Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:09 pm

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Oct 23, 2019 8:06 pm

Regarding FRC: not sure if this is only one person (Simon) or if Simon is in the maroon colored suit and the only one there.  scratch  :detective

Felix - I wonder if Felix is not in the FRC shot (not shown) perhaps he leaves then with someone during the show and doesn't have an official FRC since his is not shown? question Per sleuthing IG it seems like he is with someone (not sure if the woman he picks or someone else).

Simon - I notice in the season preview they only showed Simon's face at FRC. Per Meagan (contestant)'s commentary, it sounds like Simon does indeed pick someone/has a F1. Meagan also says they changed the octave lower on the voice of the winner so that's something to look out for too.  Here's a SC of Simon and the woman he chooses. Will sleuth the watch as it could be a clue (there are still intruders arriving though, so if it's not one of the original women it could be an intruder -- see episode thread for more). 

FRC scs

Simon? with his F1 (will need to sleuth the watch) 

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72839155_10218302556469182_7791616616826929152_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQk3v1dVkgfyliOXxh0OJgbRWDTWVJ0Q95xgC9BZTkIgVFOBqfEeOlNfeBSIQyUJROI&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1

Simon's hand with his tattoo. Not sure if the suit sleeve can be seen in the SC enough to show it's maroon. 

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 73495278_10218302632231076_5775261915261435904_o.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQlCuLSJTDKpd0_kshuEcLG14iTvsbnljEPstHtArRIKIsDgslKtBDvBS2QGsIflQyk&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1

Simon... the suit I am not sure if it is maroon? It looks more dark navy? It could be the light though and possibly edited from a different part and not FRC?

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 75513421_10218302617590710_6404905263316336640_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_oc=AQn9McgiFn655q3ZhF5XLNVG_Q0f8_unVJjtm3goHEAYEjbCOo1Vy-Min-p1wTCMtVw&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1

FRC aerial shot in the middle of nowhere in South Africa 
 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72997935_10218302565909418_5797336715723014144_o.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_oc=AQlpmOJC50ACTosSc6Y9slm5SuR1ExMEhP99_Yck8bIJP69wn6hhBqDl-JDw2ON_VRQ&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1
my scs yt


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:09 pm

@AllAboutLove Great screencaps! It's always wonderful to have a big distinct watch to sleuth! yes !

He has a white shirt in the maroon jacket s/cap and I can see a bit of the white cuff of his shirt in that tat/bracelet s/cap.

Do you think the silver plate is the FRC? Both of those roses seem to have the same number 3 green leaves, but they might all look the same.

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Sweede10


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Oct 24, 2019 3:37 pm

@GuardianAngel bestbud! I am going to try sleuth and match the watch with the contestants on their SM and the show. There are intruders also, so it may make it more tricky.

IA, there is a white shirt sleeve shown under the suit. I am not sure though if the jacket is maroon or navy blue in the other SC above with Simon looking down? My guess would be it is maroon and it is just the light? It would make sense that, like the season only started with Simon, it would end only with Simon, and perhaps Felix leaves with his chosen woman?

ETA: The bachSE account posted today and looks to me like the same watch? If it is then the F1 woman is an intruder, Patricia Hanjikova. Not sure though as the dial is not see in the screencap but it could be the screencap is inverted (they do this a lot ) so it's the other side of her hand flipped). Will keep sleuthing just in case  :detective

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72917075_211943929795358_793512830376580519_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fcmh1-1.fna.fbcdn
 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72839155_10218302556469182_7791616616826929152_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQk3v1dVkgfyliOXxh0OJgbRWDTWVJ0Q95xgC9BZTkIgVFOBqfEeOlNfeBSIQyUJROI&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:00 am

I am still sleuthing to confirm if Patricia is F1. If she is, that's the first intruder I know of winning other than Sophie (BetteAU) season (even then, she knew Stu beforehand).  :detective

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Post by Miyala Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:10 am

AllAboutLove wrote:@GuardianAngel bestbud! I am going to try sleuth and match the watch with the contestants on their SM and the show. There are intruders also, so it may make it more tricky.

IA, there is a white shirt sleeve shown under the suit. I am not sure though if the jacket is maroon or navy blue in the other SC above with Simon looking down? My guess would be it is maroon and it is just the light? It would make sense that, like the season only started with Simon, it would end only with Simon, and perhaps Felix leaves with his chosen woman?

ETA: The bachSE account posted today and looks to me like the same watch? If it is then the F1 woman is an intruder, Patricia Hanjikova. Not sure though as the dial is not see in the screencap but it could be the screencap is inverted (they do this a lot ) so it's the other side of her hand flipped). Will keep sleuthing just in case  :detective

 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72917075_211943929795358_793512830376580519_n.jpg?_nc_ht=instagram.fcmh1-1.fna.fbcdn
 Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 72839155_10218302556469182_7791616616826929152_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQk3v1dVkgfyliOXxh0OJgbRWDTWVJ0Q95xgC9BZTkIgVFOBqfEeOlNfeBSIQyUJROI&_nc_ht=scontent.fcmh1-1
The subtitles say " my heart tells me that I want to offer you the last rose".


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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:20 pm

@Miyala great catch! thumbsup Do we actually see him say that?


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Bachelor Sweden - Season 5 - TWO Bachelors: Simon H and Felix A - Screencaps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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