Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Dirty Street Pie Fri May 03, 2019 12:56 am

Dying over here @Bobette at your description of where Alex pulled the ring from rofl Also at Alex getting a helicopter when no one else did, that shows who the true winner of this show is, we all know that the winner is the one who gets the helicopter laugh out loud
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Post by Bobette Fri May 03, 2019 1:06 am

Next up it's Nathan & Tenille. They say some nice things about each other. Nathan giggles and minces around a bit, gives her a ring and they kiss. It's all a bit polite and boring TBH and I don't see this lasting at all.



Flo and Davey arrive for their commitment ceremony. Flo re-iterates the crux of their story, in case we've forgotten: "should we try for a relationship or are we better as friends?"

Flo appears to be wearing a repurposed circus tent but pulls it off surprisingly well.

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Source: Tenplay

Her crocodile tears are thoroughly unconvincing, but they fulfil their contract, delivering a neat end to their story and parting as friends. Despite the bad acting, I enjoyed them on the show. yes


... and that's where we leave Fiji. After the break, the few cast members who could be bothered turning up for the reunion join Osher on stage to SPILL THE TEA... except I've already seen the tweets and it all looks pretty tame laugh out loud


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Post by Bobette Fri May 03, 2019 2:10 am


The cast are introduced one at a time and the biggest cheers go to Vanessa and Jimmy.  The first questions go to Brittney.  She's a goofball and the audience laughs.  She's still single.

Next up they get the Connor elephant out of the room.  "What happened?"  Osher asks Shannon.  "Nothing" she says.  He ghosted her - end of story.  A boring end to a boring relationship IMO.

Paddy is asked about the backlash he received for "the way he spoke to Brooke and Alisha".  He says some words which were clearly written by a PR agent so don't count for much IMO.

Vanessa is still single.  Osher asks her why and she unexpectedly gets upset.  


Clearly some Daddy issues here but the feels seem real so I won't judge.

Brooke pretends she was upset when Alex chose Bill   TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 2622943811  She waffles on about bisexual rights and how she "shouldn't be discriminated against" and all I can think about is her conversation with on the couch with Nick - less than a year ago - where she literally said:

"I'm not bisexual or a lesbian or anything like that..."


Honey, if you want to be the poster child for bisexuality how about not flat out denying you're bisexual one minute and then pretending to fly the flag the next?  Maybe one day we might get a bisexual contestant who doesn't tweak their sexuality to suit their role on the show.  

:soapbox  Rant over.

Anyway, she admits she's now dating that dude we've seen pap pics of her with and they flash to him in the audience.  Hi!

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Source: Tenplay

Next they show a montage of Rachel doing Rachel things and I'm tempted to mute the stream but fortunately I don't because I get to hear her say "You get more Instagram followers if you make it to the end".  Sums her up perfectly IMO.  Bye Rachel I hope to never see you on TV again.

Nathan and Tenille come out and reveal that Nathan called it off and just wanted to be friends.  Not surprising especially considering the seemingly-legit IG comment I read yesterday about him already being in a long-term relationship (which I notice has since been conveniently deleted...).

Predictably, Ivan gets a grilling.  He's embarrassed by his behaviour and rightly so.  Dude is looking ROUGH and it seems like he hasn't slept in a while.  He was an absolute dick on the show but does seem genuinely remorseful.  Words are cheap though so only time will tell on this one I guess.  


After the break:  Jules takes the stage.  He's looking completely relaxed and not nervous at all.  TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 1f62c  TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 1f62c  TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 1f62c

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Source: Tenplay

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Post by Bobette Fri May 03, 2019 2:50 am

Alisha is introduced and bursts through the doors looking like the a red hot DIVA.  Why the Twitter page didn't choose to GIF this moment is beyond me.  

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Source: Tenplay

They play the recap montage of their relationship and Alisha immediately gets upset.  Aww.  Her bottom lip is quivering and everything.  Bless her cotton socks.  She's breathing deeply and trying to keep it together but she's clearly still devo.

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Source: Tenplay

Osher asks her where they're at and she says "I wish I could say that I was a strong woman and it ended in Paradise, but it didn't"  HA!  I knew it.  Simply can't be done cold turkey from my experience.  They talk every day and she can't let go.

Jules is invited on stage and Alisha lets it RIP!  Woah this girl is not keeping anything sacred.  This is a complete contrast to the previous IMO carefully-worded and rehearsed interviews.  Quick, pass me the popcorn.  2pop


OK so that was good telly.  TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 3806527698

Next up:  Alex and the cardboard cutout.

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Post by Bobette Fri May 03, 2019 3:34 am

After the break they recap Alex & Bills relationship, culminating with Alex saying "I can't wait to do the normal things together, like, you know, walking his dog..." laugh out loud  

That dog park sure does see a lot of action.

They bring out Alex and the cardboard cutout.  It's actually a pretty good likeness and hard to tell the difference in both appearance and personality.

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Source: Tenplay

Alex says Bill wasn't in love with her and called it off.  Osher asks if there was anyone else and Alex pretends she doesn't want to throw Bill under the bus my implying there was but goes ahead and does it anyway.

And that's it!  

Wow they really didn't give her any more airtime than absolutely necessary.  There have been very few tweets about her too.  Their golden girl's shine wore off pretty quick IMO - Alisha gave them so much more.

Flo & Davey:

Flo appears to have - ahem - had a little *work done*.  She's looking good but completely not like herself.  Go easy there love - you don't need it.

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Source: Tenplay

She says she doesn't have anything to say about Bill because she said it all.  "It was bleeped - but I said it all"  laugh out loud  


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Source: Tenplay

They recap the Flo & Davey story and Osher says "none of us saw that coming".   rotfl Yeah no one, especially not the team of scriptwriters who put it together.

Flo says Davey was already seeing someone before he came into Paradise.  I'm surprised they admitted that but fits with what I guessed and I don't doubt it at all.

Davey randomly points out his gf in the audience (weird) and says he would choose her over a friendship with Flo.  Flo says, "Uhhhh... I didn't ask you to choose?"

Seems to me like Davey wanted to get some publicity for his gf and make some kind of grand romantic gesture but it came off as awkward and out of place IMO.

Flo says she wouldn't do anything differently and they both agree the chapter is closed.  She also says she's done with the show and I think that's probably best.

Osher tries to spin it like alls-well-that-ends-well but with zero couples, this season was clearly a dud.  And with that, BiP AU congas off into the distance for another year (... or perhaps forever...)


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Post by notarose Fri May 03, 2019 3:53 am

hissyfit I’m going to miss your recaps.
rock @Bobette

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TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by blueblues Thu May 30, 2019 6:06 pm

I just finished watching this. Thank you @Bobette and others who have posted here. I couldn’t have done it without you. laugh out loud

I wish it wasn’t too late to say #AlishaForBachelorette . She was really great. Jules was entertaining too, in his own way - the newborn f**kboi, too naïve to hide it.
As for the rest of them, they mostly seemed like a rather pathetic bunch, especially at the tell all.

I was a bit sad that Caroline and Alex didn’t work out. It seems she cannot catch a break.


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Post by Bobette Thu May 30, 2019 6:08 pm

blueblues wrote:Jules was entertaining too, in his own way - the newborn f**kboi, too naïve to hide it.

cantstopl That is the most accurate recap of the season @blueblues - you nailed it.

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TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:32 am

The end of Bachelor in Paradise? Channel 10 sparks rumours the dating show will be REPLACED as it orders an extra season of Australian Survivor

Rumours are swirling that Bachelor in Paradise will be cancelled after its second season delivered lacklustre ratings.

The speculation began after industry sources told TV Blackbox the network had ordered an additional season of Australian Survivor to air during Paradise's usual slot.

This extra season will begin production in August, around six weeks after filming has wrapped on the season currently underway in the South Pacific.

It's believed the extra season of Australian Survivor will be broadcast early in 2020 when Bachelor in Paradise usually airs.

Channel 10 is yet to confirm a third season of Bachelor in Paradise.


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jun 10, 2019 12:41 pm

Maybe they need to look at why they are having lacklustre ratings. no no


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Post by Bobette Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:56 pm

Totally agree @GuardianAngel :yes: It's not hard to understand why the last season was a disaster but if TPTB need any tips they're welcome to read back through our thread.  laugh out loud

AU Survivor is a more successful dating show than BiP anyway. Sam and Mark had a baby last year and are now engaged, and El and Lee made it three years (they just split in Feb).

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TeamRichie - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:43 am

@GuardianAngel, May we please have a thread set up for BiP AU season 3?  The rumours have already started... laugh out loud

 EXCLUSIVE: Current Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants are ALREADY forming alliances for Bachelor in Paradise 

If there was one thing we have looked forward to for the past two years, it's Network Ten's Bachie-verse spin-off show, Bachelor in Paradise.

And even though it truly is a hot mess - with precisely zero couples staying together - it really does make for some solid entertainment.

And so when Now to Love heard from a very reliable source that contestants were already reaching out to one another for the hit show, you could say we were, well, pretty damn excited.

And by the way, it's not just ANY old contestants. We're talking CURRENT Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants - some we've never even met yet!

"Girls from Matt's [Agnew] season and boys from Angie's [Kent] season are sliding into each other's DM's," our source revealed. "They're forming alliances so that they can stay on the island longer."

And this is genius - because who wouldn't want to be on an island, in summer, surrounded by hot men and women, forming connections to last a lifetime - or at least three months post-show.

"The thing is," our source said, "some of these contestants haven't even been approached by TEN to be on the show. They're just covering all of their bases."It's unclear which of the current ladies will be (or have been) approached by TEN however, we could be looking at a slightly older group of Bachies, if Matt's girls are anything to go by.

Unlike many years gone by, some of the women vying for Matt's heart are slightly older, which could actually cater to some of Ali Oetjen's "older" men including Danny Harris-Wolf, Wesley Ford, Damien Rider and Dan Hobley.

And it seems that going on BIP is quite the natural course for our love-lorn hopefuls.

Todd King, Ali's runner up, revealed via his Instagram stories that he was "on the fence" about it.

When asked if he would do Bachelor in Paradise he revealed that he was "absolutely petrified" of getting his heart broken on national TV again.

"Although I received so much love and support. It was hard to have to watch it back [sic]."

And even though the thought scares him, he would love for his kids to able to see their parents "fall in love on TV".

"I don't know why but I think the idea of that (seeing their parents' first date and first kiss) is so cute. And I think it's definitely possible to find someone else in Bach world.

Former-Matt contender, Jessica Brody (a.k.a Tommy Little's "flame"), previously told us that that BIP would be a "great opportunity to find love".

"I struggled like crazy in the real world," she admitted."I think I'm definitely willing to give it another shot but it is a little bit scary going back into that situation, you know?

"It was definitely a bit intimidating but I'm always open to new opportunities."
So if Todd and Jess are "sort of" in...

Please excuse us while we compile a list of people we'd LOVE to see on the shores of Fiji!


LOL at Todd and Jessica being mentioned in the same paragraph - he'd be all over her IMO.

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Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 2 - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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