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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Diana Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:52 pm

I'm still laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud at Shawn doing interviews saying they enjoy each other and are on the same page meanwhile Kaitlyn is at a whole different libary imo

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Sprite Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:11 am

Chgohighlife wrote:
Mozhi1 wrote:@Sprite IA, but to be clear here , as someone who follows them closely, she made a mistake of posting that one quote on her instagram 2 weeks ago, thats about it. People make mistakes and she had a lot of anxiety that night and it might be the reason. Other than that, the other stuff was all our speculations and assumptions. I think she is just a regular human being , this is a big change in their life and shawn explained that it was all very sudden change (basically the owner decided to sell the gym and it all happened in 1 month), its a huge change when you don't see your partner at all anymore. I personally think its a such a normal/ real life issue that she is trying to deal with. I also think she can't win, if she doesn't explain the "rumors", it gets worse and "fans" become angry ... if she addresses them , people call her fame hungry and drama queen etc... hopefully she learns from this whole situation  ...

@Chgohighlife I have problem with incorrect information passing around, she never trashed their relationship like ever... But you are free to think like that
As i mentioned above, she doesn't have problem with shawn dedicating his time but its a big change for them and it obviously can affect her because she is not seeing her partner like ever and they don't have any quality time together.

if I'm wrong about Kaitlyn and it upsets you, I regret saying that but, I absolutely stand by everything I've said in this or any other thread. IMO, what's happening with the gym, how well they're getting along this month, what she said on her podcast - are not the real issues, IMO.
Kaitlyn is 33, she wants to be married and have babies. She's been engaged for three years but, it's not happening, she's not happy about it - who would be?

I'm sorry but Kaitlyn didn't just "make a mistake" posting that. This is not the first time she has done this type of thing...accidentally on purpose posting stuff and then made excuses later. She basically has verbal diarrhea about what she is feeling and then tries to backtrack after it gets her in trouble. It started with the whole snapchat gate while her season was airing when she spoiled her own season because she has no self control. IMO she didn't then and still doesn't.

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Post by Guest Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:08 am

I don't get why his new gym should preclude them spending time together. It seems like a perfect opportunity for Kaitlyn to work with him to build it up. It takes ALOT to grow and nurture a new business, and for the life of me I can't see why this isn't a team effort. There's a TON of stuff she could be doing to help there. Unless the relationship is in trouble, I guess.


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Aria Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:13 am

I think if it was just the gym, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. It's probably the insecurity of Shawn not wanting to marry her combined with the insecurity of Shawn not making time for her that's causing her to kind of lose her mind. 

Shawn doesn't seem bothered at all, so at least there's that! I'm not even entirely sure he has any idea what's going on. One day, US is going to call him for a quote and he'll go "wait, Kaitlyn's in Canada?! Since when?"


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Chgohighlife Fri Aug 17, 2018 6:05 am

petesiepoo wrote:I don't get why his new gym should preclude them spending time together. It seems like a perfect opportunity for Kaitlyn to work with him to build it up. It takes ALOT to grow and nurture a new business, and for the life of me I can't see why this isn't a team effort. There's a TON of stuff she could be doing to help there. Unless the relationship is in trouble, I guess.
@Excellent point!   clapping!


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by bleuberry Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:32 am

petesiepoo wrote:I don't get why his new gym should preclude them spending time together. It seems like a perfect opportunity for Kaitlyn to work with him to build it up. It takes ALOT to grow and nurture a new business, and for the life of me I can't see why this isn't a team effort. There's a TON of stuff she could be doing to help there. Unless the relationship is in trouble, I guess.

Because she's rightfully bitter that once again he's too busy to marry her (but probably wants her involvement in yet another huge undertaking). Kaitlyn has always been his hype woman, serving wine and taking selfies to bring in numbers for Shawn. After all that, yeah, I'd be like 'bye!' too. JMO.

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Alanna Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:49 am

Totally @bleuberry!! She has helped and supported him and all his working out gym crap for years now. I don’t get Shawn’s deal. What more does he want?

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Aria Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:29 am

I think I'm actually rooting for a breakup at this point, because it just makes me feel bad for Kaitlyn giving everything to this guy who has her maybe fourth on his list of priorities (gym, app, Tucker, fiancé). Like, the fact that Jade/Tanner, Carly/Evan, and Jared/Ashley all met after K/S were actually engaged and they're all now married with kids (or close to it, in J/A's case) just puts into perspective how long Shawn has been dragging his feet.  The whole thing is just embarrasing to watch at this point.

Unfortunately, I don't think she's leaving him any time soon.


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by bleuberry Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:18 pm

Tanner and Jared are from Kaitlyn's season? And Evan from JoJo's? Dang! When you put it that way...

Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 6rj59l

In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by crunchette Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:43 pm

petesiepoo wrote:I don't get why his new gym should preclude them spending time together. It seems like a perfect opportunity for Kaitlyn to work with him to build it up. It takes ALOT to grow and nurture a new business, and for the life of me I can't see why this isn't a team effort. There's a TON of stuff she could be doing to help there. Unless the relationship is in trouble, I guess.

Kaitlyn left her country, family, and friends to move to Nashville where Shawn's only connection was his sister. She said they've both had trouble making friends since being on the show because more often then not, it turns out that people want something from them, so the girl is a bit lonely and leary of new people. Shawn had a part-time job training private clients before he started the app, but when the app was added to his duties he essentially had a full-time job. Then the gym was born and he suddenly had two full-time jobs. When he's not at the gym, he working on his app, answering emails, even when he's home he's not available for quality time. He even stopped taking Tucker to the park and finding time to watch Big Brother with Kaitlyn -- both are things that they loved to do together but Kait is now doing on her own. He wasn't finding ANY quality time to spend with her unless it was a big day like their anniversary or her birthday....OR he saw an opportunity to network and plug his app/gym.

Could she work at the gym with him? Sure, but I don't think that's fair. She already spent one year traveling all over the country with City Strong to support him even though it wasn't her cup of tea. She was also his guinea pig for his app -- he tested workouts on her, tested meals out on her, she followed the app and meal plan for months, she became a vegetarian, she constantly promoted it on via SM, her podcast, interviews, etc. And the same goes for his gym. She has sacrificed a lot for this relationship and done a lot to support his interests even though they don't match her own. What has he sacrificed for her? He reluctantly moved to NYC for a month while she was on Broadway, posted a few grams about her new businesses, and spent a handful of hours chatting on her podcast. Wow. I'm impressed. Not.


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by Alanna Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:46 pm

Wonder who is feeding and watching Tucker with Shawn’s busy life now with Kaitlyn in Canada? Rolling Eyes I’m sure somehow, just somehow, the dog is getting walked though, as if by the Pup Walking Magic Fairies since Shawn just *cannot* find the time for these tasks.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion - Page 25 Empty Re: Kaitlyn Bristowe - Bachelorette 11 - #5 - Discussion

Post by umngirl Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:54 pm

From an outsider’s perspective, it seemed City Strong was right up Kaitlyn’s alley. She got to DJ, dance around, hype the crowd and drink. Seems that whole deal was beneficial for both Shawn and Kaitlyn.

And doesn’t Kaitlyn have multiple jobs going between her podcast, the scrunchies and wine? Seems like both are busy unless kaitlyn is fake “busy”.

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