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Post by Sprite Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:25 am

It is going to take me a while to get some of these names. I have to keep flipping back to the list of contestants and their pictures.

He is very gentlemanly and is good at articulating all the positives of the various ladies. I will need to watch the disconnect between what he says and how he reacts. He can be very complimentary, but it is mostly politeness. The instant body language is the tell.

Milisha is the first...she is a little OTT. The type to fall hard in the bachelor bubble. I don't see anything there.

Edith...nice, but again, not much there. She seems a bit on the sassy side and looks like she will be entertaining.

Chantieel...she is a bit weird. I don't agree with Lee. She does not seem the shy/nervous type to me, but she stood as far away from him as she possibly could and she practically ran into the mansion after introducing herself. I don't know that she is into him.

Daneal...Yeah, not much there either. despite the fact they are both into fitness.

Kerry...I think he liked her ice heart gift, but still not sure he is into her.

America...when the best he can come up is that he thinks her braces are cute, I say a no go.

Shelly...Nope. this one he gave the once over as she was walking to him. He wasn't freaked out by the veil and he enjoyed the pineapple he said she had nice legs. This is the first one on my radar, but I suspect her storyline will be her age and the older ones being a bit snarky about it...although she herself seemed fairly mature. I think she will stick around for a bit at least.

Kim...oh, she got an even better once over. Also, her cards were interesting and I think she piqued his interest on a few levels. I think she will be sticking around as well.

Annalene...short and quick. No.

Taryn...Yeah, no.

Nontombi...I think he liked her, but still a no.

Natasha...Despite her best chemistry experiment, I still think there was none.

Michelle D...cute idea with the rose in the cake, but I don't see her getting the final one.

Mbali...some interest there although I can already see her being one of the cattier ones based on how she was in her ITM after Belle Michelle arrived.

Thenjiwe...hmmm....not really.

Michelle R...Oh, yes baby. Lots of interest here. This is the first one who he described as elegant and classy. Not just being polite and positive, but actual impressions. He said she intrigued him and he wanted to get to know her better. A first. I think she will be here a while.

Jacqueline...not much there.

Chantelle...maybe if she had him drink the gin, but no.

Gina...I found it interesting that she mentioned she was kind and wanted someone with a similar quirky sense of humour....similar qualities he said he wanted. I think she will also be around for a while.

Jozaan...definitely into her. He said he found her attractive. He liked that she was tall and strong and they shared a laugh over the puppy love, he turned around watching her which is always a good indication. She will be sticking around. After seeing her at the cocktail party, she could be the one who is not there to make friends.

Lucy...#2 twin. He was practically shoving her into the mansion, so a no go.

Sandy...#1 twin. Not her either.

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Post by Sprite Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:13 am

Can I say that I don't think I have ever seen so many sparkly gowns on the first night...and three of the ladies are wearing the same one!

These ladies seem to be very accomplished and for the most part, they seem nice.

Edith and Jozaan seem to be doing a lot of the commentary this episode. Jozaan seems to be more negative and I have a feeling she could be the one who is not there to make friends.

Jacqueline pulls Lee aside first. I think he likes that she is a teacher and good with kids. Despite the fact that they had nice chat, I swear I saw his eyes glazing over at one point as she just kept talking.

The ladies start interrupting one another. Kelly-Tiegan seems to have a longer chat and although he seems a bit wary of her youth, they seem to get on well.

Gina and Edith interrupt. Gina does more talking. I am a little surprised as I expected Edith to be more commanding and assured. He gives Gina his jacket. The twins come to interrupt and Gina says she will give them a chance to chat and he appreciated that and tells her to keep the jacket. He says she has a reserved energy and there is something intriguing about her and he would like to get to know her better. I definitely think he likes the more reserved/elegant type. Something to keep an eye on.

Lee steers the ladies back to the mansion and then pulls Belle Michelle aside to waltz some more. The ladies are already starting to get jealous of her...particularly Jozaan.

The ladies keep interrupting one another and he is starting to get overwhelmed and impatient with them. He doesn't seem to like it when they are aggressive and now some of them are just having to wait...including Chantelle and even Jozaan. Who is getting pissy and looks at her watch when he comes back to her and whines "Where were you?". I don't think that type of behaviour will endear her to him in the long run.

Another interruption, but he says he has something to do and goes off to give the Belle Michelle. Not exactly a surprise. She was the one he showed the most interest in during the entrances and she was the one he sought out during the party. Mbali was p*ssed and suggested that Michelle was putting on a performance. Yeah, she will be stirring up the drama.

Annalene got him to lift her and he realized that she intimidates some of the others.

Milisha had a good chat with him and they seemed to have stuff in common and an easy conversation.

Meanwhile the ladies are chatting amongst themselves and Natasha lets it slip that when she met Lee, she got the impression that he was fake. Funny, I got more of that from her. She didn't want to go searching or waiting for him, so she place herself on a bench and waited for him to come and get her. When he finally did, she was kind of snarky. I'm not really a fan of hers, even thought, after their talk she all of a sudden wants to stay. She always looks so bored and/or p*ssed. Basically like she is sucking on a lemon.

The host comes to pull Lee aside and I notice he is standing nice and cozy with Gina. Hmmm....

Well I must admit, I like Lee. He is attractive, articulate, has a sense of humour and seems to be interested in getting to know the ladies. He kind of reminds me of the first Bachelor NZ, Art. Hopefully we will have a similar result.

@AllAboutLove do you know how many episodes there are?

With the US version, we know the lead and some of their tells, plus we know how they edit the show, so it is easier to predict the F4...even after only one episode. Let's see how well I will do with predicting the F4 with a lead I know nothing about and a show from a country where this is their first go around.

As of now my list of the ladies that he is interested in is Gina, Kelly-Tiegan, Jozaan and of course, Belle Michelle. I will need a few more episodes to get a better read on Lee and his interactions with the ladies, but after this first episode, if I had to pick an F1, I would go with Gina. Anyone else?

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Post by Bobette Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:20 am

@Sprite, I'm with you on Gina (see upthread and screncaps here).  Another thing I noticed was the way Lee was holding his glass in his right hand with everyone except Gina.  With the others his body language was quite defensive.  With Gina his body was more relaxed and he held his glass in his less-dominant hand.  Unless something goes awry, my early money's on her for sure.

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Post by LoveDovez Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:33 am

Sprite wrote:Can I say that I don't think I have ever seen so many sparkly gowns on the first night...and three of the ladies are wearing the same one!

These ladies seem to be very accomplished and for the most part, they seem nice.

Edith and Jozaan seem to be doing a lot of the commentary this episode. Jozaan seems to be more negative and I have a feeling she could be the one who is not there to make friends.

Jacqueline pulls Lee aside first. I think he likes that she is a teacher and good with kids. Despite the fact that they had nice chat, I swear I saw his eyes glazing over at one point as she just kept talking.

The ladies start interrupting one another. Kelly-Tiegan seems to have a longer chat and although he seems a bit wary of her youth, they seem to get on well.

Gina and Edith interrupt. Gina does more talking. I am a little surprised as I expected Edith to be more commanding and assured. He gives Gina his jacket. The twins come to interrupt and Gina says she will give them a chance to chat and he appreciated that and tells her to keep the jacket. He says she has a reserved energy and there is something intriguing about her and he would like to get to know her better. I definitely think he likes the more reserved/elegant type. Something to keep an eye on.

Lee steers the ladies back to the mansion and then pulls Belle Michelle aside to waltz some more. The ladies are already starting to get jealous of her...particularly Jozaan.

The ladies keep interrupting one another and he is starting to get overwhelmed and impatient with them. He doesn't seem to like it when they are aggressive and now some of them are just having to wait...including Chantelle and even Jozaan. Who is getting pissy and looks at her watch when he comes back to her and whines "Where were you?".  I don't think that type of behaviour will endear her to him in the long run.

Another interruption, but he says he has something to do and goes off to give the Belle Michelle. Not exactly a surprise. She was the one he showed the most interest in during the entrances and she was the one he sought out during the party. Mbali was p*ssed and suggested that Michelle was putting on a performance. Yeah, she will be stirring up the drama.

Annalene got him to lift her and he realized that she intimidates some of the others.

Milisha had a good chat with him and they seemed to have stuff in common and an easy conversation.

Meanwhile the ladies are chatting amongst themselves and Natasha lets it slip that when she met Lee, she got the impression that he was fake. Funny, I got more of that from her. She didn't want to go searching or waiting for him, so she place herself on a bench and waited for him to come and get her. When he finally did, she was kind of snarky. I'm not really a fan of hers, even thought, after their talk she all of a sudden wants to stay. She always looks so bored and/or p*ssed. Basically like she is sucking on a lemon.

The host comes to pull Lee aside and I notice he is standing nice and cozy with Gina. Hmmm....

Well I must admit, I like Lee. He is attractive, articulate, has a sense of humour and seems to be interested in getting to know the ladies. He kind of reminds me of the first Bachelor NZ, Art. Hopefully we will have a similar result.

@AllAboutLove do you know how many episodes there are?

With the US version, we know the lead and some of their tells, plus we know how they edit the show, so it is easier to predict the F4...even after only one episode. Let's see how well I will do with predicting the F4 with a lead I know nothing about and a show from a country where this is their first go around.

As of now my list of the ladies that he is interested in is Gina, Kelly-Tiegan, Jozaan and of course, Belle Michelle. I will need a few more episodes to get a better read on Lee and his interactions with the ladies, but after this first episode, if I had to pick an F1, I would go with Gina. Anyone else?

@Sprite, Gina is my pick also.. Michelle may not have the backbone to withstand these women. ; ( These are the two I like best for him.

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Post by Jolena Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:56 am

I like Gina too. As of now she my first pick to be F1 too.

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Post by handsanitiser Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:16 am

Gosh, I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. Generally speaking, this cast of women is very impressive. Beauty and brains abound!

Michelle getting the FIR didn't surprise me, but I can't see her as F1. I'd pick Gina over her for sure.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:42 pm

Loved reading everyone’s thoughts and so glad others are able to watch! 

@Sprite I am not sure how many episodes there will be. I assume maybe 2nd dates and then FDs (not sure if they will be overnights like the US or just day days like Australia) and whether they have international travel (I noticed an ad for Mauritius so it could be something). 

Early frontrunners I think Michelle, Gina, Jozaan, Kelly... and Edith and Jacqui - all got the most focus so they’re the ones I am watching. 

IA with everyone else that I don’t see Michelle as F1. Gina I think was painted as the type of woman Lee would go for  Jacqui - Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 3 4256136633 He likes more reserved classy women and her corny sense of humor he loved and is just like his. I noticed the jacket scene too @Bobette and agree that he was giving hints. With Jozaan I think she isn’t coming across like wife material but she had a ton of screen time so I think she could be a contender. Kelly I am watching as well but her edit has been set where her age is the big obstacle. 

It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I love that there’s no Sportsbet or spoilers. Just  sleuthing! Jacqui - Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 3 1176891977

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Post by Jolena Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:38 pm

Is episode 2 on tonight? anyone have the link?TIA

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Post by Bobette Fri Feb 22, 2019 8:05 pm

Jolena wrote:Is episode 2 on tonight? anyone have the link?TIA

Episode 2 has aired in SA (recap here).  When the video is available it should be posted on the Bach Archive clips page here.

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:08 pm

@Bobette thanks!

There's 46 pics here, still no link to watch though. sad


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Jacqui - Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 3 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Lee Thompson - Season 1 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:20 pm

Bobette wrote:
Jolena wrote:Is episode 2 on tonight? anyone have the link?TIA

Episode 2 has aired in SA (recap here).  When the video is available it should be posted on the Bach Archive clips page here.

That's not much of a recap. It doesn't say who got the single date or who was on the group date. Nor how anything really went or who got eliminated.

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Post by Bet2Win Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:00 pm

He’s cute! Where can we watch it? Is it only by way of video, there’s no streaming?

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