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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:31 am

Post, sleuth, and discuss media and SM related to Bachelor Australia S7 here  yes

@GuardianAngel when you get a chance can you create a Bachelor AU S7 "All Topics" thread on the home page. TYIA  bestbud!

AllAboutLove wrote:Bringing this post forward from upthread. @GuardianAngel when you get a chance could we get a thread for Bachelor AU S7   tyvm 
AllAboutLove wrote:
Just a reminder, Bachelor 2019 is already in the works and casting currently  #HoneyBadgerwho #rinserepeat 

Official casting agency for the show:

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@GuardianAngel when you have a chance can we get a new thread for Bachelor Australia Season 7. TYSM bestbud!

Filming begins mid-March 2019

Deadline for application is Feb 3, 2019

First stages of auditions will begin mid-Jan 2019

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Bobette wrote:Looks like TPTB think BachAU 2019 is a go.  Do we need a thread or too soon?


Last edited by AllAboutLove on Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:54 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:03 am


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Post by Bobette Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:32 am

Bobette wrote:Todd currently the only viable option on Sportsbet's list of possible Leads IMO. Do we have a thread for Bach 19 yet, @AllAboutLove?

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Bobette wrote:
LeapofFaith wrote:Ummmm why do they have Brooke as possible bachelor?? Bachelorette yes but bachelor???? Also I can’t see dr Chris brown doing it at all! He doesn’t need imo the extra publicity like the other previous celebs who probably needed a boost(also celeb Bach’s suck)-jmo please please please just let it be Todd!!!

Because Sbet don't take entertainment betting seriously at all laugh out loud As long as they're not losing money on the winner the rest they just do for kicks IMO and to lure in punters who they hope will continue betting on other things.

Chris Brown flat out said on HYBPA that he couldn't imagine anything worse (paraphrasing) as he's a very private person so I very much doubt he'd do it and would be a fool to do so IMO when he already has so much going on.

TPTB would be equally foolish to pass up the opportunity to have Todd as a Lead so unless he doesn't want the job (which doesn't seem to be the case from what I've heard/read in interviews) then I think (hope) it will be him.

Bobette wrote:bacheloretteau - Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* WqiEK5f


AllAboutLove wrote:Todd's IG post beatingheart such a beautiful soul

toddgking Men feel & men cry.
I grew as a man on the show and I met individuals I'll hold dear to me for the rest of my life.
For those who have supported me and those who i love, you made this so much easier with your kindness. I am so thankful for this adventure and I have Warner Bros. and Channel 10 crew to thank. Thank you for encouraging me to be vulnerable again, to give everything I am. I'll be forever grateful for this journey.
Love is something worth fighting for, worth hurting for, worth sacrificing for - and I'll never regret putting my heart on the line in search of love. Because when you find it, it heals all wounds. I'll never stop searching
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Bobette wrote:@AllAboutLove - was just coming to post same. Note the emoji:

bacheloretteau - Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* HrBrK9S

If that doesn't imply he'll be Next Lead I don't know what does!

Bobette wrote:CHOO CHOO. All Aboard the train to Todd Town. 🚋


Bobette wrote:


Bobette wrote:cc @AllAboutLove. This sounds like Bach Speak to me. Giddyup. cheerleader

The Bachelorette's Todd King: "I'll be the next Bachelor"

Australia has fallen in love with him, but has Ali?

Even if Ali doesn't fall for him, Australia has, which is why Todd King's already being touted as the next Bachelor!

"Oh, s---t. That's a good question," he laughs to NW when asked if he'd be up for another reality TV gig.

"To be honest, at the end of the day this whole experience has made me learn a lot about myself. I think you're always looking for love, and I think I'd exercise every option to find it. But I'm just a nothing from Geraldton in WA."

Modest, much?

Speaking of nothing, Todd says he wouldn't be surprised if Ali pulls a Nick Cummins and walks away from the finale solo.

"I think it could always be a possibility. In the blink of an eye, things can go wrong, I mean we saw it with Charlie," says Todd, 26. "If I do make it to the final two and she doesn't want either of us, like Nick, it's completely fine by me.

"And if I'm not the guy at the end, then I'm happy that she's happy. I care about her that much, that if it isn't me at the end, then that's fine. I don't think Nick's deserved the scrutiny he's gotten either because at the end of the day he didn't find someone right for him and he stuck to that. He didn't just choose someone for the sake of it."

Todd also applauds Ali's decision to put her foot down and demand her man move to her if she finds love on the show.

"I think she deserves that. She deserves someone to sacrifice for her and to uproot their life to fit into hers because in her past she's always been the one to do that," he says.

"I think it's a commendable thing... and I'm willing to make the move for her if it turns out that way, too."


AllAboutLove wrote:@Bobette cheerleader jumping danceround laughlaughlaugh Thank you Todd and TPTB! This is all I asked for thank you forever and ever if this is so! I mean I thought so before the season started because let's be honest Nick was a DUD imo and after that I need someone who actually believes in this process a la MattyJ who believed in it. No doubt Todd's watched the show and seen exactly what went down and given a ton of clarity watching it back! Now TPTB just need to announce so I can sleuth his season and they better cast some amazing women and have a Laura for him like they did Matty J Praying

Sundy wrote:My screencap.
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Bobette wrote:


"I believe in the process" is the ultimate in Bach speak. He's totally doing it. cheerleader

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Nov 17, 2018 6:36 am

TPTB better choose Todd (especially after the dud of Nick's season). They'll be stupid not to. His season writes itself and we need to see his happily ever after :yes:  Praying

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Post by Bobette Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:13 am

So apparently this is a thing  bacheloretteau - Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 1f60b

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Post by Sundy Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:11 am

Does anyone know when Nick Cummins was announced as the Bachelor. Matty J was 2 March, Richie 10 March and Sam Wood. 15 March. I can’t find Nicks though.

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Post by Bobette Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:26 am

Sundy wrote:Does anyone know when Nick Cummins was announced as the Bachelor. Matty J was 2 March, Richie 10 March and Sam Wood. 15 March. I can’t find Nicks though.

March 14 according to this article, after the girls were already in lockdown. If it's Todd they'll want to announce it sooner IMO to get more applicants.  

Conversely if it's NOT going to be Todd, they'll want to leave it later, for the same reason (dangle Todd like a carrot on a stick then do a bait and switch).

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Post by Bobette Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:22 pm

Daily Mail are claiming Apollo will be next Lead, but I find that hard to believe considering Sportsbet currently have him as 31.00.  They claim the drop in age range gives it away but this could just as easily apply to Todd.

@Sundy (or anyone with an account) could you please check the max bet for Apollo vs Todd (and maybe Chris Brown)?  TYIA

Apollo Jackson will be Australia's next Bachelor, according to a new report.

The 25-year-old magician - who previously appeared on The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise - is apparently considered a 'safe bet' by producers despite being relatively young for the role.

An 'insider' supposedly leaked the news to New Idea, which claimed on Monday that the suitor's minimum age had been 'quietly lowered' from 28 to 25 to coincide with the impending announcement.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:44 pm

I don't believe for a second that Apollo will be the lead and don't think he is even in the running. It's just the usual rumors imo. No way they'd choose Apollo over Todd if they go with a past contestant and Todd is the only choice imo if they go with a past contestant. This is the time of year when a lot of names will be thrown around for lead bacheloretteau - Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 4256136633 I won't be taking anything seriously until February.

@Sundy @Bobette TEN announces the lead in March. I don't see that changing even if Todd is the Bachelor just like Matty and Richie were they announced in March. Casting knows who the women are applying for and from past seasons the applicants state who they want so they likely will do the same this year for Todd if they want him like they did with Richie and Matty.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Bobette Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:47 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:I don't believe for a second that Apollo will be the lead and don't even think he is in the running. It's just the usual rumors imo. No way they'd choose Apollo over Todd if they go with a past contestant and Todd is the only choice imo if they go with a past contestant.

This is the time of year when a lot of names will be thrown around for lead. I won't be taking anything seriously until February.

I totally agree and if anyone would know, it would be Sportsbet IMO.  Those odds tell me Apollo is clearly not in the running.  All IMO designed to increase the volume of the TODD FOR BACHELOR cries and the relief/celebration when he's announced.  

Lowering the age is another sign it will be Todd and nothing to do with Apollo IMO. :yes:

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:56 pm

Some inside scoop: 

I was told by someone applying for next season that this person applying put Todd's name in the application saying that is who they wanted for Bachelor (from what I gather, there's a spot where they can do this or add it in the application). 

The applicant said they wanted Todd and asked if he would be and as a response they were encouraged to put down Todd's name in their application!

So if anyone is applying for next season and wants Todd to be the bachelor, make sure to say this in your application :yes:

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Post by Sundy Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:35 am

Noooooooobacheloretteau - Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* A678fa10

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