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Post by Guest Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:50 pm

IMO, right now their job is working for Fleiss & Co and getting a free wedding out of it. Maybe once that is done, they will actually settle down to what we consider a "normal" life, especially if they choose to have children within the first couple of years. Like Trista & Ryan, Jason & Molly and other successful franchise couples, I can see them popping up on various Bachelor related events in the future.

Whether they will ever have a what we consider a "normal" life or not is up to them. I would think it would be much harder because of the 15 minutes of fame they've gotten from the show especially in this day and age of social media and the "fans" that pretty much demand they share everything about their life 24/7 (IMO).


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:51 pm

Duke702 wrote:^^Yea that was mostly my point, is that like a lot of people from the Bachelor, she just wants to work in entertainment IMO so just admit it. I mean is Lauren really that famous though? Eventually it will die down. Even if it's not being a flight attendant. It's not like she couldn't have another job. And I saw her defensive instagram comments about what her a Ben's jobs are. Didn't Whitney Bischoff and Nikki Farrell go back to work after being on the Bachelor? Being a nurse is a pretty important job too. IDK. jmo.

I am a nurse. I can easily see a zillion types of nursing jobs that having fame would not interfere. Whitney's job specifically comes to mind. Nikki's job--that may create setting some firm boundaries, but I can still see doing patient care and talking with family or your patients or even other staff. In fact, there are many times I will engage in what appears to be "socializing" to reduce the stress level for a patient or their family as appropriate. Appropriate being key word.
I agree with you, being a nurse is a very, very important job. I truly wish society thought this as much as we do. Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 29 2498057887 But that is another topic and thread. :yes:

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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:10 am

F the fans IMO. If they want a normal life, they can make it happen IMO. They're not Beyonce and Jay Z or Angelina and Brad (and even these couples have managed to have semi private lives.)


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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:24 am

If she cannot return to her profession which runs in the family and I'm sure was something she wanted to do, then why is it expected that she needs to get another job? What other type of job should she get, an office job where she is locked away so no one can interrupt her for selfies? I'm not sure I'm understanding what type of job she is suppose to get and why. If she is earning income and enjoying what she's doing IMO that's all that matters. There are far too many people working 9-5 that are wishing their lives away until retirement or their only purpose every Monday morning, is looking forward to the next day off.  

Lauren is in a position where she can pick and choose what she wants to do to earn income. I wish I was in that position.

My only beef is I would prefer that they and everyone else ignore the negative SM comments. It doesn't matter what those opinions are IMO.


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Post by KB_Mom Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:39 pm

I don't think Lauren could have "anticipated" that she would be F1 and that status would effectively end her ability to work as a FA. With usually at least 25 contestants to start, being F1 is surely a long shot. Now that she is actually F1, engaged and she and Ben are adjusting to living together, planning a wedding etc., it doesn't seem unusual to me at all that she would need\take time to figure out what she wants career wise for the future. As long as BenLo are paying their bills, I can't see that she "should" have to get "a" job, any job as long as it's one where she's hidden from fans. It will all work itself out for both Ben and Lauren in time.


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Post by FMG2015 Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:10 pm

On this week's episode Lauren stated she wants to have her own job and contribute to their income, so I trust that this statement was true. She's also said that she went crazy being in the bachelor mansion at the beginning because she wasn't used to and didn't love sitting around doing nothing.

I hope she finds what she wants as a career. With the work that went into creating the blog and the advice she sought out, it's evident to me she wants to take pride in anything she puts out there.


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Post by sosleepy Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:39 pm

I can't imagine Lauren made more than 30-40K as a flight attendant. That's also working wonky hours away from Ben. It's a lifestyle better suited for young and fancy free. Not someone starting to lie down roots (in a town that's not even her airline hub where she'd be docked out of her already small paycheck to fly into Seattle). No big duh to me she wants to try something else. I know people are giving her crap for not updating her blog frequently, and that her products are "too expensive," but I'm guessing it really doesn't take her too much effort to make up for her missing FA salary via her blog. She also stated filming B&L took up soooooo much of her time, she didn't have the hours to put into her blog. I guess now that they are done filming we need to wait and see how much effort she puts into it. This weekend she has a speaking engagement in NYC. I'm sure she's getting paid for it. She is most definitely working - and contributing - to her and Ben's life. It's not "traditional," but who cares. I'm jealous. laugh out loud

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Post by sosleepy Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:21 pm

Also - and sorry for the double post - I can certainly imagine her job as a flight attendant *would* be harder than most to return to. We live in a post 9/11 world and life in the sky is just an entirely different ballgame. FA's work under tight restrictions, no backup or security while flying, with safety being number 1 priority. To me it's just not even in the same ballpark to compare to a nurse returning to her clinic or hospital, a software sales guy returning to his cubical, etc. Just not the same at all. 

There was a comparison made upthread about Beyoncé and how she manages to live a private life. Well, Beyoncé would have MEGA issues trying to be a Flight Attendent. laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud Like seriously laughable. And not that she needs or wants to, but maybe she could manage to work tucked away in an office setting. Lauren is not even in the same league as Beyoncé, but she and Ben would have to MAJORLY hide away, get off social media completely, live totally private lives tucked away from the Bachelor franchise for probably a while before she could get the privacy needed to return to flying, IMO. And/or she could break up with Ben and that will allow her to get to lower profile status more quickly. I don't think any of those trade offs are worth the long/weird hours to make being a Flight Attendent with its meager salary feasible again for her. She always said she never viewed it as her long term career. Just a job she held while she was in her early 20's as it fit her lifestyle just fine at the time.

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Post by Duke702 Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:40 pm

Well I'm not saying she has to have a 9-5 at all or that she should go back to being a flight attendant. And there's nothing wrong with working in entertainment/having a blog as a job, I would take advantage of that too. I guess I just didn't immediately see that she could be that famous she couldn't return to her job if she wanted to, as other contestants have returned to their jobs. But I guess I kind of see how it could be an issue with hers.

I just think it funny how these contestants are touted on the show as an "attorney" (andi) a flight attendant "lauren" a "house flipper" and they are shown doing it in their packages and saying how much they love their job, but then never go back to it. But I get it, I'd prob do it to haha. Just wish they would admit that they are just taking advantage of the opportunities, and would rather work in entertainment. Nothing wrong with that.


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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:50 pm

I'm not talking about if Beyoncé or someone famous were flight attendants! Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 29 3806527698 I'm saying if ppl want private life's, they can make it happen. Get off social media, stay off Twitter, stay off snapchat, etc, etc. It's really not that hard. People don't need to know what you're doing 24/7, or where you're eating at, or what you're wearing. If someone wants normalcy bad enough, they'll get it. And plus, these bachelor folk are only truly relevant for a year or two after their seasons are over, then 90% (IMO) of ppl don't care about them anymore. So no, Ben and Lauren aren't going to have these privacy issues for the rest of their lives, unless they pursue a career in entertainment or something closely related, but even then, I'm positive they can make it work out. I was only making a comparison that even Beyonce and Jay Z and Brad and Angelina (huge celebs) can live semi private lives, so it's a no brainer that D list "celebs" (bachelor couples) can too. My point had NOTHING to do with flight attendant jobs.

All jmo.


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Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 29 Empty Re: Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by sosleepy Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:46 pm

Lennoxcolinrolland wrote:I'm not talking about if Beyoncé or someone famous were flight attendants! Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 29 3806527698 I'm saying if ppl want private life's, they can make it happen. Get off social media, stay off Twitter, stay off snapchat, etc, etc. It's really not that hard. People don't need to know what you're doing 24/7, or where you're eating at, or what you're wearing. If someone wants normalcy bad enough, they'll get it. And plus, these bachelor folk are only truly relevant for a year or two after their seasons are over, then 90% (IMO) of ppl don't care about them anymore. So no, Ben and Lauren aren't going to have these privacy issues for the rest of their lives, unless they pursue a career in entertainment or something closely related, but even then, I'm positive they can make it work out. I was only making a comparison that even Beyonce and Jay Z and Brad and Angelina (huge celebs) can live semi private lives, so it's a no brainer that D list "celebs" (bachelor couples) can too. My point had NOTHING to do with flight attendant jobs.

All jmo.

I guess I disagree. Like I noted in my initial post in length, unless Ben and Lauren COMPLETELY sever ties with Bachelor nation, get off ALL social media completely and hide away (which yes, you are right, they CAN do), it will be a while before she has the ability to fly again IMO. Alternatively she could break up with Ben and gain the privacy needed to fly much more quickly. Why would she want to do any of that? Dumb trade off, IMO. Yeah, give up all the money you can make in blogs, IG shilling, exposure or break up with a man you really love just so you can make 30K/year working a really hard schedule? laugh out loud 

I absolutely argue that Catherine, Ashley, Des, heck even TRISTA might still have issues being a flight attendant. And they are all removed from their respective seasons for YEARS. Being a married couple from this franchise and all the continued exposure that brings would, IMO, make this career difficult.

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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:15 pm

sosleepy wrote:
Lennoxcolinrolland wrote:I'm not talking about if Beyoncé or someone famous were flight attendants! Ben and Lauren Happily Ever After - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 29 3806527698 I'm saying if ppl want private life's, they can make it happen. Get off social media, stay off Twitter, stay off snapchat, etc, etc. It's really not that hard. People don't need to know what you're doing 24/7, or where you're eating at, or what you're wearing. If someone wants normalcy bad enough, they'll get it. And plus, these bachelor folk are only truly relevant for a year or two after their seasons are over, then 90% (IMO) of ppl don't care about them anymore. So no, Ben and Lauren aren't going to have these privacy issues for the rest of their lives, unless they pursue a career in entertainment or something closely related, but even then, I'm positive they can make it work out. I was only making a comparison that even Beyonce and Jay Z and Brad and Angelina (huge celebs) can live semi private lives, so it's a no brainer that D list "celebs" (bachelor couples) can too. My point had NOTHING to do with flight attendant jobs.

All jmo.

I guess I disagree. Like I noted in my initial post in length, unless Ben and Lauren COMPLETELY sever ties with Bachelor nation, get off ALL social media completely and hide away (which yes, you are right, they CAN do), it will be a while before she has the ability to fly again IMO. Alternatively she could break up with Ben and gain the privacy needed to fly much more quickly. Why would she want to do any of that? Dumb trade off, IMO. Yeah, give up all the money you can make in blogs, IG shilling, exposure or break up with a man you really love just so you can make 30K/year working a really hard schedule? laugh out loud 

I absolutely argue that Catherine, Ashley, Des, heck even TRISTA might still have issues being a flight attendant. And they are all removed from their respective seasons for YEARS. Being a married couple from this franchise and all the continued exposure that brings would, IMO, make this career difficult.
Again, my point had nothing to do with flying.

Last edited by Lennoxcolinrolland on Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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