Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:24 am

Post s/caps here to sleuth!


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Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:02 pm

Moving some posts over to the S/caps thread.

jojo47 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:I knew it was cottage country in Ontario! Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 1710264613

The G&M is behind a paywall. If anyone can read it, does it say where in Cottage Country?

So glad to hear there's an after party! They did a great job after TB and the ette's.

I think the filming location is Camp Wahanowin. I found a cabin match to the pic from Claire Frieland’s IG.

Aunties_Love wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:I knew it was cottage country in Ontario! Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 1710264613

The G&M is behind a paywall. If anyone can read it, does it say where in Cottage Country?

So glad to hear there's an after party! They did a great job after TB and the ette's.

I think I posted back in July that it was northern Ontario for sure.....

jojo47 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:I knew it was cottage country in Ontario! Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 1710264613

The G&M is behind a paywall. If anyone can read it, does it say where in Cottage Country?

So glad to hear there's an after party! They did a great job after TB and the ette's.

I think the filming location is Camp Wahanowin. I found a cabin match to the pic from Claire Frieland’s IG.
You may be right but they aren't matching the main cabin that is being used for the show....

This cabin can't be matched to Camp Wahanowin:

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Alicel17

I saw that camp but the beaches can't be matched up nor can I match the cabin, nor the docks so either they made a bunch of changes or that resort isn't the right one.

jojo47 wrote:^^^ @Aunties_Love if only the cabin matches from Claire’s IG, perhaps that is where only crew stayed. Or alternatively there are the exact same cabins at another resort. We can keep looking!

jojo47 wrote:

The cabins at Camp Wahanowin are shown in this preview. I’m not sure what else can be matched if SC’s are made.

GuardianAngel wrote:Today's the day!!  Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 1176891977

@jojo47 what is Claire Frieland IG account? I can't find that name. I'll try and get s/caps. Which cabin are you matching it to?

This is from Camp Wahanowin website. I had to enlarge it because it's a small picture.

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Camp10


This is from Bachelor in Paradise Canada @bachparadiseca tweet which I remembered trying to match up this camp site when they posted in in June.

Since jojo47 mentioned the camp name, I went back to see if I could find a fire pit with the same surroundings. The background doesn't match up but who knows how old the camp's pictures are or it could be from a slightly different angel.

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Camp110


@Aunties_Love me too, Here


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Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:14 pm

@jojo47  I think this is what you sleuthed?

Camp Wahanowin cabins as per their website. You can see the house number at the top of the cabin. If you do a google search you will see this picture but when I choose to visit it to look at the link, it downloads a pdf file which I can't post here.  

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Captu549

This is Claire's IG picture that @Aunties_Love sleuthed. She is now private.

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Claire12

S/shot from sneak peak BIP Canada. You can see a house number but when I enlarge it it's blurry.

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Captu548

@jojo47 that's awesome you caught the cabins in the sneak preview to Claire's IG! clapping!


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Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:24 pm

Location! Orillia Ontario, beautiful area!

Camp Wahanowin, located just outside of Orillia, offers 150 acres of field and forest on the shore of Lake
Couchiching and over 60 years of experience in camping

Whether it be for special occasions, retreats, sports tournaments or other events, our outdoor experience destination has the comforts of excellent facilities, accommodation and dining! Set against the stunning backdrop of Lake Couchiching, Wahanowin has 150 acres of land and forest and 1500’ of waterfront for all of your event desires. Located only 90 minutes from Toronto, the camp is 15 minutes from Orillia, numerous golf courses and just minutes from Casino Rama Resort and Spa. It truly is a convenient and beautiful destination on every level.


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Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:51 pm

First day. Brendan S to Illeana

"You're so beautiful"

Bachelor In Paradise - Canada - S/Caps - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Captu551


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