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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Jeepers Fri May 13, 2011 10:54 pm

babymama wrote:

Go check the "Reality Steve" thread and what I posted on page 15. You'll see what I know that will eventually be proven true. All I'm saying is that it's funny to watch people on here speculate and predict things they have absolutely no clue of, and they're basing it off of some of the most asinine things from like 3 or 4 or 5 seasons ago.

babymama wrote:
I can't give that out for reasons explained already. My friend knows RS. He told her all this stuff, and she told me. She reads this board. If I give that away, she'll hate me. And sorry, I value my friendship with her much more than strangers who are dying for any piece of info on a message board. I just wanted to prove to you I'm legit. Once RS posts his episode by episode spoilers, you'll know the answers to all three of those points that I posted. Yes, I know the f4. Yes, I know a lot more about the show. But after talking to my friend, she said she was fine with me just posting what I did because it doesn't give away anything right now, but when RS posts, you'll see that I knew what I was talking about.

HEY STEVE... IS THAT YOU??? Sure sounds like it :bigsmile:

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Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 9:51 pm

nikkij_26 wrote:
babymama wrote:

Go check the "Reality Steve" thread and what I posted on page 15. You'll see what I know that will eventually be proven true. All I'm saying is that it's funny to watch people on here speculate and predict things they have absolutely no clue of, and they're basing it off of some of the most asinine things from like 3 or 4 or 5 seasons ago.

babymama wrote:
I can't give that out for reasons explained already. My friend knows RS. He told her all this stuff, and she told me. She reads this board. If I give that away, she'll hate me. And sorry, I value my friendship with her much more than strangers who are dying for any piece of info on a message board. I just wanted to prove to you I'm legit. Once RS posts his episode by episode spoilers, you'll know the answers to all three of those points that I posted. Yes, I know the f4. Yes, I know a lot more about the show. But after talking to my friend, she said she was fine with me just posting what I did because it doesn't give away anything right now, but when RS posts, you'll see that I knew what I was talking about.

See what I have a problem with is how you've handled this. You've spoken in a derogatory manner about the sleuthers on the board for essentially doing what a sleuthers/spoiler board is for. No one here has claimed with certainty to know the outcome of the show or even who the F4 are. They have merely speculated who they thought it was based on the overall info they've gotten, and been willing to revisit it if new info arrived. You claimed people reached conclusions on things based on "asinine" things. I find it interesting that you would use terminology like that and other stuff in a derogatory manner. Especially, since you only know what you know from RS, and even that's not a first hand account or something you have personal, proven knowledge of. Most of what the sleuthers used to determine what they did came from RS himself, whom you got your info supposedly from, and then was backed up by sceencap evidence, info from tweets and family/friends that knew when certain bachelors came home, and implications from interviews with said Bachelors.

Yes, there is some element of comparing from consistencies from prior seasons. However, most of that is with the caveat that often things change from season to season. Even, Chris Harrison and Fleiss have noted and acknowledged those consistencies on occasion. I take all of that with a grain of salt, merely take note of the patterns for consideration, and ultimately go off my own instincts of who I think is the F1. However, I don't denounce people who want to consider it or speculate on it and thinks it's the gospel because that is what this board, and in particular the sleuthing/spoiler side of the forum is for. While sleuthers can at times be wrong or way off, they have also many times, especially in the early days before RS became so prevalent, been right through their hard work and figuring out patterns.By the same token while RS has been right, he has also been wrong about dates and the F1, as the most recent seasons have attested to. So, your righteousness on how everyone here is way off and you know what's right because you know what RS knows, doesn't hold any huge sway over the sleuthers because RS isn't 100% right all the time.

I appreciate anyone that comes with true info of merit whether it turns out to be true or not. I respect people's wishes to protect their sources an personal relationships. However, I don't appreciate people who say things to stir things up and play games without bringing any info and speak of the sleuthers efforts in a derogatory manner. Like you said you enjoy being "Tom" with your info and sitting back and watching people scramble. When you initially posted you said you knew the final 4 but couldn't say anything because your relationship was more important. I respect that but, then in my estimation you should never have said anything since you had nothing that you were willing to tell. Or you could have checked with your friend first about what, if anything, you could post before you did. However, just to come and say the sleuthers and their speculations were wacky but, not divulge any info was counter productive and just stirrring the pot. If you had said I have a source and they feel the sleuthed F4 is incorrect and asked how we had proof or arrived at the F4, that would have been fine. If you gave the 3 clues you just gave in RS thread, that would have been fine. If you said my source got the F4 from RS but, in order to protect my friend I can't reveal who they are. Then said , I think we need to revisit what proof we have of who the last 2 in the F4 are because according to my source and RS they are incorrect. That would have been fine, productive , not stirring the pot, or making you put your friendship in jeopardy. There is just a better way to reveal your info, protect your sources, and not demean the sleuthers on the board and their work even if you disagree with them and think they are completely wrong in their info. IMHO


Thankyou Nikkij yes yes yes

and with that in mind, I posted my opinion on the dates and crap that might go down in the Locations thread.........of course in the spirit of sleuthing whatever seems to be there........LOL.

Have a great night nikkij


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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Bloomers Fri May 13, 2011 7:28 pm

Peppermom wrote:
jlccaz wrote:
Bloomers wrote:... SNIP...
The key word, I think, is diplomacy.

Crap. And all this time, I thought the key word was SNARK.

SNARK for contestants

DIPLOMACY for posters

It is if we want to get along with each other; otherwise we might as well go join that crew on the ABC Board. They call each other everything but a child of God.

When you encourage someone in the present, you help that person to become successful in the future.

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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Peppermom Fri May 13, 2011 7:24 pm

jlccaz wrote:
Bloomers wrote:... SNIP...
The key word, I think, is diplomacy.

Crap. And all this time, I thought the key word was SNARK.

SNARK for contestants

DIPLOMACY for posters


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Post by jlccaz Fri May 13, 2011 7:22 pm

Bloomers wrote:... SNIP...
The key word, I think, is diplomacy.

Crap. And all this time, I thought the key word was SNARK.

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Post by Peppermom Fri May 13, 2011 7:21 pm

I agree

Tough times don't last, tough people do.  Life is a journey, not a destination.

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Post by Bloomers Fri May 13, 2011 7:08 pm

It was a bit jarring and unsettling. Kids don't like the attitude, "I know something you dont. na, na, na, na," and most adults simply won't tolerate it.

That said, as a sleuther I have been wrong before, and I will be wrong again. I 'fess us when I am - don't see any reason not to. This is not life and death here.

Again, that said, there is a way to come on to a board of sleuthers and indicate that the way that they are going about it is wrong and not sound like a troll ( a person who goes on a message board to stir up and cause trouble - "trolling the waters" looking for trouble.

Nikki has done a good job in presenting both sides. Yes, the sleuthers have done some jam up past work and still do, and yes we can make some mistakes, and here is how you can suggest that we are going about it wrong this time, and you will be appreciated for what you are doing.

The key word, I think, is diplomacy.

When you encourage someone in the present, you help that person to become successful in the future.

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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by asim Fri May 13, 2011 5:39 pm

Peppermom wrote:Good post Nikkij_26. yes
Ditto yes yes

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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Peppermom Fri May 13, 2011 5:10 pm

Good post Nikkij_26. yes

Tough times don't last, tough people do.  Life is a journey, not a destination.

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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Love_Me Fri May 13, 2011 4:59 pm

Snark is allowed at this board, but lets not tell other posters what to do. Thanks.

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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by Guest Fri May 13, 2011 4:43 pm

nikkij_26 wrote:

See what I have a problem with is how you've handled this. You've spoken in a derogatory manner about the sleuthers on the board for essentially doing what a sleuthers/spoiler board is for. No one here has claimed with certainty to know the outcome of the show or even who the F4 are. They have merely speculated who they thought it was based on the overall info they've gotten, and been willing to revisit it if new info arrived. You claimed people reached conclusions on things based on "asinine" things. I find it interesting that you would use terminology like that and other stuff in a derogatory manner. Especially, since you only know what you know from RS, and even that's not a first hand account or something you have personal, proven knowledge of. Most of what the sleuthers used to determine what they did came from RS himself, whom you got your info supposedly from, and then was backed up by sceencap evidence, info from tweets and family/friends that knew when certain bachelors came home, and implications from interviews with said Bachelors.

Yes, there is some element of comparing from consistencies from prior seasons. However, most of that is with the caveat that often things change from season to season. Even, Chris Harrison and Fleiss have noted and acknowledged those consistencies on occasion. I take all of that with a grain of salt, merely take note of the patterns for consideration, and ultimately go off my own instincts of who I think is the F1. However, I don't denounce people who want to consider it or speculate on it and thinks it's the gospel because that is what this board, and in particular the sleuthing/spoiler side of the forum is for. While sleuthers can at times be wrong or way off, they have also many times, especially in the early days before RS became so prevalent, been right through their hard work and figuring out patterns.By the same token while RS has been right, he has also been wrong about dates and the F1, as the most recent seasons have attested to. So, your righteousness on how everyone here is way off and you know what's right because you know what RS knows, doesn't hold any huge sway over the sleuthers because RS isn't 100% right all the time.

I appreciate anyone that comes with true info of merit whether it turns out to be true or not. I respect people's wishes to protect their sources an personal relationships. However, I don't appreciate people who say things to stir things up and play games without bringing any info and speak of the sleuthers efforts in a derogatory manner. Like you said you enjoy being "Tom" with your info and sitting back and watching people scramble. When you initially posted you said you knew the final 4 but couldn't say anything because your relationship was more important. I respect that but, then in my estimation you should never have said anything since you had nothing that you were willing to tell. Or you could have checked with your friend first about what, if anything, you could post before you did. However, just to come and say the sleuthers and their speculations were wacky but, not divulge any info was counter productive and just stirrring the pot. If you had said I have a source and they feel the sleuthed F4 is incorrect and asked how we had proof or arrived at the F4, that would have been fine. If you gave the 3 clues you just gave in RS thread, that would have been fine. If you said my source got the F4 from RS but, in order to protect my friend I can't reveal who they are. Then said , I think we need to revisit what proof we have of who the last 2 in the F4 are because according to my source and RS they are incorrect. That would have been fine, productive , not stirring the pot, or making you put your friendship in jeopardy. There is just a better way to reveal your info, protect your sources, and not demean the sleuthers on the board and their work even if you disagree with them and think they are completely wrong in their info. IMHO


Sorry but you have much too much time on your hands for all that. Geez, lighten up


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Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1 - Page 16 Empty Re: Tweets/Facebook Sightings - Thread #1

Post by nikkij_26 Fri May 13, 2011 4:33 pm

babymama wrote:

Go check the "Reality Steve" thread and what I posted on page 15. You'll see what I know that will eventually be proven true. All I'm saying is that it's funny to watch people on here speculate and predict things they have absolutely no clue of, and they're basing it off of some of the most asinine things from like 3 or 4 or 5 seasons ago.

babymama wrote:
I can't give that out for reasons explained already. My friend knows RS. He told her all this stuff, and she told me. She reads this board. If I give that away, she'll hate me. And sorry, I value my friendship with her much more than strangers who are dying for any piece of info on a message board. I just wanted to prove to you I'm legit. Once RS posts his episode by episode spoilers, you'll know the answers to all three of those points that I posted. Yes, I know the f4. Yes, I know a lot more about the show. But after talking to my friend, she said she was fine with me just posting what I did because it doesn't give away anything right now, but when RS posts, you'll see that I knew what I was talking about.

See what I have a problem with is how you've handled this. You've spoken in a derogatory manner about the sleuthers on the board for essentially doing what a sleuthers/spoiler board is for. No one here has claimed with certainty to know the outcome of the show or even who the F4 are. They have merely speculated who they thought it was based on the overall info they've gotten, and been willing to revisit it if new info arrived. You claimed people reached conclusions on things based on "asinine" things. I find it interesting that you would use terminology like that and other stuff in a derogatory manner. Especially, since you only know what you know from RS, and even that's not a first hand account or something you have personal, proven knowledge of. Most of what the sleuthers used to determine what they did came from RS himself, whom you got your info supposedly from, and then was backed up by sceencap evidence, info from tweets and family/friends that knew when certain bachelors came home, and implications from interviews with said Bachelors.

Yes, there is some element of comparing from consistencies from prior seasons. However, most of that is with the caveat that often things change from season to season. Even, Chris Harrison and Fleiss have noted and acknowledged those consistencies on occasion. I take all of that with a grain of salt, merely take note of the patterns for consideration, and ultimately go off my own instincts of who I think is the F1. However, I don't denounce people who want to consider it or speculate on it and thinks it's the gospel because that is what this board, and in particular the sleuthing/spoiler side of the forum is for. While sleuthers can at times be wrong or way off, they have also many times, especially in the early days before RS became so prevalent, been right through their hard work and figuring out patterns.By the same token while RS has been right, he has also been wrong about dates and the F1, as the most recent seasons have attested to. So, your righteousness on how everyone here is way off and you know what's right because you know what RS knows, doesn't hold any huge sway over the sleuthers because RS isn't 100% right all the time.

I appreciate anyone that comes with true info of merit whether it turns out to be true or not. I respect people's wishes to protect their sources an personal relationships. However, I don't appreciate people who say things to stir things up and play games without bringing any info and speak of the sleuthers efforts in a derogatory manner. Like you said you enjoy being "Tom" with your info and sitting back and watching people scramble. When you initially posted you said you knew the final 4 but couldn't say anything because your relationship was more important. I respect that but, then in my estimation you should never have said anything since you had nothing that you were willing to tell. Or you could have checked with your friend first about what, if anything, you could post before you did. However, just to come and say the sleuthers and their speculations were wacky but, not divulge any info was counter productive and just stirrring the pot. If you had said I have a source and they feel the sleuthed F4 is incorrect and asked how we had proof or arrived at the F4, that would have been fine. If you gave the 3 clues you just gave in RS thread, that would have been fine. If you said my source got the F4 from RS but, in order to protect my friend I can't reveal who they are. Then said , I think we need to revisit what proof we have of who the last 2 in the F4 are because according to my source and RS they are incorrect. That would have been fine, productive , not stirring the pot, or making you put your friendship in jeopardy. There is just a better way to reveal your info, protect your sources, and not demean the sleuthers on the board and their work even if you disagree with them and think they are completely wrong in their info. IMHO



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