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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 70 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Skates Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:09 pm

notarose wrote:IMO this epi was all about sex and I don't think Nick could have delivered a stronger message nor Vanessa a stronger response. Up to this point the edit has IMO intentionally attempted to avoid the standard "lust" characterization.  Probably because Nick is a minority in that sustained sexual passion is a must for him which doesn't fit with "the process" tradition.  :yes: THAT is one of his deal breakers. He's not the standard lead in that sense and IMO this was an experience Nick was anticipating with Vanessa.  The edit has shown their intellectual approach to building a relationship and ability to articulate needs, wants, concerns and in Nick's blog post of their first 1-1 he states an immediate emotional connection so the trifecta is complete if the physical connection matches up.

Up to this point he has exposed some of his appetite to her:
- kiss and physicality when ill (not unlike what would happen during a pregnancy)
- he likes to show dominate by gently covering her throat (0 G date, preview clip on yacht that never aired in the epi, his IG post of their last 1-1 with flame at night - long time Nick fans will have recognized that smirk  giggling ).
- in an interview he said intense conversations can be almost as good as sex so running with that their pool party convo was likely foreplay for him  rofl )
- scuba diving: they remove their masks and use each other's lung capacity to breath.  Takes great stamina and includes a risk factor
- in the sauna he pulls her on to his lap, squeezes her butt cheek then gently slaps

There will be some who judge, and have judged in the past, Nick's sexual innuendos and boldness (lots of comments about his blue swim trunk pic but let's just chalk that up to "foreshadowing").  What can be agreed upon is that Nick is consistent in owning his sexuality on his terms.

The date:
He asks V her thoughts on the key but that was short-lived.  He essentially grabs that key, they both laugh (inside joke?) then off they go.
So how did this night differ from the other 2
He initiates (not so different) however we see more of his hand movement, and includes bare shoulder kisses before the scene cut.
As some pointed out, DO NOT DISTURB.  Was that the faint sound of bedsprings heard shortly after? Maybe.
Morning - still in bed, equally nude upper bodies...lingering
*remember when Nick said earlier that he wanted a relationship where "they" came before their respective families and that he wanted a partner that would put him first just like he would her AND the importance of "compromise". WELL, Vanessa from a self-described traditional family just agreed to a semi-nude filmed scene.  Somewhat compromising, no?
They invited the cameras back in for that little kiss/cuddle sequence (natural light shone on pillow behind Nick), They had control, rare for this show, of how they would appear on film.  Equally partially nude, Nick's hair badly in need of Polished Gent product - Vanessa's hair sweated into limpness against her temple, both somewhat spent rofl after a heavy workout but still goin'.

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 70 3806527698  this love story has everything I need.  It's almost better than my imagination.  It's a great "after dark" special that I appreciate isn't to everyone's taste but is my kind of delicious.
I love "intense" and choose labyrinths over straightaways whenever the choice presents. Their story has a "catch us if you can" quality that is playful and challenging. For me, all the non-V&N stuff are just over long commercial breaks. So annoying.

This!! I love it!!...

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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 70 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by Catdwoman50 Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:12 pm

notarose wrote:

Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 70 3806527698  this love story has everything I need.  It's almost better than my imagination.  It's a great "after dark" special that I appreciate isn't to everyone's taste but is my kind of delicious.
I love "intense" and choose labyrinths over straightaways whenever the choice presents. Their story has a "catch us if you can" quality that is playful and challenging. For me, all the non-V&N stuff are just over long commercial breaks. So annoying.

NR you make me laugh out loud.

Need to do something productive and stop hanging out in this forum (after Nick's season)

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Post by happygolucky Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:23 pm

The couple. hearthumbsup This is it.

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Post by bleuberry Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:41 pm

sosleepy wrote:No it did not. Kaitlyn and Nick never talked about logistics, because it was never relevant for Kaitlyn to do so with Nick the way it is for Nick with Vanessa. 

Speaking of Kaitlyn, I said it before, but it warrants mentioning again I think. With Kaitlyn and Jillian I NEVER remember this Canada/US divide even being talked about, much less mentioned as an obstacle. Now all the sudden with Nick and Vanessa, it's storylined to be some huge, insurmountable obstacle. I'm not sure why that is. It feels a little sexist to me, like this show often is. Like of course Kaitlyn and Jillian can and will uproot their lives for their American men, no big deal. But Nick, also in the lead role, just no way, he's staying put... and for some reason Vanessa the female just absolutely will not move the way K or J did. Rolling Eyes Dumb.

Kaitlyn and Shawn NEVER talked about it on the show like N/V have, but they struck up a compromise. 6 months in Nashville, 6 months in Canada. It works cause they live off SM and are fancy free with their lifestyle. I see no reason why Nick and Vanessa couldn't strike a similar compromise, if not the NYC neutral city compromise which is actually what I suspect they will do.

I don't think K&S made it an issue because it wasn't one for them. Her own parents spend half the year in Arizona don't they? Idk I feel like it's a natural issue and ignoring it would be unrealistic. It's like most people on this show are hoping to break into the biz and stay in LA and it's kind of refreshing that Vanessa may not want to do that.

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Post by lleyki Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:11 pm

Eagle Eye wrote:^^ That was hilarious! She thought he wanted her deepest philosophical musings about the fantasy suite and he's all, That was a rhetorical question. LET'S GO. giggling

Yeah that was funny. Vanessa's all like, "my thoughts..." and has this pause like she's really thinking about it and Nick just goes, "well actually I was hoping you'd just say yes and that's it."

"...when it was down to the Final Two were you as torn as Ben Higgins, who realized he was in love with two women? Or was the choice more obvious?

I wouldn’t say my choice was more obvious. I certainly learned a little bit from Ben’s experience but every situation is different. I don’t fall easily, but when I do, I fall hard and I think [that in doing that on The Bachelor] you run the risk of getting into a lot of trouble. You’ve seen the season progress and you know, some people have said, “Nick looked guarded” or “every time someone says ‘I love you’ you send them home.” But it was really important to me to hold back and really know that I was sure of my feelings before I said those words to anyone. Every decision is the most difficult decision until the end, not to sound cliché but that is the reality. So I can’t say it was easier than Ben’s because I don’t know Ben but I can say that I didn’t fall in love with two people. I deliberately held back from allowing myself to feel those feelings until I knew what I wanted to do."

So Nick just basically called bullcrap on the edit the show is pushing and will push for the finale by flat out stating he did not fall in love with two women. That's funny.

Last edited by lleyki on Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by coolangel Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:16 pm

From Nick's PEOPLE Blog:

A lot of our date was spent building on our connection, we were able to really communicate on what could happen in our future. Vanessa and I always seemed to be able to air out our questions and concerns and that gave me a lot of confidence about our ability to work through things together. When Vanessa told me she was in love with me, it was an incredible feeling and in that moment with her, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

Nissa :inlove

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:40 pm

lleyki wrote:snipped..

Yeah that was funny. Vanessa's all like, "my thoughts..." and has this pause like she's really thinking about it and Nick just goes, "well actually I was hoping you'd just say yes and that's it."

"...when it was down to the Final Two were you as torn as Ben Higgins, who realized he was in love with two women? Or was the choice more obvious?

 I wouldn’t say my choice was more obvious. I certainly learned a little bit from Ben’s experience but every situation is different. I don’t fall easily, but when I do, I fall hard and I think [that in doing that on The Bachelor] you run the risk of getting into a lot of trouble. You’ve seen the season progress and you know, some people have said, “Nick looked guarded” or “every time someone says ‘I love you’ you send them home.” But it was really important to me to hold back and really know that I was sure of my feelings before I said those words to anyone. Every decision is the most difficult decision until the end, not to sound cliché but that is the reality. So I can’t say it was easier than Ben’s because I don’t know Ben but I can say that I didn’t fall in love with two people. I deliberately held back from allowing myself to feel those feelings until I knew what I wanted to do."

So Nick just basically called bullcrap on the edit the show is pushing and will push for the finale by flat out stating he did not fall in love with two women. That's funny.

Where did this come from? TYIA


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Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 70 Empty Re: Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5

Post by lleyki Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:55 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:
lleyki wrote:snipped..

Yeah that was funny. Vanessa's all like, "my thoughts..." and has this pause like she's really thinking about it and Nick just goes, "well actually I was hoping you'd just say yes and that's it."

"...when it was down to the Final Two were you as torn as Ben Higgins, who realized he was in love with two women? Or was the choice more obvious?

 I wouldn’t say my choice was more obvious. I certainly learned a little bit from Ben’s experience but every situation is different. I don’t fall easily, but when I do, I fall hard and I think [that in doing that on The Bachelor] you run the risk of getting into a lot of trouble. You’ve seen the season progress and you know, some people have said, “Nick looked guarded” or “every time someone says ‘I love you’ you send them home.” But it was really important to me to hold back and really know that I was sure of my feelings before I said those words to anyone. Every decision is the most difficult decision until the end, not to sound cliché but that is the reality. So I can’t say it was easier than Ben’s because I don’t know Ben but I can say that I didn’t fall in love with two people. I deliberately held back from allowing myself to feel those feelings until I knew what I wanted to do."

So Nick just basically called bullcrap on the edit the show is pushing and will push for the finale by flat out stating he did not fall in love with two women. That's funny.

Where did this come from? TYIA

I just quoted it from someone else's post but I believe it is from this interview with Flare magazine. I actually thought it was from the Media thread.


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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:03 pm

coolangel wrote:From Nick's PEOPLE Blog:

A lot of our date was spent building on our connection, we were able to really communicate on what could happen in our future. Vanessa and I always seemed to be able to air out our questions and concerns and that gave me a lot of confidence about our ability to work through things together. When Vanessa told me she was in love with me, it was an incredible feeling and in that moment with her, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

This confirms to me what Nick has said before about communication in a relationship and how important it is. He's also said before that he knows there will be things that come up in life and relationships where a couple has to work through them together and that for him, being able to work through those things together is key to a strong and healthy relationship.

It also ties into why Nick said (paraphrasing) that one can learn more about a person and the potential for a lasting relationship by how one communicates and deals with the bumps that life will inevitably have rather than just the highs/fun times -- which if anything, it's what Vanessa and Nick have been shown to do IMO on this show (have the fun/romance/highs but also shown that they can communicate and have a firm grasp on what makes for a real and lasting relationship).

To me it is a very realistic and healthy viewpoint on relationships and especially in regards to Nick and Vanessa who both have demonstrated very healthy communication IMO -- which is so refreshing and rare to see in real life let alone on this show!  

Just like the episode when Vanessa and Nick talked in terms of "we" and working "together" the keywords in Nick's blog are "we" and working "together".... a true partnership, imo.   yes

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Post by MVMom39forever Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:14 pm

Now that we are at F2, Nick's responses to the Flare interview, posted in full on page 69, screams Vanessa.

I hope they give it a solid effort IRL cause they sure have lots of passion.

Will be interesting to watch DWTS. We will know in 5 minutes whether are real deal or contract couple. Strongly doubt either one is capable of faking it.

I am excited for finale. Pretty sure even the most cycnical Nick 4.0 viewer, like myself, will she'd a tear watching those 2 get so emotional and hearing Nick finally say I love you. Will be far more meaningful than Ben's ending.

All just my opinions.


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Post by SeekAny Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:31 pm

Despite the edit and the obvious misdirection of Nick ending up alone again, I've witnessed what I believe to be the start of a great love story. Nick and Vanessa are the epitome of being real. They're authentic. They didn't get caught up in the bachelor cliches of talking about breaking down walls and opening up, they just did it. And then talked about things that matter, things that scare them, things they hope for and want from their life partner. I found it and them entirely refreshing last night. They're open and honest communicators and that will bode well for them.

I love that V continues to question him, right until the end. Don't pick me just because you like me slightly more. Don't ask me to marry you unless you know that you can't live without me. There's a week left and you don't know if you're going to propose? Well yes, that bothers me. That's a woman who knows her self worth, and despite this silly show is going to make sure Nick knows it too. Best part is, he does and I think he's got something great in store for us.

All this talk about great love and wanting it to be special. I just can't see nick breaking up with raven 1 hour before he proclaims his great love and asks Vanessa to marry him. I feel like he's going to mix it up somehow but regardless of how he does it, I think he's going to make Vanessa 100% sure she's the love of his life and find a way to make it unique and special.

Can't wait to watch! And then can't wait to see what they do after the show, both together and separately. I have a feeling Vanessa is going to do great things, with causes near and dear to her heart.

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Post by Catdwoman50 Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:39 pm

** moving discussion to another thread **

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