Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors - Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors -  Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors - Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:32 pm

Thread for Felix!

AllAboutLove wrote:The second bachelor is Felix Almsved, 27 yo, an engineer. 

He had NO idea there was another bachelor (Simon) until the trailer came out announcing Simon as the first bachelor. Read below for his interview and thoughts. 


Get to know Felix Almsved, this year's secret Bachelor!

After months of mystery making, it is now finally out who is this year's big surprise in Bachelor Sweden. 27-year-old Felix Almsved from Avesta is the man who is set against Simon Hermansson in the love fight for the girls' hearts.

The fact that he is two meters long (1.97 if you have to be stingy) and engineer has executive producer Hans Abrahamsson gossiped about before.

Who is the man behind the glasses and the lion man?

"I really hate the question "Who are you?" Because how do you describe it? But I'm a guy from Dalarna who both likes the big city pulse with a lot of people and to get away from the city to be in nature", says Felix Almsved .

He is originally from Avesta in Dalarna, but moved in 2010 to Stockholm to study engineering at KTH. Today he works with technical sales.

That Felix Almsved would accept yes to join Bachelor Sweden was not entirely clear when the question came.

"My spontaneous thought was that I was happy and flattered, but at the same time I was a little hesitant about whether I really am a Bachelor guy", he says.

However, he let himself be persuaded by the production bidding him on coffee with homemade buns.

Surprised and confused

Felix describes being confused when he found out that there was already a Bachelor.

"In the first stage, I had no idea that there was already a Bachelor. After the first interview I sat at home watching TV and then a Bachelor trailer with Simon came up.

"I was very surprised and confused", he says.

After further mystery making, Felix Almsved was told that he would be allowed to enter as the second Bachelor.

He became skeptical of the idea of ​​entering the program when he was told he was number two.

"When I realized that there was already a Bachelor, and that the girls actually applied for him, I took two steps back. It felt spontaneous that Simon and I are quite different and I thought that if the girls applied for him they probably wouldn't be so interested in me", he says and continues:

"The chances of finding love suddenly didn't feel as great, mainly because the girls were looking for a guy who is so different from me. It could be that I went down to South Africa and no girl would like me".

"Find My Future Girlfriend"

But after some persuasion, he finally decided to say yes.

 "I realized that it is enough for a girl to have an interest in me for me to find my future girlfriend".

Today, Felix Almsved is glad that he decided to join the program.

"It is an adventure that cannot be described. It is completely crazy but very funny at the same time. I do not regret anything", he says.

Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors -  Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Felix3_444

Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors -  Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Felix2_444
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Some pics of Felix 

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Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors -  Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 58468479_406861239897165_3659766522107716339_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fcmh1-1.fna.fbcdn
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Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors -  Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Bachelorpuff


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Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors - Felix A. - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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