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Post by fangirlsamuri Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:46 am

Fifty wrote:
fangirlsamuri wrote:
Emayem wrote:

I agree, on both dates it was a lot of compliments, awkward pauses, awkward comments, and I just don't get the impression thay they could just sit and talk for hours.
Would really love to see more of his chats with the girls to get a better gauge on it all. Like he seems to always call Rachael for a chat, but we never even get a glimpse!

Yes!! I don't seem them being able to hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes, that actually flows and has content. And I really do wonder what Rachael is telling him, maybe he's keeping her because she keeps him upto date with the gossip in the house.

Also, agree with everything above ^^^ Nikki's story is not adding up at all. How'd a guy keep a girl for 12 YEARS not 2, 12!!!, without ever taking her on a date or the faintest compliment. How foolish do they think we are

^^^^ this all of this.  I think there is something with all the women this year.  The ex has come out swinging saying he took her on an overseas trip.  Thats a hell of a date if you ask me. And apparently bought her 2 engagement rings because she didn't like the first.  I think she maybe a bit calculating under all of it. If you want to read the article its in the SM Media thread.

Ok all,  looks like I might pop back when Olena's date comes in to play the following week, she's the only one who appears mature at the moment. The stilted editing is driving me nuts

I'm actually going to sign out of watching this until next week. Exactly everything you said, Richie just doesn't say much so therefore the editing has to try and salvage things. Although I love Richie, he just can't lead this show! Also, I agree - it sounds very calculated from Nikki the way in which she chooses to refer to her past relationship.


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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:57 am

I think Richie is doing a fantastic job as lead. He's the type of lead I prefer and reminds me of Art Green/Bach NZ S1 who was considered too awkward and soft as a lead by media and viewers during his season (he was loved afterwards) and I recall even Danielle (the lawyer) told him near HTDs to step it up so I can see why Richie may be seen as not the typical lead. I think that's why I like Richie even more as lead. He's much more genuine to me with his awkwardness than the smooth talking leads.

I also think there are some great women on the show too (Nikki, Faith, Olena), who are genuine, and I think Nikki is very genuine and sweet and if she is F1 I won't be surprised if their relationships lasts for the longhaul. Their first date reminded me so much of Art and Matty's, awkwardness and all, and Richie acting like a boy around Nikki solidifies for me that he is falling for her. I already see a deepening of their connection and expect to see even more by HTDs.

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:36 am

Thanks so much for the updates everyone! yes


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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:55 am

Episode 5 with links posted [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I am currently watching the GD with the babies and cracking up laughing. Noni was in the car with Richie (he was driving) and the baby is crying so she took the baby out the carseat and brought the baby to the front and Richie is like "no, no, that's illegal" haha. Megan with the baby was too much! Sasha was like, "Megan literally put baby in the corner" cantstopl

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:08 pm

SQT: Nikki was amazing with the babies. Even taking on the other girl's babies and taking care of them. She will make a wonderful mother. I am not surprised she won the SQT. I loved Nikki and Richie's time together, too. Talking about what they are looking for and having children and wanting a rock solid relationship first before kids. They have very similar values and seem like a real couple already, imo. There's a lot of depth to their connection, imo, and Richie looks smitten with Nikki.

I love how Richie is around Nikki, he's both boyish and a man around her. So cute how Richie told Nikki he was crossing his fingers she would win the GD and was so happy she did so he could spend more time with her and he had been wanting to kiss her since he saw her.. Richie seems blown away with Nikki and he's definitely chasing her, imo. As lovely as many of the girls are, no one else seems to come close to Richie and Nikki's connection, imo. I really like these two together. beatingheart

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Post by Idlemess Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:12 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I wonder about Rachael's role as well. In Ep. 1 she was seen snarking but appear to be taking note of the women. Can't recall exactly her comment on Alex's "I'm a mum" but her "you think she likes him" on Olena was interesting to be left in. 

Not sure how significant her date is going to be to propel her to the top F5/6 but if she is the house spy it might matter. Could be, she knows him or of him as well.
Something definitely is a bit fishy with the editing...

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:35 pm

Interesting that Megan was heard at the RC saying she thinks she is going home. It was speculated pre-season that Megan may have realized she wasn't a frontrunner and bowed out and I think this is the case. I just don't see much of a connection between them. She seems nice so I am sure she will find someone else.

Next episode, GD is Bachelor Games which seems smart planning since it feels like the Olympics a bit giggling

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Post by LoveDovez Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:26 pm

fangirlsamuri wrote:
Fifty wrote:
fangirlsamuri wrote:

Yes!! I don't seem them being able to hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes, that actually flows and has content. And I really do wonder what Rachael is telling him, maybe he's keeping her because she keeps him upto date with the gossip in the house.

Also, agree with everything above ^^^ Nikki's story is not adding up at all. How'd a guy keep a girl for 12 YEARS not 2, 12!!!, without ever taking her on a date or the faintest compliment. How foolish do they think we are

^^^^ this all of this.  I think there is something with all the women this year.  The ex has come out swinging saying he took her on an overseas trip.  Thats a hell of a date if you ask me. And apparently bought her 2 engagement rings because she didn't like the first.  I think she maybe a bit calculating under all of it. If you want to read the article its in the SM Media thread.

Ok all,  looks like I might pop back when Olena's date comes in to play the following week, she's the only one who appears mature at the moment. The stilted editing is driving me nuts

I'm actually going to sign out of watching this until next week. Exactly everything you said, Richie just doesn't say much so therefore the editing has to try and salvage things. Although I love Richie, he just can't lead this show! Also, I agree - it sounds very calculated from Nikki the way in which she chooses to refer to her past relationship.

I agree. If the women wasn't as interesting as they are ( to laugh at ) I would have already had to pass on this season. I mean Ritchie sure isn't a looker or anything to lust after and his nervous laugh drives me crazy, but some of the women kinda make up for some of that esp to snark at lolol.

With Nicki , I wish she would do something with her hair.. What a horrible color... I think she would look younger if she put dye on it as the white ages her IMO. Because she is a stunning beauty other than her hair.. As of right now I do see her as F1 tho.

Alex, same with the hair. What's up with all these ladies hair looking like it either hadn't seen a brush in days or is incredibly thin? Alex would do better to cut hers in a stylish bob and let it grow from that to see if that would make it any thicker as it is too thin to wear as long as she has it. The first night hers looked horrible with her gown. Sometimes it needs to be put up.

I find Alex too needy and too entitled both. Did she honestly think he wasn't gonna kiss anybody other than her?? @@ Shows her age. I don't see him picking her in the end no matter how often she flirts her butt off. laugh out loud

Kiera needs to grow up and shut up. I hope she realizes once she watches this back how they can take and twist their words to make them look any way they want to because I honestly hope she isn't that rude in person plus she doesn't look a day under 35.

Olena is the only other one that I find interesting enough to watch since he let Kaitlyn Jenner go last night. laugh out loud Altho they are all pretty in their own ways once you put them with Ritchie and he tells them for the millionth time they look good, times up and it's time for it to go off.

I hope they learn something from this season. ; ( All JHMO....

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Post by Sundy Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:41 pm

Episode 9 promo from the Foxtel guide-  Richie is hoping to take it up a notch as he takes his chosen lady for a high-octane jet-ski ride. Plus, is it possible to measure love? Richie puts his group dates up for a compatibility test.

This means intruders are In by episode 8 or prior

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:43 pm

Great catch, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]! If intruders arrive Episode 8 then they are going with the same episode slot as S2/Blake.

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Post by Idlemess Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:01 pm

Episode 5: The Alex and Nikki Show

The show basically highlighted the possible F2 (one way or the other). Alex and Nikki were shown in ITMs projecting their feelings for Richie. Both were emotional; crying, "ask" to be kiss laugh out loud, most likely grew a bigger ego on account of Richie's "you're beautiful" on their looks and cheesy "wow" after a kiss.

... and the others? like the show was kind of a snooze imo.

I know that I am not the only one thinking this (might be my imagination) but there's more to what's going on with Rachael.
Noni and Sasha for being funny and good sports.
Keira... drama inducer! Might be annoying but she is keeping the show from a snoozefest imo
Umm, Megan. Phone that date in much? Absolutely no babies on board!
Faith next to nothing this episode.
Olena, how old are you girl? Seems more mature than the others there. Very insightful when she told Nikki that her "friends" were falling for the same guy (protect your heart dear girl Olena).

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Post by Katiebelle Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:09 pm

Just Looking wrote:I find it hard to believe that in a 12 year relationship, Nikki was never told she is beautiful or taken on a date.  Something's not right with that IMO

I can actually see where she's coming from. I have a friend who has been with her husband since she was 16 and she is now in her 40's. We were discussing with a group of friends how we met our husbands and she said that she missed a lot by meeting and falling in love with him so early in her life.

He's the only man she has ever been with intimately and while their sex life is good she's never had the heady rush of full on "I can't control my hormones passion with a man that might be a little dangerous to my heart but I still want to bonk him anyway".

She's never connected with a stranger's eyes across a room and though - yum he's a bit of all right. She's never had the anxiety of will he or will he not call me and when is he going to make a move?

She's always felt so comfortable and secure in her relationship that she's never once worried about what she's wearing when they go out to dinner and whether the night will end in a kiss. And because she practically grew up in front of his parents she never had the "do his parents like me" anxieties.

Many of us would say that she was so incredibly lucky to get her HEA at the tender age of 16 but sometimes the up and downs, the uncertainties and nerves that come with the beginning of a relationship can add excitement to the journey of finding your love.


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