Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 5-6 - June 26-27 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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Post by LynnTa Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:01 pm

Peter says all the right words but he doesn't back it up with actions and in this situation- ACTIONS do speak louder than words.IMO
I have been thinking about why Rachel hasn't send Peter home yet --because I'm sure she has sensed it, felt it and knows that her feelings aren't reciprocated MO--- 2 things came to mind: She maybe feels that he might the perfect Guy to send home at F2. Kind of no strings attached, no hurt feelings! So she will keep doing what is necessary to keep Peter interested until F2 ---
The other thing could be : she just can't send him home because the producers still want him in as possible The Bachelor. Wasn't that the case with Rachel herself? Nick took her to F3. AJMO


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Post by SFoster Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:20 pm

@LynnTa, I too think that the lead sometimes takes to F2, one they do not like because then they don't feel badly for breaking that person's heart. Like Andi/Nick, Kaitlyn/Nick, and maybe even Nick/Raven (I'm sorry, i think she's a psycho laugh out loud). But in Peter's case, I don't think his heart will be broken, so not sure. So I'm wondering the same thing.


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Post by coolangel Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:23 pm

Alanna wrote:Peter will probs fall immediately in love with a blonde valley girl whose career is a nanny/sales rep/secretary/stay at home princess and will be obsessed and hyperventilating over her from day 1. Imo.
rofl  rofl I see it going down exactly like you described. She wouldn't have to beg for kisses and there would be no miles between them to speak of IMO.  cheeky


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Post by aviej Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:33 pm

Seabear wrote:
adf23 wrote:
Alanna wrote:I don't think I'd like Bryan whatsoever if Peter wasn't so much of a dud imo laugh out loud it just pisses me off that rachel needs to throw herself at him over and over and he doesn't react or care.

I get it's probably his style and whatever but this isn't the right environment for him then and I hate seeing such a wonderful, awesome girl throwing herself at him and begging for kisses. Even the coldest of the cold f1's have been affectionate physically with the lead,  if not verbally reassuring. Peter is missing something fundamental and isn't a good match for her at all. He's all talk imo and wants to be led. Rachel is the opposite.

So thanks Peter for making me love Bryan laugh out loud

Now we all know that this show is edited absolutely to death.  Just like everyone keeps saying there has to be more to her time with Bryan than kissing, etc for him to make it to the F2,   there has to be more than what they are giving us, with Peter, for him to make it to F2 as well.  

In that clip of them last night where she asks him for a kiss, it's obvious that something happened to lead up to that point, that they did not show.  And for her to say "What I love about Peter is that I never have to guess where I stand with him" ..........that right there is telling us that what we are seeing is no where near what is happening behind the camera.  Her words go completely against the perception that some have of their relation, and him.

I really think alot of people are going to be surprised when she chooses Peter in the end. jmo.

I won't be surprised if Rachel chooses Peter. Not at all. IMO Rachel has been all in with Peter since she set eyes on him as he stepped out of the limo. IMO Peter's striking good looks put him in the top immediately for Rachel. On their 1 on 1 they built some beginnings of a foundation. As the season has progressed Peter is always the hesitant one and Rachel is all in working hard to make it happen IMO. Rachel seems to have to beg Peter for kisses. Other's are sent home for infractions that Peter exhibits but they aren't Peter.  What I am looking for in their relationship is Reciprocity. So far I am not seeing it. Rachel seems to have to be the leader and Peter the follower. Rachel seems very passionate physically and Peter seems mellow bordering on dispassionate. Obviously Rachel will choose the one she wants and if Peter is her guy...No Surprise on my part. I actually expect it. I am trying to figure out why? The Rachel and Peter I see seem to be such different types IMO. I realize it will all come down to what type of relationship dynamic Rachel wants. I would like to hear a conversation between them about dating a black woman and family acceptance like Rachel has had with others. I am just trying to figure what Rachel and Peter have in common beyond the surface? What is their common bond? What does she get from Peter that she has lacked from others?   
I watch this highly edited show for the nuances that survive the editing floor and so far I am missing some depth of connection, some reciprocity from Rachel and Peter.
The only thing I know as Rachel chose who she wanted and she presently seems happy. That is good.

Good Post I totally agree. With the different spoilers it's hard to ascertain who is the true F1. But I think the answer would be in the chase. Who is chasing whom? Who is Rachel chasing - Peter or Bryan?

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Post by Seabear Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:33 pm

Alanna wrote:@Seabear, great minds!! I just posted something similar- Peter has gotten away with a lot with rachel, more than most. I don't know what they're cutting out to make rachel feel like she's confident/secure with him when we see the opposite. They probably have a deep emotional bond and enjoy talking, like buddies/besties.

@Alanna I know from reading your posts that we are seeing similar things. bestbud!  One thing I know is regardless of what has been left on the editing floor....With Peter...Rachel has repeatedly been the aggressor to initiate the level of sexual intimacy/ physical touch she seems to desire in a relationship. Begging for kisses is not edited in. It actually happened IMO and we see it on film. The Peter I see is not a touchy feely person. This seems like a major compromise for someone as physical as Rachel. I am curious how she reconciles this?

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:37 pm

djogbenyuie wrote:Not to compare the two shows here but Snez and Sam were really all about chemistry and no serious talk. Even at hometowns Sam had not pictured the moving or being an instant parent (Snez has a daughter) before going there.
He was all we will figure things out as long as we have the unexplanable connection it's all good. I remember people being frustrated by this.
But at the end of the dayday, they got engaged (like months after the show) and are having a baby at the moment.
So yeah, when the connection is unexplanable, and both parties are mature, I think all the talk are not to be done during the show for them to decide to be together and succeed at it.
I remember that season so well because I was one of those frustrated people and even though once F5 came around I knew F1 would be Snez (Heather was my fave at the time and I knew she was out by F4 per SCs) but even so it still felt more like it was physical rather than emotional or talk with Sam and Snez and more just chemistry so it was a big learning lesson for me regarding edit and connection of lead/F1 and for subsequent seasons the same thing happened for intense chemistry F1s (Alex F1, Lee F1). In fact we had a joke that whomever the lead was kissing with lots of tongue would be F1 because that was the pattern with edit/SCs for F1s and so far that's the same with Rach and Bryan Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 5-6 - June 26-27 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 59 4256136633

So since then I have seen so many F1s who have that intense chemistry and less talk talk talk. What I mean is, the lead and F1 still talk but usually it's later in the season and not so much earlier on - like their story arc is physical first and then more talk/emotional/logistics stuff later). I see the exact same with Bryan and Rach. First kiss and making out a lot in the first few epis and then this episode beginning to talk logistics and emotional stuff when Rach talks about moving and if Bryan's family will accept her, etc. I suspect that this will continue and by the time HTDs and FDs come around Rach and Bryan will be talking even more in-depth about real life outside the bubble/show since they are so far ahead already in their relationship compared to the others. jmo

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by djogbenyuie Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:37 pm

One of Rachel's tattoo says Reciprocity.
Isn't it?
Me thinks it is very important for her, so whoever she choses, she is certainly getting that right now to be that happy.
That alone makes me happy for her. She is literally beaming. Awww

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Post by BachelorBabe512 Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:40 pm

I see more of a mixed bag with Peter regarding his "physical interactions" with Rachel. They just seem to be more measured and thought out as opposed to the "in your face" interactions we may be seeing with some of the other guys. To me, physical affection doesn't necessarily have to mean kissing. I thought Peter and Rachel's interaction during the handball date was very telling. He keep his eyes on her and made sure to be near her and touch her often, and that was in front of the rest of the group. Almost feels like he's trying to communicate something in each interaction. All JMO of course.


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Post by pavalygurl Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:43 pm

BachIsMyGuiltyPleasure wrote:
mindless wrote:
Topazgold wrote:*snip*

I found it telling that last night Rachel & Bryan were finally discussing where they would live and his answer was when you’re 100% I’m in.  In what? What does that mean? Is he moving? She is moving? Peter & Rachel touched on this topic twice as shown to the viewers. She had to ask Bryan if his family would accept her at this stage.  IMO, there’s gotta be a back story there.  And being in a few interracial relationships myself just because we may have “loved” each other, everyone was not accepting and in this political climate if she chooses either Bryan or Peter unfortunately it is something they will face.  All JMO

His answer to her concerns about living so far apart really frustrated me. "I'm so ready". Ready for what though? It felt more like deflection than reassurance. Is he going to keep deflecting on all serious issues until they're engaged? That's what it seemed like when he said "when you're 100% in". It's like he's saying "we'll work all this out once you pick me, now let's make out". JMO.

Yes and yes!  This is my frustration with Bryan... I'm hearing a lot of generic chat, where is the substance...I'm aware it could be the edit and they could be cutting out the real conversation but Rachel cut Josiah so fast for the same offense IMO, I just wonder how long their chemistry can give him a pass?  

This is my frustration as well. I really don't care in the end who Rachel chooses so long as she is happy. It is her life, her choice. But as a viewer I want to see how she comes to that choice. I like Peter and what I have seen of him. Maybe there is more to Bryan, but I haven't yet seen a conversation that would show me that. Show me that instead of the endless mean Lee.


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Post by djogbenyuie Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:44 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
djogbenyuie wrote:Not to compare the two shows here but Snez and Sam were really all about chemistry and no serious talk. Even at hometowns Sam had not pictured the moving or being an instant parent (Snez has a daughter) before going there.
He was all we will figure things out as long as we have the unexplanable connection it's all good. I remember people being frustrated by this.
But at the end of the dayday, they got engaged (like months after the show) and are having a baby at the moment.
So yeah, when the connection is unexplanable, and both parties are mature, I think all the talk are not to be done during the show for them to decide to be together and succeed at it.
I remember that season so well because I was one of those frustrated people and even though once F5 came around I knew F1 would be Snez (Heather was my fave at the time and I knew she was out by F4 per SCs) but even so it still felt more like it was physical rather than emotional or talk with Sam and Snez and more just chemistry so it was a big learning lesson for me regarding edit and connection of lead/F1 and for subsequent seasons the same thing happened for intense chemistry F1s (Alex F1, Lee F1). In fact we had a joke that whomever the lead was kissing with lots of tongue would be F1 because that was the pattern with edit/SCs for F1s and so far that's the same with Rach and Bryan  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 5-6 - June 26-27 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 59 4256136633

So since then I have seen so many F1s who have that intense chemistry and less talk talk talk. What I mean is, the lead and F1 still talk but usually it's later in the season and not so much earlier on - like their story arc is physical first and then more talk/emotional/logistics stuff later). I see the exact same with Bryan and Rach. First kiss and making out a lot in the first few epis and then this episode beginning to talk logistics and emotional stuff when Rach talks about moving and if Bryan's family will accept her, etc. I suspect that this will continue and by the time HTDs and FDs come around Rach and Bryan will be talking even more in-depth about real life outside the bubble/show since they are so far ahead already in their relationship compared to the others. jmo

I do remember you were one of the frustrated people.
Prod played us good with Heather as a smoke mirror. But it all became clear quickly.

I agree with everything you said in this post regarding F1 chemistry and unspeakable connection.
And guess what, all those couples are still going strong.
Tells a lot about what it takes to make it after such show.

It is not real life. But to make it in real life they need that spark, that chemistry, that thing that no deep conversation to know someone can't replace. Actually, they need both and when we are seeing the chemistry, me thinks the deep conversation is nothing difficult to have.
But when it's all deep convos, you can't create spark out of nothing. And it goes both ways.

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Post by pavalygurl Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:50 pm

adf23 wrote:
Alanna wrote:I don't think I'd like Bryan whatsoever if Peter wasn't so much of a dud imo laugh out loud it just pisses me off that rachel needs to throw herself at him over and over and he doesn't react or care.

I get it's probably his style and whatever but this isn't the right environment for him then and I hate seeing such a wonderful, awesome girl throwing herself at him and begging for kisses. Even the coldest of the cold f1's have been affectionate physically with the lead,  if not verbally reassuring. Peter is missing something fundamental and isn't a good match for her at all. He's all talk imo and wants to be led. Rachel is the opposite.

So thanks Peter for making me love Bryan laugh out loud

Now we all know that this show is edited absolutely to death.  Just like everyone keeps saying there has to be more to her time with Bryan than kissing, etc for him to make it to the F2,   there has to be more than what they are giving us, with Peter, for him to make it to F2 as well.  

In that clip of them last night where she asks him for a kiss, it's obvious that something happened to lead up to that point, that they did not show.  And for her to say "What I love about Peter is that I never have to guess where I stand with him" ..........that right there is telling us that what we are seeing is no where near what is happening behind the camera.  Her words go completely against the perception that some have of their relation, and him.

I really think alot of people are going to be surprised when she chooses Peter in the end. jmo.

Exactly! We are not seeing the whole picture with either of these two guys.


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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:51 pm

@djogbenyuie :yes: those couples all just had that unspoken connection and the physical was EASY. Easiest part of their relationship. It was intense and undeniable.

I see that same type of connection with Rach and Bryan who have intense and undeniable physical chemistry with each other that just is easy and neither has to work at it - it's just there.

I don't see that with Rach and Peter.

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Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 5-6 - June 26-27 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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