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Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:56 am

Alanna wrote:
snipped ... I like all 3 love stories, which is why they're the ones I remember. And I remember very well people posting how JP is a psychotic monster and a post that verbatim said about Shawn and Kait's atfr hat she looked frightened and will have to be frightened of him always. I even remember the poster who said it laugh out loud anyway, we have hindsight and that's the point to me. We don't have hindsight on BBJ yet so I can't judge him or his real or perceived drama until they're off the show.

Especially I can't judge because I feel like they have no choice but to edit it dramatically considering there is no competition at all and he's far and away the only choice for her. Jmo as always.
I guess when I love a couple I block out the negative comments giggling  and focus on the whipped because I know there always are negative opinions of every couple.

RE the bolded, my personal take is different.  I love this season, but I don't need hindsight to know that I'm not feeling the Jojo and Jordan love story as I watch so it won't be a couple I remember watching fondly fall in love, no matter how RL turns out.  It's just not a great one for me, JMO personally, while Jash and Kaitboo were - as I watched - despite the drama or negative opinions.  This season is just another final couple love story that I'm not shipping, like at all Smiley .

For those enjoying Jojo and Jordan as a couple I'm happy for you because that's when the show is the most fun IMO.  I'm glad some people are really loving the couple.  I'm just not one of those this time around, despite how great Jojo is.  They might be a perfect fit and have a great relationship in RL, doesn't change that it's not the tv ending that as a viewer I'm rooting for in terms of my entertainment Smiley . JMO.


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Post by Ash2214 Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:58 am

^ You're correct babs and we don't know if Jordan even got a wedding invitation considering the guy that got married is a friend of a friend.


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Post by nd4reality Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:58 am

The groom was Jordan's friend Brandons friend. They have the same profession it appears.
Jordan was into the discussion here because Brandon posted a picture of. Another wedding he had attend that included jordan and tagged tbt or something. So folks here thought that jordan would be at this one too. It was just probably Brandon being emo laugh out loud.

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Post by sosleepy Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:03 am

Alanna wrote:I'm guessing the family will reconcile once Bestest Actress Evah is out of the picture. Punny! Get it??

As for Jo, she's shown herself to be incredibly loyal, sometimes to men who don't deserve it, so at least imo, from her end, she'll support her guy and his "side" no matter what.

We don't know a lot about, or really anything about the Olivia dynamic. This is exactly why I think this sucks for Aaron. He didn't sign up to have his relationship dissected, Jordan did. But here Aaron is, and that's why Jordan probably made the rift worse.

Devil's advocat. Will adding quasi famous JoJo and another quasi famous celebrity "in the spot light" couple to the Brothers Jordan mess help this situation? I guess probably no. Adding Jo^3 just makes everything more complicated for the Rodgers family.

I do agree JoJo seems like a very loyal "stand by your man" type. Which is why I think they will last longer than the average 6 months.

All I meant, is that their situation is easier if all parties get along, if they have family support coming from all directions. The last two couples to come out of this franchise had that in spades, and yeah, I think it helps. Maybe not all did. I think Catherine had some amount of family rift, and Des had her odd brother. But Jordan's family drama seems next level to me and in the spotlight which magnifies it. Can they overcome? Sure. Maybe. It's just one more thing to work through, a little less support that they have, that's all.

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Post by babs Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:04 am

see2love wrote:And this is why you shouldnt dpeak about people who are not signed to a reality show. When a contestant does it people argue its part of their story but as soon as the person being talked about airs their own truth/story its classless. Aaron will be deemed childish if he says anything but its okay that Jordan spews a family issue whick paints Aaron in not so good picture. Same rhing as Robbie talking about his ex but she is classless if she throws her own punch back and lets not forget Jordan's ex who is wrong for posting shedding light on Jordan's version of the truth. If we are going to vilify anyone its the people who divulge things to make themselves look good just so we believe "they are there for the right reasons" while making others look bad on a reality tv. MHO

Robby was asked, by JoJo, abut his ex gf. He explained without saying anything negative about her. He did state that he had never been to her house in 3 1/2 years of dating, but I don't see that as something awful towards her. If he refused to answer the question he would be accused of hiding something. He also never named her, so if she and RS had never said anything most would not know who she was.

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Post by ReneeM Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:20 am

Their notoriety is the whole reason this is even a story. If Aaron/Olivia weren't famous, this would've been a non story in the media.Maybe Aaron/Olivia didn't sign up in the context of the bachelor, but they are also public figures, he's a top athlete (in the #1 sport in america), and she's a relatively well known actress, this isn't the first time their relationship is under scrutiny and it won't be last. This also isn't the first time his family dynamic has been speculated about, there's BEEN rumblings, this is just confirmation. I hope no one else chimes in publicly. All parties involved need to keep it cute next week IMO

Last edited by ReneeM on Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:28 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by babs Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:25 am

I want to know why JoJo keeps bringing it up.  She already asked him about it and now on HTD she asks his brother about it.  Didn't she get the answer she wanted the first time or didn't she believe Jordan?  I'm sure it was producer "suggested" but enough already!

For an F1, they have really put the stink to Jordan and I'm not even a fan.

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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:27 am

babs wrote:I want to know why JoJo keeps bringing it up.  She already asked him about it and now on HTD she asks his brother about it.  Didn't she get the answer she wanted the first time or didn't she believe Jordan?  I'm sure it was producer "suggested" but enough already!

For an F1, they have really put the stink to Jordan and I'm not even a fan.
I doubt she has a choice laugh out loud But if she needed BBJ to prove that he'll stay through all sorts of show induced craziness to be her f1, she got all the confirmation she needed imo.

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
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~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Post by grace8136 Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:41 am

babs wrote:I want to know why JoJo keeps bringing it up.  She already asked him about it and now on HTD she asks his brother about it.  Didn't she get the answer she wanted the first time or didn't she believe Jordan?  I'm sure it was producer "suggested" but enough already!

For an F1, they have really put the stink to Jordan and I'm not even a fan.

That exactly what I am thinking. She is going to bring it up 3 MORE TIMES next week! Is her loyalty to TPTB or Jordan? I would think there would have been a shift by this point. It's not quite as bad as asking him if he's a cheater on national television, but it's not the best way to kick off her relationship with the potential in-laws either. Obviously, it's a delicate and private matter to navigate through. Surely, that's not lost on JoJo. With her own family, I bet she is a peacemaker and quite good at family dynamics. None of this would surprise me if Jordan wasn't F1, but since I believe he is, where is her caution for their future, his image, building bridges in the family etc.

Also, subtweeting an ex is one thing, but not your brother! Pick up the damn phone. Even though I don't think JoJo should have pushed this subject on television, I still think there's a fair chance she'll have them together for brunch in record time. She's a fixer, not one to further alienate imo.


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Post by nikikass Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:41 am

All I am saying is Grant is probably ecstatic Jordan and his "dirty laundry" was on the show.


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:44 am

Hold your thoughts.


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:49 am


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