Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:34 pm

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by Billysmom Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:37 pm

Most of the guys commented on Greg's ig...

Hope Katie doesn't read the comments under the YT of the ATFR confrontation.... she's not too popular there...

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:19 am

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:59 am

First three minutes into it, I didn't listen to all of it but now he has regret about the way he behaved. He's ashamed and says she didn't deserve it and it wasn't fair to her.

It's been a humbling and painful situation. He acknowledges he has work to do on himself. He went for therapy after his dad passed twice a week for 12 months. He feels he hasn't processed the loss of his father. He was depending on Katie for his happiness. I sympathize with him on the loss of his father, speaking from experience loosing my dad in my teens. However, it doesn't justify how you treat people imo. How long will that be an excuse.

I can't get past the vocal fry and can't understand him half the time.


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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by Longhornfan Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:19 pm

Full disclosure, I taped the Bachelorette on Monday and read the remarks here on Tuesday.   Then I fast forwarded through all of it and only watched the part with Katie and Gregg.   And I don't believe for one minute that she was being truthful when she said "that after he left then all of her feelings for him did as well".   IMO her condescending demeanor toward him and her body language seemed to prove otherwise. 

I am actually surprised she didn't get whiplash from the way she kept flipping that ponytail.   And I certainly didn't get the feeling she was being sincere in wishing "him all the best" at the very end.  IMO Gregg came off way better than she did.   He was able to stay calm, even while Katie continued to spiral into an angry rant.   To me it was even apparent by the way she walked out to confront Gregg at the AFTR.   IMO she came with one thing in mind, to rip him apart on national television.    

Just watching that made me wonder.   She did say that Gregg resembled one of her previous boyfriends.   So, was some of that actually residual, pent up anger that had never been resolved?  Sometimes things are not that simple.  I think that there was more to it, and Gregg could have represented every guy she had ever felt disrespected by.


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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by Kels0012 Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:13 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:First three minutes into it, I didn't listen to all of it but now he has regret about the way he behaved. He's ashamed and says she didn't deserve it and it wasn't fair to her.

It's been a humbling and painful situation. He acknowledges he has work to do on himself. He went for therapy after his dad passed twice a week for 12 months. He feels he hasn't processed the loss of his father. He was depending on Katie for his happiness. I sympathize with him on the loss of his father, speaking from experience loosing my dad in my teens. However, it doesn't justify how you treat people imo. How long will that be an excuse.

I can't get past the vocal fry and can't understand him half the time.

I listened to the whole thing and it honestly made me leave feeling Greg was genuine. Not only did his dad die, the grief therapist he saw 2x a week afterwards for a year died too. That doesn't excuse his behavior, and he took responsibility for that behavior. He also explained the whole acting thing which was a non-factor. He had played basketball his whole life, entered the workforce at a job that he found to be a dead end. Wanting to try a creative outlet so went to acting school. He ended up missing a ton of time there because it is when his dad got sick and passed, and he took on a lot of responsibility of caring for his father when he was ill. He has never been on an audition in his life. He also explains the whole Bachelorette audition role, which people also took way out of context. I suggest people listen to this and then draw conclusions. I gained some empathy toward him and think he and Katie both made mistakes and are trying to grow from them. Neither is a bad person.

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by Amethyst Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:21 pm

Longhornfan wrote:Full disclosure, I taped the Bachelorette on Monday and read the remarks here on Tuesday.   Then I fast forwarded through all of it and only watched the part with Katie and Gregg.   And I don't believe for one minute that she was being truthful when she said "that after he left then all of her feelings for him did as well".   IMO her condescending demeanor toward him and her body language seemed to prove otherwise. 

I am actually surprised she didn't get whiplash from the way she kept flipping that ponytail.   And I certainly didn't get the feeling she was being sincere in wishing "him all the best" at the very end.  IMO Gregg came off way better than she did.   He was able to stay calm, even while Katie continued to spiral into an angry rant.   To me it was even apparent by the way she walked out to confront Gregg at the AFTR.   IMO she came with one thing in mind, to rip him apart on national television.    

Just watching that made me wonder.   She did say that Gregg resembled one of her previous boyfriends.   So, was some of that actually residual, pent up anger that had never been resolved?  Sometimes things are not that simple.  I think that there was more to it, and Gregg could have represented every guy she had ever felt disrespected by.

I think if Greg had used his grown-up words, it might have been a different story. For example, if he had said, "Katie, I'm at the point where I can't handle the uncertainty of you dating other men. I know that's the format of the show, but I simply can't do it any longer. I've spilled out my heart to you, and I want to marry you. You are the one for me. If you want that, too, then you are going to have to end it right now. If you don't know yet, then I'm done. I'm out of here. That's how it is. Now, what do you want to do? I'm leaving it in your hands."

I think if he had done that, it would have given Katie more of a sense of control. She may have made a decision one way or the other, but at least she would have felt some say in it.

Instead, he used coldness, recriminations, asked her to guess his feelings, etc. He never once gave a fig about what she was feeling. I understand that Greg's response to her was driven by jealousy, but it made me question how he would react in a committed relationship when the going gets tough, as it inevitably will.

I understand her anger, because I think when you've deeply cared for someone who has really let you down, anger is the only way you can move forward to free yourself.

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by BuckeyeGal Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:55 pm

In that interview with Nick I just kept thinking "this guy is trying to fix his image because he wants to be the next Bachelor ". Hopefully Fleiss and company are not seriously considering him.

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:04 pm

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by Billysmom Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:26 pm

Amethyst wrote:
Longhornfan wrote:Full disclosure, I taped the Bachelorette on Monday and read the remarks here on Tuesday.   Then I fast forwarded through all of it and only watched the part with Katie and Gregg.   And I don't believe for one minute that she was being truthful when she said "that after he left then all of her feelings for him did as well".   IMO her condescending demeanor toward him and her body language seemed to prove otherwise. 

I am actually surprised she didn't get whiplash from the way she kept flipping that ponytail.   And I certainly didn't get the feeling she was being sincere in wishing "him all the best" at the very end.  IMO Gregg came off way better than she did.   He was able to stay calm, even while Katie continued to spiral into an angry rant.   To me it was even apparent by the way she walked out to confront Gregg at the AFTR.   IMO she came with one thing in mind, to rip him apart on national television.    

Just watching that made me wonder.   She did say that Gregg resembled one of her previous boyfriends.   So, was some of that actually residual, pent up anger that had never been resolved?  Sometimes things are not that simple.  I think that there was more to it, and Gregg could have represented every guy she had ever felt disrespected by.

I think if Greg had used his grown-up words, it might have been a different story. For example, if he had said, "Katie, I'm at the point where I can't handle the uncertainty of you dating other men. I know that's the format of the show, but I simply can't do it any longer. I've spilled out my heart to you, and I want to marry you. You are the one for me. If you want that, too, then you are going to have to end it right now. If you don't know yet, then I'm done. I'm out of here. That's how it is. Now, what do you want to do? I'm leaving it in your hands."

I think if he had done that, it would have given Katie more of a sense of control. She may have made a decision one way or the other, but at least she would have felt some say in it.

Instead, he used coldness, recriminations, asked her to guess his feelings, etc. He never once gave a fig about what she was feeling. I understand that Greg's response to her was driven by jealousy, but it made me question how he would react in a committed relationship when the going gets tough, as it inevitably will.

I understand her anger, because I think when you've deeply cared for someone who has really let you down, anger is the only way you can move forward to free yourself.

Imho there's no way Katie would have received even the "grown-up" words well...I'm sure she would have been furious that he would have been giving her a seeming ultimatum.
Imho his gut told him not to trust her, her BL was so off...or her lack of warmth was so different from what he needs. That's not an easy thing to explain. But I actually admire him for honoring his gut and hightailing it out of there. There was no way that could have been a pretty breakup...he had to rip the band-aid off fast before he lost his nerve. That's what I saw last week, and Monday night and all we've heard since has only confirmed it for me. But just my opinion, which I realize is not shared by everyone.

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by chasus71 Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:37 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I share your same opinion on this bestbud!

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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

Post by mbl Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:42 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] He never said it justified his behavior. In fact he said the opposite. That his behavior should never be normalized. He took 100% respibility and when Nick asked him if there was something that we didn’t see from the fight that would make us see things differently Greg didn’t take the bait.


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Greg Grippo - Bachelorette 17 - Discussion

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