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Post by makeover Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:56 am

Maddy wrote:
djogbenyuie wrote:Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion - #13 - Page 48 Img_2013
about advertising tea rofl rofl rofl rofl it's just crazy!!! hehehe
I'm dying at that IG comment. rofl You may shill away EXCEPT FOR TEA! Because shilling tea is the devil! I can't believe he liked that comment. cantstopl

But seriously, I'm not even being snarky when I say maybe the dude needs more therapy. There seems to be some underlying issues. He should thank Bryan for taking most of the SM hate and heat this season. I doubt he would be able to handle being called "smarmy, fake, used car salesman, scammerbae, cheek implants, player, skeevy, cheesy" etc.


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Post by BlackHalo Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:17 am

Oh Peter. Way to be completely juvenile. Should have known when Dean said he was anti-Bryan because of Peter. Dude isn't self-aware either with only caring about negativity that is aimed at himself. JMO.


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:37 am

Peter for me ► :babybaloon: Muscleman

party time


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Post by Seab21 Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:16 am

Hello all. My 2 cents
First I do not feel sorry for Peter cause IMO he comes off as arrogant and too cool for school. He has IMO always had any girl he wants cause of the way he looks which (in my opinion is Average) except the color of his hair.
Peter is not Rachel's type and would not have been able to hold her interest for long once the "Lust and infatuation " is worn out. He is IMO not interesting, No personality and very boring.. If we take away the good looks, pple wouldn't have been able to stand his personality JMHO
Bryan IMO was always Rachel's end game, she tried to fight it "sabotage " it cause he met all the criteria of what she wanted.. Age,intelligence, confidence, selfaware,funny,good looks, accomplished AND Affectionate...
Peter should be grateful Rachel did not pick him cause that relationship would not have lasted, she would have been bored and over him once the dust settled...

Last edited by Seab21 on Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by appiah01 Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:23 am

sfrank wrote:
FashionLover wrote:
appiah01 wrote:
It's interesting to me that this is Rachel's crew. These women are all 26 and 27 except for Jasmine who's 30. I am a bit surprised that Rachel hangs with women in their mid-20s as a 32 yr. old professional woman. There are some things about Rachel that make me wonder a bit more about who she is...not in a bad way but there seems to be more than meets the eye.

I have to admit, I was kinda let down a bit. I thought with her being already established in her profession and being older she would be a different kind of bachelorette. It was one of the reasons why I was so excited for her season but I guess I just bought into what ABC was selling like every other time. But I do realize I'm projecting my expectations on her and that's not fair but still sucks. Stick with your original friends rachel !

People are really stretching with things to hit Rachel on IMO.  Perhaps her other girlfriends aren't as readily available to go to the DR.
And she was literally in Jamaica a month ago with a bunch of them.

If you look at Rachel's IG she has board swath of friends...older, mature, white, WOC, etc.  You guys get on on like these are the only friend she has in the world. I am sure the girls from the show share a unique bond because the experience that only a handful of people can every understand going through.  Is 5-6 year age difference really a big deal?! And if so are you guys also knocking the Peter (32) and Dean (26) friendship because its EXACTLY the same thing. If not, what kind of double standard is this?!  What am I missing?! question

I actually am not looking for reasons to knock or not like Rachel. All of my posts have been supportive of her. As a woman in my 30s, I do think that it's interesting that she hangs with women in their mid 20s. I have a number of things I could say of Peter that cause me to give him side eye....


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Post by nd4reality Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:26 am

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:30 am

I don't think it's weird or in any way telling that Rachel is still friends with the squad. I don't care for them one bit, but Rachel bonded with them in the house, and that bond has carried on after Nick's season. It's nice she has friends in Bach events who somewhat have her back. Imo age is just a number in friendships, and the squad might be a fun crew to gang out and let loose with when at the same events. Jmo

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Post by likeashipblown Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:50 am

Oh, dear. Is Peter okay, though? It's almost like he's having some sort of fixated fit on the topic of Bryan. He's starting to move beyond petty, hypocritical, juvenile, lacking in self-awareness, and all else and he's started to come off obsessed in a way that just.... What even?!

He spent a few weeks with Bryan, hasn't seen the man in person in months. They don't talk still. Bryan-- from what has been shown-- never went out of his way to truly go after his character or harm him in any way (comments about Peter's readiness for commitment to Eric are not a character attack)-- and yet Peter is refusing to let up on liking anything he can that makes it clear he cannot stand Bryan. What is the fixation for real?! Peter, stand down, guy.

Honestly, Rachel did you a favor, dude. She keeps saying clearly she wanted certain things with someone who wanted them with her, making it clear, that she didn't even feel like you wanted babies and a committed life with her, not truly. Why are you so mad at Bryan of all people?!

I really liked Bryan and Peter equally in the beginning and was going to be happy with either one that Rachel ended up with, but yowza. Truly increasingly of the belief that Rachel dodged a bullet with Peter. He's... If this isn't a maturity/pettiness issue, which already isn't good news, it's something else that lends itself to just... Holy smokes. What is happening with him?!

I mean, shill anything you want, Peter. BUT TEA. He endorsed that sentiment with a straight face? Omg. Lololololol. Whew. Does he not grasp how off that is? Yikes.

Starting to get concerned for ATFR all over again. I'd reached a good place where I thought it would all be cool, but now I'm afraid again. The version of Peter we're seeing on social media has me supes nervous. I... am lost.


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Post by nd4reality Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:11 am

If he keeps it up. I do hope Rachel puts him In His place.

If not at the AFTR then on SM once she can.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by likeashipblown Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:30 am

Oh, and because I know so many keep asking about the fantasy suites, here's another interview where Rachel makes it really clear she told her fiance what did AND didn't happen in her fantasy suites with the other guys, again making it clear she wasn't intimate with all of the three, etc.

From the beginning, I've always said that I've had an open, honest relationship with my fiance, because I think that's important," Lindsay shared. "Like, I'm not waiting to see what's shown and then explain things. No!"

I was honest from the beginning about what happened in fantasy, what didn't happen in fantasy. And I'm not worried about the episode airing because my truth is my truth," Lindsay told ET on Friday. "And that's what will come out."

Source: Entertainment Tonight


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:34 am

@Seab21 Welcome1

@nd4reality I have a feeling it's coming. We thought why did you make love was bad, I have a feeling she's chill until she's not will be surfacing.

IMO He is being ridiculous on SM for all to see. He's acting like a 12 yr old schoolyard girl. This is not surprising to me and others. During sleuthing, all the signs were there. I hope Rachel puts him in his place.

Liking the post about not selling tea is IMO a direct slam against Bryan not to mention all the other likes. Someone needs to tell this guy to back off, because he obviously doesn't have the common sense to realize that it's not a good look to put someone down to make yourself look good.


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:38 am

makeover wrote:
Maddy wrote:
djogbenyuie wrote:Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion - #13 - Page 48 Img_2013
about advertising tea rofl rofl rofl rofl it's just crazy!!! hehehe
I'm dying at that IG comment. rofl You may shill away EXCEPT FOR TEA! Because shilling tea is the devil! I can't believe he liked that comment. cantstopl

But seriously, I'm not even being snarky when I say maybe the dude needs more therapy. There seems to be some underlying issues. He should thank Bryan for taking most of the SM hate and heat this season. I doubt he would be able to handle being called "smarmy, fake, used car salesman, scammerbae, cheek implants, player, skeevy, cheesy" etc.

Prime example of kookiness from other areas. rofl IMO This person readily even admits "being pretty harsh" with someone else on social media. dial it back. already. rofl Can't even recognize they are the hater apparently. Right don't hawk tea Petey, go back to your saintly protein shakes and vitamins because they are so much better. giggling Shilling is shilling is shilling. Nothing wrong unless its' a family member or minor.
Haters are gonna hate and are never gonna recognize themselves prime example the person above on social media.

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