Bachelorette 16 - Clare Crawley & Tayshia Adams - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Bobette Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:05 am

Yes it will be interesting to see how it is all presented.  TPTB won't want to admit things went awry so the narrative will probably be that Clare is a "strong independent woman who knew what she wanted, found it, and didn't need to date anyone else", per the theme of the ads so far.

But I find it hard to believe they would simply let her off the hook, and happily swap to another Lead and desperately recall eliminated contestants unless she threw a fit and was impossible to work with, or she was a complete dud and it served their purposes to dump her.

A few seasons back on Bach AU, the Lead wasn't into anyone, and was so desperate to escape the show that he literally fled from set into the bush in his underpants to get away from producers.  They still forced him to go through to the FRC, even knowing the ending would be a disaster.  

It's just not TPTB's style to put the emotions/desires/preferences of any Lead or contestant above their own agenda, IMO.

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Post by Sprite Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:34 am

Bobette wrote:Yes it will be interesting to see how it is all presented.  TPTB won't want to admit things went awry so the narrative will probably be that Clare is a "strong independent woman who knew what she wanted, found it, and didn't need to date anyone else", per the theme of the ads so far.

But I find it hard to believe they would simply let her off the hook, and happily swap to another Lead and desperately recall eliminated contestants unless she threw a fit and was impossible to work with, or she was a complete dud and it served their purposes to dump her.

A few seasons back on Bach AU, the Lead wasn't into anyone, and was so desperate to escape the show that he literally fled from set into the bush in his underpants to get away from producers.  They still forced him to go through to the FRC, even knowing the ending would be a disaster.  

It's just not TPTB's style to put the emotions/desires/preferences of any Lead or contestant above their own agenda, IMO.

This...100%. Not a chance in hell they just let Clare sail into the sunset without any torture out of the goodness of their cold, cold hearts unless it suits them. I'm still of the opinion that she was a pain to work and they quickly regretted their choice.

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Post by mbl Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:41 pm

In their first conference call after seeing the strength of the BLM movement in early June and the mounting pressure on corporate America to right historic wrongs, I believe TPTB said to each other the following: “sh*t we should have picked Tayshia to be the Bachelorette”.  I have no doubt in my mind that as business people they immediately regretted choosing Clare.  Their announcement of Matt as the Bachelor on June 12 is evidence of their sudden change in priorities.  But they realized (and I’m sure ABC made them realize) that Matt was not going to appear on TV screens until 7 months after his announcement, and we would first have to live through another season with a White lead.  I cannot imagine ABC accepting that when the country was seething over the historical prejudices and injustices endured by Black people in every facet of life and a campaign had been mounted over the show’s historic lack of diversity. Having not filmed a thing because of Covid, I believe they changed the storyboard to bring in Tayshia. I also believe the show’s new priorities played a hand in encouraging in some way, shape or form Clare’s relationship with Dale (we know they encourage some relationships and not others).  By encouraging the relationship with Dale, bringing in Tayshia and naming Matt as the Bachelor, the franchise will end up at the end of these two seasons with, at the very least, three inter-racial couples, and depending on who Tayshia and Matt choose, potentially two all-POC couples. Voila! the historic racism of the franchise is righted (sarcasm intended). So for me, nothing about Clare being difficult to work with, not willing to go on dates, etc. etc. has anything to do with how/why this season is playing out as it is.  The strength of the BLM movement is why this season is playing out the way it is.

I want to make clear that I really like Tayshia and wanted her to become the Bachelorette last March, so I am really happy to get to see her as the lead. I think she’ll be great and she deserved to be the Bachelorette on her own merits.  I found her adorable in her short-lived romance with JPJ so I think her relationships with the guys will be romantic and fun, I think she’s a really strong woman who will have meaningful discussions with the men and make thoughtful decisions, and I absolutely love her family, so I can’t wait to see them on TV again.  But that doesn’t change why I believe TPTB chose to put her on our TV screens this fall and chose to have Clare exit, stage left, with Dale.

All of the above IMO

Last edited by mbl on Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo, addition of two word at end.)


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Post by Norcalgal Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:16 pm

@mbl I was telling my son's gf yesterday almost the same thing. The producers encouraged Clare to step aside so they could bring in Tayshia. Creates more drama and she hits the mark on diversity. Boom! No broken contracts or ill will (maybe). I am very curious is they dangled a big paycheck in front of Tayshia due to a shortened season without travel.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by bluwavz Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:33 pm

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Post by Zaynab Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:14 pm

I think most leads have said that and have been shown to say it.


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Post by philphan Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:28 pm

mbl wrote:In their first conference call after seeing the strength of the BLM movement in early June and the mounting pressure on corporate America to right historic wrongs, I believe TPTB said to each other the following: “sh*t we should have picked Tayshia to be the Bachelorette”.  I have no doubt in my mind that as business people they immediately regretted choosing Clare.  Their announcement of Matt as the Bachelor on June 12 is evidence of their sudden change in priorities.  But they realized (and I’m sure ABC made them realize) that Matt was not going to appear on TV screens until 7 months after his announcement, and we would first have to live through another season with a White lead.  I cannot imagine ABC accepting that when the country was seething over the historical prejudices and injustices endured by Black people in every facet of life and a campaign had been mounted over the show’s historic lack of diversity. Having not filmed a thing because of Covid, I believe they changed the storyboard to bring in Tayshia. I also believe the show’s new priorities played a hand in encouraging in some way, shape or form Clare’s relationship with Dale (we know they encourage some relationships and not others).  By encouraging the relationship with Dale, bringing in Tayshia and naming Matt as the Bachelor, the franchise will end up at the end of these two seasons with, at the very least, three inter-racial couples, and depending on who Tayshia and Matt choose, potentially two all-POC couples. Voila! the historic racism of the franchise is righted (sarcasm intended). So for me, nothing about Clare being difficult to work with, not willing to go on dates, etc. etc. has anything to do with how/why this season is playing out as it is.  The strength of the BLM movement is why this season is playing out the way it is.

I want to make clear that I really like Tayshia and wanted her to become the Bachelorette last March, so I am really happy to get to see her as the lead. I think she’ll be great and she deserved to be the Bachelorette on her own merits.  I found her adorable in her short-lived romance with JPJ so I think her relationships with the guys will be romantic and fun, I think she’s a really strong woman who will have meaningful discussions with the men and make thoughtful decisions, and I absolutely love her family, so I can’t wait to see them on TV again.  But that doesn’t change why I believe TPTB chose to put her on our TV screens this fall and chose to have Clare exit, stage left, with Dale.

All of the above IMO

This!!!! You hit the nail on the head, IMO.

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Post by Dahling Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:39 pm

@mbl @Norcalgal  Yes, I’m in the same thinking as both of you. I don’t know exactly if BLM is the #1 reason they chose Tayshia to take over, but it seems likely it was a big part. I also think most of the men were cast for Tayshia. While they were older than the last cast in March, most still were not closer to Clare’s age. Looking at the majority of the ages, they were somewhere in the late 20’s to early 30’s range, which totally stuck out to me as casted for Tayshia.


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Post by blueblues Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:59 pm

bluwavz wrote:
Instead of a M&G in the mansion, they look like they have gathered in a random hotel lobby, ready to start a three day work conference (except for the CEO toasting them in a cocktail dress laugh out loud ).
So weird.


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Post by Dahling Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:22 pm

@blueblues I think everyone is just used to the pretty “Bachelor Mansion”. That’s why I’m excited for Matt’s season because that hotel has some pretty views.


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Post by bluwavz Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:35 am

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Post by Guest Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:21 am

Just fyi: the word “casted” doesn’t exist. The past tense of cast is: cast.

Last edited by gabriele on Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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