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bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Agent99 Sat Dec 21, 2019 9:12 pm

I just had a quick squiz at media reports, and it seems they all agree that Kiki and Ciarran become a couple on BiP.  Maybe someone else was working her ig.  I do think that the majority of viewers will not remember her, because her season was so long ago, so imo some arrangement was made to accommodate Ciarran's new 'friend'.  Surely TPTB  don't have to go back that far to find contestants laugh out loud  They do remind me of Keira and Jarrod though who were all over the media as a couple hmmm


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Post by Bobette Sun Dec 22, 2019 1:41 am

@Agent99 The media also think Alex/Keira and Niranga/Helena are coupled up, but IMO none of them are either.  A lot of the "evidence" these journalists are using to prove Kiki and Ciarran are together is just stuff they've copied from here (they've even been using our screenshots  Rolling Eyes ).  

IMO the media are falling for the red herrings contestants are throwing out - or perhaps deliberately playing along like they do with TPTB sometimes. IMO the girls who more likely ended up in couples at the end are Renee and Britt W, who the media conveniently haven't mentioned at all.  

I also have my eye on Britt H/Jackson. Suspect

Ciarran was pretty popular with the public when he left for Fiji so IMO it's more likely he had his sights set on Lead 2020 and wouldn't have "settled" for the first Bach chick that came along.  Kiki doesn't seem like anything special IMO and I suspect Ciarran would want keep his options open.

Also, TPTB seem WAY stricter with spoilers this year - we didn't get any pap pics of Matt with either Chelsie or Abbie, nor Angie with Timm - and we got absolutely nothing from Fiji - so I have my doubts they'd allow Ciarran and Kiki to be flaunting it like this if they actually were a couple.

... but I could be completely wrong. bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 3806527698

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Post by Agent99 Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:01 am

laugh out loud @Bobette I am not even sure why I am bothering with any sleuthing - I don't even like the show that much.  The only person I am interested in seeing is Niranga, and I would bet my bottom dollar he doesn't pair up with Helena.  But I do think there is a visible couple pre-show each year and imo Ciarran and Kiki are it.  

(btw rumour is Britt H and Timm, but I cannot for the life of me see that lasting beyond one night laugh out loud)


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Post by Bobette Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:41 am

@Agent99 Yeah I'm not enthused either.  laugh out loud I feel like this lot are deliberately messing with us and I can't be bothered playing their silly mind games.  I miss ye olde days of solid, legitimate clue hunting like zooming IG pics to 400% and spotting Jake reflected in Megan's sunglasses. bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 2498057887

Setting Ciarran and Kiki aside, I think the main couples will be hidden pre-show.  The media said NOTHING about Tara and Sam, even though there were all those pap pics on Matrix of them together post-show, which were posted and discussed here. Ditto with Alisha and Jules; I don't think anyone saw that coming.  

The main couples for 2020 will be just as hidden IMO.  I wouldn't be surprised if some in the media know exactly who the couples are and are sitting on pap pics till it profits them most to "unearth" them, while spreading herrings in the meantime to build hype.  There would surely be more airport pics than we've seen IMO.

Britt W was one of the first to arrive (with Abbie) and one of the last to leave, so she'll be a major player IMO.  I could see her in a "feel good" finale couple.  Not sure who with though - maybe Scot - but after the way he was courting the paps with Tara from Matt's season I'm no fan of his so hopefully not.

Renee will IMO get a drama-filled edit, and since it seems she went in several days after Ciarran I could see them repeating the Alexnation storyline: Renee arrives with *history*, hashes it out with Ciarran, goes on to couple up with someone else.  She was the last back on SM so another major player IMO.

Timm and Britt H is fantasy town IMO - he was barely there long enough to unpack his suitcase.  Also they seem completely unsuited IMO, and I'm doubtful Timm would be keen to get into a situation where he had to hide another 'relationship' for 4+ months after Bette, especially since he's so "hot" right now.

IMO Jackson is a more logical match for Britt.  Did you see her most recent IG story partying it up with other *influencers* on some yacht?   Rolling Eyes She's totally his type IMO and they live in the same city.  Plus she's following his mother on IG so either they coupled up or that's just plain weird IMO.  laugh out loud

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Post by Agent99 Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:15 pm

Bobette wrote:
Timm and Britt H is fantasy town IMO - he was barely there long enough to unpack his suitcase.  Also they seem completely unsuited IMO, and I'm doubtful Timm would be keen to get into a situation where he had to hide another 'relationship' for 4+ months after Bette, especially since he's so "hot" right now.

It is surprising that's for sure, and I won't say take it to the bank, but it's fairly certain according to a source, that they hook up on BiP. And they have been spotted together in Terrigal since filming finished. I actually have a vibe she wants to be bachette, so could be an 'Ali' storyline (hopefully minus the stairs laugh out loud)


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bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:50 pm

@Agent99 Well to that I give a hearty "BOO"!  no  I had heard the same rumour but hoped it was just hot air. laugh out loud  

I would not enjoy that coupling at all - Britt is far too dry and stuffy for Timm IMO.  I wonder how she snagged such a big fish?  Maybe she was the only girl "available" when Timm got there?  I agree with your vibe re: wanting to be Bette.  She thinks she's way more of a catch than she actually is, IMO.  

I think she's shot herself in the foot though with that podcast she's been doing with Laura.  I don't listen to it but from the snippets people have posted online it sounds like she's exposed too many of the inner workings of the Bach universe for TPTB to trust her or welcome her back as front woman IMO.

ETA:  If they did hook up it must have only been brief - Timm was confirmed back in AU by Nov 22 which was several days before the finale IMO - and Britt was back on SM posting about burned koalas the same day (posted uphthread by @Dirty Street Pie here). Since Britt lives in NSW it's possible IMO TPTB asked them to hang out and be "seen" together as another red herring.  They really seemed to have upped their sneak/smokescreen game this year.

There was a flurry of activity from a LOT of contestants around Nov 22/3 - some posting throwbacks, others back home.  IMO that might have been the point at which they give the contestants the option to leave as friends or proceed to the finale as a couple.  If TPTB were considering Timm as Lead it would make sense to have him leave at that point IMO.  Britt may have thought it would also increase her chances of Lead (even though she's dreaming IMO).

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Post by Bobette Tue Dec 24, 2019 6:51 pm

Well this just seems ridiculously blatant now so you might be right @Agent99.  There does always seem to be one in-your-face high visibility couple (Keira/Jarrod, Alex/Bill) so perhaps it's Kiki/Ciarran for season 3 and they're not required to be discreet.

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Meh.  Not a couple I'd be enthused about.  Considering they already "knew" each other preshow it feels like a set up, and Kiki seems like a typical Bach influencer IMO - I'd have expected/preferred to see Ciarran with someone more interesting and unique.  

Still hoping it's an elaborate ruse but maybe I'm giving them more credit than due and it really is just as it seems.  Their SM activity suggests they didn't go to the end so maybe left early but still as a couple - or perhaps Kiki leaves and Ciarran pursues? no idea

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bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:19 am

No new information in this article but they do a good job of summarising the Kiki/Ciarran quandary so posting for the record:

Ummm, This Certainly Looks A Lot Like Kiki Morris & Ciarran Stott Are Hundo Together

bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 6lkzLtM

What the sh*t is going on with Ciarran Stott and Kiki Morris, you guys? The Bachie alumni – both who have been rumoured to star in the upcoming Bachelor In Paradise season, by the way – have been stoking the romance rumour flames for months now.

Why is this weird, you ask? Well, if they ARE on Bachelor In Paradise, surely they shouldn’t be flaunting their love around until the show airs? But here they are, very much LOOKING like they’re flaunting their love while on hols with fellow Bachie dudes Timm Hanly and Jackson Garlick:

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The footage of the pair was taken by Timm from his balcony at the hotel they’re staying at. Normally this stuff would scream bullcrap to me, but Kiki and Ciarran didn’t know they were being filmed, and like – how’s that lounging all over each other’s chairs vibe, you know?

Guys, that looks VERY romantico.

Once they realised Timm was filming, they quickly went all “JUST PALS HAHAHAHAHA”

Okay, so I’ve thought way too hard about this whole thing – chalk it up to working during the holidays and having far too much time on my hands. I have reached three conclusions.

1. Kiki Morris & Ciarran Stott Are Just Mates

Ciarran seems like the touchy-feely type, and those types often flop all over their mates and are very affectionate. So maybe he’s lolling all over Kiki’s sun bed because he is just her very good, touchy-feely pal and they do not touchy-feely each other’s rude bits?

2. Kiki Morris & Ciarran Stott Are Trolling Us

This is a common thought among Bachie fans, because all other footage of the two has been pap shots and so on. There’s always trolling from Bachie folks – even the publicity team do it to us, remember Carlin “going to Bali” right before Angie Kent’s finale episode?

But my thing here is – they didn’t know they were being filmed by Timm. Why be playing fake-couple unless you are doing it for the paps? Then again, if they WERE together and didn’t want to be seen, they’d have asked Timm to delete the video, right?

3. Kiki Morris & Ciarran Stott Are 100% Loved Up

As I said, that was some very coupley-looking hanging out by the pool up there. Not to mention the numerous other sightings of the pair hanging out looking very much in love.

It would actually shock me if they WERE together because as far as I’m aware from my deep obsession with the Bachie franchise, you are not at all allowed to flaunt a new relationship formed on the show until the show has aired. For all we know right now, Timm Hanly – looking v. single from Instagram – went on BIP and is engaged right now, you know? They’re meant to keep it quiet, and this is NOT keeping it quiet.

Then again, humans are humans and we aren’t all gonna follow the rules. Maybe somewhere in Sydney there’s a frazzled publicist who’s been called back from their festival road trip to manage the sitcho now, you know?


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bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:03 pm

@Bobette Personally I really don't see "loved up" from those two pictures. Hanging around...yes, loved Are there more that actually show them making out? I can see them wanting to stir up interest, but this doesn' least for me.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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bachelorinparadiseau - Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 36 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Australia - Season 3 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:19 pm

Sprite wrote:@Bobette Personally I really don't see "loved up" from those two pictures. Hanging around...yes, loved Are there more that actually show them making out? I can see them wanting to stir up interest, but this doesn' least for me.

I totally agree - they don't look loved up to me either and unless Kiki had someone running her account with up to date info (fires) she was only in Fiji a short time IMO. This still feels like either a red herring or a showmance to me. :yes:  

Ciarran has already proven he likes to mess with public perception - look at all those pics of him and Renee in Bali with his face hidden but tatts fully visible - so I wouldn't put it past him to be deliberately misleading the press, and IMO Kiki would happily play along if it meant a camera was pointed in her direction.

She's desperate for attention IMO.  Remember last year when she tried to fool people into thinking she was going to be on Season 2 with this oh-so-subtle IG post?  She even went to the extent of getting herself papped at the airport IIRC.

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What puzzles me is that Ciarran wouldn't need to fake a relationship to get attention post-Bette - in fact he's limiting his options by doing so IMO, so why do it?  Unless Kiki's a placeholder for him while TPTB consider their options for Lead 2020 and/or TPTB asked them to throw the media off the scent of the real couples.

IMO the girls who actually ended in relationships are more likely to be those like Renee and Britt W who are going out of their way to make themselves look single - only posting IG pics/stories with girlfriends etc, not a man anywhere in sight.

I'm also wondering if there might be a finale couple involving an International ala Ali & Grant.  We didn't even know Connor was in Fiji last year till he was papped there, and not having any pap pics at all from Fiji makes me feel like there could be a piece of the puzzle missing (though I can't see a US/AU couple lasting...)

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Post by Bobette Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:27 pm

I've been largely ignoring this lot over the holidays because their attention-seeking has become tiresome IMO.

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But for sleuthing purposes - what do we reckon - are they kissing?  And if so, do they know they're on camera?  

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Post by leavers Thu Jan 02, 2020 9:43 pm

ugh it's all a gross play for attention, absolutely. He's good TV but I was never a huge fan of Ciarran and this just confirms all my suspicions. I think the one and only time he was real on Angie's season was when he was sad about his grandmother dying.

I do think this might be a good season though!

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