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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Al Wed May 20, 2020 1:16 am

Idlemess wrote:Okay, I’ve read through some of the posts re the “N word”  on here and tried to do the same on Hannah’s IG.

Rachel is correct in her explanation of the N word origin and it’s intent. I do believe she was sincere in her attempt to talk to Hannah about saying the N word on a public forum.

I am a person of color. I am a black woman born and raised on an island where my ancestors were enslaved and probably heard that word day in and out.
As a child growing up on that island, that word was never used, but of course the island gained their independence from the United Kingdom.
The word was not a foreign word, it was never used. I learned about it from our history books (real world history).

I came to America, still a kid, and wow! Eyes and ears were wide open. Real time to grow up! Ripped out of the history pages and in reality. That’s the life of a person of color. It’s not what you can do or how well that is viewed; it’s the color of your skin that cast judgement upon you by individuals who felt inclined to be and to do derogatory things.

I hated that word because I knew the history and the intentional meaning behind it. I hated that word because of the ‘power’ it held on my ancestors. I hated that word because of the continuous usage. I hated that word because I was called the N word once and the visceral response was foreign (a feeling I never fathom to experience).

As a black person do I agree with it’s used in music, or in communities from one person of color to another? No, I don’t like it. But I understand THAT Black persons need to take away that intended power of hate and reclaim themselves. It’s not entirely about appropriation because Black people are not saying to white people you can call me the N word or that’s its okay White people or any other non black people You can use the word.
It’s just not okay. Period.

White people do not get to say, it’s used in song lyrics so it must be okay. What’s not okay is the lack of knowledge, the insensitivity, the privilege, the lack of conscious thoughts and feelings, the lack of awareness and the oblivion.

Hannah thread...
So if this young southern woman was singing some lyrics on a social platform and thought to not say the F word but said the N word, somewhere in her deep subconscious the N word has no relevance. It means nothing to her and the same of those people who feels the need to excuse her behavior and blame the lyrics.

Thank you for sharing your perspective and story. I hate that you had to experience that.


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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Dutchy23 Wed May 20, 2020 7:01 am

bluwavz wrote:@Dutchy23 But the f word was in that song too and she had enough self control not to say it. Why did she find the f word so much more offensive to say than the n word?

I've seen the whole video now and I agree. She was aware of what she was singing. She has a habit of laughing things off, but she can't away with it this time.

Some tweets of her brother surfaced and they were really bad, so I guess they really need to educate themselves on the subject.

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by happygolucky Wed May 20, 2020 9:35 am

Idlemess wrote:(snipped)
So if this young southern woman was singing some lyrics on a social platform and thought to not say the F word but said the N word, somewhere in her deep subconscious the N word has no relevance. It means nothing to her and the same of those people who feels the need to excuse her behavior and blame the lyrics.
:yes: I agree. What doesn't touch her, doesn't concern her. That's the problem of her saying it. When I say that she didn't register IMO what she said is because it wasn't a word with much meaning to her. That's ignorance on the subject. Something she can learn if willing. So I'm hoping she is taking her time learning.

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Chgohighlife Wed May 20, 2020 10:09 am

2ndcampbell wrote:*poof* And just like that all the positive things (scripture reading during Holy Week, Save With Stories, No Kid Hungry) she has done in the last 2 months evaporates due to her thoughtless action over the weekend and her halfhearted apology that came after that. Hannah should have stayed "in her lane" appreciating country music and should have never succumbed to peer pressure to listen to other types of music, especially the ones she dislikes with derogatory lyrics.

I like that she's not making any justifications nor excuses because there is no amount that will ever convince all the people that she is sorry.  IMO, her first priority is to ask forgiveness from all the POC she's closed to, like Matt and Katie and maybe Mike and Dustin. Rachel, as the reluctant spokesperson, can wait.

I hope Hannah learned a great deal from this huge lesson.

Yes, @2ndcampbell that is exactly how it works. A few months of positive acts means nothing in the face of a major gaffe like Hannah’s. We have all seen entire 20-40 year storied, impactful, public service or corporate, successful careers destroyed for a stupid action or quote compounded by gross mishandling. She has a management company with a crisis management component. She should use it because she has majorly screwed up and like any public figure, she needs to fix it to move forward - not just sit in it and wait for it to blow over because it’s not likely that it will. She has tainted her image and it needs fixing not just for some fans in her social media following but for future opportunities. Her reputation is that of a calamity-prone, screw-up to begin with so, the fix is not that difficult. 

Also, it should be clear to everyone at this juncture that it is NOT true Hannah “dislikes” music with “derogatory lyrics”. Her singing such music, on camera is what this entire debacle is about. :yes:
All, IMO. 

I also hope she learned a few things.


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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Minney Wed May 20, 2020 11:34 am

What Hannah did was wrong. How she has handled it so far is wrong. How many in BN are handling it is also wrong. IMO Rachel, Becca, Tyler (to name a few) have all handled it very well in their statements. Others I can't help but feel are taking advantage of an opportunity to bring other HB baggage into it. Hannah is going through a virtual stoning by BN and I don't believe in kicking someone when they are down. It's more than just calling her out it's condeming her too. Unfortunately this is what happens when "fans" allow BN peeps to become their moral compass and put them on pedestals. IMO

To summarize.. what HB did was wrong, how she is handling it is wrong. No excuses. How others are adding to it is also wrong. IMO

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2020 12:09 pm

i’ve seen a number of suggestions of things hannah could do to address this further. obviously, she would have been wise to film something with rachel to turn this into a teachable moment. that would have brought some good out of this situation, and rachel was very generous to offer that. hannah could do something similar with others that would be willing to or ask rachel if she’d still be open to it. having a conversation to help educate her followers would really help. hannah could do a story even by herself on IG and give a fuller apology from the heart where she addresses why she shouldn’t have said what she did. i think i read other suggestions but i can’t remember them right now. oh, she could definitely tell her fans not to harass rachel and others who have spoken out. i’m sure they would listen to her. i don’t think hannah acted with malice but she was wrong and i don’t think this is going to blow over unless she gives a fuller, on camera apology and hopefully uses that time to bring light on the issue. jmo


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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by notarose Wed May 20, 2020 12:23 pm

She could go with the familiar and make a statement with the pastor a source said she was getting guidance from. Limitless options.

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by alwayscooking Wed May 20, 2020 1:16 pm

Was just on twitter and saw something trending... so I had a look, every 5 tweets or so the N word is being used, how is this acceptable?

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Tiggerlgh Wed May 20, 2020 5:22 pm

alwayscooking wrote:Was just on twitter and saw something trending... so I had a look, every 5 tweets or so the N word is being used, how is this acceptable?  
Who was saying it? BPOCs or other races?  It makes a difference

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Ilo Wed May 20, 2020 6:04 pm

What’s the possibility that she’s done? That removing all the links to her agencies means that she is stepping away from all of this forever and going back to just being a normal person living a normal life? I could see it. I don’t know... it may just all be too much for her and she could feel there is no coming back from this.  Just something I’ve been wondering.


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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by whit90 Wed May 20, 2020 6:05 pm

alwayscooking wrote:Was just on twitter and saw something trending... so I had a look, every 5 tweets or so the N word is being used, how is this acceptable?  

It depends on who is saying it and what they are using it for. That still does not excuse Hannah for saying and it and letting her crazy fans post such hateful comments to other BN people that have spoken about it. IMO

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Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 54 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2020 7:27 pm

Ilo wrote:What’s the possibility that she’s done? That removing all the links to her agencies means that she is stepping away from all of this forever and going back to just being a normal person living a normal life? I could see it. I don’t know... it may just all be too much for her and she could feel there is no coming back from this.  Just something I’ve been wondering.

i doubt it. she has been quite successful for someone her age and she seems ambitious. i think she may be laying low hoping it all blows over. i don’t know if she will address this further but for her sake i hope she does. jmo


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