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Post by Guest Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:33 pm

I believe it would to Mia!

Ok, I was doubting there for a min, you all said that’s what happens, haha, but now I’m back on the Luke as F1 unicorn train. I can’t see how she can let him go the way she feels about him. He is def. her unicorn, does she end up with him is the question we’ll see answered if he happens to get to Thailand OR if he doesn’t and she goes the non-unicorn route.

Mia, I rewatched the Luke/Jojo scene..I think I was frustrated with the Wells date, editing, OTT stuff they’re doing on this show. Then it went into the GD and I got frustrated again not being able to see much of it, then we have James talking throughout.

Anyway, after re-watching I think this is how the nighttime portion went:
James gets his time with Jojo, says his thing about Jordan. Then you see Luke I think trying to get some time with Jo, but she wants to confront Jordan-then we see right after Jordan gets back, she takes Luke. So she’s coming into his SQT after Jordan.

My rose-colored glasses (thanks moon) are back on! I’m seeing the scene differently from Jo’s perspective. I think Luke said the perfect thing to her when she said:
What’s going on in your head Luke? and he said-I’m just happy to be here with you right now-she does her little head shake and kisses his cheek. I think he says, honestly, then she says yeah? and he- umhmm.

Here’s how the rest went, and I’ve said before about the Ben & Lauren theme centered on Luke, you’ll see another one highlighted down below. This isn’t word for word, might have left out a FEW likes, he says it A LOT! Noticed he hasn’t mentioned I love you yet either, neither did Lauren until late in the season (still think that’s why Ben fell for Jojo too, because he wasn’t sure about Lauren and her feelings, so he explored his options with Jojo). Jojo is one that has to have things confirmed/validated right there in black in white, just like Ben. Why showcase all this if he isn’t F1? The edit has been about- will Jo end up with the bad boy again? Jordan and somewhat Robby (later in season) have been showcased as that. Why play that up, if she ends up with Jordan? Chase is coming into things to late in the game…plus they still aren’t showing his love story, I just don’t see it. Of course most of you don’t see it with Luke!  giggling

L-Everything has been, everything about you just makes me want more of you, like more time, I want to know more, I want to know everything about you. Another week goes by and I get to see you for whatever the amount of time that is, and it makes my day.

J-I love seeing you, things are so good when I think of you. I’m so excited and I feel that we have such a good thing.

L-Yeah, I feel the same way and like you know we said this on the 1on1, you said that it was like it was almost to good to be true, like how organic and natural everything was you know. It took like a moment to kind of stand back and be like-yeah this is real and to kind of embrace that and let it happen and let it be, you know, and that’s where I’m at…and, I love it here. And so to get to spend I don’t care if it’s 5 minutes or 5 days with you here, it’s huge for me. This is a city that’s like you kind of like want to come back to years later and be like this spot, this city.

Jo-We did this
L-Right, that’s what I’m sayin’, and I want that, and so, I want that with you.
The passionate kissing scene here, and Luke’s deep breath!! That gets my heart EVERY time! :fanningfan  :fanningfan  beatingheart


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Post by rhondam Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:15 pm

JoJo's Ep 6 People Blog pertaining to Luke here

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:28 am

Date with Wells, her response in regards to his “spark” eventually going away in relationships-
Jo-Everyone always says that like (Luke’s rubbing off on her, ha) passion goes away-does it-does it have too? I understand when you get comfortable but I also feel like no matter what, when you’re with the person you’re supposed to be with, you will always look at them & be always like-I mean, he’s still so hot to me. You know I make jokes about this, that I’m looking for my unicorn or I think that fairytale love does exist, but I hate?? when some people are like- that doesn’t exist, that’s in movies, that’s a song-I think it does exist. I think everyone deserves to find that type of love.

VO during their SQT-
I’m running out of words to describe the level of passion that is.. Luke…and me… together.

Jo’s people blog post today-
After getting our workout in for the day, it was time to enjoy a little cocktail hour with these great men. Let me just preface these next few sentences with: I'm sorry Dad. The PASSION between Luke and I ... I mean, I'm sure you all could feel that through your TV. It was HOTT. Period.


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Post by moonchild Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:23 am

Lost17 wrote:I believe it would to Mia!

Ok, I was doubting there for a min, you all said that’s what happens, haha, but now I’m back on the Luke as F1 unicorn train. I can’t see how she can let him go the way she feels about him. He is def. her unicorn, does she end up with him is the question we’ll see answered if he happens to get to Thailand OR if he doesn’t and she goes the non-unicorn route.

Mia, I rewatched the Luke/Jojo scene..I think I was frustrated with the Wells date, editing, OTT stuff they’re doing on this show. Then it went into the GD and I got frustrated again not being able to see much of it, then we have James talking throughout.

Anyway, after re-watching I think this is how the nighttime portion went:
James gets his time with Jojo, says his thing about Jordan. Then you see Luke I think trying to get some time with Jo, but she wants to confront Jordan-then we see right after Jordan gets back, she takes Luke. So she’s coming into his SQT after Jordan.

My rose-colored glasses (thanks moon) are back on! I’m seeing the scene differently from Jo’s perspective. I think Luke said the perfect thing to her when she said:
What’s going on in your head Luke? and he said-I’m just happy to be here with you right now-she does her little head shake and kisses his cheek. I think he says, honestly, then she says yeah? and he- umhmm.

Here’s how the rest went, and I’ve said before about the Ben & Lauren theme centered on Luke, you’ll see another one highlighted down below. This isn’t word for word, might have left out a FEW likes, he says it A LOT! Noticed he hasn’t mentioned I love you yet either, neither did Lauren until late in the season (still think that’s why Ben fell for Jojo too, because he wasn’t sure about Lauren and her feelings, so he explored his options with Jojo). Jojo is one that has to have things confirmed/validated right there in black in white, just like Ben. Why showcase all this if he isn’t F1? The edit has been about- will Jo end up with the bad boy again? Jordan and somewhat Robby (later in season) have been showcased as that. Why play that up, if she ends up with Jordan? Chase is coming into things to late in the game…plus they still aren’t showing his love story, I just don’t see it. Of course most of you don’t see it with Luke!  giggling

L-Everything has been, everything about you just makes me want more of you, like more time, I want to know more, I want to know everything about you. Another week goes by and I get to see you for whatever the amount of time that is, and it makes my day.

J-I love seeing you, things are so good when I think of you. I’m so excited and I feel that we have such a good thing.

L-Yeah, I feel the same way and like you know we said this on the 1on1, you said that it was like it was almost to good to be true, like how organic and natural everything was you know. It took like a moment to kind of stand back and be like-yeah this is real and to kind of embrace that and let it happen and let it be, you know, and that’s where I’m at…and, I love it here. And so to get to spend I don’t care if it’s 5 minutes or 5 days with you here, it’s huge for me. This is a city that’s like you kind of like want to come back to years later and be like this spot, this city.

Jo-We did this
L-Right, that’s what I’m sayin’, and I want that, and so, I want that with you.
The passionate kissing scene here, and Luke’s deep breath!! That gets my heart EVERY time! :fanningfan  :fanningfan  beatingheart

Lukes deep breaths remind me of lyrics from Everlong by the Foo Fighters. "Breathe out, so I can breathe you in"
Other lyrics: And I wonder, if everything could feel this way forever, If anything could be this good again. The only thing I ask of you, You've got to promise not to stop when I say when.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:22 pm

A few SC's to brighten the page.
 photo plj2_zpsha8hhwwl.jpg

 photo plj3_zpsbulmyfpf.jpg

 photo plj6_zpszdt1mpoh.jpg
My sc's

Yep, that passionate kiss just lead him to F1! :cutesmile!:


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Post by Litta123 Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:15 pm

After looking at these caps, my mind is spinning. How could things be this passionate with Luke, but he didn't get to FDs? Unless, as previously speculated, to protect the true F1.

I don't see how Luke doesn't get chosen to go over Chase (and I love Chase  :tissuebox ). This isn't making sense. Maybe there is a twist to this season. Sometimes I think it's just a normal season and sometimes I think there is going to be a significant twist.

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Post by moonchild Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:32 pm

Lost17 wrote:A few SC's to brighten the page.
 photo plj2_zpsha8hhwwl.jpg

 photo plj3_zpsbulmyfpf.jpg

 photo plj6_zpszdt1mpoh.jpg
My sc's

Yep, that passionate kiss just lead him to F1! :cutesmile!:

Deep sigh!!!! Thanks, I needed this, Lost!

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Post by MiaHawk Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:02 pm

One of Luke's sexiest moments was when he exhaled right before that kiss. :yes:
One of Luke's funniest moments (for me) was when Robby was kissing Jojo by the fountain and the guys are watching from the lobby. You hear Luke say "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" NO SPOILERS - LUKE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers* - Page 8 3806527698 Cracks me up every time!

You never know, maybe she took all 4 guys to Thailand for FDs. I don't think that, but there's always a chance, right? If Luke gets cut right after HTD it has to be in part due to his country lifestyle. I don't picture Jojo living on a ranch. Maybe he is unwilling to move for her, and she might want to really stay in Dallas. IDK. They certainly have the chemistry down. :girlfan

If it is any consolation, I think Luke is a shoe in for the next lead. Heck, even I have been converted to a Luke fan. I started out thinking he was way too uptight, but then they finally began to show his true personality. He's funny! And smart. And sexy. And when he smiles he is twice as handsome.

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Post by moonchild Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:59 pm

MiaHawk wrote:One of Luke's sexiest moments was when he exhaled right before that kiss. :yes:
One of Luke's funniest moments (for me) was when Robby was kissing Jojo by the fountain and the guys are watching from the lobby. You hear Luke say "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh" NO SPOILERS - LUKE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers* - Page 8 3806527698 Cracks me up every time!

You never know, maybe she took all 4 guys to Thailand for FDs. I don't think that, but there's always a chance, right? If Luke gets cut right after HTD it has to be in part due to his country lifestyle. I don't picture Jojo living on a ranch. Maybe he is unwilling to move for her, and she might want to really stay in Dallas. IDK. They certainly have the chemistry down. :girlfan

If it is any consolation, I think Luke is a shoe in for the next lead. Heck, even I have been converted to a Luke fan. I started out thinking he was way too uptight, but then they finally began to show his true personality. He's funny! And smart. And sexy. And when he smiles he is twice as handsome.  

Mia, they discussed on their 1-1 that he lives in Nashville and spends time in Austin. JJ responded, two of my favorite cities. He also said that Texas will always be a part of his heart. He grew up on a ranch, his parents still live there, but that is not the life he is choosing to live now. The show likes to play up his Texas cowboy persona. I think he and JoJo have a lot more in common than most are seeing. You do see them laughing and smiling a lot on their 1-1 during VOs. They just love his back story, which is of a serious nature, so for the most part comes across as intense and serious. JMO, but I also think that he really thinks through what he is saying that has great meaning to him, also making him seem intense. Their time together that we see, is split between kissing and serious conversation.

My favorite sexy moment with him, is on the last epi on the bench when he tells her, I want that with you and he looks over at her and they lock eyes....then let the games begin! My second favorite is at dinner of their 1-1 when they first sit down. The look he gives her as he is picking his glass up to take a sip. Aye, chihuahua!!!!! :fanningfan

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Post by agentcurls Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:03 pm

I think it's a mixture of things that leave Luke at F4:
Sparing F1's feelings
Country lifestyle may not jive with JoJo's stage in life.
Relationship plateaued...JoJo herself said to him that she didn't have to worry about him...but unfortunately, I think she likes to worry and be on her toes in her love life...I think tha't part of what intrigues her about Jordan...and to some extent Chase, too, since he isn't coming on  as strong with regards to his feelings.
I think tptb have given us a lot of Luke, and so people tend to discount the Chase relationship because it's more hidden, but I definitely see something special there with nuances. That's not to say she doesn't have somethng special about Luke! That's pretty darn special, too!
I also think him going at F4 gives him a leg up for the next lead position, so maybe tptb steered her in that direction.
I would personally love it if she decided to bring Luke on to Thailand, too...and even more thirlled if he is her actual F1, but at this point, out of the F4, this is the most far-fetched scenario.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:16 pm

My pleasure moon! bestbud!

moonchild wrote:Lukes deep breaths remind me of lyrics from Everlong by the Foo Fighters. "Breathe out, so I can breathe you in"
Other lyrics: And I wonder, if everything could feel this way forever, If anything could be this good again. The only thing I ask of you, You've got to promise not to stop when I say when.

Mia I'm quoting moon here-I feel she was already falling hard for Luke, but once this happened, yep, game over. I mean, I wasn't even there, and that deep breath and kiss was HOTT coming off my tv screen, can you imagine what she was feeling experiencing that first hand!

LOL, I'm sure none of the guys liked that kiss with Robby  giggling ...or watching Luke and Jojo up on that balcony the very first GD. That was an amazing first kiss!

I can picture JJ living anywhere her heart is.

Noooo, I'm not in this for the consolation prize now, I'm in it for the grand prize unicorn F1! cheerleader  BUT Shirl, I'll be happy for you if it goes you way! sweet kiss


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:38 pm

moonchild wrote:
Mia, they discussed on their 1-1 that he lives in Nashville and spends time in Austin.  JJ responded, two of my favorite cities.  He also said that Texas will always be a part of his heart.  He grew up on a ranch, his parents still live there, but that is not the life he is choosing to live now.  The show likes to play up his Texas cowboy persona.  I think he and JoJo have a lot more in common than most are seeing.  You do see them laughing and smiling a lot on their 1-1 during VOs.  They just love his back story, which is of a serious nature, so for the most part comes across as intense and serious. JMO, but I also think that he really thinks through what he is saying that has great meaning to him, also making him seem intense.  Their time together that we see, is split between kissing and serious conversation.

My favorite sexy moment with him, is on the last epi on the bench when he tells her, I want that with you and he looks over at her and they lock eyes....then let the games begin!  My second favorite is at dinner of their 1-1 when they first sit down.  The look he gives her as he is picking his glass up to take a sip.  Aye, chihuahua!!!!! :fanningfan
Sorry if this is a DP, didn't see it when I posted...
Yes! Love this moon and agree. I've seen them start to laugh and they are always cutting that out! NO SPOILERS - LUKE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers* - Page 8 2292733854  That's one of the things I love about Luke, is how he thinks about his words and how they're said...deeper meaning behind them for sure.

Yeah, those intense looks. beatingheart  I liked his chills comment and then later we hear Jojo say she had chills while they were dancing. Another, was when he said 'yes' to receiving the rose at dinner before the concert. :thud Oh and the look he gave her after their kiss and when he bit his lip looking at her.:thud  His 'falling for you'-and Jo's look while he's saying it, the way he plays with her hair/her cheek...ok I love it all!Embarressed!  So many beautiful moments between them. I have no idea how I got sucked into loving this pairing so much, but I think they are in my top 2 favs!


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