Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - Jasmine Lorimer - General Sleuthing - S/Caps - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

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Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2016 9:24 pm

I am so tired about this show, the end cant come soon enough. I don't like how the edit this show and I am almost over it, to be totally honest.


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Post by jojo47 Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:01 pm

reason wrote:@djogbenyuie like you, I would just love for once they give us the love story straight forward and not all the mombo jumbo.  It is getting annoying getting into the show nowadays.

And I see things differently. I have seen the straight forward love story this season; especially since Kevin & Jasmine's first 1:1 date. It's my opinion that Kevin might not be other people's choice in partner, but that doesn't mean he isn't Jasmine's. In Jasmine's words, they've had a very "real connection" & I've seen it from the beginning. The relationship between Kevin & Jasmine hasn't been all butterflies & rainbows. And my guess is that's why it feels very real to both of them.

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Post by 4health Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:09 pm

Idlemess wrote:IMO sometimes things are over analyzed or too much credit is given to the production on the Bach/Bachette shows. They know what they're about and that's keeping the audience's interest. I think they have their audience figured out more than the viewing public them. 

In the general scheme of things,Everyone's going to end up with various point of views based on who they find more appealing in all aspects. Just look at SM; everyone has their favorite right or wrong regardless of what is shown on tv. IMO, it doesn't matter if they watch the show only or like sleuthing the show, it's kind of hard to all be on the same page because things are seen through different lenses based on experiences and what is liked. JMOO

@Idlemess very well said! ITA

@djogbenyuie SM changes everything these days. I am sure they have people monitoring SM and other sites like this one, but when I made the post about not thinking about us, I really don't think during filming and developing their narrative/story they are thinking about spoilers and sleuthers. They are all about ratings and audience and sponsors etc. The viewership is their bottom line and what keeps sponsors happy. Yes, they want to edit the show to keep them coming back to watch the next episode and then finish the story and how it ends. IMO there has never been a straight forward in your face love story ever......out of all the seasons/episodes I have watched (which is too many to count) IMO just a few that I would say "WOW are they really showing us a true love story" ..... that is not saying that the love story was there because my favorite was F1 but was surprised they were showing it so openly. Just a few IMO


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Post by Love_is_Eternal Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:13 pm

That's what is so wonderful about this forum, getting to see how other people perceive the same edited show!

For me, I can see the love story for both Mikhel and Kevin; personally though the story is clearer for Mikhel because the way he and Jasmine work through issues is more a drawn-out discussion type approach where Jasmine practically coaxes it out of him.  For Kevin, IMO the edits show that he is more hot-headed and tends to approach any perceived conflict or heightened emotions by storming off to cool off.

Reading through the comments on this thread and others, IMO the frustration that people are voicing isn't about whether Kevin or Mikhel is Jasmine's type.  Rather, it's more about the editing approach of TPTB.  Viewers want to understand why Jasmine makes her choices, what prompts her to love and choose the person she hands the final rose to, and to share in Jasmine's journey to happiness.

IMO nothing wrong with drama or butterflies/rainbow type relationships, it's more that I feel cheated of seeing more of how Jasmine and Kevin work through their challenging moments instead of throwaway comments from ITMs and narration.

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Post by 4health Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:11 am

Love_is_Eternal wrote:That's what is so wonderful about this forum, getting to see how other people perceive the same edited show!

For me, I can see the love story for both Mikhel and Kevin; personally though the story is clearer for Mikhel because the way he and Jasmine work through issues is more a drawn-out discussion type approach where Jasmine practically coaxes it out of him.  For Kevin, IMO the edits show that he is more hot-headed and tends to approach any perceived conflict or heightened emotions by storming off to cool off.

Reading through the comments on this thread and others, IMO the frustration that people are voicing isn't about whether Kevin or Mikhel is Jasmine's type.  Rather, it's more about the editing approach of TPTB.  Viewers want to understand why Jasmine makes her choices, what prompts her to love and choose the person she hands the final rose to, and to share in Jasmine's journey to happiness.

IMO nothing wrong with drama or butterflies/rainbow type relationships, it's more that I feel cheated of seeing more of how Jasmine and Kevin work through their challenging moments instead of throwaway comments from ITMs and narration.

@Love_is_Eternal I agree with your thoughts about feeling cheated....I know we can look at every scenario and get a different conclusion with whomever you this is F1.   So, I want to bring up a couple things that I would love chat about.....

Mikhel Questions I ask posters here?

What issues have Mikhel and Jasmine had to work out?  

We know he was nervous around her, also not as open sharing his feelings

In the episode before HTD Ep 7 on the threesome date, on that date you see her talk to Noah directly about needing to figure things out with each of them.  

Beniot - "does he have a serious side"
Mike - "how will it work long term"
Mikhel - "what do you see with your future with me"

There was no issues at Mikhel's HTD but all of the sudden she has issue with him after the RC.  
The only issue IMO is when they talked it out on the boat about his behavior at the F3 RC.  

So I ask the question if Jasmine is the type to want to work things out or talk things out why have nothing about Kevin W and their issues being worked out?
EP 6 Pouty face / argument at RC / no resolution / you hear him say he wants to go home / goes into the bathroom / and then the RC ....... he gets a rose
EP 7 was the turning point for Jasmine (VO)
But, then the next day (?) she invites him on a 1:1
Jasmine much needed alone time, just he and I, and holding onto what they have from their first 1:1
1:1 Kevin - "curious if he is really ready for this"  if she really had issues to work out with Kevin and him leaving would have been focused in this conversation and Jasmine wanting an explanation or apology????
There was nothing no resolution shown


Even during their FD episode she didn't ask tough questions of him like she did with Mikhel  

So you have Mikhel with no real issues per se but she talks to him about his issues from RC

But the person who has issues she doesn't talk to him to resolve?  

Just things to think about not really pointing as to F1 or F2....but I smell something fishy ! GTA - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - Jasmine Lorimer - General Sleuthing - S/Caps - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 - Page 3 3806527698


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Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:33 am

4health wrote:
Love_is_Eternal wrote:That's what is so wonderful about this forum, getting to see how other people perceive the same edited show!

For me, I can see the love story for both Mikhel and Kevin; personally though the story is clearer for Mikhel because the way he and Jasmine work through issues is more a drawn-out discussion type approach where Jasmine practically coaxes it out of him.  For Kevin, IMO the edits show that he is more hot-headed and tends to approach any perceived conflict or heightened emotions by storming off to cool off.

Reading through the comments on this thread and others, IMO the frustration that people are voicing isn't about whether Kevin or Mikhel is Jasmine's type.  Rather, it's more about the editing approach of TPTB.  Viewers want to understand why Jasmine makes her choices, what prompts her to love and choose the person she hands the final rose to, and to share in Jasmine's journey to happiness.

IMO nothing wrong with drama or butterflies/rainbow type relationships, it's more that I feel cheated of seeing more of how Jasmine and Kevin work through their challenging moments instead of throwaway comments from ITMs and narration.

@Love_is_Eternal I agree with your thoughts about feeling cheated....I know we can look at every scenario and get a different conclusion with whomever you this is F1.   So, I want to bring up a couple things that I would love chat about.....

Mikhel Questions I ask posters here?

What issues have Mikhel and Jasmine had to work out?  

We know he was nervous around her, also not as open sharing his feelings

In the episode before HTD Ep 7 on the threesome date, on that date you see her talk to Noah directly about needing to figure things out with each of them.  

Beniot - "does he have a serious side"
Mike - "how will it work long term"
Mikhel - "what do you see with your future with me"

There was no issues at Mikhel's HTD but all of the sudden she has issue with him after the RC.  
The only issue IMO is when they talked it out on the boat about his behavior at the F3 RC.  

So I ask the question if Jasmine is the type to want to work things out or talk things out why have nothing about Kevin W and their issues being worked out?
EP 6 Pouty face / argument at RC / no resolution / you hear him say he wants to go home / goes into the bathroom / and then the RC ....... he gets a rose
EP 7 was the turning point for Jasmine (VO)
But, then the next day (?) she invites him on a 1:1
Jasmine much needed alone time, just he and I, and holding onto what they have from their first 1:1
1:1 Kevin - "curious if he is really ready for this"  if she really had issues to work out with Kevin and him leaving would have been focused in this conversation and Jasmine wanting an explanation or apology????
There was nothing no resolution shown


Even during their FD episode she didn't ask tough questions of him like she did with Mikhel  

So you have Mikhel with no real issues per se but she talks to him about his issues from RC

But the person who has issues she doesn't talk to him to resolve?  

Just things to think about not really pointing as to F1 or F2....but I smell something fishy ! GTA - Bachelorette Canada - Season 1 - Jasmine Lorimer - General Sleuthing - S/Caps - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 - Page 3 3806527698
Reminds me a bit of how Georgia had an issue with Matty not living in
Melbourne and the an issue with Lee lifing in Melbourne. Another issue was with
Lee not seeking her out, the an issue with Lee and his past blondes gf. All these were talked about with Lee and "resolved".


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Post by 4health Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:49 am

@see2love you remind us of Georgia and issues being resolved......what are you suggesting?

Mikhel not having any issues but really the one and her wanting to resolve it and it was during their FD/boat time 1 day or a few days after the RC.

All the issues with Kevin W the show is showing the viewers issues/conflict/tention (Jasmine's word for it) were they resolved? IMO No my point (poorly written) is why didn't Jasmine want to resolve their issues/tention with Kevin or was it resolved but we didn't get to see it? Again WHY?


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Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:55 am

My point is that sometimes there are issues clearly like with Kevin and sometimes there are no issues so they manufacture some flippant ones and built them up. They do this just so it appears a close race. Every one of such "issues" or non issues were brought up with Lee and always talked over with Georgia(she did the bringing up). Lee came out after the finale sired to say the issues were all played up!
Not saying its the same with Jasmine just that all issues were all resolved with the F1s. Think back to Sam and Snez, the issue was distance and Eve...always brought up and talked about and somewhat resolved. Didnt really watch Richies season and I cant think back to other franchises right now to give accurate examples


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Post by 4health Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:35 am

see2love wrote:My point is that sometimes there are issues clearly like with Kevin and sometimes there are no issues so they manufacture some flippant ones and built them up. They do this just so it appears a close race. Every one of such "issues" or non issues were brought up with Lee and always talked over with Georgia(she did the bringing up). Lee came out after the finale sired to say the issues were all played up!
Not saying its the same with Jasmine just that all issues were all resolved with the F1s. Think back to Sam and Snez, the issue was distance and Eve...always brought up and talked about and somewhat resolved. Didnt really watch Richies season and I cant think back to other franchises right now to give accurate examples

@see2love Gotcha I am glad I asked....I was going in another direction there LOL....but ITA and why I put the questions out there for others to just think about it.


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Post by Guest Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:39 am

4health wrote:@see2love you remind us of Georgia and issues being resolved......what are you suggesting?

Mikhel not having any issues but really the one and her wanting to resolve it and it was during their FD/boat time 1 day or a few days after the RC.

All the issues with Kevin W the show is showing the viewers issues/conflict/tention (Jasmine's word for it) were they resolved?  IMO No my point (poorly written) is why didn't Jasmine want to resolve their issues/tention with Kevin or was it resolved but we didn't get to see it?  Again WHY?

Yes I agree with you. The only thing I can think of he just says I won't do it again...... There's your resolve wrapped up for you.


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Post by 4health Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:00 am

Fifty wrote:
4health wrote:@see2love you remind us of Georgia and issues being resolved......what are you suggesting?

Mikhel not having any issues but really the one and her wanting to resolve it and it was during their FD/boat time 1 day or a few days after the RC.

All the issues with Kevin W the show is showing the viewers issues/conflict/tention (Jasmine's word for it) were they resolved?  IMO No my point (poorly written) is why didn't Jasmine want to resolve their issues/tention with Kevin or was it resolved but we didn't get to see it?  Again WHY?

Yes I agree with you.  The only thing I can think of he just says I won't do it again...... There's your resolve wrapped up for you.

@Fifty of course it could be that easy. But my point is they didn't show it WHY? Could it be because there really wasn't an issue? Could it be that she really didn't really care about the issue? Could it be that it just might come full circle to resolution in the finale? Could it be that we really don't need it to be resolved because it is what it is and they don't need to resolve it? and like you stated it was as simple as sorry I shouldn't have and I won't do it again. There are so many questions we can ask ourselves and after Tuesday we won't care! LOL


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Post by Idlemess Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:37 am

@4health perhaps Jasmine and KW made up a bit too nicely. Or as you put it nothing major to resolve.

Jasmine's tattoo "explore" I think she had explained it to KP means a lot and perhaps it could explain who she is somewhat.
That being said, IMO, I don't think that she'd would go somewhere and not see/explore the sites.
I had to laugh when I read on here she went to another cave with KW. That's a lot of dwelling metaphors. On the 2nd 1-1 the home they went to in Morocco was built out of the walls of a hill /cave.

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