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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:44 pm

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HavaDrPepper wrote:The CDC is recommended the cancellation of events with over 50 people including weddings in the next 8 weeks.

So Raven/Adam are scheduled to get married May 30.  That is outside of the 8 week window.  She has said that she has over 400 people on her guest list also.

JoJo/Jordan are getting married but as far as I know, no actual date has been mentioned. So they could possibly be affected by this?  

I think if this were me, I would greatly consider cutting the guest list way down to immediate family only and still having the ceremony but holding the reception at a later date... on the first anniversary would be a neat idea Smiley

I have a cousin that does floral work for weddings and she has let her upcoming brides know that she understands that they may need to cancel. She also wants them to contact her and they can work out whether a rescheduled date will fit into her already full schedule for later in the summer.

This same cousin's husband is the general manager of a local grocery store (not a chain store) and they came home from their vacation early last week as things were going nuts at the store.  Even small town Ohio had a run on stuff!  No cases in Ohio are in our county or area of the state either.

GuardianAngel wrote:The domino effect is unbelievable.

Two more cases in my area, we are at 3. Still not bad at all population 435,000 considering what's going on in the rest of the world.

None in my little city, fingers crossed.

Weddings will be a challenge for all involved. Very sad. I have a bridal shower in July and a wedding in September. I have a two week vacation planned in July.  Upset oh ETA and my Rod Stewart concert in July!!!

Lets hope this goes away just as quickly that it came. The next two weeks will be telling with many cancellations closure's and so many entertainment establishments limited to take out or drive through, all the casino's being closed in Ontario and New York, and so on. I hope we see a huge reduction in new cases.

It's gotta help the spread! Although it's very frustrating to see the dimwit's who still think it's a hoax. I saw police cruisers in New Orleans on loud speakers telling the street filled people they are threatening the public and to go home or to their hotels. The twitter responses are unbelievable. Some people are so brainwashed they don't get it.

They should check out vids from other people like Italy who they too originally didn't take it seriously. Now they are at over 2000 deaths.

Norcalgal wrote:@Dutchy23 Good Luck. Most of us will be joining you soon.

Norcalgal wrote:I had an appointment for a diagnostic test at the largest hospital in my county today. I called this morning to see if non-emergency tests were still being performed and was told yes. I went to the hospital and was surprised there was no one at the door asking me about symptoms. Went to the security and was instructed to sign in using a pen that was attached to a clipboard. No thank you - I pulled out my own from my purse.

Large groups of family came into hospital waiting area and were directed to the floor their loved on was on - including the ICU. No gloves, no masks and no hand washing located where they got through security. Shocked! Escorted to imaging department and was surprised to see hospital personnel without masks and gloves. Lots of people in the hallway. Again asked to sign in using the pen attached to the clipboard - no thank you.

Tech doing my test had returned the previous night from Mexico and when he came into work no one asked if he had any symptoms or even where he traveled. Said minimal screening upon arriving in the US! His wife works at another hospital in the same city and they don't allow any visitors on the floor (but they've had 3 virus cases there). I asked him if the staff was encouraged to use gloves or masks and was told just wash your hands often.

I couldn't wait to get out of there after a 4 hour test. I came home and wiped down my phone with an antibacterial wipe. The ONLY sign regarding the virus was on the door to the Emergency Department, where there was also a portable hand washing station. Note all the sinks had handles you had to turn to get the water to come on - you had to use your hands in the same place as everyone else. I grabbed a tissue to open doors so I wouldn't contaminate my hands. I was very careful not to put my hands on the chair arms and to sit upright so my head didn't come in contact with the back of the chairs.
Really shook me up!

HavaDrPepper wrote:Well, evidently adults in positions of authority can make stupid (IMO) decisions as well.

The governor of Ohio after much deliberation with others including both the heads of the Democratic and Republican parties in Ohio wanted to postpone our primary voting scheduled for tomorrow.  The majority of the poll workers are older individuals that will be there for 13+ hours.  They had many phone calls from people that were uncomfortable with still having the primary with all other closures that have been put into place. Unfortunately, this had to be approved by the court system.  It was denied.  :crazed

They were going to keep absentee balloting open until the June 2nd date that they wanted which would give everybody the chance to vote.  I can see many older Ohioans that prefer to still vote in person on election day choosing not to vote tomorrow.  I know I won't be but then I never vote in primaries because I do not declare a political party which is mandatory if you want to vote for any candidate.  Those that don't declare can only vote on issues independent of political parties.  There are no issues for my polling location.  Oh yeah, my precinct location is at the same place as 9 other precincts, 2 of which were moved from a location at a retirement community/nursing home.


Sprite wrote:@Norcalgal Wow. That is insane. You would think they would have learned by now. Here they are wearing double gloves and full gowns. They have increased cleaning protocols.

London just confirmed their second case ... woman in her 50's ... who works in primary care, but not at the hospital. The first case, a student at UoW was one of the first in Canada diagnosed and has recovered.

They are opening up a community assessment center for assessment so people don't go to emergency rooms. Even before they go there there is an online assessment and people are told to call Telehealth. Both cases in town were sent home to self isolate.

I'm surprised we haven't had more since many students here at the University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College are from out of country. Fingers crossed, knock on wood.

The health officials are recommending bars, restaurants, etc, shut down particularly since it is St. Patrick's day tomorrow and it is usually a crazy party day because of the students. Everything is usually packed. I hope they listen or it could be a huge mess.

sdmom wrote:My husband was in ER last Tuesday due to a kidney stone. The first responders asked him if he had flu like symptoms and/or recent travel history. No to both questions.

He was very lucky being sent directly to his room, no waiting, no contact with other patients.
I put on my mark as soon as I entered ER reception area. Three workers wore masks two did not. I took a quick glance towards the waiting room, half patients had masks on.

When they wheeled my husband out of his room to get CT scan, the technician asked him the same questions and gave him a mask, explaining if you are in the hall way, you need to wear one.
Thank God the stone was small so we left pretty soon (ER standard!)

I was impressed they took it seriously. A few days later, we found out, a man with Covid 19 checked into the same hospital the same day. This could explain why the precautions.

We can’t thank God enough we had no contact with any patients!
We need to pray extra hard for all the health care workers General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123

sdmom wrote:Forgot to add: after we got home, we washed all our clothes in the highest setting, sprayed our bags shoes phones and the car.

You can never be too careful now!

GuardianAngel wrote:@Norcalgal that is insane! Someone needs to take responsibility for that! I had several tests at the hospital and doctor's appointments, weeks ago, and they were all wearing masks, asking screening questions, and hand sanitizers everywhere.

I can't believe the tech returned from Mexico the night before and didn't self isolate. Everyone coming back from anywhere should self isolate.

I have friends that go south for the winter. They were originally staying until May. They got on the first flight they could which was today and returned home. They are self isolating and taking the advice of the Health experts.

I'm glad you took it upon yourself to be careful.

GuardianAngel wrote:@sdmom I hope your hubby is doing well. I had kidney stones years ago. At the time there was the C Difficle outbreak. There was no one in emergency but I was scared to death. The doctor suggested going in there and pulling it out. I said no thanks, I have to try and get it out on my own. Very painful experience.

@Sprite they are opening two community assessment centers in Niagara.

Norcalgal wrote:Local news stated that hospitals are rationing masks and gloves for those interfacing with the sickest patients. Makes sense but I still think they should have asked me about symptoms before letting me roam the halls.

@sdmom I'm sure had I entered the Emergency Room, things would have been different. Just astounded that visitors were allowed in. The hospital just set up a big tent outside the main entrance - all seams sealed - presumably for triage should the situation worsen.

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:47 pm

General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123 for all medical staff and anyone associated with helping control the virus.

Good idea!


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General Chit Chat - #2 Empty Re: General Chit Chat - #2

Post by Astrobach Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:05 pm

Thanks everyone who is adding valuable information here!
Northern California has just made some important decision in order to keep the spread down, 6 counties, including San Francisco and neighboring counties are asked to stay in as much as possible for the next 2 weeks. Those came from the counties officials, as the State and Federal agencies are slow to make guidelines that are adapted to the population. And we can’t count on the acting clown to do anything that makes sense.
On a very practical level, you see the advice for everyone to wash their hands. And yet, most people do not know how to do such a simple and efficient gesture.
It is not only the water and soap that counts, but the active rubbing  of hands that takes off the diverse bacteria and viruses off our hands. I use a small nail brush as well, at the tips of my fingers and under the nails, where small particules get stuck. It’s known to be a little heaven for bacterias.
Also, change and wash your hand towel as needed. Students around here - university town- can use the same towels for weeks...laundry is so hard for these poor kids ! :dripdrip

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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:50 am

Well, things can change at a moment's notice in Ohio. Not too long ago the Governor has announced that polls will be closed on March 17th.

The Director of the Department of Health has declared a health emergency that would prevent the polls from opening out of fear of exposing voters and volunteer poll workers (many of whom are elderly) to the virus.

The election will now be held on June 2nd. In the news conference earlier today, they stated that absentee ballots would be available leading up to the June 2nd date. Not sure if that will happen.

I stand by the governor in this matter. Just wish he wouldn't have wanted until today to do it. Overall I give him a thumbs up for what he has done for the state of Ohio. Proactive is much better in this situation than having to be reactive.


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Post by Dutchy23 Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:49 am

We have a difficult time ahead of us. Our Prime Minister gave a speech on national television last night to explain our governments plans for our country.
They have chosen to lower the curve as much as possible.
We cannot fight this virus. We can only build immunity by getting and surviving the virus. This means almost every one will get infected eventually. The lock down and minimizing social contact is meant to not overload the hospitals and medical services. The more people are immune the faster the virus will die down. Immune people will be the wall to protect our vulnerable people, like the elderly and people with underlying health problems.
This solution will take time. We don't know how long. We have to build immunity and hang on till a vaccine is available.

General Chit Chat - #2 Hollan11

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Post by veg_out Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:46 am

@Dutchy23, thank you for sharing that information. It helps explain the current choices: TPTB are trying to build "herd immunity" (@dee might have more insights).

A few days ago, I read an article that they're potentially considering a century-old therapy: using the blood plasma of survivors to treat the sick, essentially like a pseudo vaccine. They met with some success using this method in China. If you're interested, here's the article: Blood plasma therapy

Today, they are beginning a clinical trial of a potential vaccine: CNN coronavirus vaccine.

Today's social-distancing-support post: Monterey Bay Aquarium


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Post by Norcalgal Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:31 pm

@Astrobach I saw a video of a physician demonstrating proper hand washing technique. Take your fingernails and rub them inside the opposite palm to get that area of your hands clean. I've taken off my wedding rings as I think it's a trap for germs.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by Dutchy23 Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:35 pm

veg_out wrote:@Dutchy23, thank you for sharing that information. It helps explain the current choices: TPTB are trying to build "herd immunity" (@dee might have more insights).

A few days ago, I read an article that they're potentially considering a century-old therapy: using the blood plasma of survivors to treat the sick, essentially like a pseudo vaccine. They met with some success using this method in China. If you're interested, here's the article: Blood plasma therapy

Today, they are beginning a clinical trial of a potential vaccine: CNN coronavirus vaccine.

Today's social-distancing-support post: Monterey Bay Aquarium


Thanks! I was indeed wondering or they could use survivors for curing the sick.

General Chit Chat - #2 Hollan11

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:24 pm

A lot of the stores are opening an hour earlier or dedicating the first hour of store openings for only those that need special care, the elderly etc.

This is heartwarming! Dr Tedros is the Director-General of the World Health Organization


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General Chit Chat - #2 Empty Re: General Chit Chat - #2

Post by sdmom Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:46 pm

Kevin Durant positive for coronavirus!
3 more Nets players.

I am having a headache now.... need to take deep breaths....

Everyone be careful General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123General Chit Chat - #2 3552228123

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General Chit Chat - #2 Empty Re: General Chit Chat - #2

Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:04 pm

Honestly, that doesn't surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of more athletes being tested positive.


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Post by Astrobach Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:16 pm

@HavaDrPepper Yes, anybody who has been TRAVELING in planes in the last month is probably at risk at this point because of the lack of directives and screening given and passed on to the TSA and airline companies. The air filtration system in planes has not been upgraded probably since the 50’s was already ridiculous and now it’s downright dangerous IMO.
And you are squeezed in with people all around it’s pretty outrageous  but some passengers have taken flights AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED with Covid -19! And I’m sure others have not been caught. The other thing about planes is that they don’t take the required time to do a proper cleaning between each flights. So forget about disinfecting now-  They put these planes back in the air with passengers ASAP, to maximise profits.
I read yesterday a very thorough, precise and informative site on CANADA ‘s web site, I’ll link it if you’d like. I am proud and happy to be Canadian and miss being there now!
Here are a few excerpts:

The latest figures available Monday indicated 34,000 had been swabbed for traces of the pathogen across the country, compared to 23,000 tests in the U.S., which has 10 times the population and number of COVID-19 cases.

Among major countries, South Korea is still the screening leader, having done 248,000 tests by Monday, or about 4,800 per million residents. Hard-hit Italy has carried out about 2,300 swabs per million, and the U.K.  668 per million. Canada’s total amounts to 837 tests for every million people.
The clear laggard is the U.S., where the slow rollout of testing — largely controlled initially by the federal Centers for Disease Control — became a political issue.>>

I read a timeline that indicates that Canada had already put in place screenings and directives for ALL Canadian airport, beginning in JANUARY !!! Way to go Canada! The US is facing tragedies because of the lack of leadership and foresight.its infuriating.

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