Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by susanna22 Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:33 am

By the way... is it normal for the different media to be talking and putting out all those rumors about Chelsie already dumping Matt?  Did it ever happened before?question

In true... in this case, I would not be surprise. I am sorry to say from my point of view Matt and Chelsie are not truly in love...  Sounds like good and even a perfect match,when they say they are so similar but.... I don't see any deep emotion or any sparks for a couple in love.


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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by Bobette Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:48 am

offtopic i just read that the final dates and FRC for the next season of Bach US will be filmed here in Australia early November. Small world. laugh out loud

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Post by stoneleigh Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:12 am

Ok, just to weigh in on this a little bit. I heard from a secret squirrel source before the season started that F1 was really obvious this year. So I started watching the season with that in mind. What seems really obvious to me from back end production editing is that they are just cutting out all the Chelsie and Matt kisses. There's a reason for that. If you look at the second lot of SQT time they got, the only kiss they showed they panned the camera out and blurred it. I can guarantee that it was not filmed blurred... so that is a purposeful edit. Now why would they do that? On the flip side, they seem to be showing EVERY kiss that Matt and Abbie have, that's all they seem to do on their dates because of the edit. To me that signifies that the only way we get a viable F2 is to dial F1 way down and dial F2 way up.

From the bits they have shown us, it seems pretty obvious to me that Matt probably went into 'reassurance mode' after Chelsie told him about her ex. It would have been written all over his face plus he's constantly touching her doing the whole 'gentle hands' routine. I don't believe for a second that he has more sexual chemistry with Abbie than Chelsie. If you cast your mind back, they did keep in the one sound byte after Chelsie's 1st date where Matt says "There is no doubt we have phenomenal chemistry" I think that's the only comment about their chemistry that made the final edit.  cantstopl

I hope they show us a bit more of their relationship in the final 2 dates. It's so obviously written all over his face when he is with her. Like someone said above, he has 'smiley eyes' when he is with Chelsie. I think his decision was set in stone when he sent Elly home personally.

This is all JMO of course... I don't know for sure who F1 is, I'm just analysing the edit. :yes: Smiley

Oh and just to add, there is still zero change from the FRC to now with my source's job. Which means it's highly unlikely there has been a break up. yes


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Post by Finch Tue Sep 17, 2019 11:32 am

That all makes perfect sense to me @stoneleigh. That is what I have seen too.

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by Sprite Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:14 pm

susanna22 wrote:
Bobette wrote:
Jolena wrote:
if that's the case then it will be Abby imo 

How old is Matt and how old is Chelsie?  TIA

@Jolena - Matt is 32 and Chelsie 28.  

That interview was comparing a past Lead (Matty J) with the current Lead (Matt).  Osher was implying that Matty J followed his hormones but Matt will choose with his head.  

The winner is already known - she was spoiled by a betting agency before the season began (like all previous Australian F1s) so it's all upthread, if you want to know.

If Matt followed his brain then obviously he will go for Chelsie. But that sounds great when you are looking for a business partner or even your best friend. But what the brain has to do with emotions, feelings and LOVE?  Our brain makes decisions based on the programs we have in our mind, but that doesn't mean it tells you the right thing to do. The programs might have problems so in fact our brains makes a lot of wrong decisions!! While the heart hardly does because is based on a deeper and spiritual level, intuition, LOVE ! I feel when it comes to a couple to follow the heart is the best thing to do.

I have a different perspective on the bolded. Many a time "following the heart" means what they are really following is their raging hormones and missing/ignoring the red flags. While I agree that choosing a life partner based on the brain alone, doesn't work either since it is like checking off a list of in business. The best situation is a combination of the two...listen to both your heart and your brain...and that is exactly what I am seeing with Matt and Chelsie. Not so much with Matt and Abbie.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by sdmom Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:24 pm

Missnair wrote:

Some snippets of Chelsie and Matt together! This man is totally smitten and a goner! I really hope  they last. Has anyone thought of Chelsie’s captions on the Bachie pics bittersweet? Or am I reading too much into it?

I have attached the snippet link of Abbie and Matt below. Watch the difference between both the videos.

Two screencaps from the two videos.

When Abbie declared her strong feelings
Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 1b428810

Vs When Chelsie was about to say she’s falling
Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 55705710

His face doesn’t lie. IMO. I think Matt doesn’t only just follow his brain but also his heart.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by Sundy Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:43 pm

I will be very interested to hear Matt’s media this week. In particular looking for confirmation that he and Chelsie are still together. Chelsie is definitely not posting promo pics like the other girls (OK final four shoot) and was not tagged in the final three bach IG posts yesterday. See below. Perhaps she just has no interest in building a SM profile (which I respect). Has anyone heard or seen a recent media article where she has spoken or are they all old and taken at the time of filming?

Something seems not normal and I’m just hoping it is that Chelsie really struggles with the media side of thinks only and not a sign of a split

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by ZeegaZigHah Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:39 pm

Sundy wrote:I will be very interested to hear Matt’s media this week. In particular looking for confirmation that he and Chelsie are still together. Chelsie is definitely not posting promo pics like the other girls (OK final four shoot) and was not tagged in the final three bach IG posts yesterday. See below. Perhaps she just has no interest in building a SM profile (which I respect). Has anyone heard or seen a recent media article where she has spoken or are they all old and taken at the time of filming?

Something seems not normal and I’m just hoping it is that Chelsie really struggles with the media side of thinks only and not a sign of a split

This one was posted 16 Sep 'I want a career first': The Bachelor front-runner Chelsie McLeod reveals she 'probably wouldn't' accept a proposal if she was chosen in finale by Matt Agnew. Her talking about a hypothetical proposal may mean they may be in a relationship right now more than not in a relationship.

I still believe that Chelsie is the most likely winner, regardless of how Matt is caught up with the sex trap (Yes, Abbie may be more than sex but IMO the edits couldn't be farther from the truth -- how eliminated contestants regard her in their interviews, her convos with them off cam while the show was filming, and her POV on monogamy & cheating on her facebook. That sleuthing Screenshot surely was not madeup, right?).

But the way Chelsie is on SM, we're still about to get a stalkerazzi photo of her with the look of somebody having the time of her life.... So maybe not everything is going that great these days towards the showing of the show's finale??? I know the DailyMail is a big bin of gossip, But -- any more stolen photos other than this? sad

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Anyway, speaking of Matt in a "honey trap", this "ugly duckling" theory is kind of credible. From what I've also known from some former nerds or fat guys who at a point in their lives sort of "rebranded" themselves (gym, finally letting inner big swagger out, etc) they suddenly became hot & popular and with it came the change in perspective from being hopeless romantics to players. Understandably, they couldn't help it as men if some very hot women are just blatantly throwing themselves at them left and right - something they never had before. So consequently, even if they have a prized woman on his hand, some of them, they'd still take that opportunity to wander (or just forever WONDER?) in the forest and do some dancing...Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 1176891977  

I'm just drawing these possibilities from all that advance foreplays during filming (haller, by-the-beach footage) and no actuality (according to them) and from Matt's words regarding "wanting to kiss Helena from the moment I saw her and now I must do something about it". So yes, he's somebody who's not keen on living life with unfinished businesses... If Abbie is just F2, she is one big Unfinished BIZNIZ! rotfl  Somewhere down the road that bizniz is going to be dealt with by a man who was a former nerd now hot propertyyyy... Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 1710264613  I really cannot blame Matt, though, if that's indeed hiscase. He's just a man. Scientist or not.

Just really hoping Chelsie is more than alright, and that the online tips are just all misleads. question

By the way, more slightly recent (true or not) articles here:


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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by Bobette Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:16 pm

@ZeegaZigHah there are about 50 other pics here and she looks pissed off in every one, IMO.  The caption reads "Chelsie McLeod emerges after refusing to do interviews".  Pap captions tend to be accurate, in my experience.  They see a lot, and don't have an allegiance to any particular camp - they just want to sell photos.  Chelsie refusing to do interviews correlates with the article from New Idea, who has links to the show, and are IMO an avenue TPTB often utilise to drop hints.    

Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 YnbE2nz


As I said upthread, this fits with how Chelsie has come across to me on the show and via sleuthing.  IMO she was probably scouted to go on the show (doesn't she have links to Georgia...?) and had reservations because of her career.  I expect the producers desperately wanted to cast a Hot Scientist and went all out to sweet talk her into appearing.  IMO she probably agreed to it partly to make her ex jealous. I do not think she was expecting to like the Lead, let alone win.

Like Helena I think she is probably an over-thinker/over-analyser.  This was IMO always going to be the danger of casting smart women to date a smart man - they think before they act (and after).  Reality shows rely on people doing the opposite, IMO.  I think she likes Matt and had they met under different circumstances they still might have hooked up, but I'd be wondering if Chelsie thinks this whole circus is worth it.  Unfortunately, post-show contracts are binding...  

Body language post-show will be key to judging how long this will last, IMO... :detective

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by Just Looking Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:34 pm

@stoneleigh If F1 is meant to be obvious then IMO this only applies to Abbie. I just do t know why such strong focus would be on Abbie if she wasn’t F1

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by butterflylove Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:52 pm

Just Looking wrote:@stoneleigh If F1 is meant to be obvious then IMO this only applies to Abbie.  I just do t know why such strong focus would be on Abbie if she wasn’t F1

They've made Abbie too obvious. Over exposed. Focused on her sexual chemistry, as the complete opposite to the dark horse F1.

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Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Matt Agnew - Season 7 - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

Post by ZeegaZigHah Tue Sep 17, 2019 7:01 pm

Bobette wrote:
As I said upthread, this fits with how Chelsie has come across to me on the show and via sleuthing.  IMO she was probably scouted to go on the show (doesn't she have links to Georgia...?) and had reservations because of her career.  I expect the producers desperately wanted to cast a Hot Scientist and went all out to sweet talk her into appearing.  IMO she probably agreed to it partly to make her ex jealous. I do not think she was expecting to like the Lead, let alone win.

Like Helena I think she is probably an over-thinker/over-analyser.  This was IMO always going to be the danger of casting smart women to date a smart man - they think before they act (and after).  Reality shows rely on people doing the opposite, IMO.  I think she likes Matt and had they met under different circumstances they still might have hooked up, but I'd be wondering if Chelsie thinks this whole circus is worth it.  Unfortunately, post-show contracts are binding...  

Body language post-show will be key to judging how long this will last, IMO... :detective

@Bobette, I'm sad already...

I so agree, Chelsie (and Helena) Overthink -- the world is yet to see an intelligent or bookish girl on earth who does not spend time on anxiety-inducing over-analysis! And if that was true that TPTB scouted for smart women (especially for great-looking STEM girls) to cast on the show because, yes expectedly auditions for shows like these are too swamped with wannabes who want a shot at showbizness (or at least boost instagram) for variety purposes for the story they had in mind for the new Bach. That's reality, reality).  

And yes, seems like Chelsie must be on the side of questioning now if all these was worth her career sacrifice, among other things that's making her have that aura she has now...sad

(Didn't know though that she's connected with Georgia, but that makes the scouting and convincing of her more believable).

And the reality that both her and Matt just live not too far from each other means the moral of the story is it's about time there should be a dating app for nerds (if there hasn't been one yet. Programmers-entreprenuers, ALERT spitcoffee ). So that they wouldn't waste their time on reality shows "looking for lurve", but instead assess each other for real.

Anyway, IMO agree that Chelsie's primary motivation to join is to move on from her ex and to get his attention, too. And as she herself had said, never did she expect to meet a [hot] geek for a bachelor! Fell for him, won the show, then now.... question


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