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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:39 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I feel the same and at this point I am just hoping Lee is either F1 or next bachelor  Praying

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:21 am

Lee's Popsugar interview! Lovely Lee beatingheart

Lee Elliott on His Relationship With Georgia Love: "This Is Something Special"
24 October, 2016 by GENEVIEVE ROTA

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Lee Elliott, 35, became a front runner on The Bachelorette the very instant we met him in the first episode. He rocked up with a donkey (a winning move in itself), told terrible and amazing dad jokes, and made Bachelorette Georgia Love incredibly nervous — all of which adds up to one thing: he's got a real chance of winding up with Georgia in Thursday night's finale.

We spent some time on the phone with Lee ahead of the finale, to get the low-down on his feelings for Georgia. We also wanted to find out why he applied for the show, and just how nervous he was that he could get his heart broken on national TV.

Scroll for our chat with lovely Lee!

POPSUGAR Australia: How have you found The Bachelorette experience?
Lee: Humbling. It's been overwhelming, it's just been incredible. You go into this thing and you never know what to expect, and the whole experience has just been amazing and very humbling. Guys are not usually open about their feelings and relationships and things like that — so I found that side of things quite cathartic. It was quite therapeutic and actually taught me a lot about myself.

PS: That's good to hear, because I feel like it could get overwhelming at times.
Lee: You're right, at times it does get a little bit overwhelming. That was more me — I'm not a very confident person. On our very first date, Georgia and I had an amazing connection. There was something special there, and then I had to sit back and watch these incredible guys — whom I've come to know, love and respect — take her and tell everyone else how amazing she is, which you already know. I struggled a little bit with that side of things. Any time it was just Georgia and I though, it was just incredible. It was like no one else mattered.

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PS: Did you find it surprising that you actually liked this person? The odds of having a real connection with whoever the Bachelorette is, and being attracted to her and all that is quite slim, no?
Lee: Absolutely. I came into this completely and utterly open to falling in love. But of course, there's the little sceptic in the back of your mind going, "There's this one girl, why would she be . . . " But I'm also a strong believer in fate, and that things happen for a reason, so I'm also like, "Why couldn’t she be?"

PS: It's almost a bit negative to think you might not. You never know what could come from it!
Lee: I think if you put yourself out there in the universe, it will come back and work in your favour. Even things like, Georgia and I have spoken about the fact that we're obviously both from Melbourne, and talked about different places we've been, and realised we've both been in the same place at the same time — we just hadn't crossed paths. It's like two ships passing in the night, and I love that because maybe the timing wasn't right then. Maybe it's right for us both now. Again, it's fate for me, and I love thinking about it that way.

PS: What made you go on in the first place?

Lee: It's kind of a long story in that about six years ago my father fell ill. Ever since then I have a new lease on life. At that point, I realised how precious life was. It's short — make the most of it. I've done some amazing, crazy things in the last six years: I've been travelling, running with bulls, hang-gliding off cliffs, riding mountain bikes down Death Road and things like that. To me, it's just an incredible adventure and who's to say I don't fall in love? I'm 35 and a lot of people have questioned me and said I should be married already — but why should I be? I've yet to find my soul mate and my best friend that I absolutely want to spend the rest of my life with, and that's why!

PS: They're saying it like you're 65!
Lee: I agree! [Laughs] I'm in my prime! 30 is the new 20!

PS: So you were ready to have the experience of falling in love?
Lee: Definitely. I'm at the point at my life now where I'm ready to find my soul mate. I'm reluctant to say 'settle down' because I don't like that term — it kind of implies giving up. I want to find my best mate and soul mate to share life with: the ups, the downs, everything.

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PS: Can you please tell us what you like about Georgia Love?
Lee: How long have you got? Honestly, there's so much to love about Georgia Love. You can't go past that undeniable sense of humour that both of us share — what no one else thinks is funny, we think is hilarious. It's uncanny because we very much share the same sense of humour. She is an incredibly independent, strong, educated and intelligent woman, and so driven. I'm not attracted to women who are just willing to settle, who are happy with just letting life happen. She's somebody who's willing to take on life. Her becoming The Bachelorette> is testament to that as well, and I find that extremely attractive. And let's not deny the fact that she's absolutely beautiful and has the most incredible eyes I have ever seen in my life. I get lost in them. She's incredibly intelligent and she's also, like myself, a grammar Nazi. Grammar is the difference between knowing your poop and knowing you're poop [laughs].

PS: Your mum said you're normally with blonde girls...But you'd have to be pretty fussy to only go for blonde girls...
Lee: [Laughs] It's just so happened that my last four girlfriends — the only four serious girlfriends I've ever had — have been blonde. That's purely an aesthetic thing, each of them have been beautiful inside and out; driven, strong and intelligent women. Georgia fits that. She may be brunette, but it's just a coincidence [that the others were all blonde]. If you want to go down that angle, where has that got me? I'm still here trying to find the love of my life!

PS: If that's the only red flag you guys had, it's a pretty good situation.
Lee: [Laughs] Yeah! To be honest, I'm sure that's probably played up a little bit on the show, because that's all they have.

PS: At this point, how worried are you about getting your heart broken?
Lee: Completely. Massively. You're in a position where you're very vulnerable and you've got to put your feelings out there, knowing full well that she can't tell you how she feels. The one thing I didn't want to do was leave with regrets, and you only ever regret the things you don't do. So I genuinely had feelings for this girl, and I didn't want to leave without her knowing how I actually felt about her. That would be my biggest regret and something I would regret all my life, if I was to be sent home without having told her exactly how I felt about her. So it absolutely plays on your mind. I can say that throughout this whole thing I struggled early on . . . but the more I got to spend time with her, and especially after taking her home to meet my family, that was when I really had a moment. I already knew there was something special, but you can also wonder whether you're getting caught up in all this. I sat back and watched her with my family and just took it in and went, "Hang on, there's far more here. This is something special."
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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:33 am

(I loved how Lee talks about why he is still single and not settling. I think him experiencing being bullied growing up and then his father's cancer and heart surgery only adds to this. I've always believed it's better to be alone and happy than with someone and miserable and I like that he wants a soul mate and best friend. He seems to really have a good head on his shoulders and knows who he is.

I also agree that they played up the blonde hair thing, and too funny how Lee says that's all they had which is so true - the date was so great and of course that's not good tv so they needed some sort of doubt there.

Lee talking about being completely and massively scared of heartbreak really was shown throughout the show so far. I love that he was open and communicated this to Georgia and still decided to take a risk/leap of faith. Living life without regrets and giving it one's all when it comes to love, there's nothing more Lee could do. If Lee is not F1 then he undoubtedly has some comfort knowing that he has no regrets the rest of his life. As much as he could choose Georgia, it is still her choice at the end of the day.

I hope Lee finds his soul mate - preferably on my tv as F1 or the Bachelor   Praying  beatingheart

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Post by Sundy Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:09 am

Wow that is an incredibly strong interview. Incredibly strong

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Post by porcelainpony Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:17 am

I find his sincerity oozing out from this interview. He makes it so easy for all of us to root for him because he sounds like that guy who is just impossible to hate. I was struck when he said he and Georgia were both in the same places at the same time but never had the chance to meet. This is like Serendipity the movie but so much better because it's real life.

G and L are soulmates and I think it's beautiful. I see their relationship lasting because of their mutual understanding.

Let's just hope that Georgia realizes this and picks him come Thursday. cheerleader

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Post by Emayem Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:49 am

I can't see how she could not be head over heels for him!

I already am and I've never even met the guy rotfl


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Post by nd4reality Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:28 am

Lee talking about it being cathartic and learning about himself sent up a huge red flag for me. That is not the talk of someone with his HEA.

But as for the rest of it, was wonderful.

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iPad mini typos [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]  . So sorry.

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Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:50 am

I can imagine how it felt cathartic given the emotional rollercoaster from the moment he felt a connection, through the doubts and up to the beautiful finale when he won the girl of his dreams! This is how I choose to see it :inlove


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Post by coconutgurl Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:53 am

I like his response in the phone interview when asked how worried he would be if heart broken. Hes learnt in his life experience there should be No regrets. So whatever or however he felt for her during tnat process proposes the question whether in that short of time he was actually in love...falling in love...or in like or just loved her as a person. His response didnt come across as someone who should of just rushed into falling in love because time and other contestants permitted it. He sounded grateful more for this experience and his description of their relationship really felt as a great soulmate friendship rather than a pour out my undying love reaction which i sense the other 2 will have. I get this crazy sense, He was the back burner by TPTB because he would be the popular contestant by fans and women for whatever they have in store for him. All part of the script for the most part. If he does win her heart, then he would of been both the love at first sight from her part but slow burner on his part........interesting how Mattys interview Gs mothers situation bless their hearts was mentioned but not Lees.


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:14 pm

Some pics of Lee from OK mag article that stringy the stylist posted on her IG

Lee :hearts love: :fanningfan

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:15 pm

And some more Lee :hearts love: :alltens:

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:47 pm

Regarding Lee talking about it being a cathartic experience, I replied in the SM thread but bringing my reply here as IA [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that it is a clue post-show

I took it like he let down his walls despite being the most vulnerable he's ever felt in his life, scared about being hurt, worried about being heart broken (remember, at the end of his HTD in PI he is seen saying "but what it I get my heart broken?" and yet he still took the risk and at the end of the day, Georgia was worth it to him regardless of being F1 or not, and taking that risk to let down his walls was worth it to him because it allowed him to face his fear and come out the other side and know he gave his all, which is all he could do...

..because I do think Lee gets his heart broken and have felt that he does for a while. I just think that Lee, likely due to his epiphany seeing his dad battle cancer and then heart issues and as he said, being raised to be a lover not a fighter, that Lee will have a positive outlook on it all no matter how heartbroken he may be. I also think he will be supportive (like I think he will be for Georgia if she doesn't choose him) as well.

Lee is someone who will look at the positive side of everything, imo, even heartbreak (thus cathartic). He has been positive since the beginning and positive about all the guys, only positive things to say and even the pics I saw in NW mag of him with Matty and Jake, I could see how much he cares for these other guys. He just seems like someone who genuinely puts others first. Maybe it has a bit to do with him being bullied growing up, so he doesn't want to cause pain to someone else or not make someone feel left out, but I think Lee has a beautiful soul and his kindness and compassion, which I have read comments by those that know him that this is how he just is, likely will shine through.

I personally would choose Lee if the choice was mine. He's a gem! beatingheart

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