Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:58 am




the 2 videos above and this one were posted on his youtube account in 2016. since then no video



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Post by Guest Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:12 am

his ex girlfriend, most probably a model, very tall and thin.

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Post by Mommyof2 Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:17 pm

What a beautiful man!!

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:49 pm

Since today is the premiere for the first episode here are some updates on Lee, SA's first Bachelor. 

Lee Thompson

Who is the Prince Charming willing to put his heart on the line to woo - and be wooed by a bevy of beautiful local lasses? Lee Thompson, that’s who!

“Our first Bachelor is a real dreamboat; frankly, a catch in a million,” says M-Net’s Head of Publicity, Lani Lombard. “Once you are ready to look beyond that sexy six-pack and sultry smile, you will find a sincere soul who oozes boyish charm – a guy with whom our viewers – and every contestant - will undoubtedly fall in love.”

Lee is an accomplished all-rounder. He is a former Sharks rugby player and an entrepreneur with several successful business ventures on his resume. He also happens to be a sought-after international model - and when he’s not cutting deals or pumping iron in the gym, he dedicates his time to meaningful charity work.

More about Lee
But how did M-Net and production company Rapid Blue recruit Lee as The Bachelor?

“It was a tall order. Literally and figuratively speaking,” Lombard says. While the ladies could enter the show, it was up to us to find The Bachelor. After many hours of scouting for the Mr Perfect, we came up with a solution – we asked the shortlisted ladies, who come from all walks of life, to list the attributes that would sway them to say “yes” when the question is popped,  ‘cause after all,  the show is supposed to lead to a marriage proposal!”

They all immediately had one very specific request: he had to be tall. And Lee, at 1.88m, socks and all, fits the bill. The diverse group of 24 ladies from across South Africa representing our rainbow nation can comfortably wear their high heels when they want to sweep him off his feet. His height came in handy on the rugby field. He got his first major break in the Varsity Cup-winning Tuks team;  then he captained the Blue Bulls U19 before switching to the Sharks, for whom he played at U21 and senior level.

The next requirement was "kind-hearted", followed by  "adventurous", "generous", "financially independent" and "fun". Oh, and it wouldn’t hurt if he was easy on the eye. Lee ticked the boxes, one and all. Financially independent? Heck, yeah! He owns and operates a cleaning company, as well as a website development business. Before he ventured into modelling, he also owned a gym. Lee’s other major passion is philanthropy. He founded the non-profit organisation #LiveHopeLoveSA.

And, how does Lee feel about stepping into the role of South Africa’s first Bachelor?

“My life goal is to have an amazing family life and, yes, I do know that this is an unusual way to find true love, but something deep inside me tells me that the universe is going to give me what I need right now - the woman of my dreams. I can’t wait to meet and get to know the 24 ladies. Chemistry often works in mysterious ways and I have no preconceived ideas about who I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
[url= lee][/url]

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:55 pm

First episode is currently available to stream on youtube and the Mnet channel however I believe one will need a vpn set to SA to watch. Hopefully there will be some links available and posted in the Viewing links thread if so

The Bachelor SA' premiere to stream on YouTube
TV / 13 FEBRUARY 2019,

South African fans will be able to watch the season premiere of 'The Bachelor South Africa' this Valentine’s Day at 21:00 on the M-Net YouTube Channel.

South Africa’s very first Bachelor, Lee Thompson, is a model, fitness expert and entrepreneur. The 30-year-old Port Elizabeth native currently resides in Cape Town, where he runs a cleaning company, Clean Smart, alongside his non-profit organisation - the #LiveHopeLoveSA initiative.

Episode 1 of 'The Bachelor South Africa' sees Thompson embark on his quest for love as he is introduced to 24 eligible ladies from across the country.

The season premiere will be available on the M-Net YouTube Channel for 28 days after it flights, for fans who want to relive every moment, and/or who can’t watch it on the night.

Lee, who is described as “kind-hearted, adventurous, generous, financially independent and fun” says he recognises that turning to a reality TV show to find love is an unusual method, “But something tells me that the universe is going to give me what I need right now - the woman of my dreams.”

The M-Net YouTube channel will show highlights and additional clips from all of the episodes in Season 1 as the season progresses and will be available to YouTube viewers in all of the countries where M-Net/DSTV operates.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:09 pm

The official bios of all the 24 women who are contestants this season here: [url= the ladies][/url]

Meet #TheBachelorSA's suitors

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There are also video clips and highlights from the first episode that can also be watched free on youtube with no vpn reguired. There's a playlist where you can select to watch all the women's bios as well as clips form the
first ep

Some videos here but lots more of all the contestants at the link above

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:47 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post by Sprite Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:18 pm

@AllAboutLove I am going to have some homework to wade through.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:24 pm

@Sprite hopefully you will be able to watch bestbud! I know there are some vpns that should work. I will post in the Ep thread what I can from what I watch and get some SCs too. So far Lee seems really lovely and the women seem great too. I think first seasons usually are more innocent and sweet and I think this one will be more like that :fingersarecrossed


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:26 pm

Could be a clue depending on if one of these women are the F1. I watched the first episode and will post in the Episode thread who got intro videos etc and try to get some SCs too. Plus there was a Season Preview at the beginning of the episode so with SCs hopefully can match who goes far and if those who get intros and media are in those SCs too!

EXCLUSIVE: We reveal the first 3 women that will be on The Bachelor SA tonight!
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L-R: America, Edith, and Jozaan
Cape Town - M-Net has been telling everyone that Bachelor Lee Thompson will be meeting 24 stunning ladies on M-Net (DStv 101) on Thursday (14 February) at 19:00 who are not only beautiful, but also accomplished and from different backgrounds.

Among these ladies are apparently engineers, a scientist, marketing specialists, accountants, lawyers and even a teacher. Channel24 pulsed M-Net a little more and in an exclusive first, the channel revealed the names of the three ladies whose day jobs involve the law of the land to us.

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Edith - The Bachelor SA

Can you tell me a bit more about yourself?  
I am a 27-year-old lawyer from a small town called Rustenburg, in the North West Province. I would like to describe myself as someone who is witty, compassionate, confident, ambitious and an optimist. I love being around people as much as I enjoy having my personal space.

Why did you decide to enter the show?
Besides my friends encouraging me to enter the show to possibly find love, The Bachelor South Africa was a platform different to usual dating and for me. It meant a new and different opportunity to potentially find love while challenging myself and my character in an environment I was not used to.

Do you think that you can find love on a dating show and why? 
I personally think you can find love anywhere. Whether it’s online in a virtual spectrum or by simply meeting people in your ordinary day to day life, because sometimes, something like a dating show is what brings two people together whom without such aid could have possibly never met. It’s basically just a different dating platform.

How have you prepared for the show? Did you do anything special before going into the mansion? 
Well, I made sure I packed literally my whole life into a many suitcases, so that I never run out of outfits or anything for that matter! But most importantly, I gave myself a prep talk reminding myself to always remain true to who I am no matter what throughout this journey.

What was the reaction from your family when you told them you were entering The Bachelor? 
My mom was the first person I told about this, because her opinion matters the most to me. She initially didn’t understand the concept of the show and was a bit sceptic, but once I explained it to her she was really supportive. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that she trusts me to make good choices that affect my life.

What is your ideal one on one date? 
I really value getting to know the person I am dating, just to see if I am not dating a criminal or anything like that (jokes), so it would definitely be something intimate where we could have real conversations and engage each other.  Something like a romantic dinner or picnic, but the main thing being that he would have to pull out all the stops given its simplicity - roses, gifts and all!

Were you a fan of the show before entering and do you have a favourite Bachelor?
Yes, I particularly liked Nick Viall’s season.  I think it had to do a lot with the fact that I was so drawn to Rachel Lindsay, who was a contestant on the show, a lawyer and went on to become The Bachelorette herself.

What was your first impression when you heard who the Bachelor is? 
Since I’m not much of a sports fan, I didn’t know much about him, but I must say, once I laid my eyes on him, I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to meet him and get to know him.

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Jozaan - The Bachelor SA. 

Can you tell me a bit more about yourself?
I am 28, an attorney and currently living in Centurion. I am a total goofball with no filter but can also be serious when needed. My family is everything to me and whom I spend most of my time with. I love experiencing new things and finding the hidden treasures of life. I have a lot of ambition and enjoy the challenges life throws at me. As for the rest, I am still trying to figure it out.

Why did you decide to enter the show?
I actually did not enter myself. My best friend had the brilliant idea of entering me without my knowledge. She knew I would back out if she told me to enter and take the chance. Even though I am immensely happy in all aspects of my life and getting very used to the independent lifestyle which I love but, I sometimes caught myself realising that there is something missing. And it is my special person.

Do you think that you can find love on a dating show and why?
I made a promise to myself that if I get into the show, I will put everything into the Bachelor to see if there is a possibility for real love. I cannot be one foot in and one foot out with anything, especially this.

How have you prepared for the show? Did you do anything special before going into the mansion?
I don't think you can prepare yourself for something like this. I decided to just take it day by day and see what happens. I am a person that hates the unknown but seeing that love is already an enormous blind risk, I guess I will have to get used to the unknown.

What was the reaction from your family when you told them you were entering The Bachelor?
They were hysterical because they knew that I did not do this myself. But I have an extremely supportive family and we never take ourselves too seriously so we all saw this as an amazing experience that can add so much more to my life.

What is your ideal one on one date?
A sunset beach date. I am kind of a hopeless romantic and  there is just something magical about a sunset. And no two sunsets are alike. Imagine experiencing that on a beach with the person who can possibly fall in love with - total bliss.

Were you a fan of the show before entering and do you have a favourite Bachelor?
Yes! I love the show, it’s hard to stop watching once you start. Sean Lowe was my favourite Bachelor.

What was your first impression when you heard who the Bachelor is?
My jaw dropped. Not even kidding. I had no words and that rarely occurs as attorneys always have something to say.

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America - The Bachelor SA

Can you tell me a bit more about yourself?                                                                                                        
I am 25 years old, I hail from a small town called Dundee. I currently work as an in house attorney for the Mtimandze Group. I have the most gentle heartbeat for animals, I am obsessed with heels and I love reading. My spare time is usually well spent at the gym while working up a sweat. Mind you, I don't sweat, I sparkle. I am an avid believer of Ohana. Family is everything to me.

Why did you decide to enter the show?
I believe that true love exists anywhere and everywhere in the world. When you open your heart, the world is your oyster and what I know for sure, is that love seemingly presents itself when you aren't looking, so the show popped up at that point in time of my life.

Do you think that you can find love on a dating show and why?
I think for most of us, we are taught to deflect on the ideology that love can be found in the most bizarre places i.e. a dating show, however I believe that love can be found amidst strangers, whether that be on a dating show or a foreign country. Love fills us with passion and purpose and that enables us to offer our best to the world so yes, I definitely do think love can be found on a dating show. Why settle for the passenger’s seat when we long to drive?

How have you prepared for the show? Did you do anything special before going into the mansion?
I got my top jaw braces removed, however my orthodontist refused to remove the bottom set of braces. I also started training at the gym, twice a day. I definitely brushed up on my smile and positivity.

What was the reaction from your family when you told them you were entering The Bachelor?
I have the most supportive family one could ask for. I really did get all the love and support I needed to fuel my intention of entering The Bachelor SA.

What is your ideal one on one date?
Definitely anything that involves puppies or dogs or cats, honestly puppies are my weakness, so the way to my heart is definitely bring a furry friend along.

Were you a fan of the show before entering and do you have a favourite Bachelor?
I’ve never really watched The Bachelor before. I have seen a few Bachelorette seasons, though.

What was your first impression when you heard who the Bachelor is?
I definitely felt the entire zoo rush over me, I was super surprised and might I just add, pleasantly surprised.

Tune in to The Bachelor SA tonight at 19:00 on M-Net (DStv 101). The first episode is a 90-minute special and will also be screened on YouTube.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:05 pm

Short season Promo (the extended Season Promo is shown at the beginning of Ep1 and is longer than this)


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Post by Sprite Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:04 am

@AllAboutLove To me Jozaan looks like a blonde version of Becca.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:09 am

Sprite wrote:@AllAboutLove To me Jozaan looks like a blonde version of Becca.
@Sprite  :yes:  I can definitely see that!

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