Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:58 pm

Discuss Matt and Chelsie here

Jolena wrote:
Curiositykills wrote:
Jolena wrote:
butterflylove wrote:
Curiositykills wrote:It’s really weird that they hardly ever post pictures of each other or with each other and havent been together lately. I thought they would be all ovwr each other, i also get that they arent into social media and stuff but maybe i expected something mode gustong over each other. I hope they do last becuase i really like them.

Chelsie said in her Q&A the other weekend, they're together a lot more than we think, especially during the week - but don't post anything because they're being boring making dinner (her words were to that affect). I find it refreshing that they're not posting every minute together, they're appreciating and enjoying their relationship, like any other everyday couple.

I saw that Q&A and I think that was a few weeks ago I don't think there's been anything since., as much as I agree it's refreshing that they are more private people I have to agree with @curiosistykills that it is weird that they pulled back this much all well knowing that they built a fan base who are a bit interested in their progress as a couple post show. Were any of the other Australia couples (who are still together) do this as well? I realize they are different and more private but something dosen't seem right because in the beginning as soon as they went public they seemed so happy and they did give the fans a bone here and there, which was nice. But nothing at all in weeks does seem a little strange especially that the relationship is so new. If they don't pop up

with a pic together sometime soon imo it will leave some doubt that all is right in paradise. JMO
Exactly. It’s been weeks since their last update. And they would only post pictures of them being together if and once a lot of people in IG start quesrioning about them if they are still together. It’s just really, IDK, suspicious that theyre mostly doing their own thing and havent been open to talking about their relationships. I guess what im saying is, i hope they post more couple pics even the most mundane things because there’s nothung viewers and fans love than seeing the couple they rooted for are getting their happily ever after.

Agree.   It looks like Chelsie is at a Baby Shower according to her IG post today if someone wants to bring it over here. Someone posted " I can't wait for your Baby shower" and Chelsie answered "Me Too" .Someone asked "Wheres  Matt ?"  no idea She didn't answer that question . I can understand that the constant question asking about Matt can be annoying especially to a couple who wants their relationship to be private and it's exactly why a pic together here and there can help stop rumors and give their fans a little certainty. Just saying. jmo

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 10, 2019 6:23 pm

they're not posting every minute together

There's posting every minute together and then there's not posting of them together at all -- which is Matt and Chelsie recently. IDK, IA with others (@CuriosityKills @Jolena) that it is odd. I add it to Matt immediately leaving for his trip right after they were public together. I get he wanted to see his nephew but he was gone for a while and it was Chels who constantly had to tell her followers that they are still together. From the beginning since the finale, it's been Chelsie doing the most work telling followers they are together etc and posting more of them on IG stories etc. Matt doesn't really seem to be bothered too much. I've told myself it's because he's all science etc etc but on the other hand, every single Bach lead who is with their F1 and lasted always posted on IG stories a lot of them even if not on the actual IG itself. I'd think just being in love you'd want to share some of that, doesn't have to be a lot but at least something? no idea Especially since it's so recent and this should be the honeymoon stage. I get being private etc. But I don't think it's that. Why even bother with IG or anything if you want to be *that* private? I will wait and see but hope that they are spending time together which should be a given since they live in the same city. Chels mostly posts being with her friends so I am not sure where the time is left and how much of it is them together -- how much do they actually even spend time together? Can't post anything if it's not much. Recently they're not spending weekends together so will see. I hope it all works out for them as I do like them together Smiley

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by leavers Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:06 pm

Oh I'm so glad this thread is here now so they can be discussed with a little more rationality and less fan-based enthusiasm Smiley

I agree @AllAboutLove. The fact that they never post together at all is really suspicious. I absolutely respect their privacy and I respect couples that don't post "happy couple" pics every day. I personally have literally never posted a pic of me and my SO together on SM and we've been together about 15 years. However, we didn't meet on a TV show and we have no public SM presence so I don't think it's exactly the same. The last time I saw her address it (and I don't follow Bach ppl so I might have missed something) she said she doesn't post about them being together because they're "really boring" but ... so what? All people want is a bit of fan service every now and again, just a pic here and there I think really. Nobody cares if they're "boring", that's one of the reasons they were a popular couple, that they weren't the typical celebrity influencer couple.

If it's really that they've gone underground because they don't want their relationship to be owned by the public, I get it... but I think it's unnecessary, they're not Kristen Stewart and RPattz during the Twilight years.

It's always been a lowkey thought of mine that Matt might actually be not that nice. JMO of course, just vibes I get.

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:23 pm

@leavers yep, their followers have made it very clear they want some updates and do NOT care if they are "boring". I feel like Chels said that they're boring as an excuse. Otherwise why not say we want to be private? That's not what they're saying at all. I could buy they are "different" as a reason for a while, but it's been weeks now and barely anything from either of them, and especially from Matt - just very limited here and there. There's being low-key and then there's being almost MIA. They live in the same city-- why aren't they spending nights or weekends together like every other couple did (and Chels has said in her IG stories they don't spend nights together so I know they don't)? I don't buy the "well they may be but we just don't see it". Hard to do when Chels posts on weekends and she's with her friends. So not together. I get that Matt may have work or something but at some point one has to spend actual quality and substantial time together for a relationship to work (and I do think they are together still). 

The more they don't reveal the more it will become suspicious and the more their followers were start asking them and the media will notice Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion 4256136633 It's about balance -- it doesn't have to be extremes of sharing every little thing or sharing hardly anything at all. Perhaps they will get there. I just don't see any evidence that they're spending their weekends together or that much time together. Perhaps that's why Chels can't post much since there's not much to post  no idea (As for Matt, he posts more about his science stuff than he does about Chels. Fine if that's what he is using it for. But he has his IG pic as his bachelor pic, his bio has Bachelor on it. His followers are following him because of him and Chels. It would be nice to see some posts from him with Chels.) I'd feel the same of any lead/F1 post-show.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by Dirty Street Pie Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:30 pm

I’ll be disappointed if they’ve split as I think they’re a lovely couple. Matt posted a pic of them together at Crown on November 1st, but very little apart from that.

I get that the show is over, and they don’t owe anyone anything, but for better or worse, people are invested in them, and the less they post, the more questions are going to be asked. And if Chelsie wants people to stop asking “where’s Matt?” they need to either throw the people a bone from time to time, OR, if they have split, own it and move on with their non Bach lives.
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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by leavers Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:32 pm

I wonder if they're not allowed to say anything yet if they have? I know it's a bit of a conspiracy theory that there's contracts (other than what Honey Badger said), but... it would make sense

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:43 pm

@Dirty Street Pie @leavers I think they're still together but maybe there's some issues? IDK. If there are issues, I think they stem from Matt and not Chels. I feel like he has left it to her to tell followers they are still together etc. At least that was what she was saying a few weeks back. 

But yeah, if they want followers to stop asking "Where's Matt" maybe MATT should be posting more with him and Chelsie and not leave that to Chels to have to respond to and defend like she has before. Hard for the followers to be asking "where's Matt?" if Matt was you know, actually there with Chels. He doesn't seem to be though very much since the finale aired. 

And IA, if they want to have a non-Bach life then Matt can start by removing his Bachelor IG profile pic and that he still has Bachelor AU in his IG profile bio. This is the show. So to me while it's refreshing they aren't posting every second of their lives and time together it's odd to me they barely post of them together at all. 

I also think it's not fair to their fans. It's not fair for fans to have to be put in the position to have to defend them as to why they barely post with each other. I don't like to have to defend something that for any other lead I'd be questioning. Come on Matt and Chels, throw us a bone... laugh out loud

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by Jolena Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:48 pm

I totally agree with everything the posters above said and I couldn't have said it better myself. I guess only time will tell. I do think Chelsie is more into this relationship and if anyone it's Matt who is more laid back about it. IF there is a problem I hope they can work it out together. So far it's not looking to good so we'll have to wait and see and hope that our Australia friends on here will share any info from Australia that they find out .TIA

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by Curiositykills Mon Nov 11, 2019 3:55 am

It baffles me that it’s Chelsie who continuously answers the question as to whether theyre still together and Matt doesnt seem to care or give any reassurances either. And the fact that he’s going to spend Valentine’s day without Chelsie is really, really bothersome.I feel like it’s only a matter of time before they say they have split up. But i really hope not because their SM appearances isnt helping either.


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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by ReneeM Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:23 am

Matt seems checked out imo. Time will tell though.


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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by Bobette Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:45 am

He tried something new - novelty wore off - will go back to The Abbies, IMO.  Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion 3806527698

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Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion Empty Re: Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion

Post by Jolena Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:48 am

Curiositykills wrote:It baffles me that it’s Chelsie who continuously answers the question as to whether theyre still together and Matt doesnt seem to care or give any reassurances either. And the fact that he’s going to spend Valentine’s day without Chelsie is really, really bothersome.I feel like it’s only a matter of time before they say they have split up. But i really hope not because their SM appearances isnt helping either.

How do we know he isn't spending valentine's day with her? Its 3 months out. If true that dosen't sound good IMO. What about the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays?
If something good dosen't show up with these two soon to lend some hope then it's going to be easy to lose interest in supporting and following their relationship.  Matt Agnew - Bachelor Australia - Season 7 - Discussion 4256136633

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