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Post by Mommyof2 Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:32 am

Sprite wrote:@HavaDrPepper The scary statistic IMO is the 21% of health care workers infected. Who will take care of the sick, when the people charged to take care of them are sick themselves?

My husband, a rehab physician was being prepped a couple of weeks ago to step in and help out with the Covid patients, if needed. So, they will have replacements if needed, however my husband has not worked in the ICU in many, many years. Thankfully, because of social distancing and locking down our state, we only have 22 patients that are currently hospitalized with Covid in our town, however we do have many people under observation.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:05 am

@Mommyof2 Thank you to your hubby and all medical professionals. It has to be so worrisome to be exposed to that environment.

Almost half of the deaths in our province is in long term nursing homes. It's heartbreaking.

The province has 7,470 confirmed cases overall with 291 deaths, a daily increase of 17.

The greatest number of lives lost — 120 — has been among residents of long-term care homes where there have been 89 outbreaks.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:56 am

GuardianAngel wrote:@Mommyof2 Thank you to your hubby and all medical professionals. It has to be so worrisome to be exposed to that environment.

Almost half of the deaths in our province is in long term nursing homes. It's heartbreaking.

The province has 7,470 confirmed cases overall with 291 deaths, a daily increase of 17.

The greatest number of lives lost — 120 — has been among residents of long-term care homes where there have been 89 outbreaks.

Reporters are starting to ask about nursing home statistics in the press conferences these days for Ohio. That is not a statistic they have been willing to narrow down as they don't want to put any specific nursing home or long-term care facility in the spotlight. Can't blame them for that. But rumors do get out. I know one county not far from me had a huge outbreak at a nursing home. 12 deaths in that county are all 70 or older so more than likely from the nursing home. 35 of their cases are 70 or older. That county has a population about twice my county but has almost 10 times the amount of cases.

248 of the 274 deaths in Ohio are age 60 or older.

The other thing that is now worrisome in Ohio is an outbreak in the prison population. 2 different state prisons have cases as does a federal prison located within the state. A couple weeks ago the governor announced that they had submitted names of prisoners that are nearing the end of their sentences for early release (and he got a lot of flack about it). There were 2 different sets of prison population they considered... those over the age of 60 or women who had just given birth while incarcerated. Prison workers are now also among the positive cases.

Yet some reporter was trying to rile up the public about the rumor of putting suspected covid-19 cases into solitary confinement. I'm confused because they should be in quarantine if they don't need to be hospitalized. IMO solitary confinement is the best kind of quarantine you can get!

Then the protesters outside the state house during the press conference. Not social distancing at all. Let them protest, just be sensible about it please....


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:09 pm

I wonder why some States/Countries have a mix of age brackets for deaths and others are higher in the 60 and older. I suppose it has to do with the age of the population.

In the Niagara Region, there are 74 cases in the 80+ (many probably from the nursing homes) but we also have 61 cases in the 40-59 age brackets and even less in the 60-79, 58 cases. There are so many unknowns because that refers to those who are tested positive. We don't know how many are asymptomatic, but we do know 24% is community spread, which is the scary part.

I listened to a radio program about releasing prisoners. I think there are pro's and con's but determining how they got infected in the first place should be the focus and ensure preventative measures are being followed.

I agree that those close to their release date should be released providing that anyone who is released follows the 14 day self isolation, which will have to be monitored very closely.

I'm having a difficult time dealing with stupidity and those that think they are immune to this. It's unforgivable in those situations that they contribute to the stress on the medial professions, then end up dying because of being infected and lack of common sense.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:09 pm

No decision has been made on the prisoners yet. The recommendations were sent to the local jurisdictions that handled the cases. They are the ones to make the decision and any procedures that need to be adhered to if release is made.

I also have a hard time with those that think they are immune to it. I also have a hard time with some government officials that get too strict in what regulations they put into place.

I'm sorry but to limit yourself from not checking on your older family members because they don't live in the same house as you... not a good thing at all. Those are the people that need to be checked on especially if they live alone. I have friends in Michigan that are very upset about it. They follow all the stay home precautions but have been regularly checking on those elderly relatives/neighbors that need help.

They have said in press conferences that Ohio skews elderly in our population so it isn't surprising that our statistics are tilted towards those demographics. It also makes sense that the older population has more health issues that can become more serious if you get the virus. The virus attacks you and someone that isn't healthy to begin with cannot fight it off which is why IMO there are more elderly deaths. I'm not saying that younger people don't die as well, they do. There is just so much unknown about Covid-19 that needs to be researched so this can be fought in the future. Because I believe it will always be around in one form or another. No deaths under the age of 30 in Ohio and only 7 have been from 30-49 in age.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:34 pm

I talk to my mother regularly however I have stopped by to check up on her as well. I instructed her not to open her screen door. I stand in the driveway, a porch between us and we chat for a few minutes. My concern was to make sure she looked ok, eating well. She is fine on the phone, I know she is frightened and will hardly go outside in her own yard but to physically see her was important to me. It can be done safely.

Very detailed link provided Florida

There is ton's of information in that link.

1 - General Chit Chat - #2 - Page 22 Florid10


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Post by HavaDrPepper Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:04 pm

In today's press conference, Dr Amy said that the number of confirmed cases of patients in nursing homes is 700 cases. As of today, Ohio has 7,628 confirmed cases with another 163 cases that fit the new CDC guidelines and could be reclassified as confirmed (total 7,791).

Health care workers are 1,606 still at 21% of the cases.

4,580 of the cases are age 50 and older... about 60% of the confirmed cases. My county had 3 additional cases today, all female in their 80's although none are hospitalized.

Deaths have risen to 361. 349 of those are age 50 or older.

Dr. Amy talked today about the timing of the reporting of deaths because someone questioned it yesterday. The reporter felt the numbers weren't matching up. She explained that just because there was an increase of 37 deaths between yesterday and today doesn't mean all 37 of those died in the last 24 hours. Many deaths happen before the test results confirm the Covid-19 diagnosis!

I love listening to her!!!


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Post by Doats Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:36 pm

I live in Santa Clara County in CA and we had the highest number of cases in the state. However, I think social distancing is working as the hospital nearest us is only 50% full. husband and I have been strict with masks, hand sanitizing, 6-10 feet away from others and shopping only during "senior hours."

Stay safe everyone!


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Post by HavaDrPepper Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:44 pm


I agree. Social distancing does work. As does the limiting of mass gatherings. That IMO made a big difference in Ohio's number. Cancelling the Arnold Classic in the beginning of March (5th-8th) was huge. We had no confirmed cases at that time. There are over 250,000 attendees at this event every year. Not to mention the cancellation of college basketball tournament games. One conference holds its tournament in Cleveland every year. Not to mention the play-in games for the NCAA March Madness and second round action also held in Ohio. How many hundreds of thousands of people would attend those events in the midst of this and possibly be exposed from being around asymptomatic individuals. Mind boggling.

Ohio's health care system could very well have been overwhelmed and unable to handle it. As it is, our health system is much like yours. No where near full and able to treat non-Covid 19 patients if needed.


ODH put out a new stat today. They are actually reporting the name of long-term care facilities and the number of cases! My county has 5 of its 18 cases in 2 facilities. The one county that I have heard about a large number of cases in a facility actually has 2 of them with cases. One has 65 and the other has 23. That is 98 cases out of the 125 reported in the county! Looking down the list, I see others with large amounts (next highest is 63) and that is in the Cleveland area which is probably a larger facility. I see another county near me has 32 people in one facility affected... that is the county that the first reported case was someone in their 20's that had returned from Florida. Wouldn't surprise me if that individual went to visit a grandparent not knowing they were infected. Just a wild guess on my part.

I just want everyone to consider others when things do start to open up again. Is that too much to ask?


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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:33 am

No politics as per our rules.

@HavaDrPepper It sounds like you have good reporting coming from your county.

One of our local reporters also questioned the numbers. We are getting it from two different sources but the Health Region doesn't update deaths daily, they report weekly which is confusing.

Our number of infected is increasing as they are testing more people. Nursing homes across Canada continues to be shocking and very sad.

They announced any medical professional that works in more than one hospital/nursing home etc can only chose one and the government will subsidize the difference in their pay.

I think that's what's happened to contirbuted to the increase in the numbers. They go from one to the other, they don't have a choice since a lot of them are part time or casual. If they are not showing symptoms but may be  infecting others.

You can certainly tell the number of deaths in the daily obituaries are increasing and some will mention the cause of death was COVID. sad

This is a good link for Canada and the world.


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Post by sdmom Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:44 pm

Do we have any board members from NYC, New York State or NJ?
Hope they all are ok !

Today I went with my older son to deliver burritos to those day laborers. I was so emotional seeing how thankful they were and how quickly they ate the food! My family is so blessed and lack nothing! I decide I should count my blessings, be grateful and content.

Y’all stay safe!

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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:13 pm

@sdmom We need the heartwarming stories like yours!

I'm not sure I understand what "day labourers" are.


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