like any mature person does.  And she didn't want Richie.  Because let's face it, he's not the most intellectually stimulating of individuals IMO.

I love Olena. I'm so proud of her for sticking to being her real self and not acting like she loved everything that "Rich" did like some of the other girls did. NO wonder he found her mysterious. He knew she was so far out of his league that he was  lucky she was even on the show.

I don't find Richie one bit good looking and Olena could have her pick of men easily. Would it have hurt him ever now and then to have at least worn a dress shirt during the season. To me, he never looked put together and came off a tad bit tacky, but then that's just my HONEST opinion. Those wife beaters ( as I call them ) are OK ever so often, but the least he could have done was dressed it up a tad. Blake did, Sam did, so why couldn't he?

If he and Alex last a year or year an a half it will truly shock me. She will get tired of pretending after a while. I found it ridiculous of him picking one of the youngest ladies on there. It was like he wanted to show the world that he could get a young chick when if he had been serious about finding love and settling down Nikki would have been the perfect mate for him, but I guess she was too old for him in his way of thinking He really disappointed me. Not that I would want him to pick Nikki if she wasn't his person and I think she can do a lot better, too it will just take a little while for her to figure that out.

Alex made me sick calling him Rich the last episode when she'd never called him that before. Maybe she was seeing $ signs when she called him that. Who knows.... I know I don't really care.... I'm off my soapbox now, but I just had to say how I really feel about the whole season..

Go Olena. You can get out there now and party all you want to now. ; ).

I'm sorry for the long post. ; (.

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by Guest Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:38 pm

LoveDovez wrote:
Fifty wrote:
emusha wrote:This episode has completely changed my mind about Olena -- she came across as entitled and spoilt -- ITA with GA who expressed the same thoughts. I'm not too interested in following her after this show... she also seems still very very young

That's ok, I'm not sure she's going to care much if some people don't like her. With 93,000 Insta followers and climbing, she's smart and savvy and knows what she wants and more importantly what she doesn't want like any mature person does.  And she didn't want Richie.  Because let's face it, he's not the most intellectually stimulating of individuals IMO.

I love Olena. I'm so proud of her for sticking to being her real self and not acting like she loved everything that "Rich" did like some of the other girls did. NO wonder he found her mysterious. He knew she was so far out of his league that he was  lucky she was even on the show.

I don't find Richie one bit good looking and Olena could have her pick of men easily. Would it have hurt him ever now and then to have at least worn a dress shirt during the season. To me, he never looked put together and came off a tad bit tacky, but then that's just my HONEST opinion. Those wife beaters ( as I call them ) are OK ever so often, but the least he could have done was dressed it up a tad. Blake did, Sam did, so why couldn't he?

If he and Alex last a year or year an a half it will truly shock me. She will get tired of pretending after a while. I found it ridiculous of him picking one of the youngest ladies on there. It was like he wanted to show the world that he could get a young chick when if he had been serious about finding love and settling down Nikki would have been the perfect mate for him, but I guess she was too old for him in his way of thinking He really disappointed me. Not that I would want him to pick Nikki if she wasn't his person and I think she can do a lot better, too it will just take a little while for her to figure that out.

Alex made me sick calling him Rich the last episode when she'd never called him that before. Maybe she was seeing $ signs when she called him that. Who knows.... I know I don't really care.... I'm off my soapbox now, but I just had to say how I really feel about the whole season..

Go Olena. You can get out there now and party all you want to now. ; ).

I'm sorry for the long post. ; (.

I just think ***EDIT*** need to be accepting of the female contestants on this show in particular who are willing to express how they really feel about the lead even if it is in a negative light. We are in 2016 after all.  The bachelor lead isn't a god and isn't for everyone it should be as much about the contestant finding "their person" as much as the lead. If she's going out with someone who is very different to Richie, why can't she say that IMO. There isnt anything wrong with that. And quite frankly how frustrating would it be for a partner to never ask you deep questions about you.  How could he go all the way to htd and not know she spent from the ages of 9 to 15 in a tennis academy?? Alarm bells were ringing for me as in I'm sure they were for her. It seems he just wanted to know if she loved him to stroke his ego. She said in an interview that during the last date she told him "I don't love you" and he was taken aback.  She told the truth as she said she wasn't in it for the win. If more contestants were like that, the lead would be able to find the right person instead of choosing someone they know nothing about and then it's Splitsville 3 months down the track. You need an attentive partner who meets your needs and you meet theirs and it looks like he wasn't able to do that. So that to me isn't self entitlement, that's a strong sense of self worth which all the contestants should have before going into this environment Imo.

As for the bachelorette, who knows I think after this season they will be thinking long and hard about re using someone from a previous year, because let's face it popularity alone can't carry a show as we have seen. I haven't seen this much backlash for a lead since Blske and that's saying a lot


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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by natik Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:04 pm

Fifty wrote:
LoveDovez wrote:
Fifty wrote:

That's ok, I'm not sure she's going to care much if some people don't like her. With 93,000 Insta followers and climbing, she's smart and savvy and knows what she wants and more importantly what she doesn't want like any mature person does.  And she didn't want Richie.  Because let's face it, he's not the most intellectually stimulating of individuals IMO.

I love Olena. I'm so proud of her for sticking to being her real self and not acting like she loved everything that "Rich" did like some of the other girls did. NO wonder he found her mysterious. He knew she was so far out of his league that he was  lucky she was even on the show.

I don't find Richie one bit good looking and Olena could have her pick of men easily. Would it have hurt him ever now and then to have at least worn a dress shirt during the season. To me, he never looked put together and came off a tad bit tacky, but then that's just my HONEST opinion. Those wife beaters ( as I call them ) are OK ever so often, but the least he could have done was dressed it up a tad. Blake did, Sam did, so why couldn't he?

If he and Alex last a year or year an a half it will truly shock me. She will get tired of pretending after a while. I found it ridiculous of him picking one of the youngest ladies on there. It was like he wanted to show the world that he could get a young chick when if he had been serious about finding love and settling down Nikki would have been the perfect mate for him, but I guess she was too old for him in his way of thinking He really disappointed me. Not that I would want him to pick Nikki if she wasn't his person and I think she can do a lot better, too it will just take a little while for her to figure that out.

Alex made me sick calling him Rich the last episode when she'd never called him that before. Maybe she was seeing $ signs when she called him that. Who knows.... I know I don't really care.... I'm off my soapbox now, but I just had to say how I really feel about the whole season..

Go Olena. You can get out there now and party all you want to now. ; ).

I'm sorry for the long post. ; (.

I just think ***EDIT*** need to be accepting of the female contestants on this show in particular who are willing to express how they really feel about the lead even if it is in a negative light. We are in 2016 after all.  The bachelor lead isn't a god and isn't for everyone it should be as much about the contestant finding "their person" as much as the lead. If she's going out with someone who is very different to Richie, why can't she say that IMO. There isnt anything wrong with that. And quite frankly how frustrating would it be for a partner to never ask you deep questions about you.  How could he go all the way to htd and not know she spent from the ages of 9 to 15 in a tennis academy?? Alarm bells were ringing for me as in I'm sure they were for her. It seems he just wanted to know if she loved him to stroke his ego. She said in an interview that during the last date she told him "I don't love you" and he was taken aback.  She told the truth as she said she wasn't in it for the win. If more contestants were like that, the lead would be able to find the right person instead of choosing someone they know nothing about and then it's Splitsville 3 months down the track. You need an attentive partner who meets your needs and you meet theirs and it looks like he wasn't able to do that. So that to me isn't self entitlement, that's a strong sense of self worth which all the contestants should have before going into this environment Imo.

As for the bachelorette, who knows I think after this season they will be thinking long and hard about re using someone from a previous year, because let's face it popularity alone can't carry a show as we have seen. I haven't seen this much backlash for a lead since Blske and that's saying a lot

Great post! IA as for the bachelorette I think they need someone who has personality and spunk. Please not again an vanilla Stepford wife. Jesus it's year 2016 and not 1972. But yet again I'm not sure if I want for Olena to do it cause you can basically only lose with being a lead. So let Nikki have it. And I'm calling it now she is going to be "Richie" all over again. IMO

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by LoveDovez Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:37 pm

Fifty wrote:
LoveDovez wrote:
Fifty wrote:

That's ok, I'm not sure she's going to care much if some people don't like her. With 93,000 Insta followers and climbing, she's smart and savvy and knows what she wants and more importantly what she doesn't want like any mature person does.  And she didn't want Richie.  Because let's face it, he's not the most intellectually stimulating of individuals IMO.

I love Olena. I'm so proud of her for sticking to being her real self and not acting like she loved everything that "Rich" did like some of the other girls did. NO wonder he found her mysterious. He knew she was so far out of his league that he was  lucky she was even on the show.

I don't find Richie one bit good looking and Olena could have her pick of men easily. Would it have hurt him ever now and then to have at least worn a dress shirt during the season. To me, he never looked put together and came off a tad bit tacky, but then that's just my HONEST opinion. Those wife beaters ( as I call them ) are OK ever so often, but the least he could have done was dressed it up a tad. Blake did, Sam did, so why couldn't he?

If he and Alex last a year or year an a half it will truly shock me. She will get tired of pretending after a while. I found it ridiculous of him picking one of the youngest ladies on there. It was like he wanted to show the world that he could get a young chick when if he had been serious about finding love and settling down Nikki would have been the perfect mate for him, but I guess she was too old for him in his way of thinking He really disappointed me. Not that I would want him to pick Nikki if she wasn't his person and I think she can do a lot better, too it will just take a little while for her to figure that out.

Alex made me sick calling him Rich the last episode when she'd never called him that before. Maybe she was seeing $ signs when she called him that. Who knows.... I know I don't really care.... I'm off my soapbox now, but I just had to say how I really feel about the whole season..

Go Olena. You can get out there now and party all you want to now. ; ).

I'm sorry for the long post. ; (.

I just think ***EDIT*** need to be accepting of the female contestants on this show in particular who are willing to express how they really feel about the lead even if it is in a negative light. We are in 2016 after all.  The bachelor lead isn't a god and isn't for everyone it should be as much about the contestant finding "their person" as much as the lead. If she's going out with someone who is very different to Richie, why can't she say that IMO. There isnt anything wrong with that. And quite frankly how frustrating would it be for a partner to never ask you deep questions about you.  How could he go all the way to htd and not know she spent from the ages of 9 to 15 in a tennis academy?? Alarm bells were ringing for me as in I'm sure they were for her. It seems he just wanted to know if she loved him to stroke his ego. She said in an interview that during the last date she told him "I don't love you" and he was taken aback.  She told the truth as she said she wasn't in it for the win. If more contestants were like that, the lead would be able to find the right person instead of choosing someone they know nothing about and then it's Splitsville 3 months down the track. You need an attentive partner who meets your needs and you meet theirs and it looks like he wasn't able to do that. So that to me isn't self entitlement, that's a strong sense of self worth which all the contestants should have before going into this environment Imo.

As for the bachelorette, who knows I think after this season they will be thinking long and hard about re using someone from a previous year, because let's face it popularity alone can't carry a show as we have seen. I haven't seen this much backlash for a lead since Blske and that's saying a lot

bowdown :Thanktwo I agree Good Post word  You said it so much better than I ever could, esp the bold part.Thank you. I never saw what others ( not the posters on here ) did in him to begin with so I wasn't disappointed I more or less just got to slap myself on the back and say to myself YEP you were right lolol

As far as Olena being/feeling entitled I would have to say she was no more that that Nikki was full of herself thinking she had it in the bag per her words on the Finale night, but if Nikki was/is your favorite you tend to overlook that. I didn't see Olena as being entitled at all. Just self assured and well aware  of her self worth. As for him not asking questions and not knowing about her tennis career, I would lay money down that he doesn't know anymore about Alex than he did her except she's a mom and geez Louise I don't think there's a soul that's ever heard of The Bach that does not know this. She said it enough times. lolol. How horrible was it that Emily left lil Rikki to do this show and was tarred and feathered for it, but lil Rikki wasn't any younger than Alex's son and there wasn't two words said about her leaving her child...

So he is getting a lot of backlash?? I haven't kept up with it sine being able to pick my jaw up off the floor when he made his choice. lololol

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fingerscrossed - Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4 - Page 52 Empty Re: Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

Post by natik Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:38 pm

Fingersandtoes wrote:
HodanG wrote:Well said fifty! I really think that if Nikki is taken and won't be the bachelorette, IMO Olena is the next option on what the producers are looking for.

Didn't Olena just come out to say that she's dating someone?

In her Popsugar interview she said that she is single. You can watch it here.

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Olena Khamula - 2nd SD girl - Bachelor Australia - Season 4

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